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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9711234 No.9711234 [Reply] [Original]

serious answers only pls frens

>> No.9711243

This means those shitholes are becoming less of shitholes
You're supposed to short at the top not the bottom retard

>> No.9711256
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>> No.9711257
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u think those people are staying in those shitholes? jesus wept lad, what world are you living in

>> No.9711273

No it means nigger and ackbars are fucking like rabbits and white people are only getting old. Every country will look like Brazil sooner or later at this rate.
Learn to survive without modern amenities. Invest in guns/ammo/lighter fluid/precious metals

>> No.9711278

with gas

>> No.9711279

Just short Western civilization instead. Once Europe is dead niggers and sandniggers will die off aswell and nature will restore balance.

>> No.9711288

Hopefully they will eradicate the white subhumans and then the world can finally bloom

>> No.9711293


>> No.9711302
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They are working on it

>> No.9711322


>> No.9711324
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>They are working on it

>> No.9711327


I know for sure Sub-Saharan Africans and Muslisms will save the world from global warming, because they will be uncapable of developing methods of using fossil fuel or even more complex resources.

So, hey, at least it's not that bad :)

>> No.9711338

>muh racism
you have a containment board already, stay in it amerifats

>> No.9711339

Yep we've been feeding these fuckers and sending them fucking goats and every day some silly nigger child is crying on my tv screen about his sore eye and we cucks send em money while at same time we abort and murder our own to wild celebrating crowds and castrate our men. When we are gone the greatest shit show this planet has ever seen will begin

>> No.9711355
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I'm English... also, not a racist but just not fucking deluded. There's got to be a way to profit from our nations going to shit

>> No.9711359

Niggers and shitskins can't build or maintain a civilized society. If they could, they would have one.Historically these subhuman races have never achieved anything and ruined everything given to them.

>> No.9711360

In 1950, Europe's population was double the population of Africa and the Middle East combined.


>> No.9711395
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Progress lad, progress.

>> No.9711418

Once these nations industrialize they will start to give to the global economy instead of take from it
I'm sure you have top of the line genetics bro! I'm sure you have tons of friends and aren't full of hatred or self loathing that you justify with
>muh g-genetically s-superior master race
Faggots like you make us whites look bad, wish we could purge all the retard fat rednecks that only damage society with their idiocracy and racism.
Do the world a favor and kill yourself, not like anybody likes you anyways

>> No.9711424

Buy petrol

>> No.9711444
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And to think white men stopped having kids while sending their hard earned money to sub-saharan africans which used that money to have more kids that live on the white man's dime.

>> No.9711459

Lad, African's aren't poor because grandaddy built some hospitals and railroads for them (which are crumbling today).
I know you mean well, and I get it, but for heaven's sake please just stop this lunacy. At some point you're gonna have to give up on all the ideological bullshit or you'll just look like a complete dumbass

>> No.9711500

Don't talk down to me retard
Africans are poor mainly because of colonialism, not because of some imaginary fairy that makes people with different amounts of melanin in their skin stupider

>> No.9711502
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>South Africa used to have nukes and one of the best economies in the world.
>20 years after mandela South Africa is on the way to the gutter, and is even planing to pursue zimbabwean style white land confiscation amid all of the horrible statistics of rape, murder and other skyrocketing crime indicators.
>nearly all of africas economic expansion is a result of growing population or Chinese investments, productivity remains ultra low and most surplus farming occurs on the ever dwindling amount of white operated farms.
>this is the continent that will be sending 10s of millions of starving refugees to the rest of the world for the next century

>> No.9711518

Absolutely useless graphs.
World IQ has increased over time, literally kill yourself for bringing it down.

>> No.9711533

Ok good bait, you got me

>> No.9711535

didn't even look at axis
>guys look I predicted the future! Blacks are bad!

>> No.9711547
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>> No.9711549

imagine being this retarded

>> No.9711550

Get an education

>> No.9711558

Terrible bait. How come these larpers never when to fold and leave the table? You could've left this entire thread in chaos, instead you gave it all away. Shame

>> No.9711561

how educated are you?

>> No.9711562

>containment board
4chan is a free speech website. Go to reddit/tumblr/whereverthefuck if other peoples opinions offend you.

>> No.9711565

Citation fuckin needed

>> No.9711580

enough to know that europeans bringing industrial and agricultural advancements to african cilivizations was good for their development, not bad.

>> No.9711584

/biz/ was split from /g/ but has become a /pol/ vassal bored you fucking nigger.

>> No.9711591

In tje 1940s under EVIL COLONIAL RULE South Africa produced more clean drinking water than every other African nation combined.
>evil white people

>> No.9711597


>> No.9711614

Holy shit, that graph is terrifying. Well mother nature should take its course soon enough. The land already can't support their population, and the denser the they pack themselves in there, the easier it becomes for disease to spread. Mother nature is going to unleash some unstoppable form of hemorrhagic fever and wipe out half of the continent. At least for humanity's and the earth's sake, I hope so.

>> No.9711619
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>> No.9711621

Racism aside this is true. I’m not even white so my view is not biased either. You practically have poor single underage mothers pumping out kids none stop to an already overpopulated and broken society. What do you think these babies are going to become? Doctors?

>> No.9711632

don't forget climate change is gonna wreck those nearest the eq.

>> No.9711634

we'll just send them medicine/vaccines etc.

pretty much every disease faced in africa has been cured by all the evil white men in the USA who then send them all the medication for free (evil white racism).

I think war/genocide is the more likely outcome that hopefully wipes out their population

>> No.9711674

Yeah because they were doing just great before colonialism weren't they...they wuz kangs n sheiit. At least colonialism gave them a fighting chance not to be eradicated from gene pool as what should have happened by natural selection when a superior group meets a inferior one, they should be eternally grateful as in all other examples in nature and history they gettin wiped the fuck out. So go Neck yourself fag

>> No.9711684

>the denser they pack themselves in there
I wouldn't have a problem with the African population if this were true. They are going to flood the world. Look at Syria and all the refugees welcome bullshit.

White man:
Move to the countryside
Learn to provide for yourself and your family
Have babies

>> No.9711688

you guys are implying that our government doesn't know the truth about Africans

They know this is a epidemic and i'm sure there will be some "new mystery disease" out of no where
>We'll be okay

>> No.9711696
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My fiance's great (x2) uncle discovered a globally used antibiotic, estimated lives saved is hundreds of millions. However, his name pops up in the news every now and then because he was a racist, literally can't make this shit up

>> No.9711704

You idiot there are more fucked up places in the world than Africa... And some are pretty close to the US.

>> No.9711714

Yes we can hope for that as well, but then they'll try to move outward. It would be better if it was disease because other countries would have no choice but to refuse entry to all refugees. I really feel bad for children born into a life there, but the irresponsible idiots who would willingly bring children into that life all deserve to be wiped out.

>> No.9711720

Terrible bait
African children are sucking shit out of cow asses
name one place in america that that happens

>> No.9711732

Washington DC

>> No.9711738

Reminder that race differences in IQ/behavior are scientifically valid.

>> No.9711750
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>> No.9711817


>> No.9711832

Why feel sorry for them? If they know no different?. Yours is the thought process of the brainlet sheep in our society, media shows them some kid from some place they never heard of with no shoes and flies on his face and the sheep say "OH my God, imagine that was my kid"...but thing is this kid knows nothing else, it's like me feeling sorry for kids in the 1500s because they had no playstation, Internet or disneyland. Fucking wake up man

>> No.9711842


>> No.9711881

Underrated post. Cucks need to do decuck their retarded brains and see the world for what it is. There are humans and savages.

>> No.9711886

You don't need to "know different" to feel suffering. The children had no choice in being born into a life of misery, yes I can feel sorry for them. Unfortunately though, they would need to be wiped out along with the idiotic parents, or else the cycle would just continue.

>> No.9711979

The duality of man. You lift up a community of those starving kids with food and medicine and you get burned at the stake for witchcraft by the community. #imnotjesusbro

>> No.9712002

You are an insufferable faggot. Europeans won't exist in almost 50 years at current rates and the only thing you're concerned about is being labelled a racist.
If you want to help Africans, do it in Africa.

>> No.9712032

if black people take over the national anthem will be rap and second hand smoke from walking into any government building will get you high. if muslims take over you'll have to spend 7 hours a day praying to allah and killing any slut who shows her ankles on your way to your daily goat fucking session

>> No.9712056

Hope you have time at some point friend.

>> No.9712087

That’s not an accurate estimate at all lol
Look up demographic transition. Population doesn’t just increase exponentially forever

>> No.9712114

No need for governments to intervene here. No population is growing forever. Either they die of starvation from depleting their environment or they die of disease (too many people living cramped together)

>> No.9712121

Come on m8 at least make the b8 believable

>> No.9712138


Kek. This is what enabled their population to explode like it is now. The difference between a liberal and a racist is 2 weeks in Africa. It’s an entire continent of 70 IQ evolutionary throwbacks who can’t fathom a society outside of the small village and mud hut.

>> No.9712144

Is something wrong with you. A billionaire probably thinks my life must be miserable bit I'd better it takes far less for me to feel happiness and far more to make me miserable and then some kid living in a shithole would like find happiness quicker in smaller things then I and absorb more hardship too before being miserable, actually the culture shock of shipping these people to new world's fucks them up more than anything else and is part of why they then become unable to merge and become delinquent in new society they find themselves overwhelmed. Don't feed em, aid them or give a fuck about em and they would be better off I guarantee

>> No.9712625

If I had to guess I'd say water rights

Not sure how you get into that though