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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9679443 No.9679443 [Reply] [Original]

what are your quick little side hustles for money? maybe not little. what do you do for a living not looking for "normal" 9-5 shit inform me

>> No.9679623

Selling drugs. I'm just tryna fight the man

>> No.9679634

exposing the jews. except I dont get any money for it. and its my main duty.

>> No.9679646

How do you get introduced into that thought I mean to sell drugs you have to have someone with really good prices yanno I cant just be making $4 profit every deal

>> No.9679658

Thanks for your service

>> No.9679678


I buy things from Goodwill, garage sales and pawn shops and flip them on ebay.

I made a ton of money last year.

>> No.9679698

Any particular type of stuff that you look for?

>> No.9679705


>> No.9679742

I started with half oz at a time, flipped a few for around 2x profit, graduated to oz, now I get a pound every reup. I just sell to friends and a few established trustworthy customers. Now I get lucy, shrooms, molly from time to time too. I started off with the deep web but now I've got a local guy who does pounds for cheap. It takes time to build up reputation but I make $100 daily in profit, a few days I've made over $1000. It's not as hard as it seems if you sell to nice college kids who just wanna get fucked up and not crack fiends

>> No.9679750

The master of my fate, the captain of my soul

>> No.9679859

I need to get into the deep web drug shit coukd you tell me how much you were getting halfs for on there?

>> No.9679875

I could get $120 zips rn not the best but not the worst

>> No.9679888

I trade penny stocks and mow my neighbors lawns. It's chump change but it's something

>> No.9679900

Booking bets is a nice side gig

>> No.9680231
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Jus got a lifeguard job at a ghetto pool (im white)

>> No.9680264

short term loans

never more than 30days

cents on the dollar but it adds up

>> No.9680279


>> No.9680343

Im considering tutoring math lessons. Would it be weird for a 24 year old guy to tutor high school level math/calculus? Might tutor first year college math as well.

>> No.9680893

Landscaping for dumb boomers that want their (((lawn mowed)))

>> No.9680934
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How do you lend? Do you talk to people or is there a service somewhere?

>> No.9680950

make mdma

>> No.9680965

how much do you get molly sold to you for?

>> No.9680978

Scrapping metal, landscaping, reselling items on Ebay, and selling lab tested kratom to people who want pain relief.

Kratom gig is good. Find people who take pain pills and would like to get off or ween their intake of them down. One lady I sell oz of kratom to says she feels better and uses less pills. Better than selling crack and street drugs. Find a good kratom wholesale vendor that tests their herb and makes sure it isn't contaminated. A salmonella outbreak all of a sudden happened for 3 sellers. Oz can go for 10-15 dollars if in USA.

>> No.9680986

I use algorithms to gamble on baseball.

>> No.9680996

plenty of sites will middle man for you if you want

>> No.9681078

i shill shitcoins by the /biz/ shore
usually by poasting a roastie whore

>> No.9681139

Started a cool little fun crafts business for lels with my girlfriend since I have an intense 9 to 5. It's blossomed into a wonderful, fun, excellent business. I sell online and I also sell locally.

If you have a stove and a laptop, you can make money,

>> No.9681162

great, if you find your humble place in the drug world you are set for life

>> No.9681199
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>would it be weird to tutor people as a tutor

Jesus Christ dude just don't try and diddle them.

>> No.9681205

I write essays for chinks

$30-40 a page

>> No.9681222

Buy plumbing supplies off of eBay and sell at flea markets

>> No.9681239

What kind of crafts do you make. Is this shit that looks like a 3rd grader did it with crayons and construction paper?

>> No.9681241

I so appreciate these threads. I learn so much from them.

I also sell some internet services for lels on Fiverr.com. You can make some really decent scratch for little time/work if you have any digital skills on there.

>> No.9681262
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Started with candles, which are super fucking fun to make. Then we started making air fresheners, body wash, lip balm and have a bunch of other stuff we want to get to.

I literally started doing the business as a form of relaxation because my main career is super intense. But this is going so well and it's so fun, I'm thinking about doing it full time.

>> No.9681269

invictus? lol

>> No.9681274

where do you get your assignments?

>> No.9681280

Got any tips for acquiring a small loan, like ~20k?

>> No.9681299

This, selling weed/dabs is alpha as fuck and you don’t have to pay the ZOG any taxes.

>> No.9681309
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>Buy stuff on Ebay
>Say i never got the items and report it to Paypal
>Paypal always sides with the buyer.
>Get full refund and get to keep item
>Sell items at flea market or pawn shop for cash

>> No.9681323

So you piece the whole plate out into 8ths and quarters or are you more of a wholesale guy selling ounces and QP’s? That’s a hell of a lot of foot traffic in and out to piece out a pound. Regardless I wish you the best my man fuck these Jews and their (((taxes))).

>> No.9681337
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Have two years of decent credit or forget about it.

>> No.9681348

I've got about 4. Probably better credit score than 95% of the people my age as well. No debt.

>> No.9681362


That's excellent, anon! Congratulations for not being a deadbeat piece of shit and respecting yourself. It should be fairly easy for you then, especially if you have a good relationship with your main financial institution.

>> No.9681408

I take it in the ass at the local subway for 10$

>> No.9681481

kek, thanks. looking to start a business. ecommerce, trying to take my affiliate marketing / web dev skills and turn them into a business that gets me out of the house