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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9676604 No.9676604 [Reply] [Original]

I just sold all my positions, and went all in on Skycoin. Tell me /biz/... how fucked am i?

>> No.9676633

That coin is literally nonsense.

I tried to make a promotional graphic for skycoin (for skycoin), and no one knew how the shit worked.

I could not get a straight explanation from anyone.

>> No.9676637

Not at all, probably the best decision you could make as Skycoin will start marketing this summer

>> No.9676675


Testnet has been online for about a week now, and it allready has more then 3400 nodes connected to the skywire network. My gut is telling me this is going to be huge anon. Literally crypto 3.0. I'm actually thinking about buying a skyminer myself. Only project i'm genuinly excited about.

>> No.9676679

Long run, you're going to be just fine. If you don't be a fucking neet and panic sell when (if) the market bottoms out. I wouldn't be shocked at a 4-5x over the next year. Skywire is fucking ingenious, it's too ingenious not to be a success.

>> No.9676704

you're gonna make it . i did the same thing last week

>> No.9676726

this. i wouldn't be surprised to see it make a ZIL run. ZIL tanked for a week on binance before running up a 8x

>> No.9676773



>AMA part 1

>AMA part 2


>Very informative Medium post

>Another informative Medium post

Now educate yourself anon

>> No.9676790

this feels pajeety but i will do my due dilli - thanks

>> No.9676811

I reckon everyone owning skycoin will end up getting arrested

Their internet will just be TOR with massive amounts of child porn

You WILL get arrested

>> No.9676815

Pretty good decision desu anon

>> No.9676823

You can't get arrested for holding a coin on a blockchain you poophead

>> No.9676826

should have bought nkn since it has onchain/neo backing. skycoin is backed by 'synth'. lmao

>> No.9676861

>some sql row in a database associated to me on a chinese imaginary internet coin trading site indicates i bought some sky tokens
>somehow this means i am guilty of something CP related
wew you better get rid of all your dollars anon, do you have any idea the kind of illegal things you can do with those

>> No.9676870

Should have waited a bit until price drop(along with BTC)

>> No.9676878

Also its long term so You will get real profit in ~1-3 years

>> No.9676897

take your gook scam somewhere else

>> No.9676913

Try to get 120 SKY. That'll get you ~1M coin hours a year, which will eventually be tradeable on exchanges. Even if its just 1 cent thats like 10k/year

>> No.9676920

Onchain had three co-founders. One stayed on to develop NEO, the other formed ONT and now the other has created NKN. Yanbo Li is the founder of NKN and he also is the major code contributor for DNA. DNA code forms the backbone of NEO and ONT
So essentially the NKN founder wrote a good chunk of the code base for these projects and is now doing his own thing. He is one of the most accomplished coders (if not the most accomplished) in the blockchain/open source space

>> No.9676934

NKN, ONT, and NEO are all centralized shitcoin scams

>> No.9676940

Shitcoin backed by shitcoin.
>Only project i'm genuinly excited about.
I came into crypto space about a year ago, was existed about tech and all that decentralization jazz. Now I think 99% of crypto is useless shitcoins at best and outright scams at worst.
Sky is one of the very few projects I still care about.

>> No.9676952

you fucked up

>> No.9676969

Coinhours will probably go for like 0.001-0.05 initially, hard to tell where the open is and where it stabilizes for a while. But yeah, it's a passive income that if you start building now can amount to huge figures.

CH as an inflationary currency generated by an inflationary currency could actually IMO replace fiat currency where current deflationairy systems can't, so I'm not even thinking about selling them when they become trade-able. Deflat currencies don't work imo as people only hold and don't spend. Inflationary currencies are manipulated but Sky's CH supply is determined by math not people. So it's a trustless inflationary system for the new brave economic world.

>> No.9676977

I just tried out using VPN with my DIY node and also windows node. Both work effortlessly.
The tech just works, there's literally nothing stopping skycoin to create its full darknet solution - VPN browser and currency.

>> No.9676980

>CH as an inflationary currency generated by a deflatonary currency**

>> No.9676984
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buy NKN. NKN is the next Antshares

>> No.9677024

Look seriously, in all seriousness, this whole NEO train is bullshit and I doubt apart from speculation it will amount to anything ever. But sure, these are probably quick moon missions /bizfags/ won't want to miss for their quick flip.

But any gains here go directly into SKY.

>> No.9677027

I believe you are probably referring to the low quantity of trusted nodes in neo/ont. NKN will be very different in that regard. NKN is designed to support a huge amount of nodes - anyone can be a node even your mobile phone. It would defeat the aims of NKN to have a small amount of nodes as more nodes makes the system faster and safer

>> No.9677043

And even then, SKY's wide range of solutions will probably neck any competitor swiftly, it's litterly already the most efficient platform to build your ICO on. The market hasn't caught up with SKY yet and probably won't for a while. There's a huge ineffiecency waiting to be exploited, a lot of money will flood into SKY.

>> No.9677086

I've already moved a good chunk of my stack to SKY, but I am waiting for big news on both REQ and LINK and I can't sell low to get in on SKY right away.

I'm hoping I'll have at least some time to accumulate but honestly as long as SKY moons and brings about the new internet era I don't even care if I'm on the train.

I'll be just as glad to use it as a consumer, maybe even diy a skyminer and get some more sky that way

>> No.9677151

smart man. SKY will generate more passive income than anything we've ever seen until skycoin becomes too expensive. but right now it's cash.

>> No.9677165

Fuck off pajeet, go spam somewhere else, this is comfy sky thread.
I believe Synth mentioned somewhere that holding skycoin for two years would generate enough skyhours to get another skycoin, efficiently doubling your holdings.

>> No.9677194

the funny thing is that i'm actually half white and half pajeet

>> No.9677221
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Half white half pajeet = pajeet.

>> No.9677262

my mum is white. you inherit the maternal ethnicity. so i'm white.

>> No.9677278

You could be full aryan but you'd still be a pajeet to us. Go to a chinkcoin thread and do your thing there, this is a skychads-only thread

glad you approve broseph

1 skycoin every two years sounds like 50% return per year on every single coin. I really wish they didn't shill the economics of the skycoin so much, you can't know what the price of the hours will be yet, so let's not get ahead of ourselves.

>> No.9677293

>Skycoin will start marketing this summer
nigger, they had scammy ads "the next bitcoin etc." all over facebook, twitter, reddit for months
the stupid rap- and niggervideos on youtube...
paid articles on reuter, forbes and chinese media...
you make it sound like its an under the radar gem because of no marketing
the opposite is true

>> No.9677308


They've clearly stated that the market will determine the price of one Skyhour, so it could be anything from a few cents to a few dollars... at this point, who know.

>> No.9677320

That's trading CH for SKY right? Not sure.. maybe it's still possible then but in the future (10y+) certainly not anymore. I'll be buying my first house with CH for sure. I'm just convinced CH will replace the Dollar/EUR/YEN etc. I think traditional market people are right, economics shouldn't be driven on a deflationary currency since there's no incentive to spend only to hold and watch money grow. That's why I think them actually also realising this looking at BTC and making CH is so genius.

>> No.9677325

are you all this new?
it already did an 2500x (!) run in under a year

>> No.9677443

>already mooned

Yes, but that was pre-binance

Do you know what the specific "inflationary mechanism" of CH will be like?
Agree it makes a lot of sense as a whole, just curious about how exactly they'll make CH lose value as time passes?

>> No.9677501

It loses value because more CH comes into circulation, just like feds artificially printing money lowers currencies values.
But this time its determined by math not the will of a bank/government. 1 SKY = 1 CH per hour

>> No.9677502

exactly, on totally manipulated exchanges partly owned by skypeople (c2cx)
so be happy if it does'nt retrace to 4 dollars

>> No.9677707

1 Skycoin creates 1 CoinHour every Hour, so the longer you hold the more CoinHours there are, therefore its better to spend them since more CoinHours = less value.

However 50% of them are BURNED when trading SKYCOIN, 25% follows with the SKYCOIN you are trading and 25% stays with you.

>> No.9677741

I think the burn mechanism is a bit too much though but thats my opinion

>> No.9677784

Skycoin = gold
Coin Hours = cash

difference between real gold and cash is that gold doesnt shit out cash for holding it. Why people think this is going to retrace much further is beyond my brainlet mind cinsidering it would be more beneficial to hoard coins and generate hours. What incentive is there to sell Skycoin? And if people are locking up Skycoin in their wallets what happens to demand/price on the open market?

>> No.9677803

It's just if you trade your skycoins, no one is really going to trade them as you get coinhours, and coinhours are used for services. It gives you an incentive to hold, and gives a inflationary and a deflationary currency

>> No.9677846

the design is perfect
if you are the dev and have a neverending ico

>> No.9677885

very, very fucked

>> No.9677936
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>neverending ico
Explain yourself rajeet

>> No.9677990

>be me
>sell my cryptoshilling homepage
>start a ico full service company
>feel not rich enough
>start "the next bitcoin"
>design it for hodl
>partly own a exchange
>prop up the price of the "next bitcoin" on exchanges while selling otc
>buy a third boat
who am i?

>> No.9678002

dan larimer?

>> No.9678005


>> No.9678144


the smartest man in the world?

>> No.9678166

sometimes i think that
i wonder what he pays the lunatic in front of the webcam

>> No.9678269

What are the payouts if I run a node? Have a lot of computer parts laying around and might throw one together.

>> No.9678304

you are going to get blown the fuck in your anus bro, i got out with a couple thousand profit, you may see 60% losses soon

>> No.9678317

testnet miners will make bank as the devs will feed them skycoin
retards will see the numbers and make orders for the 1btc mining hardware
then surprise, in the mainnet you will be payed in coinhours depending of usage of your node (so near to nothing in the next years)
like i said, great by design
if you are the dev

>> No.9678328

This whole thing has been built from the ground up to seem appealing to retards who can't spot an obvious scam.

>> No.9678339
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>> No.9678352

Mark Kapeles?

>> No.9678355

the net neutrality thing will make Sky Wire blow up soon. june 11th net neutrality is dead

>> No.9678363

>thinks the obvious scam is some kind of iq-test for autists on the high-end of the scale
it's the opposite anon, sorry to tell you

>> No.9678376

as if anyone apart from your neckbeard echochamber cares

>> No.9678377
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>he doesn't know

don't tell him

>> No.9678404

Skycoins will be distributed for 25 years

>> No.9678489

Can’t blame Dan desu, normans crave
to get scammed.
Lemme give you an advice Ranjeet. You are overdoing your fud, 10 posts of shittalk attacking a coin under all possible angles? Even complete newfags will see through your stinky lies. I understand you are too poor to buy vpn to get different ID, but you need to step up your game. Next time make only one or two posts but focus on something shady and hard to disprove and don’t push it, ok? Something about legality of using an antenna or liability of being an exit vpn node.

>> No.9678491

aka the neverending ico
node rewards will be in coinhours after testnet

>> No.9678507

nigger, i don't even have to touch the legal implications of all this nonsense when you retards fail to see the obvious

>> No.9678532

>12 posts
Anon, I start to experience second hand embarrassment, pls stop.
Last time it was that bad in Jibrel thread a month or two ago. Poor tg retard made like 50 posts fudding jibrel

>> No.9678543

>he thinks the jj jenkins and skycoin rapvideos are ironic
don't tell him

>> No.9678554

i understand that you are comfy in your little skycult with your schizophrenic leader who gives price predictions and conspiracy shit 24/7
so you will attacked when someone points out the obvious
normal behaviour in cultlike orgs
but facts are not fud friendo

>> No.9678583

every time i made a hail mary play like going all in on a small cap i got fucking rekt. i dont do that no mo.

>> No.9678702

I’m not your friendo shitskin. Besides, it’s not mothefucking tumblr.
Do you get paid by post count or do you shitpost for free?
Post you skycoin address I’m gonna send you 1 skycoin for every post saying “Skycoin is the greatest coin ever”

>> No.9678739

Fucking doh, makes sense. The longer it exists the more skyhours keep getting produced

You alright buddy? You made a lot of posts to save us from our unsafe schizo bad decisions, you needn't be so good. Just let us be retards and waste our money, the fuck do you care?

Thanks for the clarification bud

>> No.9678766

desu, Bitcoin has been manipulated by bots aswell. So it's not much of an argument only that it proves there's a ton of risk associated with it.

Mt. gox manipulated with bots
Bitfinex once said they we're working on a similar bot on bitcointalk (early 2017)

You kids becarefull.

>> No.9678814

pajeetmeme gets boring my dicksucking nonfriend
the fact that you did'nt adress any of the "fud" and cry about me being a pajeet tells enough
i don't care about you at all
i'm waiting for him to post a pic of his boat
you would'nt get it

>> No.9678892
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>i don't care

has 15 posts in the same thread, about a topic he cares nothing about


>> No.9678920

Brace for 16th kek

>> No.9678931

i said i don't care about you idiots loosing your neetshekels
i'm waiting for richard

>> No.9678983
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It's the only project in the entire cryptosphere that has some actual real-life tech, creating a completely independant mesh network and thus completing satoshi's vision for real. It allready has more then 3400 nodes connected to the skywire testnet.

Just stay invested in those antique 2.0 shitcoins and go fuck yourself you cretinous twat.