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9663141 No.9663141 [Reply] [Original]

The SKY fags are right... How the fuck is any of this decentralized if the internet infrastructure is controlled by the internet mafia aka comcast/time warner etc

Once people figure this out, every other coin is dead unless they can figure out how to decentralize the internet

>> No.9663156

net neutrality is dead on the 11th of june and you will have to use Sky Wire to access a free internet

>> No.9663173

NKN = decentralized internet

>> No.9663190

It's basically a race between sky nexus and holochain to see who can create the first fully functioning decentralised internet. My money's on all three. We'll probably have parallel systems for a while. Like how Apple and Microsoft both dominate personal computers

>> No.9663191

>gook coin
no thanks i like my coins chink free

>> No.9663238

wise man

>> No.9663251


They are essentially attempting to re-define what it means to be a blockchain.

Either you are secure all the way down or not at all.

I am already using Skywire to watch US Netflix when my paid VPN service gets detected by Netflix.

People like to make fun of the Skyminer but only because they don't understand the design philosophy.

The 1 computer 1 vote original vision is ACTUALLY happening with these shitty Orange Pi's Skyminers are using and retards are too ignorant to realise.

>> No.9663269

1 CPU 1 vote**

>> No.9663283

Tbh cryptos would soon be banned due to their communist influence. If it actually becomes mainstream it would only lead to communism

>> No.9663295

you probably should fucking buy skycoin unless you wanna be encino caveman level IQ when net neutrality hits

>> No.9663317

Nice FUD

>> No.9663318

skycoin is very cheap right now on binance. i will buy some :)

>> No.9663320

synth is a genius see you cucks fags and pajeet
Coca cola kid suck dicks

>> No.9663340

Tron (TRX) is already internet 3.0. Look up some videos Justin Sun did to explain how it works.

>> No.9663348

Substratum is literally dogshit compared to sky

>> No.9663357

oh my god you blacked cuck take justin sun and shove it up your ass idiot

>> No.9663360


>> No.9663368


Scroll down to the team page

>> No.9663407

My ISP is starting to block crypto-related domains. This thing better come fast.

>> No.9663432

fuck off back to twitter or your shite facebook "crypto group".. your not even worthy of reddit

>> No.9663461

LOLOLOL you must have sub 70 IQ

>> No.9663521
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Fucking retard.

If the Internet is a web of lines and nodes, then the parts that verify transactions are on the edges of the web(s). The network medium or the owner of transmission doesn't matter. Just a connection of some kind to the network does.

Decentralized means your processing takes place at the edge, not at a hub.

>> No.9663538

stay salty walty

>> No.9663561

Why would I even want decentralized internet if I'm not a pedo or arms dealer?

Wouldn't it be slow by nature? Why would I want that I just got fiber and never going back to lag

>> No.9663580
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But holo run on the regular internet dude. Holo need to use Skywire to be truly decentralised while Skycoin doesn't need holo at all with its parallel chains. Holo would be nice as an firefox plugin though.

>> No.9663586

Further to that.

The Internet is already decentralized you brainlet.

>> No.9663593

pick one

>> No.9663607


>> No.9663614

Tell that to the Chinese. The need for decentralized internet is huge. Maybe in the US you don't care if you get spied on, but realize it's a downward spiral. Someone in here just said their ISP is starting to block crypto activities. Censorship is very real.

>> No.9663659

The sky meshnet isn't even technologically plausible. It's just bullshit that sounds good to people who don't know shit about wifi.

>> No.9663717

Meshnets are a reality, they just need better and cheaper antennas (a matter of time) and an incentive to support them (like a cryptocurrency as benefit for providing bandwith).

>> No.9664052
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>antennas aren't technologically possible

>> No.9664069
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>> No.9664079

but it's not. try sending it to MEW and see what happens

>> No.9664107
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>send it to MEW

what did the 15 year old boomer mean by this

>> No.9664561


Hmm just like electric cars have needed better battery capacity for the last 10 years? You can't rush innovation lad, this is likely premature

>> No.9664636

doesn't matter they're all the same

>> No.9664675

is this a psyops bot? no human can be this intentionally retarded

>> No.9664683

You are a retard. Nodes doesn't have to be on the edges, they can be the first jump, it all the depends on the amount of nodes and where you live, just like with the regular internet, retard.

Because ISPs can throttle speeds to different websites e.g Netflix for having a lot of traffic unless Netflix pays them money. This is unfair and undemocratic. Imagine if Amazon pays your ISP to throttle Netflix so that Amazon Video is faster and better usable in your area, wouldnt that suck? This doesnt matter if you have fiber or not, if you call your ISP and say "Netflix is slow" they will say its a problem on Netflix end, and if you call Netflix they will say its your ISP, so there is nothing except Netflix paying the hefty fee that stops this.

Dumbfuck, there are small areas like detroit and cuba who already uses mesh networks, although they arent specially designed like skywire is. They are just using REGULAR instore routers, antennas and ethernet cables.
Skycoin is developing their own stuff to make sure it works better and there is an incentive to run a node which isnt the case in other mesh networks, this helps with adoption and more nodes.

They have their own blockchain you retard, probably the best on out there as well

>> No.9664698


You're gonna make it bro. As soon as i learned about independent mesh networks, i swapped all of my positions for Nexus and Skycoin.

I don't say this lightly, but i truly believe 90% of all coins will be completely obsolete within a few years because of Sky and NXS.

>> No.9664760

Nexus should just focus on the satellites and merge with skycoin because skycoins platform and concensus is far superior. But both definitely have great ideas and should try to work together

>> No.9664767

Satoshis vision,
Salvation from the SKY

>> No.9665143


>> No.9665220

satoshi is ross, but that's not the point of this thread

>> No.9665251
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>nodes can be anywhere.

So point me to the centre of that.


>Doesn't know the difference between logical and physical structure.

>> No.9665442

Wtf are you talking about you retard? Centre of what? Skywire isnt centralized so there is no fucking centre you oblivious retard

>> No.9665491

Oh holy shit you must be really fucking retarded.
Internet in the US is owned by 2 companies, these companies can throttle internet speeds to youtube or whatever they want and you cant do anything about it.
Further more there is centralization when it comes to data, for example all data passes through your ISP and they can read and see wtf you do, data stored on google/amazon servers are also a centralized part of internets infrastructure, can you stop being such a brainlet and learn to fucking think?
There is nothing about the internet today that is decentralized, you obviously doesnt even know what the fuck decentralization of the internet means if you think so

>> No.9665553

You can already use skywire as a VPN. WiMax functionality coming later on

>> No.9665661
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>hurr durr technologically impossible


>15-30km wifi antennas
>only a few gb fiber nodes are required for the whole network to provide broadband in any larger area
>VPN/TOR functionality built in
>cheaper and healthier than 4g/5g due to wifi having a longer frequency signal
>it even has transaction pooling like XMR

>hurr durr if you have nothing to hide

This isn't the 00s idiot, we're on to you and your FUD is more outdated than Vitalik's fashion sense

CIA nignogs heavily BTFO by the Real Life Richard Hendricks (only funnier and an autist instead of a robot)

>> No.9665828

Achieving what they want to achieve would be near impossible even if a big company with tons of money and smart people running it were behind the wheel. The chance a couple autistic faggots will pull it off is literally zero.

>> No.9665878

funny you should make a thread like this right now. NKN was literally just released onto a DEX. The creators are the same guys responsible for ont/neo.
It aims to decentralise internet data as well as hosting (sounds like a DENT/holochain hybrid from what I can tell so far). it's getting onto big exchanges shortly supposedly

>> No.9665990
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If there's anyone here with deep-ass questions regarding Skycoin, you can drop them in here to have Synth check them out:


>> No.9666195

it's also a gook scam coin.

>> No.9666218
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nah, this guy is as pure and white as scientists get. the isaac newton of blockchain if you will.

>> No.9666288
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>> No.9666302

even if you reverse image search that image google thinks its a picture of a 'gentleman'

>> No.9666347
File: 215 KB, 416x413, approved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rekt & checked

>> No.9666373

It still relies on the classic internet you fucking retard, it solves nothing

>Achieving what they want to achieve would be near impossible even if a big company with tons of money and smart people running it were behind the wheel. The chance a couple autistic faggots will pull it off is literally zero.

Hello retard, meshnets already work, Skycoin is even creating specialized equipment to make it even better and you dont need much money, you just need nodes (people) to forward the traffic, guess why people want to be nodes? Because they will become "ISPs" and get paid in coinhours for doing so, a INCENTIVE is the only thing that has been missing from creating a good and big meshnet

>> No.9666426
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>> No.9666497

The fuck do you live?