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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9658934 No.9658934 [Reply] [Original]

I want to build a business and am willing to work 100 hour weeks for a decade to create something that will work for me in the long-term

however, I have no fucking idea what to do. I have a MS in a science discipline (debt free, europe) but it doesnt help with entrepreneurship (no great ideas/too high of initial investment costs for anything science related). how does one go about getting an idea for a business?

>> No.9658966


Find something in America that works well. Copy it and make a European version of it. There are two German brothers that do that and love trolling Silicon Valley. They even sell the companies back to Silicon Valley lol.

>> No.9658971


This is how useless women really are.

>look pretty

>> No.9658979

1.get a job or find some other way to interact with the world
2. figure out something about the world (mundane - this type of systems works or revolutionary - i see a potential for a new system)
3. implement the system and fight for the organization you created to exhibit the characteristics you believe are most important for the system's success

>> No.9658991

left one

>> No.9659001

>how does one go about getting an idea for a business
Ask people with money what problem they'd pay money to fix

>> No.9659011


I bags middle

>> No.9659021

Find a rich person and shill him your idea.

There, you just found your funds and became an CEO.

There are so many rich anons who constantly look for an investment opportunity.

>> No.9659043

Fuck off with your dubs, she's mine. I'm going to make her wear blackface and dance naked to the "nigger love a watermelon" song before I fuck her

>> No.9659129
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Here's the black bill. Every business that could succeed by "working hard" has already been done to death by the jews and it's 100 times more efficient than your hard work. This is the age of innovation, not the age of working hard. We have robots and software and procedures and a shitload of other stuff that shits on hard work.

There is no formula for a business where you apply hard work and that guarantees your success. Even if you had an idea that genuinely innovates something, that's only 5% of the work; execution, marketing, user adoption, etc. will break you.

I'll leave you something that might help you. Check pic related. The context behind it is that there was this huge study done to determine what people are willing to pay for and how that correlates to profit margins for business. Business's that offer values placed higher on the pyramid have higher profit margins with significantly less work.

>> No.9659143

From legt to right:

1 2 3, perfect order too, 3 has some shitty face expression

>> No.9659157

something to point out about that pic.
Business that actually provide "real world" value, actually have the lowest profit margins. These type of businesses only work at huge scales.

>> No.9659165

Nr 2 is my type of a woman. 3 is too fat. 1 is i get it why peeps would choose that, im more of a 2 guy.

>> No.9659182

Read or listen to "Zero To One" by Peter Thiel. Seriously worth it.

>> No.9659184

2 for me also.look at the feet on 3

>> No.9659199

thanks for the comment, I'm aware that good ideas are a "commodity" nowadays and execution etc. is where the work actually starts

what does that really mean? try to focus on interpersonal, social, personal development type stuff? I know that as a fresh graduate I have no idea about improving operational efficiences etc. in the functionl bracket for actual businesses

>> No.9659257
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>Name blockchain after ending of favorite cookie
>Hold 1 year long ICO
>Sell all the ETH people sent to you
>Crash the market 10% within an hour
>Induce panic
>Buy ETH back much cheaper
>Keep gaining more and more ETH
>Accumulate 51% of ETH
>Render Ethereum network useless

>> No.9659295

>try to focus on interpersonal, social, personal development type stuff?

That pic is not there to tell you what to do, but to tell you what to expect when you decide what to do. By your logic you could focus on self-actualization and milk that sweet money. Doesn't mean you actually can.

I run 3 business: one in the functional bracket and 2 others in the emotional bracket. I wish that I could touch the Life Changing and Social Impact layers, but I can't.

Obviously it's better to focus on the upper layers of the pyramid, but the higher you go the harder it gets to come up with something.

>> No.9659308

watched this youtube summary: /watch?v=nOQc6DopiKQ

obviously it goes much more in-depth but isn't this a bit contradictory, i.e. you'll always have competition in any service/product? or should you really think about some totally new, innovative idea compared to a "me too" product (obviously you have to have some USP). Other business gurus support the notion that you can't really design something groundbreaking or the next instagram but should rather create a "one to N business" and not the "zero to one" that Thiel is talking about

>> No.9659330

care to share more info on your businesses? how did you start them, were they in areas where you already had some kind of expertise in or did a random novel idea pop in your mind?

>> No.9659477

I'm not some big shot, but I also can't give much detail because one of them is a moderately popular website and I think it's visited by 4chan users and I don't want to be doxed. It's already been hacked like 5 times already and don't want to stir some shit so I'll keep a low profile.

I'm guessing, the reason you're asking me is because you want to see if there's a pattern or just dumb luck, right? Well, they way it happened was like this:
business 1: had a master's degree in that area of expertise; knew a guy that was already doing it without any formal education. Told him we should partner up cause we could do something much better together. He accepted immediately.
business 2: guy mentioned above started this one a long time ago but he let it die; took a look at it and realized there were was huge potential but so many things he was doing wrong or not caring about. Told him I can revive it and improve it. We did and it worked out. It's still not as big as I wanted to, but we'll get there someday.
business 3: same partner comes to me with an idea;
me: "holy shit that's useless".
He makes a prototype.
me: "holy shit, this is fun and it's much better when you actually use it than when you described it...let's do it"

So yeah, it's basically a combination of dumb luck, guys with complementary skills, some real fucking hard work and intuition. In case I haven't mentioned it already, it really helps to have a partner that is sufficiently different than you, but not so different that you argue about shit. Having an ego and arguing about it is the worst thing ever and it could ruin everything.

>> No.9659490

>am willing to work 100 hour weeks for a decade
Think before you say shit like that, son.

>> No.9659519

Major point he makes is that whatever you do it should be a factor of 10 improvement upon what already exists if what you're doing is similar to what's already out there. Such as incorporating bleeding edge tech to put you well beyond incumbents. Ironically blockchain/crypto would be a good use case today. But only to incorporate the tech not make that the sole focal point of the business (like a lot of these scam crypto projects are doing that will never create a product or see adoption). Leveraging bleeding edge tech with a traditional business model would give you a good edge. In the book he is against competition because it'll eat up your profit margins to near nothing.

>> No.9659525

thanks for the info

I'm not sure whether I should learn from succesful businesses first (so far have experience in pharma but that's again not very useful) and actually work 5-10 years or whether I should just yolo it and try shit out until something sticks (try to catch new trends, social media, youtube whatever)

obviously I'd learn a lot anywhere and the network benefit is really useful, given that I'd work somewhere that has any relevancy with what I'm going to be doing (which I again have no idea about. I have some hobbies and other skills that I'm good at but don't excel and they've been milked by many many people already)

>> No.9659530

I can tell you've never had a girlfriend, do you know how fucking long thots spend choosing outfits, putting glue on their eyes to attach eyelashes. putting on foundation, then contouring, doing eyeshadow... meanwhile the gig you were suppose to go to is starting in 5 minutes and she's still only just decided she needs to wear a nude coloured bra because of of the colour of the dress she wants to wear!!!?
How fucking naive are you - do you think any of that shit where women looks "pretty" is real or just emerges spontaneously!?

>how does one go about getting an idea for a business?
The short version is
1. identify a problem that a quantum of people have
2. identify current solutions for the problem (if any)
3. identify how much of a premium people would pay to either save time, effort, or reduce risk solving that problem. Or if it's an existential thing then look at stuff like social status or a sense of power.

Really you should look around at the world around you, you know how they say writers should "write what they know". Remember what Charlie Munger said about investing - putting a ring around your circle of competence is more important than how big it is. Sun Tzu also said know thyself like thy enemy and you will have 100 battles without loss.

In more practical terms that means try and stick with industries or mechanations that you already have a great degree of understanding - for example, do you know how many fuckwits think 'hurr durr starting a restaurant is easy' and fuck it up!? Incalculable, I know at least 5 different people who have done it.

Also, know how much capital you can spend - at least during a prototype or pitching phase.
Also - know your networks - be that networking for finding early investors, or for your first CLIENTS/CUSTOMERS.

>> No.9659550

What the fuck... Who are they??

>> No.9659571

This is the same shit Steve Jobs was talking about. It's a very good mindset, but it's hard as fuck to actually do it.


>> No.9659676

that makes it really clear and relatable, thanks

>> No.9659804

Absolutely not easy to do. Interesting video, going to watch all of it. Maybe I am confusing OP's post for a business idea with more of a startup response. Something I am personally interested in.

Do you and your business partner run each of the businesses together or do you have employees and are in more of an owner/CEO role?

>> No.9660072

I'm not sure I see how that is the same as what Jobs was talking about, as I understand it Jobs was speaking about creating teams of employees of people who simply do the job better and not tolerating mediocrity from your employees.

While if I understand Zero to One right it's speaking about the product offering to the consumer - while there is no doubt a connection between the quality of employees in a business and the product offering: in fact that is often where huge problems emerge where you have overengineered products that are technically great but the superiority isn't of enough value to the customer.
Just look at TIDAL - streaming music service with the biggest names in the music industry, lossless compression: it's like 100x better than the competition, right? But why are Spotify and other services so much more popular?

Or am I missing the point here?
Note - I'm not for a second saying Jobs was wrong about hiring the best people and getting as he and Jack Welch say "A Players" - but I am questioning if that is a direct causal factor on market dominance.

>> No.9660092


>> No.9660111

1 is not only the hottest, she is also the only one who could have mindblowing sex around the back of the house at the wedding reception while clothed... then back to the party like nothing happened, watching her glistening pink tongue lick the straw of her cocktail while looking straight into your eyes right in front of...

>> No.9660115

pls dont post pictures of me and my friends here

>> No.9660227

we are that stage where we're just "some guys". If we ever scale so much that we'll have to take the "owner/CEO" role I don't even know wtf we're gonna do. When I was doing my master's degree, one of my professors (who also owned a business) had a story about this. His business started to grow and he noticed that the it was affecting the quality of the work. He knew this old lady who was considered one of the best in the industry. She was running this huge company and still delivered amazing work. They met in London once and he asked her how she still manages to do it. The old lady went like: "oh, that's easy...small teams. Never have team bigger than 5 people".
Funny thing is this is consistent with some research in psychology. They noticed that once a team/group is larger than 5 members, it starts going to shit. It will split in smaller groups and there will be chaos. The optimal size for a team is 4-5 people. Even with 5 people sometimes there's a risk it will split in 2 groups of 2 and 3.

So yeah, I guess the trick to scaling eventually is having "small teams". I'm sure there's other /bizraeli/ anons here that run larger businesses and can shed some light on this.

>> No.9660271

you're missing the point because if you look at the entire video, he's talking about the fact that he's not interested in businesses where he can't be 10x better than the average. This was one of the reasons he funded Pixar. The part about employees was just some segway.

>> No.9660327

so bringing up Chainlink in this, but what are the implications for '2 man team' fud after this?

>> No.9660330

Ah okay, I was going by the timecode alone.
Actually NeXT is a great example of what I was talking about - great product - no market.

>This was one of the reasons he funded Pixar. The part about employees was just some segway.
Care to elaborate on that that? Pixar was originally a tech company and I would have thought Spumco and the guys who animated the Simpsons were superior animation studios in terms of character animation and storytelling. In fact, that Brad Bird and David Silverman went to work for them is a testament to that.

>> No.9660383

>Care to elaborate on that that?
he was targeting Hollywood and CGI feature films. Before Toy Story there was no CGI feature film that was good enough. The tech from Pixar allowed them to make a CG movie "10x better" than anything else. That was his reasoning.

>> No.9660473

It's more like after spending something like 50 million dollars of his own money from his person checking account, bankrolling Pixar through a time as a medical imaging company, a CAPS studio for Disney, a TVC production house Lawrence Levy and him finally realized that the real money wasn't in being an animation studio for hire, but making films and most importantly: selling IP based on those films in the form of licensed merchandise.
After he realized that Katzenberg was trying to lure John Lasseter away to Disney, he realized he had a good creative asset and gave him creative free-reign (which incidentally is the same model followed by the Simpsons, Warner Brothers with Stanley Kubrick, Seinfeld - all to great commercial success) and a lot of bonuses like a new car to keep him onboard.
Coupled with the fact that Disney was Toy Story's distributor and had a huge commercial distribution network of theaters and places like McDonalds they could tap to promote the film with the sheer novelty that it was the first full length CGI feature, it became a massive success.

There is nothing particular brilliant about Pixar's films. The animation is okay. The storytelling is by-the-books, but to their credit doesn't rely purely on the novelty of being CGI (you could have easily done Toy Story as a traditional animation or a stop-go -- people love anthropomorphism)

>> No.9660560

Not him, but he refers to them https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocket_Internet

>> No.9660573

fucked up citing

>> No.9660575

u can always create a business exploiting migrants and profit off their desperate ass since u are a euro fag.

>> No.9660590
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>downloaded and looking through Tai Lopez' social media marketing program

wew who the fuck pays $700 for this

>> No.9660700

people who think that all that's standing between them and 'success' is some easy to swallow secret rather than a systemic approach to constantly building financial or social leverage

>> No.9661038
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bumping with more hoes

>> No.9661357

What's your current thinking anon? What type of business or what do you think you've learned and want to pursue further from this thread?

>> No.9661686


>> No.9661720



>> No.9662598

Regarding a business per se, I still have no freaking idea.

I do however want to start a science/chemistry update youtube as just a side hobby (not looking at monetization currently). I'm quite knowledgable in that area and was thinking about summarizing/pointing out some key findings/papers every week or so of chemistry/science journals.
1) It would be dumbed down a bit so normies can understand it
2) Important stuff is highlighted anyways by journals/other news sites so that saves me time
3) It would enable interested people without access to the papers (because these require retarded subscription fees) to have some insight into the current state of research.

I've looked at a few existing channels and while there a lot of science channels, they mostly talk about random stuff and aren't focused on recent findings and updates. Not quite sure who my target audience is (in most cases, people that are interested in the most recent advances read about them anyways and are in academia/industry where they have free access to the papers) but yeah no fucking idea m8

>> No.9662615
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forgot the mandatory thots

>> No.9662835

>I still have no freaking idea.
What are you good at (other than science and chemistry) or been burned by and know there's an untapped market for?

Re your Youtube idea - what would your endgame be? Do you want to publish books? Be an educator? Be a consultant? Or is it just "fun".
I've been starting up a youtube channel myself, and it's not "fun" - especially if you're a one man team and presenting. Writing scripts, adjusting lights, doing take after take after take and keeping your energy up, editing, then sound mixing, shooting B-Roll if necessary. Then finally waiting hours on a crappy old computer for that shit to render. Yuck.

I imagine doing animations or something is just as, if not more time consuming, BUT if you can find someone else to present on screen or can find a way to do it without appearing on camera it might be a whole lot easier.

>> No.9663060
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for the business: I'm quite good at chess, playing classical guitar, like social dynamics/interactions and am into fitness and health. Unfortunately, in all these areas, I'm not that good to be qualified to give real advice and would feel incongruent (e.g.: I dont have a high chess FIDE rating and thus no real authority, I'm an excellent guitarist but not a real teacher (and making guitar covers or whatever is oversaturated), I'm not some insane dating/pickup coach or mentor and lastly, the fitness/health industry/trend is really saturated and the same regurgitated shit again and again). I feel like all of these would be something I'd love to do for a long period of time but I'm not finding an untapped market or some real world needs.

for the youtube idea: I thought about talking over animated slides and things of that nature so not presenting in front of a camera. Endgame would probably be to just have a big social media following and thus freedom of choice for other vids, ad and affiliate revenue. I guess if you put out enough value for free you can always leverage this but currently I'm not thinking about specific products

>> No.9663085

I'll take three succubui please

>> No.9663202

>I'm quite good at chess, playing classical guitar, like social dynamics/interactions and am into fitness and health.
I said this in another thread, go through each of these and list 5 services you could offer related to those disciplines.
Like chess, put aside the fact that you don't feel confident teaching others at this point, think about all the products and services related to chess - there's chess boards and pieces, books on historical moves, apps and AI simulators... try and pinpoint 5 products or services that are related to chess, "auxiliary industries" if you will.
And do this for all of your interests. Really think outside the box too, like is there a certain kind of nail polish for guitar fingerpicking stylists so they don't break them?
That kinda niche shit is where the money is.

>> No.9663325
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as a general "rule", is it best to focus on really niche stuff instead of worrying about the scalability of the service (amount of potential customers)?

thanks for the suggestion, it's really revealing to think about everything auxiliary to a thing because most of the time, I (or people in general) just think of it being one or two components (e.g. teaching it instead of everything else).

The note about the guitar polish is actually very funny as I've personally suffered a lot from fragile nails but designing some superior cream/polish would require significant R&D and other shit

thanks for your thoughts btw

>> No.9663408

>3 has some shitty face expression
3 is the best, 1's expression makes her look like a dumb slut

>> No.9663417

Very cool, thanks anon!

>> No.9663440

these are much better
we need more aznz, white girls are deprecated

>> No.9663520
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got you senpai

>> No.9663524
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>as a general "rule", is it best to focus on really niche stuff instead of worrying about the scalability of the service (amount of potential customers)?
The general rule is focus on the 'job to be done' - if you do that well, and build trust, scalibility will come organically because you'll have a brand, a reputation etc.

>The note about the guitar polish is actually very funny as I've personally suffered a lot from fragile nails but designing some superior cream/polish would require significant R&D and other shit
Not necessarily, I mean it's likely that it's too cost prohibitive but this is where you would do research and see if similar products or off-the-shelf chemicals are already produced that are suitable that you just need to repackage and rebrand.
I mean women use hairspray on the FACE as a fixative for their makeup - now someone makes a product for that.

Anyway, you're welcome, best of luck anon with your /biz/ endeavors.

>> No.9663539

Start doing those 100 hr weeks. That's your first step.

>> No.9663622

You need money first to start anything. Get a job at mcdonalds and start uour side hussle. Over time, try to make side hussle work enough to stop working at mcdonalds. Now make side hussle grow so you can hire people and stop working there as well.

>> No.9663631

well there's working hard and working hard + smart so I want to think about my first steps carefully

>> No.9663653

Working hard already assumes working smart. Don't fall for normie memes.