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9649327 No.9649327 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9649367

First /fit now /biz. Hope all you vegans would fucking burn. Today I'll eat twice the beef I normally consume.

>> No.9649384

Just gonna order a bacon cheeseburger and cheesy bacon fries because you posted this. Fuck you OP

>> No.9649396

Invest in synthetic meat companies.

>> No.9649423

this desu
and to the fatties above...hahahahahahahaha triggered

>> No.9649642
File: 68 KB, 600x400, wholedeliciousCow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can eat all the meat you want and never gain weight, as long as you avoid sugars and carbs.

Can't wait for Synthetic meat to taste as good as the real deal and be just as healthy. I'll keep eating animals until that time comes.

Pushy Vegans should sacrifice their flesh to save a cow.

>> No.9650195

Switching from meat to no meat changes the average human's lifetime environmental impact from 100% to 99%. It makes such an insignificant difference.

Drinking your own piss, not living in a house, and not using electricity are all much more impactful.

>> No.9650238

This, I totally spite kill/eat meat because of vegan scum.

I have also put meat on top of vegan orders in the kitchen I work in, like to get that sautéed blood right in their meal.

>> No.9650239

Meat is delicious murder, and tasty as fuck.

Gonna have a steak tonight, while you cry over your tofu, faggot.

>> No.9650259

let me guess, usa education?

>> No.9650272

Kek, I love this thread, thank you anons

>> No.9650276
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>> No.9650285
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>spreading the believe in global warming

>> No.9650367


You're still getting cancer, high cholesterol, and paying the pharmajew.

Pork and beef are literally some of the worst foods you can eat.

Stick to poultry.

>> No.9650425


It’s true. The only people who get triggered by vegans or vegetarians are fatties who are insecure about their masculinity. Every time. Doesn’t surprise me this site is full of those types

>> No.9650446
File: 35 KB, 500x500, deathbeforevegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're saving lives.

You're providing them essential nutrients without the guilt, so they can keep feeling uppity about their life choices.

>> No.9650462

Poultry is the worst. Stick to beef and pork, just get it from a farmer instead of the grocer.

>> No.9650473

Chicken is nigger shit.

Beef is where it's at.

>> No.9650539

The link between meat and high cholesterol was debunked a while ago, stupid. Bad cholesterol is MADE in the body, when you eat a lot of trans-fats (fake fats, like margarine). Get with the times, you ignorant little fairy.

>> No.9650927

These weird vegan posts are saddest thing I've ever seen. People will NEVER stop eating meat. Even when that shit is grown in a lab, won't matter. Take your carrot colored skin and GTFO.

>> No.9650931

Key to optimum health is keeping your intestines clean and healthy. People get fat because their body can't process ingredients in food that wasn't meant to be eaten. Your gallbladder is essential for processing cholesterol and fats/oils. The kidneys and liver need to be maintained too. It's fucking easy as shit and it doesn't have to be a problem. It feels good to take care of yourself mentally and physically.

Don't be lazy and don't make excuses like you don't have enough time. Oh but everyone has enough time for Netflix & Chill right? Intermittent fasting and the keto diet. A colon cleanse every now and then is good for your body.

Our bodies are like vehicles. Treat your body how you would a Lambo and good things will happen.

>> No.9651007

Only essential nutrient you don't get is B12.

That must explain why early nomadic humans in cold climates still had arteriosclerosis.

I'm actually all for people eating grass fed, real meat. It's actually good for you. It just isn't sustainable for everyone to eat. Factory farmed meat raised on GMO onions and grain is unhealthy.

>> No.9651046

our existence is bad for the planet so let's kill ourselves

>> No.9651063

Except for Jews. Someone needs to stay and be caretaker.

>> No.9651085

>plants contain xyz nutrients
>therefore human bodies are excellent at processing them

The thing that Plantists don't understand is that the human body is not a nutrient or calorie machine. It is GOOD at CERTAIN things, and bad at others.

It knows exactly what to do with a juicy steak.
It sort of kind of knows what to do with plants.
It goes berserk with carbs.

Eat all the plants you want but I'll keep my """"environmental impact"""" extremely low by eating meat until I'm full and enjoying all of the weight stability, mental clarity, and easy gainz it provides.

Plants just basically suck.

>> No.9651154

Ever compare the digestive tracts of true carnivores to humans? Or the teeth structure?

Or comparing our closest evolutionary cousins diets to our own?

Our body goes "berserk" with processed, unnatural food.

I'm not a vegan, just like to call out the bullshit that comes out of both camps. Humans are omnivores.

>> No.9651211

Omnivores of necessity and social adaptation, not nutritional optimization.

Basically farming eventually became easier for creating empires and kingdoms. Before that, plants were only consumed as a minor add on or when people were not able to obtain an animal to kill that day.

There is nothing superior about eating plants.

>> No.9651281

Omnivores out of evolution.

Pre-Historic humans (ones not based in cold climates with no access to forage) ate a hunter GATHERER diet. Look at indigenous populations, they still get 90%+ of their calories from plants. Chimpanzees get 97% of their calories from plants.

Even if you want to argue that a total carnivorous diet is good, do you think factory raised beef fed a diet in GMO grain is good for you?

Plants are the only source of anti oxidants. The longest living humans population in the US are the Seventh Day Adventists. The longest living in the world are generally around the Caucasus Mountains, where they eat lots of plants.

>> No.9651387
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>> No.9651414

Yes, people GATHERED as a precaution against failure to HUNT.

The anti-oxident claim is false.

Everything else is retardedness.

Enjoy your inflammation!

>> No.9651430

>The link between meat and high cholesterol was debunked a while ago, stupid.

False. Red meat is still linked to high cholesterol due to it's saturated fat content. Experts > what you read on /fit/ by some beefshill.

>> No.9651435

Enjoy the high blood pressure and colon cancer. Best of luck.

>> No.9651450
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Thanks for recognizing my work Anon.

It’s thankless but I’m saving them from themselves.

>MFW I wring out a rare steak into vegan risotto.

>> No.9651485


They did hunt, true. What they didn't do was raise cows and pigs in massive farms and ate cheeseburgers.

If you beef addicts fail to see this difference, the implications on your health, and ignore modern science there is no hope for you.

Enjoy your colon cancer. I hear colostomy bags are all the rage now.

>> No.9651547

>They ate animals
>What they DIDN'T do was eat animals
Great point, plantist

>> No.9651566

It’s not the fat per se, its what your body does when the fat is there ALONG with lots of carbs

>> No.9651575
File: 137 KB, 634x640, 3A8439BF-C51B-4337-A665-D0E01B9B2ADE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I seeing these in /biz/? This is second one in as many hours.

Most people on here fell for the meat memes so hard they aren’t going to be red pilled. It’s the same shit:

>meat is only way to get protein
>we evolved to eat meat
>vegans are pussy liberal sjw onions boys
>every time I meet a pushy vegan I eat a second steak
>but b12
>but calcium
>but if we didn’t eat animals they’d take over the world!

It’s a waste of time trying to reason with these people. Keep to talking about crypto

>> No.9651577

Have you ever looking into the Omega 3:6 ratio or vitamin content in grass fed vs grain fed meat? Or the fat content or wild animals vs factory raised?

>> No.9651596

There is a difference, and the anti-fat craze is partially responsible for the fat content differences.

Still, poorly raised meat is way better than the most organic plant.

If all you can afford is shitty ground meat, eat that over the costliest plant.

>> No.9651604

Why use pic of a roider?

>> No.9651613

Because he’s pushing a lie

>> No.9651655
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How do you know Venus is on roids?

Brian Turner def isn’t just like thousands of other chad athletes

>> No.9651674
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>all animals are the same
>animal are the same as they were 2 million years ago.

>> No.9651683

Already stopped eating red meat and poultry. The only animal products I eat are wild fish from clean local lakes and some game occasionally. I quess in burgerland it’s not possible for many to do the same.

>> No.9651701
File: 13 KB, 200x113, A27CCA19-C7E2-4E73-B54E-0C13642A4C0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a lot of top athletes who are vegan. There is a lot of peer reviewed research proving a well plan plant based diet is better for you. If you want to know dyor. If you want to keep believing this meme that the government and big agriculture use to keep you sick and on pills then by all means enjoy your cheeseburger.

>> No.9651710
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Meat is god-tier food. Go be a onions boi somewhere else.

>> No.9651713

>animals are slightly different but plants are the same (pro tip: many plants are completely invented over the last 150 years. Fruits tens of times more sweet.)
>since animals are slightly different let's eat this other food we have only evolved adaptations to for about 10,000 years instead of this other food we've been evolving adaptations to for millions of years
Good plan, idiot.

>> No.9651721

You’re a pussy for not eating meat I’m shredded and never had to cut that out of my diet

>> No.9651736


Don't even bother. Everyone starts from a position of eating meat is good/bad then starts looking for "scientific" justifications. Health is largely irrelevant since pretty much everyone snorts sugar anyway, these arguments are always far more religious than scientific.

>> No.9651737
File: 29 KB, 252x291, goVegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go vegan
>actual science supports it, not just one debunked study
>it's a smart choice
>we are ment to eat grass, that's why we have exactly the same stomach as cows

>> No.9651764


Great guy whose easy to listen to and understand.

Dr. Rhonda Patrick's channel. Expert health and scientific analysis. One of her main focuses is on broccoli and sulforaphane.

Dr. Axe and his website are excellent.

This guy studies and works with nootropics and smart drugs. Don't let his crazy eyes turn you away.

Eric Bakker is an expert in Candida and overall intestinal health.

>> No.9651796
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>many plants are completely invented over the last 150 years

fucking kek. It's called artificial selection. No one has invented any plants; that is much more complicated and costly endeavor. By the way the same argument you're using against plants is exactly what has been happening in the beef and pork industry since the onset of modern farming except to much more harmful effects on both health and the environment.

Eat more plants meattards, your brains clearly need the glycogen.

>> No.9651824
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We have long intestines. Meat and animal products stay in our systems much longer than in carnivores. This causes all sorts of issues... heart disease being the biggest one.

This appeal to nature falacy doesn’t even make sense. We don’t have the teeth or the claws or the power to kill our own meat so already we had to use technology.

More importantly.. why does it matter if we used to do something? We used to get polio. We used to die of tooth infections before we hit 30. We used to get eaten by lions. The purpose is to evolve and use or technology to improve our standard of living. The way western cultures eat has given such a rise in heart disease it’s now the number one cause of preventable disease in the US. Diabetes, high cholesterol, heart attacks.. our food is killing us and most people suffer such cognitive dissonance when it comes to diet they spend decades in medication and in pain without connecting the dots.

>> No.9651850

Farming tactics may change the body fat composition of cows, but it doesn't turn them into a new fucking species.

And yes, these "artificially selected" plants are essentially farming inventions. Entirely new species with entirely distinct biologies that people have zero adaptation for.

Enjoy your phytotoxins and inefficient form of energy.

>> No.9651853

I suggest any meatcuck watch slaughterhouse footage or read up on the intelligence and awareness of certain animals then decide whether they want to eat meat or not

>> No.9651877

The idea that the "western diet" is meat and fat heavy hasn't been true since the 1930s.

The reason for this heart disease and obesity epidemics is primarily carbohydrates, with the Plantists providing useful support for the demonization of REAL food: meat and fat.

Fuck off

>> No.9651885

great response meaty boy

>> No.9651892

nigga u shilling like straight tard

heartdisease is when fat clapistanis drink 88 liters of diabetes juice and eat bacon for breakfaast lunch and dinner, then they pass on their shitty genes to the next blob of fat

also that 'boby builder' in your shill picture is roided to the gills. There isnt a single vegan bodybuilder out there who is natty, not a single one. Its impossible to be a bodybuilder on a cucksoy diet and still have your natty card, fag

>> No.9651922
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>Breeding tactics led to cows becoming immobile, oversized, and higher fat content but that's not artificial selection
>Planting more bananas with smaller seeds, led to bananas having a higher sugar content and thus a whole new species was formed.

>> No.9651940

I suggest you go jump off a bridge, fag.

>> No.9651944
File: 11 KB, 462x300, BDC3FF1A-35B4-4C89-8F1A-C509087D6970.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The idea that the "western diet" is meat and fat heavy hasn't been true since the 1930s

I don’t get what you are saying here? Do you think the standard American diet has less meat and fat than it did in the 1930s?

>> No.9651975

It literally doesn't matter how much meat you eat if you surround your meat with a ton of carbohydrates.

So it's not the quantity of meat consumed that is important, it's the PRESENCE AT ALL OF CARBS.

The reason behind this is the body's use of energy. When carbs are present it will be glycolitic energy. When carbs are not present in significant quantity, it will be ketogenic energy.

When people consume almost exclusively fat and protein, there is literally zero biological way of becoming obese.

>> No.9651989

Also, I'm guessing your chart refers to the amount of meat consumed by America?

If that is true, note that the amount ONLY went up by 5x.

Do you think the population only went up by 5x in 100 years?

>> No.9652006

>There isnt a single vegan bodybuilder out there who is natty, not a single one. Its impossible to be a bodybuilder on a cucksoy diet and still have your natty card, fag

So that’s not true. And it’s strange that you’d make a statement like that which is so patently false because it takes any credit away from everything else you are saying.

And as for the basedboy meme.. you don’t have to eat onions on a Whole Foods plant based diet. On a processed standard American diet however.. onions is in fucking everything.

Don’t just regurgitate shit you heard from somewhere else it makes you look retarded.

>> No.9652020

Yeah it’s meat consumption adjusted for population

>> No.9652052

Oh they blocked s o y kek

>> No.9652061

Bullshit. If by "top athlete" you mean above average in some obscure sport nobody cares about then maybe.

>> No.9652075

Veganism is natural selection. It creates pussies and pussies die.

>> No.9652105
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I’m not going to google it for you dyor there are plenty

>> No.9652134

Life is about yin and yang. A constant duality between good and evil. Showing your darkside the light and showing your lightside some darkness. You can't understand one without the other.

High fructose corn syrup, aspartame, plain fructose, monosodium glutamate, etc. Don't drink any soda or smoke cigarettes. Drink half or two-fifths of your body weight in oz of water per day. Exercise. Buy a bike and ride a couple days out of the week 5+ miles on that day.

If you want to get built, weight training. Ta-da.

>> No.9652158

gonna be hard for these triggered carnists itt to enjoy their LINK gains after getting cancer from eating burgers and bacon desu


The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified processed meat as a carcinogen, something that causes cancer. And it has classified red meat as a probable carcinogen, something that probably causes cancer. IARC is the cancer agency of the World Health Organization.

Processed meat includes hot dogs, ham, bacon, sausage, and some deli meats. It refers to meat that has been treated in some way to preserve or flavor it. Processes include salting, curing, fermenting, and smoking. Red meat includes beef, pork, lamb, and goat.

Twenty-two experts from 10 countries reviewed more than 800 studies to reach their conclusions. They found that eating 50 grams of processed meat every day increased the risk of colorectal cancer by 18%. That’s the equivalent of about 4 strips of bacon or 1 hot dog.

>> No.9652192
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guys, before you'll write 99 paragraphs of arguments just please remember with whom are you arguing

>> No.9652287

why so hostile tho? it must be a /fit/ raid or something but they have a point and the meat isnt as healthy as it once was

>> No.9652420

desu I feel all of this is assuming eating healthily is a problem is knowledge.

If we just ate less and ate more healthily whether that be some halomi and salad or a piece of meat compared to a macdonalds cheeseburger and some pringles.

Not eating these foods is difficult when they're on demand and easy to get. I know buying a packet of chilli sensations crisps is terrible but I do it anyway.

>> No.9652557
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Are any of them public? Aren't things like the Impossible Burger held in private companies?

>> No.9652651

Yes but that's only because the cows are fed shit like glyphosate (((s)))oy and corn

Guilt-free cultured tissue meat is where the future's at tho

>> No.9652682

>implying high cholesterol is bad
>implying saturated fats are bad

>> No.9653007

>thinking GMOs are bad
Uuugh why must you go on living?