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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 108 KB, 888x630, moonincscam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9637762 No.9637762 [Reply] [Original]

This has got to be the most pathetic, open scam I've ever seen in my life. Their discord is literally begging their users to spam /biz/ about Moon Inc. despite them being proven wrong again and again. Then, when they get called out on their garbage, instead of refuting any of the arguments made, they attack the messenger instead of the message and tell people to ignore him while still begging people to buy into Moon Inc.

I've seen scams like Coimatic 3.0 and XTCC, but this one takes the cake. Watch how VICIOUSLY they attack this thread for pointing out the truth. If you support the truth, keep this thread bumped so that way it's on the front page right as their next dumb scam contract launches.

>> No.9637804
File: 61 KB, 1017x276, scammers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.9637839

its a game with a working product. if moon inc is a scam then shrimps were also a scam.
this is why youll never make it desu.

>> No.9637849
File: 117 KB, 733x464, C15EC0F5-57E7-436F-BC9F-8865A66EFA5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smh, that doesn’t count as a scam. It’s a dam eth game for crying out loud. You really are special

>pack it up biz

>> No.9637863

>hey guys I posted a retarded wojak picture
>that mean's you're STUPID if you don't invest late and give all the early investors your ETH :^)

>> No.9637879

ah! nice comeback! looks as if i stumped you.
carry on.....

>> No.9637889

>don't refute argument at all
>M-M-M-M-OVING ON................

>> No.9637918
File: 15 KB, 307x164, 46092814-599B-45EF-86F5-577019C3F7C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol looks like nobody cares what you have to say. Better luck next time trying to make internet friends.

>> No.9638058

You are a scammer and human fucking scum.

>> No.9638237

For one, it’s an eth game that you can strategize to make the most gains
Second thing, the contract is verified and unbreakable. Don’t believe me? Check the code yourself. Now that I can check “scammer” off the list, I’ll work now work on
>human scum
Telling someone that a game isn’t a scam, when it isn’t a scam doesn’t make me “human scum”. Now if your dumbass would open your eyes you would realize this. But you’re so close-minded you can’t even piece it together. It’s a zero-sum game, just like all of the other eth games that have ever came out. I reckon you’re just too retarded to notice this. Oh well


>> No.9638255

It's called "Moon Inc."
Does ANYONE on the entire planet not immediately think "scam" when they read that?

>> No.9638294


>> No.9639325

>contract before this one reached 80 ETH
>their latest one only hit 21 ETH

I'm so glad /biz/ wised up and didn't invest in this trash idle ponzi.

>> No.9639446

moon inc is broken but arguments itt are brainlet tier
in an objective manner, it's more legit than the shitcoins you invest in
but the contract logic is broken and easily exploitable, botters grab new units on block #1 of release at no risk through revert() smart contracts and 1k gwei gas price, then they either dump on the pyramid or drain the dividend fund over time
you cannot win this game if you're human, your money is food for the premine and that botter

>> No.9639516

And yet, they will keep putting out contract after contract after contract. Why? Because as long as there's a net profit, THEY. DON'T. CARE. The people who are playing in Moon Inc. have been playing in pyramids for the past 2 months now.

Think about it. If you make even 0.5 ETH off of these stupid things once per day, that's 30 ETH over the span of 2 months. That's over $20,000 for just BEING THERE, and please note that this is a lowball estimate since there are people making MUCH more. They get away with it legally since they're telling people what they're investing in is a pyramid, but people are STUPID and just invest in them anyway hoping for a 5% return, and why not? If you put in 1 ETH and you got that 5% return every single day for 60 days, you'd have 18.68 ETH right now.

Once Moon Inc. is done, there will be new pyramids started up, and I guarantee you the first participants will be the same scammers that have always been here.

>> No.9639518

How to play?

>> No.9639849

fucking faggots ruined this shit.

>> No.9639856

wow what a bunch of retards. Where do they find so many idiots to buy their shitcoin?