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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9623035 No.9623035 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, fags. Time to put up or shutup. Since you love LINK so much, why don't you post screenshots of your account balance and show us how much you really own.

If only five of you can post proof that you own over 500k LINK, I'll go all in and post proof myself.

I want you to either backup your LINK shilling or shut the fuck up.

>> No.9623050

Actually, I'll do it if five of you can prove you own 125k LINK.

>> No.9623053
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I like dis thread!

>> No.9623063

Not going to prove it with a transaction or giving away my wallet address but I hold over 250K most from pre-sibos era.
You are lucky to be getting in so late at such a good price.

>> No.9623123

Nobody cares if you go all in or not, faggot.

>> No.9623142

This. Op fuck off with your stupid thread. Either buy it or gtfo stop shutting up the catalog with more link threads

>> No.9623148
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>> No.9623167

jelly, 40k here.

>> No.9623170

I’m not gonna make myself a target but I have 39k. I’m a seasoned Salesforce dev and work in enterprise software. Trust me, Benioff has a habit of racing to the next hot new thing wether it be IoT, Machine Learning, etc. He is very aware of what Microsoft is doing with their blockchain workbench and has engineers working doubly hard to get a functional competitor demonstrable by Dreamforce. There’s no way it works to their security standards without chainlink.

I work a company in the service industry and if we could easily deliver refunds and rewards based on self-executing smart contracts we would. Chainlink is the technology that will enable these kinds of enterprise solutions at scale.

The beautiful thing about mega corporations adopting it to build a layer of abstraction that can be readily implemented is that all of the node staking or and attaching of LINK to a contract can be automated and obfuscated from the user. All they know is “this contract will cost this much to execute.” Many organizations will be initiating LINK purchases without even knowing.

>> No.9623185

Could give two shits how much Link you own or are thinking of buying. POS Thread u started, I down vote your effort, in fact you are fired.

>> No.9623201

Lol Link is not the only one solving the oracle problem, what makes you think a fat guy with no experience and team will make it?

>> No.9623302

yeah and multi trillion dollar firms can just pay thier most autistic 200+ iq on payroll to make something in house that will rape chainlinks dick off. literally. by evil ways and secret tricks

>> No.9623322

I listened to one of his recent interview where he said he spoke to someone in a bar before Davos conference took place (WEF) and he was immediately then interested about blockchain/fourth industrial revolution. i believe that Chainlink was involved in some sort of form in his informal discussion with this character,

>> No.9623333

no experience? are you some ignorant teen who doesnt know how to do fundamental research?

>> No.9623357


Businesses make most of their money leveraging other people's products.

Why waste time building your own foundation when you can use someone else's and get your product first to market that relies on it.

I thought this board was fucking smart, it's full of idiots like this guy

>> No.9623363

Nah man never gonna happen, they will all just invent their own windows, the banks will put a supercomputer on every city and make chainlink over night obsolete.

>> No.9623366

link 1k eoy

>> No.9623386

it's really the other way around; the people who FUD the hardest usually hold the most.

>> No.9623402


>> No.9623434

OP is a faggot

>> No.9623441

Ok OP go all in with your lunch money now :)

>> No.9623459

when p&d groups want more data.

>> No.9623474

No one will ever use the US dollar, people will all just invent their own currency.

>> No.9623487

im not the OP you braindead idiot.

>> No.9623517

ok? im not that guy you shit licker

>> No.9623761


>> No.9624681

I only have 26k link. But i mean. Thats a good chunk of money. Your average joe doesnt even have that much wealth. Much less just in crypto. Much much less just in one obscure non hyped project.

>> No.9624861


same anon. I wish I had more, but then I see people talk about their stacks and know I'm doing alright. once this hits $2+ average stack sizes are going to drop considerably and I'll still be holding onto my stack. in 3-5 years stacks this large will be rare outside of node operators and the relatively small handful of whales that have kept their stack that whole time.

>> No.9624941

I have 10,380 LINK
Also holding req, 0x, bat and axp
I'm not all in because I don't trust anyone enough to risk it all on one team or project. Anything can happen, new tech can come out, there are various challenges and risks. Plus I like other projects too. Anyone all in on LINK might make 1000x returns, but they also might miss out on other projects while LINK only does a 10x. Who knows

>> No.9624967

>dont want to become a target
>i have 39k link

>> No.9624994

Same attitude. I have 14k, but damn it feels good. Sometimes i wish i had more but it is what it is. I'm grateful for it. Still accumulating.

>> No.9625021

Perhaps. Benioff knows the power of a story. I think that discussion influenced him, but corporate stories are necessary to craft a narrative around new initiatives and appeal to our emotions they help frame the domain in a way that regular people can understand and Salesforce are brilliant marketers. It may not be entirely true, but we’ll be loaded either way.

>> No.9625038
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i have 200 link am i going to the moon

sorry i dont have 10,000$ sitting around to buy 20,000 link

this shit costed me like 100$

>> No.9625039

"why don't you post screenshots of your account balance "

Coz they can be manipulated so easy, so they don't really mean a shit..

>> No.9625047


ya I'm about 70-80% LINK depending on the day. I held back some ETH to try to find more early projects that I can flip on a shorter time frame but I haven't been feeling autistic enough to swing trade for a whle. which is why I like LINK ultimately. its my comfy long term lazy hold. I don't have to be constantly wired into charts, I can just sit back and wait out the ADHD traders.

>> No.9625055

this senpai

>> No.9625067

105k here. Aiming for 110k.

Will sell 10k at $20 to recoup investment 4 times over, holding the other 100k for a looooooooooong haul.

>> No.9625069

hah. fuck it. i worked for 2 months for a friend's company strictly to put into link. go get a job or a partime job to put money into link. dont be a normalfag and complain

>> No.9625087
File: 304 KB, 646x595, ohshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would show you my Link balance
>but... my screenshot machine just broke
>I don't feel like posting it today anyway...
>trust me... I have shitloads of Link
>no one just shills a coin they don't have

>> No.9625102
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>puts a quote in quotes

>> No.9625357
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All in

>> No.9625406
File: 155 KB, 960x1200, tumblr_p92f72DJQ01s2yc47o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all in youre already rich cash out now you dumb retard

you know how many people dont have 45 bitcoins

>> No.9625423

Shut up peasant!

>> No.9625455


There's a reason this guy has 45 BTC to begin with, he didn't just pick a random meme coin, he understands the potential.

Very jelly Anon, godspeed

>> No.9625595

1.1 million here

>> No.9625601

so close to 1 million that sucks man i mean nice stack are trying to get to one mill at least?

>> No.9625611

20k here .. to see these large amounts here makes me jelly

>> No.9625639

i just wish i could have 50k. it would make my life.

>> No.9625640

No one actually holds LINK, you retard. We're just baiting newfags.

>> No.9625648
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Where's all of the brap posts?

>> No.9625681
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as you wish Sire

>> No.9625746

Unemployed for 3 years, heard about Chainlink from a family member. By chance decided to do some research and started to apply for jobs, landed two part-time jobs.

Almost half of my earnings go to buying LINK.

The initiative LINK inspired for me to turn my life around has already been life changing.

>> No.9625757
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>implying you bagholders haven't constantly been losing money for the past year and you actually need to FUD to buy more
>look guys I'm accumulating more link even though it has been BTFO my portfolio since forever; I didn't have time to buy more the other 100 other times when the price was shit, but I'm FUDing to buy now right now

give me a fucking break

>> No.9626351

what state you live in senpai?

>> No.9626653

I have 300 LINK and I know I'll make it in 4 more years....my friend had 50 BTC at 20k.

You fags aren't thinking long term you'll all sell at $5 and $10

I do want more...but my family can't pay their bills it'll have to wait. Don't feed me your delusion of money being everything either

>> No.9626660

You sound like my dad

>> No.9626724

It if hits $5 or $10 I would just buy more

Just because I'm poor doesn't mean I can't read

>> No.9626787

22,939.8 Link here. I will be giving 20,000 away to random people once Link reaches $10.

>> No.9626820

why would an individual own 500k link?
That's too much money to lose on a moonshot gamble and too much money if the project succeeds. 100k is the sweet spot for risk/reward.

>> No.9626886

>give me your wallet addresses!

>> No.9626919

Yes I agree much more profitable to throw away money hiring on an entire team of devs to develop something that already exists.

>> No.9627009
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This woman would not be reliable in a monogamous relationship.

>> No.9627112

Someone in the unofficial Chainlink Discord claims to have 1 million LINK. /KRMRadm

>> No.9627140
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why not?
she maybe sent them to her boyfriend who leaked them on the internet :(

>> No.9627168


>> No.9627374
File: 30 KB, 600x630, 1_v3vvVO3DuvEB-osQDcIqlw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to own 20 000 link
>have 6k so far
>parents WILL kick me out if i spend more than 8kUSD on this project

what do

>> No.9627609
File: 19 KB, 599x52, linkport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to reach 50k next paycheck. Hopefully it dips even further.

>> No.9627626

WEW. Good job, anon.

>> No.9627650

>won't leave the house
>doesn't make it because boomer parents guilt
You have to decide. This is out of their realm of comprehension don't even attempt to explain it just do it and tell them it's in the stock market

>> No.9627654
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>> No.9627668

Don't tell them. Why you would tell your parents about your finances?

>> No.9627724

I just took a diarrhea what a mess

>> No.9627730


>> No.9627774
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>> No.9627873


>> No.9627916

i really dont have much, they know how much i make because i am still a student and only had a part time job. they are half a million in debt and don't want me to spend much because i will be a burden

i hope linkies will save me but i know 6k isnt enough, maybe i will take out student loans again

>> No.9627955

Don't take out student loans because you might end up in debt like your parents. Just try and work any spare chance you have even if it's weekends. If you really want to make it then go out of your way to get work.

>> No.9627965


you sold out you fcking backstabbing traitor

>> No.9628207

Get to 10k if you can, but 6k will make you very well off regardless. Just don't sell dude

>> No.9628331

0 balls/vision.

>> No.9628762

dont take out a loan lol but get to 10k link. you have time at least until 2019