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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9621417 No.9621417 [Reply] [Original]

How much is needed to have 1 million in a few years?

>> No.9621444


>> No.9621446

10k to be a millionaire in a year.
5k in two
2.5k in three

>> No.9621477

This, but add a year for each.

>> No.9621479

5k is enough if you can old without panic selling.

>> No.9621481

No worse feeling in this world than to be a RLClet

>> No.9621488

Pamp eet

>> No.9621494

1k RLC= 1m USD in 2020

>> No.9621496

The best thing for everyone on this board would be to go to jail or be kidnapped for the next 2 years and return tougher and be rich bc they couldn't panic sell.

>> No.9621511
File: 300 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-05-26-15-47-10-445_com.Slack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Massive asian media coverage. We are set boys

>> No.9621527

Finna be rich niggas

>> No.9621529

I only have 3k.

Feels bad, why didn't I buy during the last dip.

I hate myself, I want at least 5k.

>> No.9621568

Should I put some of my ETH into RLC? I have $72 in ETH for every $1 in RLC right now.

>> No.9621593

550 Rlclet here. i feel sick for not getting a loan or a cash advance to buy more at 1$ when i think back

>> No.9621647

Haiwu He was just interviewed by national chinese tv.

>> No.9621766

Did he wear a Lacoste polo ?

>> No.9621781

paamp eet

>> No.9621787

bullish af
i have the same and i'm happy with my gains

>> No.9621970

Is this photoshopped into tricking us to buy your bags?

>> No.9622031


>> No.9622042

Just bought 8 RLC tokens, am I gonna make it?

>> No.9622100

it is still under 2$ dude...

>> No.9622120

bullish price discovery, buy dip 100x leverage.


Coinbase listing announced.

The more efficient investment to get this outcome anon is a bullet so you can kys, this is some vaporware bullshit honestly.

son am so dissapoint

Iexecute yourself :(

>> No.9622154

1 dollar is a huge difference. I only have 2k instead of 4k.

>> No.9622159

In 2238

>> No.9622170

attack that 12.5 btc sell wall

>> No.9622556

Whole market tanking and RLC is holding strong

>> No.9622711

true it's not moving at all.

>> No.9622753

zrx is holdin too. hmmm...

>> No.9622761

Only bots and idiots are selling

>> No.9623129

I’d bet a lot of money that it gets listed on okex within the next 2 weeks

>> No.9623153


>> No.9623211

This is a baguette scam. Too many fake "partnerships" and hyping news.

>> No.9623265

what in the fuck just happened?

>> No.9623291


>> No.9623308


Someone thought this was a good buy and everybody started dumping their bags for the upcoming ETH bull run

>> No.9623355

Insiders are buying.

Buy a rope because you will use it in 3 days.

>> No.9623378


Insiders bought over an hour ago, now we're dumping on you and going to buy back later when it drops.

You're to slow to the news.

>> No.9623395
File: 34 KB, 937x422, Screen Shot 2018-05-26 at 9.15.07 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

double top reached, see you all back at 23k

>> No.9623405

pls fucking dump i got caught off guard taking a shower. for fucks sake this piece of shit always fucking climbs to the next level when i don't stare on the charts by the minute AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.9623439

I'm in the train since 15k dipshit.

>> No.9623456

Got 20 RLC feeling snug as a bug in a rug

>> No.9623518

This and LINK are my only altcoins in the green right now.

Today might be a good day :-)

>> No.9623570

This was a P&D faggots. Trapping you into buying before Monday hype.

It's going to dump hard into next hours.

>> No.9623592

Not even with Intel "partnertship" it had such big dildos.

Get pump and dumped fags

>> No.9623650
File: 46 KB, 300x301, iexecutive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being such a salty faggot, probably some SONM bagholder. I swear you will an hero thursday when you will see the news, your brain is just not ready to proceed.

>> No.9623652

If you don't have any of this I feel bad for you.

>> No.9623658


>> No.9623675

So is there a reason for this pump or is it just people loading up hard? Wtf

>> No.9623725
File: 29 KB, 386x217, 3HMBMX6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take your meds

>> No.9623757

It's a small pump but accumulation at the same time. Big buys have been going through earlier in the week for this coming week

>> No.9623841

People are increasing their bags buy 10% every 2 days. I don't know if it's a good sign but it was already the case 4 months ago. I'm not close to pnd groups, but they are powerful in that project since a longue time. For the moment, it doesn't have consequences because RLC took 30% in less than 1 month and around 80% in 3 months.
People who are shitting in that project are brainlets, SONM, GOLEM pajeets.

>> No.9623868

Paamp eet

>> No.9623918

It's fairly obvious. V2 is coming this week so it's going to gain momentum up to that point. The real question is when to sell off and buy back in.

>> No.9623930

Watch the charts and volume at the 29th

>> No.9623983

Bought at 0.002952, sold at 0.003550 ETH

brainlet or brainiac?

>> No.9623989


I would argue to watch the volume for the next few hours, if you weren't in a few hours ago, you're about to get dumped on.

>> No.9624001


Nice one anon. You made a good trade and took profit.

>> No.9624024

I shit myself few times, even if I knew I could not fail. This time I will not move before v2. If btc goes back to 7800 8000 around the 29th i would kill myself if RLC is 3$.

>> No.9624068

and I made some frens along the way

thanks anons

>> No.9624118
File: 35 KB, 664x527, 1519328942478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The more efficient investment to get this outcome anon is a bullet so you can kys, this is some vaporware bullshit honestly.
>son am so dissapoint
>Iexecute yourself :(

>> No.9624172

What's happening ?
It doesn't look like a classic pnd.
Does the asian market buy in mass ?
What time is it in chinks land ?

>> No.9624181

Should I drop my BAT or XLM for this? I am about 50% RLC, 25% of each of the others.

>> No.9624212
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>> No.9624234

Drop back to 27000 so I can buy back in you stupid coin

>> No.9624235

Don't buy everything chang

>> No.9624250

should've dropped bat for it at some point in the last week for sure
doing so right now seems to be a toss up but definitely a good idea if you'll be holding rlc long term

>> No.9624270

I would if you want to take a gamble. It'll probably fall down a bit before the 29th but this has much more room for growth than the others when comparing just market cap. And that's not even taking into consideration how good the team/project is as a whole.

>> No.9624282

Fuck off chinks and gooks this is the white mans coin. Fucking dump already

>> No.9624315
File: 49 KB, 604x453, 1520309255805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if I should sell my ZRX to double my RLC stack.

>> No.9624319

it's french/chinese coin u retard

>> No.9624327


I don't trade in emotions personally, and whenever I see people saying they should take a gamble, it's a red flag, I'm going to sell another 30% of my RLC stack.

I'll see you boys at 0.003ETH

>> No.9624329

Should I dump ZIPT Zippie for this

>> No.9624340

I’m holding like 600 RLC (I could be happy with 600k in three years), but I’m thinking about selling my OMG and going all in RLC. I’m becoming quite disillusioned with OMG.

>> No.9624342
File: 72 KB, 582x537, HE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haiwu put his suit, it's over guy...100$ EOM
And you know what ?
It's not even his final form...

>> No.9624345

It’s important to note that most rlc tokens are already distributed whereas u have other coins that still have up to 80% if their tokens OUT OF circulation, meaning with rlc u will never have millions dumped on the market

>> No.9624353

This nigga look like his down’s has down’s.

>> No.9624356
File: 107 KB, 780x720, 1519254187105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks RLC will be 1k EO3Y
I wish, dude, but come on.

>> No.9624362

Omg was literally at this price back in September lol. Rlc is barely top 100 and has so much more room for growth

>> No.9624367

Fuck it's going for $2.17+ now I shoulda waited

>> No.9624375

He has something yeah.
But he has such a nice collection of Lacoste Polos that I forgive him.

>> No.9624400

I literally went against my golden rule of not having less than 15k link at any given time about an before this link did some 6k link before this pump to add to my stack.


>> No.9624415

this thread is not for stinky linkies get out fag

>> No.9624416

I held this coin for months while it did fuck all late last year. Thank fuck it's finally moving, think I might have to put in more of my stack.

>> No.9624439

To further reiterate my point if u were release all the tokens (not even counting all coins) so that all tokens are in circulation, rlc would only be the top 105 ranked token. And still we have far less reddit and twitter users compared to our main rival golem but waaaay better tech and partnerships, not to mention we still have a okex and bithumb listing in the horizon

>> No.9624470
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>buys more in the peak of a pump

>> No.9624476
File: 164 KB, 546x1280, iEx.ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iEx.ec is probably the best tech built on blockchain with an actual user case. I mean, how is this not a top 10 coin yet?

>> No.9624488

So as I see, if the market doesn't crash like shit, RLC will go around 3$ the 29th.
The asians are coming in, and it's huge.

>> No.9624503

This post makes me want to give the tip of your cock of peck kiss

>> No.9624522

No fags allowed

>> No.9624531

paamp eet mr chang

>> No.9624652

aaaaaaand there we go back to snail volume
dump inbound

>> No.9624667

Yes because I said I'm going to do it right now....


>> No.9625192

welp. how much is it gonna dip boys? is it going below 2 dollars again?

>> No.9625286

Dump it already.

Useless coin with no product.

Get GOLEM instead

>> No.9625752
File: 6 KB, 228x250, 1512621578842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha good one.

>> No.9625811 [DELETED] 

Literally me everyday since 1 year :

>> No.9625899

Moon time boys

>> No.9626722

U silly :-)

>> No.9627107

20 million

>> No.9627378

500 RLC here. Hoping for $100k in a couple years

>> No.9627463
