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9609308 No.9609308 [Reply] [Original]

How to deal with emotions?
During trading I get too emotional and I lose too much money cause of that.
Do you have any protips how to do that?

>> No.9609320

You’re probably putting too much on the line at once. Ladder your buys and sells to mitigate losses.

>> No.9609377

I have lost.. oh, maybe 10btc like this, OP. Absolutely tragic.

I ended up taking drugs to calm myself down. Also, you're prob just not meant to "trade" - everyone knows "trading" loses you money. Make sure you set sells and then just walk away, let the price come to you.

How much are you working with, what kind of funds?

>> No.9609394

smoke weed fren

>> No.9609401

Read "Trading in the zone" by mark douglas, you're welcome.

>> No.9609403

yeah I lost like 8btc so far and I am fucking mad at myself. Now I play with like 5btc

>> No.9609417

Make better trades, mong

>> No.9609434

nah Im trying to quit. I bought too much on darknet. Weed, lsd, mdma. Fuck this shit

>> No.9609498

Pay someone to trade for you... Risk free by sharing API keys without withdrawals rights
DYOR to find a decent group

>> No.9609559

Is this also trading general? I have a specific trading question.

>> No.9609572



>> No.9609575


>> No.9609603
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When I read a question like "How to deal with emotions during trading" I just think "Huh? what?"

I don't understand how it's even possible to get "emotional during trading" and lose money as a result of that. I have zero feels when trading, etc. Of course, getting emotional BECAUSE (large amounts of) money has been lost, that I understand.

>> No.9609613

Okay trading general, something I've been wondering about is what are good sources from upcoming expected or anticipated news events that can cause big moves in bitcoin?
In forex they have calendars that you can know when upcoming events that can cause big moves, whats the equivalent for bitcoin?

>> No.9609620

I just manage money/crypto through logic, not feelings.

>> No.9609627

like selling when Its goes in opposite way, buying back on top in fear of missing occasion and beeing pissed off for myself when I screw something.
I have to learn to be patient and wait for price to come to me

>> No.9609662

Well I seem to be immune to FOMO and I've never panic sold.

>> No.9609714

Do you or anyone you know ever hunt like deer or something? They don't just go running around in the woods with their rifles trying to find a deer. No, they setup a "hide" or "blind" where they basically camp waiting patiently for their prey to come to into the scope of their rifle. So hunting is mostly a big exercise in planning and patience. And thats a great way to view trading.

>> No.9610422

you need an actual trading strategy. you can only have emotions affect your trade if you either don't have rules or constantly ignore them.

>> No.9611181

write a bot then go to the beach

>> No.9611201

Big news events in the existing forex markets usually precipitate money moving to the side.
This is /tradinggeneral/ you should save your question for /nottradinggeneral/

>> No.9611224

read this book https://www.amazon.com/Hour-Between-Dog-Wolf-Transforms/dp/0143123408

>> No.9611231


For example I traded on the zrx pump last week. I really wanted to go in again but I had already made a lot and I knew I was getting greedy. Turned the screen off and went to get some food. By the time I finished eating I checked the chart again and I would have bought the top of I went in again

>> No.9611238


>> No.9611250

Thats your opinion, in my view I can look at a forex calendar and know when as in what times I should be focusing and when not to expect any possible big moves. Because I cant find the equivalent for crypto Im thinking about just cashing out and wiring it all to a forex broker.

>> No.9611997

For me it is when to sell, you know it will dip after a massive green candle but you are unsure if it might be the 1/10 chance it will keep on going.

>> No.9612152

You create a trading system and stick to it. Thats what they mean. You can still have emotions while trading. You can keep your emotions out of it and still lose repeatedly if you go looking for trades. Everyone is using some form of speculation and TA.

>> No.9612198

Develop a strategy and follow it. If price does this, do A, if price does that B, if something else C.

>> No.9612206

>tfw low eqlet
I mean, it's ruined all my socializing, but I'm fucking it in trades

>> No.9612253

Losing BTC did it for me. You die and come back emotionless

>> No.9612342

the best answer in the thread and the OP totally ignores it.
This is why you're shit at this game biz.

>> No.9612811

>Thats your opinion
Yup, and that all that makes a market.

Do the news sites not do what you want? https://cointelegraph.com/events

>> No.9613155

Events do fuck all for crypto, just look at Consensus which was supposed to trigger the bullrun, you want to look at mainnet launch, airdrops, upcoming partnerships, etc.

>> No.9613734

Emotional? What are you, a girl?


>> No.9613768

What does your sell(s) usually look like when you set them?

>> No.9614105

Easy, just be dead inside. Trade long enough and that'll happen.