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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9590675 No.9590675 [Reply] [Original]

Okay i'm getting legit fucking rekt

WHY is it dumping? What have market forces responded to, to cause this?

>> No.9590689

Don't worry, if the support is 7.2k, it means one more higher low again, and that is quite bullish.

>> No.9590717

Nothing. News (was) very bullish for the last few weeks. Lots of talk about institutions getting involved, new exchanges opening, GDAX upgrading, ETH's casper on the horizon, Consensus, tons of "normie" analysts repeating $20k+ EOY BTC predictions, Korea UpBit FUD dispelled, blah blah blah.

The problem is much more fundamental than good news / bad news. The problem is nobody trusts crypto, nobody wants crypto, nobody is buying crypto.

>> No.9590737

I can pay rent for June, but thats it.

>> No.9590740

There are mile long lines of institutional investors, silly. They just wait for a good moment to go in.

>> No.9590871

Like right now. First the fake ass SEC meeting reported but the WSJ. And now this Bloomberg bullshit. Sources never revealed. Fucking Soros and people like him have coordinated this whole thing. They are jumping into the market as soon as Coinbase Pro goes live June 29th

>> No.9590979
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Can't tell if mentally disabled or trolling

>> No.9590980


>The problem is much more fundamental than good news / bad news. The problem is nobody trusts crypto, nobody wants crypto, nobody is buying crypto.

The comming two years will be a shedding of funny money coins. Everything without inherent value (all pure transactional coins) will go down the shitter. Only coins that offer a real world service and thus have some inherent value will survive.

I'm seriously advising biz to buy coins such as Golem, Colx, RLC, SIA, etc. We're seeing the first signs of a serious paradigm shift.

>> No.9590991


also, skycoin and nexus will be the new bitcoins; offering true decentralization, be it by skybox or satellite. Mark my words.

>> No.9591229

that means bitcoin is fucked

>> No.9591247


>> No.9591315


Yeah, Soros totally spends millions to p&d a market for pennies. Oh wait, he doesn't. Neither do the rest of those fucks. Bull is still coming.

>> No.9591332


100% this. Eth too obviously.

>> No.9591340

It's not pennies. Are you insane? The difference between buying bitcoin at 10k and buying 7200 is massive with the amount of money we are talking.

>> No.9591520
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I don't want to alarm anyone or cause a shitload of panic, because I hope I'm wrong - but I think BTC in particular is going to dump all the way down to at least about 3k before the bull market returns.

I think this is going to be a long season of hard dumps, soft recoveries followed by hard dumps.

>> No.9591555

XTRD is my gamble. I feel like gateways for institional money are a must hold for this transitional phase.

>> No.9591575

There will be demand also for currency coin(s). The value of avoiding tax, financial privacy and storing value against inflation are priceless. But these will only become practical once people as a whole realize this.

>> No.9591616


Soros blows up national economies worth Trillions for lols. Literally, look up what he just pulled in Guinea. This is peanuts to him. You have 0 clue how much money cunts like him have, or the stakes they play for.

>> No.9591699

This. Once soros was in i was out. He is the destroyer of worlds

>> No.9591765
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Fear not my child.
It will be quick.

>> No.9592408

he is the savior that we dont deserve.
he will finally kill the bitcoin

>> No.9592542

No. Soros will die soon. And It will consume his soul.