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9574766 No.9574766 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9574782
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And I almost bought some yesterday

>> No.9574785

should i buy now for some quikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk profits?

>> No.9574808

sir? do i buy theise koin 4 quik C$ash?

>> No.9574817


>> No.9574824
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>will take ages to make a new account deposit funds onto a shit exchange it's traded now

who /gaveup/ here?

>> No.9574829

Mother fucking scamming ass insider trading chinks. Always fucking accumulating the week before a listing. Fucking sick of this bullshit

>> No.9574834

Op here, I've never used shittopia before. is it safe to deposit 2btc? I'm going all in for these quick gains

>> No.9574838

Who the fuck uses cryptopia???!??!??!

>> No.9574856

Wow who would have thought a "decentralized" (for normies anyway lmaoing) and unregulated market would be controlled by insider trading chinks

>> No.9574904
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thanks brother that was some easy money

>> No.9574949

im pretty sure the increase in volume/ price is from the testnet....

>> No.9574984

Everyone can have the info they do if you read chinese or even translate
Cryptopia is a pretty ok exchange
Cryptopia is not the best but it works.. Slow af but not as slow as bittrex

>> No.9574986

Happy to help. How long might it take for me to deposit to cryptopia? I'm waging and won't be home for another couple hours

>> No.9574994

how the fuck did you get in so fast

>> No.9575003

im not sure, I believe my btc deposit went thru within like 2hours. I sent it from bitmex though so I had to wait for them to process the transfers. SKY isnt getting listed till tomorrow though (like 24h) so you'll have time if you want to play the binance listing. its risky though since it'll probably be priced in by then already

>> No.9575017
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>> No.9575035

are you fucking kidding me, you fucking retarded pajeet discord shit group
you guys seriously deserve to die

>> No.9575044


what's wrong fren? too slow?

>> No.9575050
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wew lad why so salty. its paid off for me. these listings make me a lot mor

>> No.9575059

scammy fucks

>> No.9575083
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but look i make monies

>> No.9575108

Dude all you have to do is follow Binance's telegram and set an alert.

>> No.9575240

Thanks for the info, and I trust that it won't be priced in lol. This was augur a couple weeks ago, new listings always open at 1.5-2x. As long as you catch the first candle you're golden. I was thinking about joining that group btw, is it worth the fee? 120 a month if I remember correctly

>> No.9575251
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Forgot the pic lol

>> No.9575269
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Lots more exchanges coming soon too.

>> No.9575465

noob here. so what exactly is the play? you buy sky on cryptopia transfer it to binance when it lists and sell it asap while its skyrocketing?

>> No.9575501

its up 30% already, this ship has sailed.

>> No.9575532
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>> No.9575554

Just download Skywallet and buy skycoin directly from the website, duh

>> No.9575556

what exactly do you plan to do? buy on cryptopia transfer to binance then sell it while its rocketing before it dumps? noob here

>> No.9575610

Sorry I have no idea if this is legit or not, I know little about this project. Redpill me?

Basically yes. It's up 30% sure, but no it's not over. It won't actually list until tomorrow, btc dumping will drain this pre pump. See my previous pic, the last time this happened, the coin did an additional 2x after listing.

>> No.9575644

based. aren't you worried about how long it'll take to transfer skycoin to binance though because can't you only transfer it to your account when it gets listed and soon after that is when it dumps? or is that part of the gamble

>> No.9575699

Is it legit? Hard to say. More ambitions than any other crypto project.
What they want to create:
>decentralized VPN network
>decentralized independent anonymous internet using 5G antennas
>multiple parallel blockchain running on skywire nodes that also allow smart contracts.
There's a lot in the plans and the devs seem autistic enough to pull at least some of it off. It's also one of the oldest projects (from 2012 I think)

>> No.9575741
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Just HODL. Holding SKY in your wallet generates Coin Hours very quickly, and in the future these will be tradeable and spendable on the network. But you lose 75% of your accumulated Coin Hours every time you transfer Sky Coins out of your wallets. So anyone who holds SKY has very strong hands because they don't want to lose all their accumulated Coin Hours. Because of this, there won't be a dump on Binance. It's likely to 2X or 3X after listing due to the shortage of sellers.

>> No.9575788
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i love you. thank you anon

>> No.9575789
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Binance has to test the coin before it lists officially. Because of that, you can already transfer the coins to your binance wallet. Plenty of time to get a head start.

>> No.9575818

>People will unironically sell SKY before it reaches 1000$, not even waiting for Binance to list coinhours

Not gonna make it.

>> No.9575831

fuckckkcking based thanks dude i was wondering how people were always able to pull that off

>> No.9575834

Anyone with 100 SKY gets their student loans paid off and a nice deposit on a house in 3 years time

>> No.9575928

I'm gonna have to research this more in depth, this is a game changer if they can pull it off. I meant to ask, can I really buy SKY directly from the site? I'd like to avoid cryptopia if possible
No problem man, good luck!

>> No.9575993

so what time is it going to list. any way to know for certain?

>> No.9576139
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>> No.9576175
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Based cz

>> No.9576215
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Yes you can buy direct from the Skycoin website, just transfer BTC, ETH or LTC and they'll send you Skycoins in equal value. Join the Skycoin telegram for more info or if you get stuck, but it's pretty straightforward. However I still prefer to buy on Craptopia because you can put in limit orders. Sky website is market order only.

>> No.9576226

nice thanks again

>> No.9576332

>the neverending ico
you are all stupid as fuck
buying kasteleins bags

>> No.9576334

Awesome, thanks for the info!


>> No.9576373

skycoin's a fucking monster
unironic long term hold

>> No.9576710
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>> No.9576762

anyone having trouble withdrawing skycoin from cryptopia depositing to binance? it's been pending for a while

>> No.9577345

why would you even do that? do you not trust cryptopia?

>> No.9577416

keep your sky in your wallet if you're not intentioned to sell them so you can hoard coinhours

>> No.9577992

This happens all the time. Unfortunately sometimes it takes cryptopia days to sort the problem out.

>> No.9578474

there's more volume on binance isn't that better?