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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 300x300, REQUEST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9557764 No.9557764 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9557768

$100 EOY

>> No.9557776


>> No.9557801

>some deluded bagholder unironically burned hundreds of dollars worth of ETH

>> No.9557818


>> No.9557834

>the average response of a deluded REQ bagholder
Can't be reasoned with.

>> No.9558132

>some autist is spamming a post across an Asian shrimp farming forum like it will do anything

>> No.9558167
File: 147 KB, 1280x960, 1526969697412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's doing exactly what I intended. Exposing the retarded, gullible and easily-triggered cult surrounding REQ.

>> No.9558179


>> No.9558505


>> No.9558683
File: 393 KB, 720x511, hbtpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing that can make you rich right now is things that are eth based, something like HBT that works and is proven
>Hubii Core (wallet + exchange) pretty much ready and about to be formally launched in a couple of days
>they will announce this week their Ethereum offchain scaling protocol Striim
what more do you want pajeet

>> No.9558690

Get out, pajeet.

>> No.9558826

In the future people won't use currencies at all.
People will just trade assets directly at market value through Request Network, which will be using LINK to connect blockchains.

>> No.9559153


>> No.9559171

This. We are 10 years ahead of everyone.

>> No.9559179

Rich bitch
Req $100 eoy

>> No.9559188

Congratulations on the most deluded sentence on biz this year.

>> No.9559632

Hello HBT Shill #464 – everything going to schedule?

>> No.9560082

REQ solves the currency problem. You can't trade bananas for rice directly, because not everyone wants bananas. You need to carry something everyone will accept to make it possible to do efficient commerce. Societies settled on paper backed by gold, because most people seem to value gold. Then the jews stopped the gold backing and fiat lost value. With REQ though, you will be able to trade digital bananas for digital rice regardless of whether the shopkeeper wants bananas, because it will convert to his asset of choice. Currency is redundant middleware.

>> No.9560286

Lmfao nobody will buy this shit scam pajeet coin

>> No.9560289

You didn't do it, a discord did. Textbook pnd with shill threads on here and reddit posts made by months old accounts to create irrational fomo

>> No.9560371

What pnd? The price keeps cratering for days on no end. This is just pure delusion of REQholders grasping at every straw. Some deluded retard literally sent 0.7 ETH to burn contract.

>> No.9560422

Is it really someone still holding this?
Sold my 100k bag time ago. Dump asap fucking req fangays

>> No.9560567
File: 48 KB, 467x531, 1513935231810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9560720

whats wrong with reqqies? why are they so deluded? it's literally verge tier delusion

>> No.9560747

wew lad

>> No.9560776
File: 17 KB, 320x364, red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps these are the first signs of some sort of implementation.

I'm really puzzled why they aren't pressing forward with the Wikimedia adoption. That could potentially move a few hundred ETH a month in donations, even more if they branch out to the global Wiki.

>> No.9560805

Could be tests of a product developed between request and PwC. Could've been someone trolling REQ holders by sending ETH to the smart contract. Who the fuck knows, maybe we'll find out on Friday

>> No.9560812

just dump this trash you deluded bagholder

>> No.9560815

Who says they aren't?

>> No.9560818

You sir are a brilliant troubadour. Please know that I hold you in the highest esteem.

>> No.9560862
File: 365 KB, 600x682, 0ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a donation to Wiki which was paid in ETH by a Request. The network did what it was supposed to do. I fail to see what everyone is getting all upset about. It's in the whitepaper.. REQ will be burned each time the network is used. Why are you fags arguing this point?

>> No.9560883

>It was a donation to Wiki which was paid in ETH by a Request
You're ill informed, there is a cap of $1.50 fee per Request.

>> No.9560987

no there isn't retard. there's a cap of 1.5% of the total transaction amount

>> No.9561025

famous last words

>> No.9561050


Not until I reach my target ROI of 2000%.

>> No.9561105
File: 123 KB, 548x307, obamaxd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

screen cap this faggots this guy is the mesiah lmaoooooooooooooo

>> No.9561181
File: 51 KB, 744x432, reqfee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you be so sure of yourself to call others retarded without doing the bare minimum of reading?

>> No.9561424
