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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9554025 No.9554025 [Reply] [Original]

How can we profit off of the constant school shootings? Should we short gun company stocks as they will inevitably be held under more and more scrutiny?

>> No.9554053

Invest in metal detector manufacturers

>> No.9554065

Short big pharmaceutical corporation s as they will inevitably be held under more scrutiny (except by CNN)

>> No.9554071
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Long therapy counseling

>> No.9554079


there's a screenshot about this that i would post if i had it now but i'm dumb and never saved it.

>> No.9554092


>> No.9554112

Gun Stocks go way the fuck up when people start talk of gun regulation - people start buying and hoarding guns. Gun dealers do backflips when some kid goes "jeremy" on his classmates.

>> No.9554156
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>How can we profit off of the constant school shootings?

>Buy media corporation
>take bribes from political groups that want to push message
>broadcast juicy heartwrenching stories for views
>achieve following so ad companies will pay large amounts of money to be featured on your news station during commercial breaks

>> No.9554157

Good point, does seem this way on second thought. I suppose the "liberals are tryna take my guns away" mania following the "we need even more guns for protection" sentiment amplifies it.

>> No.9554193

The news keeps talking about the incels and their beta revolution. What can we do to make them stop??

>> No.9554210

They're obviously trying to encourage them to do it, the more tragedy the better.

>> No.9554439

wow so this pussy got denied so he ruined a shit load of people's lives? when the fuck are they gonna fry his worthless fat ass

>> No.9554447

He's under 17. Current interpretations of the constitution forbid executions of people who were minors at the time of the event.

>> No.9554476

well then i hope he enjoys living in a cell for the rest of his life and then dying in a cell and still a virgin.

>> No.9554491

He won't stay a virgin buddy. :^)

>> No.9554494

>still a virgin

>> No.9554509

it's the thot's fault people died, not the other way around

>> No.9554519

he's obviously on jewish pharmaceuticals

>> No.9554537


fucking beta cuck nigger killed big tiddy goth gf dreambae

>> No.9554542

>Should we short gun company stocks as they will inevitably be held under more and more scrutiny?

The big bun manufacturers, which are the only ones the gun control lobby ever goes after, make the majority of their money from sale to law enforcement agencies and military. The civilian market is just an after thought.

>> No.9554543

Thanks to incels like you, I am able to convince very liberal women every day that guns are the great equalizers against incel violence and rape. It's amazing how redpilled a woman gets when they realize they are 5' tall and literally any man can over power them, regardless of how in shape she is.

>> No.9554561

Wait, did he kill her in front of class or was he rejected in front of class?

>> No.9554562


you know any tickers for either of these?

>> No.9554581

Nice newspeak, retard

>> No.9554594

girls owe you incel rejects nothing. the only thing that you and the people that would actually agree with you is the gas chamber

>> No.9554619


>unironically believing this.

I'm sorry, when folks are poor, we blame them for being poor. But when ugly niggas can't get pussy, we blame the pussy?

Fuck that. They fuckers need to get their shit together and stop being a pussy-ass faggots.

>> No.9554631

not optimistic. you think they're gonna let this piece of shit out in gen pop? no way this fucker is going straight to isolation where he's gonna rot

>> No.9554650

Isolation is considered punishment and has guidelines for use

>> No.9554681
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>short gun company stocks
selling low the /biz/ way i see.

this guy is right. gun sales and gun manufacturer stocks go up after every mass shooting

>> No.9554700

NFA firearms have never really been affected by an assault weapons ban.. just saying.

>> No.9554711

Also the 2016 surge was because the ATF wouldn't let you just buy them with a gun trust anymore. Nothing to really do with shootings

>> No.9554721

>you think they're gonna let this piece of shit out in gen pop?
You really don't understand how the prison system works do you?

>> No.9554761

i like the way you think

>> No.9554764

i wish /b/ would be a seperate website

>> No.9554807
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pic was just one illustration of a broader point someone mentioned earlier that i quoted. op is a brainlet for shorting on mass shootings. mass shootings make people fomo into guns out of fear they will be taken away. gun sales have only been rising since mass shootings started to become common. this goes beyond shootings too, people were paranoid obama was going to take everyones guns away and sales also spiked when he was elected in 2008 and 2012. if the relationship between mass shootings and sales and stocks were a negative one, we'd see decrease over the years as mass shootings increase in frequency. instead we see the opposite

>> No.9554816

Can't believe 16 year olds are one upping Elliot these days
too bad this kid didn't seppuku himself, would've been one for the books

>> No.9554871

Calm down beta, no point in whiteknighting dead pussy.

>> No.9555062

ahhhh and another incel to the rescue. wow so you all are gay right? literally you hate women and at the same time want them. what a interesting situation. just come out already and be happy fucking your equally ugly boyfriend

>> No.9555084

You're quite clearly a deranged and undersexed man.

>> No.9555095

Not always. Adseg is basically solitary confinement for pedophiles and other "will surely die" cases.

>> No.9555113

honestly school shootings are so boring now
It's like when you drink soda, the first sip is best and in this case the first sip was Columbine.

>> No.9555182

Yeah I think you're right. Sandy hook was fun for me because some tripfag on /vg/ made a game about it and it got him on the news so I remember that one clearly. Elliot and that brony who killed 3 people in a super market were funny because they left cringe video footage and were pretty unique, and they weren't technically school shootings.
We need diversity in mass shootings.

>> No.9555375

Long positions:
>loving traditional Christian families with a mom and dad
>positive reinforcement
>legalized prostitution
>friendly neighborhoods

Short positions:
>big pharma companies pumping kids full of drugs
>attractive females (far too volatile right now)
>depersonalized education systems
>boomers in general

>> No.9555779

If you ameri-fags wanted to stop shootings I have the answer.

Round up all the bullied beta incels and check them into the Love Ranch with a couple of bottles of viagra and an ounce of crack for a week.

You're welcome.

>> No.9555797

They only happen at government schools. Nobody on /biz/ is dumb enough to attend or send their children to one.

>> No.9555815

kek, just like those disgusting whale feminists

>> No.9555860

>(((Current interpretations of the Constitution)))

>> No.9555936


invest in whores?

If anything you should start looking for options on gun manufacturers because over time it will be unpopular for PE firms to own shares in gun manufacturers, in the same way one of the major Australian banks announced they would no longer invest in coal companies because it was the cause célèbre du jour. I've already heard of there being right-wing PE groups who are specifically investing in fossil fuel companies because they are under-priced, why not gun manufacturers too?

>> No.9555978

Tell me about it. I'd shoot the little faggot myself. That's what the media should be broadcasting: humiliating executions of spree killers, to give the others an idea of what they can expect.

>> No.9556019

no one mentioned TRIG? probably cant make money off it now but it was pumping once upon a time.

>> No.9556088

OSI Systems and Rapiscan.
You heard it here

>> No.9556094

sell body armor

>> No.9556128

Comparing amount killed with other school shooters encourages losers to shoot for a high score

>> No.9556764
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Mass violence in general has gotten more interesting though. Boston bombers, the nice france truck of peace, the paris run-n-gun, paddocks "get off my lawn" bump stock extravaganza, the incel rebellion truck of peace, Eliot rodger, the scandinavian liberal brainwashing camp mercy killing.

Man, we have had some good times lately.

>> No.9556774

rip dick sucking lips

>> No.9556810

Become a crisis actor

>> No.9556963

Gun stocks go UP after school shootings as any mention of bans sends people flocking to shops to buy before they can't. This reflects the reality that most people want and like owning guns.

>> No.9556971

>Short big pharmaceutical corporation s as they will inevitably be held under more scrutiny (except by CNN)

This is the real cause of spree killers and homicidal/suicidal idealisation, not guns, or trucks or knives etc.

>> No.9556978
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Kids should just pretend to be crazy in high school to get fear sex.

>> No.9557095
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I buy or build a new AR-15 everytime this happens.. im up to 7 AR's now.

This, Ive put into a few players a couple years back and they are slowly starting to gain steam

Civvy market is like 80% of gun sales, only colt, sig, glock and HK have military maretshare.. the rest is civvy hunters/ buyers.


>> No.9557480
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Start a gun shop and supply the shooters.

>> No.9557524

The scandi camp mercy needs to be more of a thing.

>> No.9558098

Lol, mercy killing. Kek. At the time I was horrified- he's killed the rong wuns, said I. Red pill later and yes, good work was done that day

>> No.9558641

>I'm sorry, when folks are poor, we blame them for being poor.
say what
the venn diagram between people who say "folks are poor because others have privilege" and "fuck incels" is damn near a perfect circle

>> No.9559087

you're an insanely stupid person and what's rough is that you'll probably never course correct because one of the symptoms of being a dumb motherfucker is aversion to introspection. GG to the environments that created you

>> No.9559135


>> No.9559141

>Should we short gun company stocks as they will inevitably be held under more and more scrutiny?
This is probably the fastest way to go bankrupt without trading options. Gun shares go up when talk of gun control happens.

Obama was the best thing that ever happened to gun manufacturer share prices. Every time he talked about gun control share prices would rally.

>> No.9559152
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>Red pill later