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File: 111 KB, 760x400, Monero-coin-760x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9557844 No.9557844 [Reply] [Original]

Buying and holding Monero supports: scamming, tax evasion ("render unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's"), child exploitation, drug trafficking, human trafficking and murder by increasing the price of Monero for the criminals that hold and use it.

It is therefore immoral to hold Monero. If you are a moral Christian who wishes to avoid the flames on judgement day you should know that this coin is incompatible with living a good life and loving your neighbour.

Jesus would NOT hold Monero.

Atheists may respond to this thread but bear in mind you do not understand morality (the topic of this post) without faith in God.

Is the price of damnation really worth some possible short term gains by picking this cryptocoin over say a more moral one like IOTA?

>> No.9557860

drug trafficking supported by goverment that criminalizes drugs because if they do decriminalize, cartels are the only one losing

>> No.9557882

What is your point?

>> No.9557901

Good points I had not thought of it this way. So it is therefore moral to short Monero?

>> No.9557910

Are all christcucks this autistic?

>> No.9557916

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.9557917


>> No.9557944

the idea of heaven and hell after death is so immature that I cant help but feel humans invented these shit

>> No.9557956

fiat is immoral you cuck

>> No.9557960

See that these are attacks and not arguements

>> No.9557966

Fiat has existed since the dawn of time. Jesus owned fiat. Fiat is capable of both moral and evil much like free will.

>> No.9557969

Do not mix religion with state.

>> No.9557979

>Atheists may respond to this thread but bear in mind you do not understand morality (the topic of this post) without faith in God.

If you just act morally just because you fear of eternal physical pain in your afterlife then you are actually the one who doesn't understand morality.

>> No.9557982

what XMR do in supporting drug trafficking if government accepts that cartels already do pretty fine with USD ?

>> No.9557996

I act morally because I love God. Please read the Bible.

I do not advocating buying shares in a drug cartel either.

>> No.9557999

>Fiat is capable of both moral and evil much like free will.

So is monero. You could donate 1000 Monero to African Children or whatever.

>> No.9558000

And buy TRTL

>> No.9558017

Monero is a tool that explicitly supports immorality. Fiat has the intention of being used morally.

>> No.9558022

>I act morally because I love God. Please read the Bible.
Good on you. Personally I act morally because I am naturally empathetic as most humans are.

>> No.9558031

Morality cannot exist without God. What you are describing is benign heathenism.

>> No.9558053

is the face of Ceasar on the face the coin or is the the cum of the fluffy pony ?

>> No.9558068

>Fiat has the intention of being used morally.
Not at all true. The only intention of Fiat is to exchange goods and services more conveniently. Those goods can be apples, massages, Prostitution or drugs. Monero is just a currency that lets you exchange goods without government intervention.

>> No.9558095

>Morality cannot exist without God

>> No.9558101

It is minted with the intention of being used morally in a perfect moral world. In a moral world there is no need for Monero that is the difference.

>> No.9558111

Floating atoms in a soup of randomness has no morality.

Souls, divinity and faith can.

>> No.9558139

It's still the choice of the user to do immoral stuff with it. Maybe I live in a country with an oppressive government and need Monero to finance a resistance.

>> No.9558150

>Souls, divinity and faith
but that's just stuff humans invented. It's just part of human language.

>> No.9558162

If that were true then perhaps, but we all know that is never the case.

>> No.9558178

It is human words for real forces

>> No.9558190

Do you're saying that Monero is a coin that has practical utility due to it's privacy features. Just like Bitcoin in it's early days with Silk Road, only better.

Sounds great anon, I think I'll buy a couple!

>> No.9558204

There is still nothing inherently bad about a tool that lets you avoid government control. It was not explicitly designed for criminal activity. It's the people who do bad stuff with it. They will always find a way. If you want to change them, become a preacher or police man

>> No.9558206

shut the fuck up retard

>> No.9558208

just b/c we have a word or a notion of a tree doesnt mean we inveted the tree. atheist cucks are fucking morons when it comes to science and philosophy

>> No.9558211

There is no proof whatsoever of these "forces" being real.

>> No.9558216

>Morality cannot exist without God
I don't need religion or God to determine what's morally right or wrong. I'm not a religious person, but I still find it highly immoral to cheat, rape, murder, do any crimes, violate human rights etc. While the same can't be said about e.g. fanatic muslim ''believers''. Ironic.

>> No.9558220

OP, are you being paid to spread sentiment to mislead sentiment analysis bots?
Are you yourself an adversarial sentiment bot?

>> No.9558228

>there are no oppressive governments

>> No.9558232

the span of your lifetime is too short not to have to rely on the traditional repository of religion and science for understanding and guidance. your just another brainwashed atheist cuck.

>> No.9558233

actually we invented the tree. A tree is just the notion of tree. "A tree" is just a collection of mostly carbon and oxygen.

>> No.9558239

>Religious fag
>Calls others brainwashed


>> No.9558240
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>> No.9558243

you're ruled by goverment and church and think everyone is like you

>> No.9558260

we didnt "invent" trees you moron. you're a relativist brainwashed atheist cuck. go back and read some more sam harris lol

>> No.9558267

lel take your own advice. Just read a book. Any book would do you wonders.

>> No.9558276

you're a "solipsist". go look it up, learn something today. you dont even know where your own opinions come from. youre brainwashed.

>> No.9558312

>you're a "solipsist"

Haha what? Where do you get that Idea from you fucking retard. Oh god just shut up moron. You are probably 16 and think Jordan B. Peterson is Philosopher. I bet you will call me a post modernist next.

>> No.9558314

>you do not understand morality without faith in God.
Found your problem...

>> No.9558316
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>> No.9558323
File: 63 KB, 1024x576, 1526956204519m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quality bait

>> No.9558337

This feels like recycled Bitcoin FUD from a few years ago.

>> No.9558353

See that these are agian attacks and not arguements

>> No.9558352

I don't think you know what fiat is. Hint: it isn't precious metal coins or asset backed.

>> No.9558367

This wasn't an attack or an argument - it was two questions.

>> No.9558374

how is this a personal attack? >>9558211

>> No.9558375

How is calling it recycled FUD an attack? There is no counter argument you'd accept that isn't based on scripture.

You're saying it's bad because bad people use it. The US dollar is used for far more evil.

>> No.9558376

implying I am a shill or a bot is an insulting attack

>> No.9558393

US dollar is used for far more good. No one has ever given to charity with Monero. The US dollar is a tool for ordinary people coopted by the immoral not designed for the immoral

>> No.9558412

If someone genuinely used Monero for good then that would be moral.

>> No.9558432

So if I go buy 1 Monero and donate it to charity your entire argument is moot?

>> No.9558434

I live traditional lifestyle, have family, moral values etc. I just don't worship a kike nailed to cross by other kikes, how am I brainwashed?
Europe should have remained pagan.

>> No.9558444

No that act would be moral but still Monero is immoral. Also while it would be moral it would be less moral than just giving to charity with dollars directly because then you are not supporting criminals.

>> No.9558446

You and I disagree on the Dollar. The current incarnation of the dollar (petrodollar) was created to establish US Economic hegemony on the globe. I can promise you there are far more dollars used for nefarious deeds than Monero.

>> No.9558460

Immoral acts with the dollar are still immoral, but holding USD does not contribute to criminality.

>> No.9558475


How is XMR better than XVG?
Anyone care to explain?

>> No.9558526


Except it does. If you hold any amount of any financial instrument used to facilitate a crime then you are complicit. You're going to burn in hell.

t. True christian

>> No.9558590

There’s also no proof the universe wasn’t created last Tuesday.

>> No.9558645

>tax evasion ("render unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's")
Christianity is such a cucked religion, holy shit.

>> No.9558656

>believing in god

>> No.9558689

No mate, I was just saying how it's great you're aware of the privacy features and acknowledge their real world applications. Your religious beliefs aren't an argument either. If you feel 'attacked' by that then that's your problem.

>> No.9558723

Wash your penis

>> No.9558775

>If you hold any amount of any financial instrument used to facilitate a crime
So any financial instrument ever created, you mean? Good. Then throw away all your money and let your children starve although your God tells you to provide for family, and in this day and age you need money for that faggot.

>> No.9558786

so much monero fud. trying to buy low?

>> No.9558819

>a moral coin like iota

Fucking Post was written by an atheist Jew I bet fuck outta here schlomo

Also Jesus cast the money changers out of the temple duck paying tax to the synagogue of Satan

>> No.9558859

This post reminds me of my friend named Shawn K. Not a true Christian. Instead, a judgemental bigot.

>> No.9558902
File: 437 KB, 730x604, mon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice fud, think i'll buy some

>> No.9559541


>> No.9559544

>being a christfag
get the fuck out loser, we're here to make money.

>> No.9559603

Extremely stupid. I could even argue IOTA is worse from a Christian point of view than xmr.
The whole point of Christianity is for people to make the right thing by themselves, not force them to do it.
btw why so much xmr FUD lately?

>> No.9559604

>some stupid statements can't be (dis)proven therefore we shouldn't into reasoning


>> No.9559768
File: 574 KB, 760x400, spelling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9559849

I am not sure if this is bait or if you are truly this big of a brainlet.

Monero is invented because privacy is needed. BTC shows all transactions which can be dangerous.

There are numerous articles online of people getting threatened to hand over their BTC because some criminal find out their address.
That's why we need privacy, to protect those that are righteous. Just as you would not want everybody to able to see your bank account.

Fiat, XMR, BTC, gold can all be used for bad and good. If you do bad things or not is up to you. You have been given free will by God to do the right thing.

Jesus held the same fiat which was also used for prostitution in that day and age. He just decided to use it for good and help the poor, elderly and disabled.

>> No.9559931

Monero is helping objectively criminals, it's literally illegal.
Privacy coins will be delisted from every exchange anytime soon cuz of regulation.

>> No.9559956
File: 92 KB, 450x555, 1524348130459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>render unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's

There it is: The very line that made me question Christianity. Go fuck yourself OP, I'm loading up on Monero today.

>> No.9560231

what about carbon dating?

>> No.9560525

thanks just sold 100k

>> No.9560598

We're at the point where I can't tell if this is ironic or people are actually this stupid.

>> No.9561010
File: 368 KB, 3000x3000, holyshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Is the price of damnation really worth some possible short term gains by picking this cryptocoin over say a more moral one like IOTA?
> a more moral one like IOTA
> moral like IOTA
> m o r a l . I O T A

lmao. solid troll but yah gave away the game at the end.

>> No.9561088

God doesn't exist you fucking retard.

>> No.9561116

the fund for monero is real these days. guys thats a buy signal

>> No.9561368

>subtle XMR shilling

>> No.9561428
File: 158 KB, 660x1011, Genesis-Chapter-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God doesn't exist you fucking retard.

Umm sorry Sweetie.

>> No.9561446
File: 429 KB, 603x454, 1516324018939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just Monika.

>> No.9561508

This is not what that means. Not even fucking close.