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File: 156 KB, 893x823, DdttQOrVQAI1D0w.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9554496 No.9554496 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9554508
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>> No.9554524
File: 1.93 MB, 1700x972, smug-satoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any utility these newfag devs could possibly bring to blockchain tech can be easily implemented on BCH. thats why we're partying :) BCH gonna suck the entire crypto market cap right up its anus. Due to the economics and game theory fundamentals of BCH those devs are going to end up developing and using tools for Bitcoin Cash whether they like it or not.

>> No.9554525
File: 11 KB, 128x180, 1526960881066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wtf, how old is she?

>> No.9554531


>actual intelligent people with intention to do real research and development


>Low-IQ normies having another idiot normiefest

>> No.9554532

Age of Consent laws are much more lax in South East Asia

>> No.9554533
File: 16 KB, 480x459, 1526514629907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So as an investor, would you rather have developers expanding their workforce or partying with your money? You leave the partying for yourself.

This is why you wont make it.

>> No.9554547

Those aren't Bitcoin Devs, as you can see in the Middle that is Jimmy Song with the cowboy hat. He sells these courses for $20k and they go out and start altcoin scams.

>> No.9554560

White lady on the far left has a forearm growing out of her neck!

>> No.9554563


must be nice...

>> No.9554584

Op is a coreshill. Kys

>> No.9554588

Nahh it looks like that girl is there on the BITCOIN CASH PARTY YACHT with her parents.

>> No.9554641


> nerds who don't know shit about market manipulation and only does experimentation and research papers


> chads with strong backgrounds of marketing, investing and market manipulation who can just fork the efforts of the nerds to keep up with other blockchains with ease

>> No.9554659

Corecuck is obvious

>> No.9554663

fuck off pedo shit

>> No.9554679


>> No.9554694

>fuck off pedo shit

they got a 12 year old girl on a boat full of half naked women but i'm the pedo shit, yea ok

>> No.9554699

jfc, it's that couple's daughter you creepy motherfuckers

>> No.9554714


Bcash is a node implementation, I think what you meant was Bitcoin Cash, the Bitcoin currency.

>> No.9554785

Wait, so you're saying this reflects poorly on BCH?

>> No.9554791

>appeals to reason

>> No.9554794

This has got to be the dumbest fucking post I've ever seen. What is this, some dumbass reverse psychology shit to shill BTC?

>> No.9554804

Probably 30, mate.

>> No.9554805
File: 77 KB, 544x297, pinkgoogly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>He thinks buying crypto is like buying stock in a company

super duper brainlet

>> No.9554806

OP, just in case you're not bait,
Do you realize how this is an argument for BTC?

>> No.9554815

Classic chad cope

>> No.9554832

you know bcash parties in asia only because they can't get western pussy

>> No.9554881


Hi, if you bothered to read the thread I already informed you bcash is a node implementation, the currency I believe you're referring to is Bitcoin Cash.

>> No.9554889
File: 32 KB, 69x204, bizarrorogerver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they clone roger?

>> No.9554890

Bcash the normie coin lol.

>> No.9554897
File: 97 KB, 768x403, 5B15BD53-F336-4429-848C-C1B73060B064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Connected World 2018

>> No.9554901

Only normies fall for Roger Ver's retarded scams.

>> No.9554914
File: 20 KB, 606x646, software.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bcash is a node implementation
This isn't even correct, the BCH node implememtations are called BitcoinABC, Btcoin Unlimited, and BitcoinXT

>> No.9554946

>bcash - OG bitcoin belivers who have enough money to party and hire ideologically driven badass devs to do the work (they already put in their time and are now enjoying life)


>Core made up of the finest, souless nerds Bildeberg can hire (or people whose families they kidnapped)

>> No.9554958

THERE'S the 4chan I miss!

>> No.9554965

>Roger Verysimilar

>> No.9554972

engineering competence and community breadth are of the few reliable fundamentals for disclosing the value of a cryptoasset.

the markets mature. 'thought leaders' like Ver and Wright are performing a brand suicide in every other appearance they make

>> No.9554975


and is he wearing a Nike shirt under that blazer?

>> No.9554991

pure bait

>> No.9555016

thanks just sold 100k

>> No.9555110
File: 81 KB, 387x350, Screen Shot 2018-05-21 at 9.41.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bcore lol


>> No.9555114

She's Project Manager

>> No.9555275

idk, you should ask her dad and her mom, the people standing next to her.

pretty sick of you, t.b.h.

>> No.9556250

>Do a peace sign, no one will notice the 4ft tall high school freshman.

>> No.9556295

Damn I hope my daughter is like that. How did she learn blockchain coding so early?

>> No.9556308

Id rather those hard working people in top than those losers on bottom who look like they just party all day. Code isn’t going to write itself

>> No.9556335


fucking kek

>> No.9556465

This. Lucky guys.

>> No.9556494

Holy shit if the fire sprinklers go off that place is going to turn into a s oy bean field

>> No.9556568
File: 94 KB, 999x399, 574DC5BD-1CA2-44E0-863C-8C482195BC9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but muh developers
>t. economicslit

>> No.9556614

Core is not real.

It's called Bitcoin.

>> No.9556668
File: 113 KB, 640x710, bcore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at the desperation of bcore cucks

>> No.9556736
File: 62 KB, 866x468, saltycorecucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



The twitter @bitcoin owner is based as fuck too

>> No.9556740
File: 8 KB, 250x227, 1522376059014s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old enough

>> No.9556749

ur gay

>> No.9556928

Dubs of truth

>> No.9557019
File: 1.51 MB, 1422x1025, Hypocritescammers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know.... both of em Samson and etherium guys are fucking pedophiles.
Why do they use those litte sweet animations? Sincerely not for business :).
They want to lure in young boys and girls

>> No.9557103

this imagine really sums up BTC vs BCH well.

engineers vs economists

>> No.9557116

>your money

>> No.9557132

>btc 1 week dev training bootcamp
They combined won't do more in their entire lives than a coked up nchain would do in an hour.

>> No.9557299

because they are memeing 20 something year old autists?

>> No.9557341


>> No.9557759

Charlie Lee BTFO
Stupid chink thinks he can pull the "Nevermind, you won't understand" lmao.

>> No.9557831

Stunt double

>> No.9558147

seems that you need hundreds of genius cryptographers to try and fail to hammer a round peg into a square hole for years on end.

>> No.9558885
File: 83 KB, 319x340, funny99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
