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File: 82 KB, 800x754, ourreceptionistkellyatwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9550862 No.9550862 [Reply] [Original]

>that receptionist or HR woman or any woman with a worthless job that only requires her to affect friendliness who acts overly friendly to you at first when you join the company but senses your betaness and / or introversion and soon comes to treat you with utter contempt

Has anyone else noticed this?

>> No.9550873

no, probably because i'm not a beta fag

>> No.9550879

They just outright hate me.

>> No.9550893
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>> No.9550914

Why do normies hate introverts so much?

>> No.9550921

alpha chicks only fuck alpha dicks

>> No.9550931

>That chick who's dating a dude in the office and is feeling you out to see if you measure up better than he does

I've got a feeling that this is an either/or thing buddy.

>> No.9550938

>utter contempt

What do you mean anon

>> No.9550958

OP, You have women in your workplace? the 1 woman @ work besides the cleaner has her own building! much better that way

>> No.9550968

He means he's sperged out so much at the office that his coworkers find it hard even making small talk so have ceased trying to bring OP into the fold.

>> No.9550969

Thats a fine 56%’er
She probably spends most of the day on her iphone updating facebook with the most recent tinder matches. Soon she will be addicted to browsing through the wysker app. Making me money unwillingly

>> No.9550970


Because when you don't talk to them enthusiastically they think its because you don't like them and take personal offence.

>> No.9550989

We have a few at our office.

>In before 9am but leave around 4pm.
>Always chatting and just sitting around.
>Don't actually do any work
>Everyone likes them and backs them up, saying they are valuable members of the company
>Literally answer phone calls 5 times a day and just forward the call to the actual person that was needed
>Type a lot on their keyboards but don't produce anything

TFW I saw how much she's fucking on. FUCKINGG REEEEE. FUCKING 27 year old roastie that does fuck all when I sweat 10hrs a day making the company money. And she makes $60k dollars has share options and loads of good benefits.
I'm on $65k and actually work all fucking day.
fucking fuck fuck ufufckfua

>> No.9550991

because they are viewed as people who are too lazy to try or people with a mental disorder

>> No.9550996

I can't relate, I would rather have people pretend I don't exist vs bother me with small talk.

>> No.9551001

No I haven’t I work with an office of 80% female (pharma reps)

You need to get over social anxiety OP
I had it before, just get out and talk to more people

>> No.9551005

What is Wysker lol

>> No.9551013


Fusion, FSN.

>> No.9551021

This. I've distanced myself from people that I found boring or basic and they started to hate me. I find it hilarious, though.

>> No.9551025

butthurt much?

>> No.9551028

normies get really personally is somebody does not show much interest or want to talk to them. the dumbest ones go absolutely nuts sometimes whenever somebody does not pay attention to them

>> No.9551065

I will never understand this sentiment, but I"m probably autist.

>> No.9551071

discord - 72mSNt

Day trading group! Lets help each other biz!

>> No.9551079


you are just not taht smart. shes hustled well,

>> No.9551080
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>apply for a job two positions above where you are now (at another company)
>say your job required you to do [half of what your boss actually does], and your boss made you do [the other half of what he actually does] plus you did [what you actually did]
>ask for a bunch of money

>> No.9551160

I find most women in the workplace judge others immediately after they meet them and will typically never change their mind about that initial impression. Most guys don't seem to give a fuck who you are, but most likely are being influenced by the women so they'll follow the woman's lead. I work with absolute turbo betas. Literally Office space the movie.

>> No.9551241

Not really, I don't feel like I project beta vibes. I have no issue reading others but often people tell me once we've gotten close that I'm very hard to read.

last office job I had a buddy and I worked a few desks down from a group of women in the office and I smelled like balls. I complained very loudly to my bud that I smelled like balls, I'm glad they didn't report me for that, but they were really nice women. Both had kids, probably into their 30s or 40s. Could be very catty towards other women when they left, it's just how girls are. They don't like the competition of other women because the way to excel in womanly competition is mostly subjective.

>> No.9551242

No I haven't you fucjin tard I flirt with the hr girl and it makes je untouchable every time the fuck are you doing idiot whiteboi

>> No.9551259

>that nigger boomer who steals his nephews laptop

>> No.9551270

ok now how do I do this when I don't presently have a job?

>> No.9551314


>> No.9551483

>that virgin incel who thinks anyone who isn't a beta cuck has to be black

>> No.9551512
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>> No.9551536

women have are biologically machevallian i hope this becomes more common knowledge

they will not interact with you because they see no value in you, you are 0 to them, less than dirt... they literally do not even see you as a human being, no be in their presence is disgusting to them.

>> No.9551618
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>I don't feel like I project beta vibes. I have no issue reading others but often people tell me once we've gotten close that I'm very hard to read
I know that feel. I was beta when I was younger but finally learned that most people fake confidence.
Learned how to do that myself and now everyone just thinks I'm an asshole.

>> No.9551667

eh, I don't fake confidence though. Most days I have it, some days I don't, I feel like this is human?

>> No.9551732

please go back /r9k/, you are not welcome here incel.

>> No.9551895

No, sorry man I can't relate to this. You sound like a massive faggot

>> No.9551906

>What is Wysker lol
Not gonna make it

>> No.9552047

Are you your boss' personal fucktoy? Exactly

>> No.9552084 [DELETED] 

The more austistic among as always bring up "small talk" as a kind of punching bag, implying this is what normies talk about the most.
And while there are indeed some people who only talk about trivial things like the weather, sportsball scores, and the broad questions about "how's it going, how is [spouse/bf/gf], man those Mondays amirite?", even these kinds of people are shunned by normies

After all, what kind of talk isn't trivial?
The narrow details of a certain vidya gayme or gaymes are as dull to someone not interested in them as sportsball is to someone autistic like me.
And, the deeper topics in life cannot simply be talked over with people who are really more of acquaintances than a anything else; and furthermore on this point, the great discussions of life are usually longform, and talked about between close friends.

As I've learned, one of the easiest ways into becoming seemingly normal and not austistic when talking with coworkers and the like (while still in truth being an autist) is twofold:

One way is asking questions. It's almost a fun game that can be played between you and the person and others will like it because on average folks like to talk about themselves.
You can ask about just about anything, like someone's favorites if whatever (this works in early relationships too) and even a question like "what's your favorite candy bar" can lead you down a long winding road eventuating in debate about whether a hotdog is a kind of sandwich.

Another way is by gossip.
Human tribes have gossiped amongst themselves for thousands of years; how else do you think they passed the time?
As long as it isn't meanspirited, and you don't do it too often to where you become 'a gossip' or a complainer, it is the easiest way to gain a greater cadre of normie frienquantances, and thereby find the less normieish among the group.

>> No.9552089

Girls at my old job used to think I didn't like them because I didn't smile all the time like all the beta cucks that worked there

>> No.9552108

The more austistic among us always bring up "small talk" as a kind of punching bag, implying this is what normies talk about the most.
And while there are indeed some people who only talk about trivial things like the weather, sportsball scores, and the broad questions about "how's it going, how is [spouse/bf/gf], man those Mondays amirite?", even these kinds of people are shunned by normies

After all, what kind of talk isn't trivial?
The narrow details of a certain vidya gayme or gaymes are as dull to someone not interested in them as sportsball is to someone autistic like me.
And, the deeper topics in life cannot simply be talked over with people who are really more of acquaintances than a anything else; and furthermore on this point, the great discussions of life are usually longform, and talked about between close friends.

As I've learned, one of the easiest ways into becoming seemingly normal and not austistic when talking with coworkers and the like (while still in truth being an autist) is twofold:

One way is asking questions. It's almost a fun game that can be played between you and the person and others will like it because on average folks like to talk about themselves.
You can ask about just about anything, like someone's favorites if whatever (this works in early relationships too) and even a question like "what's your favorite candy bar" can lead you down a long winding road eventuating in debate about whether a hotdog is a kind of sandwich.

Another way is by gossip.
Human tribes have gossiped amongst themselves for thousands of years; how else do you think they passed the time?
As long as it isn't meanspirited, and you don't do it too often to where you become 'a gossip' or a complainer, it is the easiest way to gain a greater cadre of normie frienquantances, and thereby find the less normieish among the group.

>> No.9552123

Hello incel

>> No.9552158

Ignore them

>> No.9552473

Just be friendly with them and they will be friendly with you. They expect reciprocity. Don't act like an autist around them. Smile and say thank you.

>> No.9552511

sounds like this chick is smarter than you

>> No.9552517

REQ is the next coin on Coinbase, accumulate or stay poor.

>> No.9552544


you can be introverted and still be alpha. don't confuse the two.


Stop being a pathetic fucking beta then. Read The Rational Male and take control of your life. It has nothing to do with them being HR. Any woman will treat you with disgust if you are a beta faggot.

>> No.9552591

i once had the hottest girl in the office invite me out for the drinks.

I am an autist, figured out she had a boyfriend and ditched her last minute, then did whatever I could to ignore or not see her at work.

i regret it

but also

if she did it to her current dude

she'd definitely do it to me

i still shoulda tried to hit it

>> No.9552632

reddit spacing

>> No.9552638

Honestly this is it. If social interaction with people you don't know well stresses you out and drains you, then you gotta learn to live with it.

>> No.9552657

even for reddit spacing that's fucking terrible

>> No.9552659

>this chick can smell my musk and gets wet
>me being so stressed out wagecucking don’t even notice her
>she makes small talk
>all I can do is try to get through the paper work, flipping through sets of books trying to find the answer to some paperwork, so my boss doesn’t fire me, barely talk back to her
>I say something stupid like Marilyn Manson has a big dick and I wanna suck it
>entire office heard me
>she makes that ugly face cuz she’s a good Christian girl
>I go home and masturbate, praying I have a job tomorrow

>> No.9552765


Fuck this gay earth. you are expected to shower bored wornout 30-50 yo roasties with positive attitude and attention. Reminding them to do their job - not so positive anon.

On the contrary, 20-25 yo girls are quite pleasant to be around, they usually don't talk too much and follow every order without questioning.
And miraculously, the work actually gets done.

>> No.9552829
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I truly hope this is real

>> No.9552903

what dude

>> No.9552929

Fuck that, I don't give a fuck about people enough to ask questions and I despise gossip.

>> No.9553735

It gets worse when they find out you are with a sweet young asian girl half their age. Like, their contempt doubles.

>> No.9553827

Them being half your age is a little weird though, usually its the girl that gets the shit for that though

>> No.9554039

Dude, it’s a fucking WOMAN. What they think/feel is literally of zero importance, they are worthless trash. Treat them like little children (which is basically what they are) and they’ll fall into line

>> No.9554100

She’s smarter than you for finding a way to do less work and earn more than the majority of the company

>> No.9554242

nah man nothing weird about young asian girls.
its a natural refuge for the modern man from the bitchy screeching hysterical modern woman.

>> No.9554387

Can't say I have your problem OP I'm literally chad. Tall, handsome, /fit/, nice clothes and alpha as fuck from years of doing karate and selling drugs. The women at my office act nervous as fuck around me and always play with their hair or show other submissive body language. occasionally I'll get a somewhat bitchy email from one of the girls that think they run the place and instead of responding I just walk over to their office and explain why so and so didn't get done how/when they wanted and they instantly crack, smile and say not to worry about it despite their cunty email. A lot of them act super flirty around me but the only ones that are hot are the young interns and I just know fucking around with them will piss off the old hens because of jealousy and cause a shit storm. Step your game up faggot, hit the gym, get a good haircut and learn how to dress and carry yourself.

>> No.9554397

Two girls that always were together always smiled at me and tried to make small talk. Being the autist I am I always awkwardly avoided, they weren't smoking hot but they weren't ugly either. Months later I learned from a good source they wanted to have a threesome with me. Thinking about it makes me want to kill myself.

>> No.9554407


>> No.9554458

>that girl at the office that only interacts with you when she is fighting with her boyfriend and complains to you about how much of a piece of shit he is
what is this about lads

>> No.9554553
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tfw my chad journey didnt start until i started my job as a nightclub bouncer. every fucking guy on staff is chad and i can still remember my first night scanning in the id's being in so over my head
but its true you become like the people you hang around, best thing i ever did was a get a job at this fucking sleazy nightlcub

>> No.9554607

you're her emotional tampon

>> No.9554624

Why though?
At least if you don't give a fuck about people you should acknowledge that they then shouldn't give a fuck about you.
If that's you, then alright my dude.
But if you expect people not to basically shun you if you don't give them something in return for their friendliness, then you have a warped view of the world.

>> No.9554876

>being a wagecuck

>> No.9554891


>> No.9554905
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>> No.9555499
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>there are normies that browse this board


>> No.9555688

/r9k/ does not own every board of 4chan
you get out, and go back to your containment board

>> No.9555693

Lie and make up a reason why they cant contact your "previous employer"

>> No.9555697

I'm a normie beta fag wage-cuck.

Every miserable morning I get a cup of coffee at the same coffee shop and get served by the same roastie. For the first 6 months she refused to learn my name, she asked every god damn time. I was invisible to her.

I then started teasing her about how she can never remember it. She took notice and made sure she knew the next morning.

I never paid her any more attention after that and now she's back to ignoring me and has forgotten my name again.

Moral of the story: - if you're not chad, just kys.

>> No.9555750

>that they then shouldn't give a fuck about you
This is exactly what I want, but normies won't leave me alone. I am courteous to those that initiate with me btw, but I would rather prefer people pretend I don't exist.

>> No.9555787

i'll probably start wageslaving at the software industry soon, is there a way to avoid roasties there if you do your job well? I figure productivity is more important than playing the office game. my problem is not really autism but rather deprssion and contempt for small talk / retarded normie culture (le big bang theory, "suzan's getting married" etc)

>> No.9555803

Because she has literally hundreds of beta fags to fucking counsel through a simple transaction every day. Be polite, buy your coffee quickly and then fuck off. This simple demonstration of emotional intelligence will place you ahead of the pack.

>> No.9555861

Yeah i had to chat and fondle the last secretary otherwise she'd give me resting shitface. Glad i left that place. These girls are nuts and typically on pills. Best be beta faggot around them. Less headaches.

>> No.9555950

Saged on old hen politics brother.

>> No.9555969

yes but it makes me feel good knowing thta their liberal arts degree assess are locked into these kinds of jobs and theyll be one of the first positions AI will take over. They literally check if you have the qualifications and if you arent retarded or a criminal

>> No.9556008

>in debate about whether a hotdog is a kind of sandwich.

thank you reddit

>> No.9556024

>that 30 (or 40) something roastie who is a manager of some sorts
>has a joocy ass and tight figure
>wears “office dresses” that are mid thigh high, skirts so tight that you can see individual cheeks, nipples seen through her tops, cleveage when she bends over, dont forget the huge high heels to really make her ass look good
>but anon dont look thats sexual assault!
>literally cant stop myself from looking at her ass everytime she walks by
>actually have to talk to her
>see her up close and realise how beat up and old her face is
Fuck offices
Fuck old whorish roasties who get by hoeing

>> No.9556041

But you know what.

Extroverted people are stupid and uninteresting.
Women are stupid and uninteresting.

Do 1+1.

>> No.9556053

>open the door to her
>shut it again rudely
>go on a Danish dishwasher forum and complain about roasties

zero sympathy for betacuck faggots

>> No.9556054

>that fat hand that never seen a day at a gym

No thanks, not concerning myself with 3/10 roastie

>> No.9556187

software devs pls respond

>> No.9556268

Grade A+ post, jezus dude.

>> No.9556280

You're jerking off too much not even joking...give it a week without cumming and you will feel like superman

>> No.9556443

Honestly tries doing this and it just made me super aggressive and angry all the time. It was like having roid rage all the time and looking for fights for people I meet. It's uncanny what excess testosterone does to you.

>> No.9556444

Get a grip lad

>> No.9556605


You will end up wishing there were roasties in the sw development industry. You will meet only guys doing the relevant stuff, and few female managers with no clue at the start, the middle and the end of their career.

>> No.9557397


This is sadly the case with every single receptionist I've ever met. Same with HR.

>> No.9557433

Yeah, I have. Shit I really have. Mine was significantly older than me (like 50 while I was 21) so she became like a motherly figure to me and I did her son's math homework in my spare time (for her to read and review with him later when he does it on his own.) I'm not even kidding.

>> No.9557561

>play with their hair
I thought for a second this was you doing this

>> No.9557656

I once got a date with the super hot receptionist at my work, two or three years ago when I didn't look like an old man. It went really well but when she started touching me I didn't reciprocate and she got bored and left, unfriended me on FB and that was that. I prob could have fucked her, she was talking about not going home etc. Oh well.

I'm shit with girls but somehow managed to get into triple figures at least. Now I just need my crypto back up and I will retire from trying at things.

>> No.9557813

You must look at the hearth whilst poking the fire

>> No.9557861

I'm introverted, but since I am handsome people think I am just brooding and mysterious and women go out of their to get me to talk to them kek. When did this board become /r9k/ btw ?

>> No.9557967

This anon knows his shit. Eventually, there is also the third option of humour, the one trait that separates us from animals. If you're somewhat intelligent, humour 'usually' comes naturally to you. Make 'em laugh and you'll become one of them. Of course, this involves figuring out what kind of people they are and what makes their funny bones tickle.

>> No.9558066

Sounds comfy, so long as those managers can't influence my employment because of this social stuff described itt.

>> No.9558225

quite the opposite problem anon. most groups have no girls, and the guys are weirdos like you.
it drove me crazy as there was nothing to look at during the day

>> No.9558255

Baby face neckbearded Skinny fat Manlet detected. Typical, you’re not a Man, and obviously you’re not a man. Women are stealth ninjas and can detect your beta ness from continents away.

As long you workout like a man, have the body of a man, talk like a man, (deep voice) have the confidence of a man with a don’t give a fck type of attitude, women will be attracted to you.
This only works on western women. All western women are roasters or potential roasters. Women like men who carry an godly aura around themselves. The aura of confidence and respect of others... it’s really that simple. You beta faggits will be beta faggits forwver

>> No.9558346

Hope you're right, though I'm afraid I'll still
run into a lot of Reddit types, which is almost as bad

>> No.9558348

Holy fuck reading most of these comments makes me realize what pathetic men I’m talking to on this shitty fucking board.

You’re 25-35 and still don’t have this shit figured out yet? Absolutely fucking pathetic.

>> No.9558356

>Blowing your bosse's dick and having im cum in your mouth for promotions

>> No.9558386


OP here. I do have it figured out. I have an ugly face so I live life on hard mode

>> No.9558415

just watch your back. it's not like school, people will be looking to make you look bad if they see you as a threat
it's the weakest ones you have to look out for. they think they need to drag other people down to keep themselves employed.
the ones that can actually provide for themselves are usually willing to help

>> No.9558425

Never noticed.

>> No.9558503

What makes one look as a threat? Threat in what sense?

>> No.9558543
File: 111 KB, 1494x1725, wagecuckguide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to read pic related and this blog if your going to do the whole wagecuck office thing


>> No.9558648

Can't just be a good autistic codemonkey without the whole office politics thing?

>> No.9558698

to give a few examples:

my first job was on a dying project, never delivered on time and the customer was always complaining about it. when i got hired on everyone told me they didn't expect me to be competent until 1 year of experience because it was really complicated stuff.
and it was, but i worked really hard at it and after 3 months i was a lot better at it than many that had been there over a year.
management didn't notice, because they graded performance on number of assignments done. my lead would give the the most difficult and complex tasks (because he knew i could do it), so I'd only get 1 done every 2 weeks while one guy got 5 done every week. never mind my job was 1000x harder than theirs. that guy got all the easy tasks because the lead knew they were not capable of much more
so naturally one of the guys that had been there for a long time said I was making them look bad and should stop working so hard.

in another job i was complaining about lots of unpaid overtime and joked i should just leave at the end of 40 hours. well mr self appointed supervisor notified my bosses boss and i got a threatening phone call from them. there was only 2 of us in the very specialized position, he'd been there 6 months longer than me and was frequently asking me for help.
neither of us were at risk of losing our jobs by any stretch of the imagination, yet he went out of his way to make me look bad to the uppers.

at job #3, he was my lead, seemed decent enough, but very weak willed. he did acid and lots of drugs when younger, and ended up marrying a single mother and complained about how his step daughter didn't like him.
but anyway, apparently he had been bad mouthing me to my boss without telling me anything he wanted different. he'd praise my work when he was around me. never heard anything bad from my boss until my performance review which got the lowest score. my boss was in another state and never had seen any of my work.

>> No.9558739

I have this problem too anon. People expect so much from you. I can't be bothered to flirt/banter 24/7. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.9558757

Being this autist. to have to try this hard to not seem awkward with people with whom you work almost everyday

>> No.9558777

Did any of this stuff cost you your employment though ?

>> No.9558789

Fucking these.

>> No.9558814
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>caring what women think about you

did i click on r9k?

>> No.9558829



Gossip is social currency. If you don't gossip you are seen as wierd
And getting people to talk about themselves is the oldest social trick in the book.

>> No.9558854
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>> No.9558866


treat them like the little children they are

>> No.9558881


trash for brainlets

>> No.9558904


grow balls. you are a nobody on an anime coin board. you have zero to lose

>> No.9558976
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>be wagie who made it to the $300k club
>completely stop giving a fuck
>order other wagies around
>change processes without asking permission
>talk down to worthless women
>never participate in forced group activities
>never stay late ever
>wagelord gives me even more money
>wagelord says if I keep it up I will run the show

>> No.9559180

these are pretty tame examples, but i'm sure anons will run into people with axes to grind rather than small arrows I had to deal with.
in #3 it soured the relation with my employer, it was a small company and i didn't have the patience to deal with their inexperience. i quit shortly after for related reasons
in #2 it could have cost me promotion if combined with other complaints (there were none) and i didn't have my direct super vouching for me.

i'm just warning anons it's a minefield, i knew how to deal with it somewhat but maybe you can learn from my experience.
i don't understand your comment

>> No.9559204

anon... I...

>> No.9559211

itt: introverted normies who think only extroverted people are normies.

>> No.9559245
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Can't say I have your problem OP I'm literally chad. Tall, handsome, /fit/, nice clothes and alpha as fuck from years of doing karate and selling drugs. The women at my office act nervous as fuck around me and always play with their hair or show other submissive body language. occasionally I'll get a somewhat bitchy email from one of the girls that think they run the place and instead of responding I just walk over to their office and explain why so and so didn't get done how/when they wanted and they instantly crack, smile and say not to worry about it despite their cunty email. A lot of them act super flirty around me but the only ones that are hot are the young interns and I just know fucking around with them will piss off the old hens because of jealousy and cause a shit storm. Step your game up faggot, hit the gym, get a good haircut and learn how to dress and carry yourself.

>> No.9559334

nice larp

>> No.9559369

And point out they aren't contributing and they, along with their clique rain fire and fury down upon you and you're immediately yanked into the boss' office for utter bullshit like shrugging or doing exactly what was asked and not taking initiative to perfect their request.

>> No.9559383
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give some examples of reasons plox

>> No.9559392
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>> No.9559394

lol wut

>> No.9559433

>management didn't notice, because they graded performance on number of assignments done
this is the part where YOU should have acted
if u know about it and keep on doing it - that's on you m8

>> No.9559494
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1232451511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a wageslave
>giving a fuck about what roasts think of you
Oh boy, let me just laugh at you real quick
>this is what the lives of '''''''oppressed'''''''' women are in the west
>mfw wagecucks actually have to cope with this

>> No.9559523

Imagine being so deluded you have to brag to your friends on a random korean image board

>> No.9559560
File: 391 KB, 500x372, 1406745783979.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replying to a pasta I copied from the SAME thread
kys newfags

>> No.9560070

not an argument

>> No.9560476

yes. i hate women. they are terrible investments and theyre all conartists. who knows if i even saged this post

>> No.9561029

Bouncer gig is perfect, plenty of fights and dealing with hot sluts good on you man.
Hey man I started when I was like 7 or 8 and did it till I was like 15/16. Taught me how to fight and not be a little pussy from sparring with kids way bigger. Yes Doing MMA would have been way cooler and I would know how to grapple way better but the reflexes and knowing how to throw a punch stuck. Knowing how to fight on top of lifting will put your confidence through the roof, I wouldn’t expect a beta who makes women’s pussy dry up more than the Sahara to understand this though.

>> No.9561074

>if you don't worship women like a pathetic loser you're actually the real beta
kys roastie

>> No.9561132

/making it/ isn't 100% about working hard, anon. I learn this when I was like 6