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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9545345 No.9545345 [Reply] [Original]

okay /biz/ which one of you retards is this

>> No.9545439

This post hit real close to home, OP.
TFW this is basically me.

>> No.9545501

Theres a literal poster who posts about this sometimes, he made a thread a few days ago

>> No.9545547

this is why I still come to this board

>> No.9545563

Mental illness
>investing after the bubble popped

>> No.9545576

Doesn't this guy post here alot?

>> No.9545583

This is an actual poster from here. Is article real though? First line is from That Eminem song on 8mile

>> No.9545596

Cuck literally paying for whales 8394th retirement
There's a sucker born every minute

>> No.9545598

wheres the article faget

>> No.9545599

thats when you buy for the next bull run moron.

>> No.9545600

>people unironically believe the bubble has even begun

>> No.9545617

I find his choice of shitcoins very questionable. I agree with him in spirit, all in crypto but maybe take out some loans and invest in some blue chips like ETH

>> No.9545618

Also if he's so convinced how come he didn't do this back in 2012 or so
Lol it's too late now homie
Early 2017 was the absolute last chance

>> No.9545628

He’s gonna make it brahs

>> No.9545638

>global crypto market cap is less than facebook
>muh bubble
You are a pleb.

>> No.9545667

Nah son if you know how crypto works you know damn well what this guy is doing is super retarded
You can start with 1k, as long as you play your cards right you can make some money
Risking more doesn't mean you will earn more
If you went all in on december youre fucked now
Basically, it's all random and you dont need to put a lot of money since you never know when the whales are going to pump or dump your shitcoin

>> No.9545697

>"bubble popped"
checked and kek'd!

>> No.9545719

He should be using a van instead of a fucking sunfire

>> No.9545727

Was good idea for internet boom companies. Who knows where this shit will end up. The dude is invested in shitcoins though

>> No.9545731
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i would probably live in my car if i didnt stay at my parents

not because i lack the money to afford a house, but i would get terrible lonely in a house just by myself desu, would rather sleep in a car and kill time with work and investment

smart man i guess

>> No.9545752


>> No.9545772

>Was good idea for internet boom companies.
Was it?
AFAIK 99% of those companies went to 0. The ones that survived are the ones we still use today.

>> No.9545784

Only retards went in at 19k. Honestly you are safe to go all-in on the 5-8k range. Historically Bitcoin has done a cumulative average gain of 212% every year.

I remember people were laughing at the guy that maxed out loans to buy 70k both of ETH at $210 last year. Now you don't hear a peep.

Normally I'm against (((loans))) but crypto makes it totally worthwhile.

>> No.9545836

cant you guys see the underlying message? invest in those shitcoins while you can. if this blows up you'll miss out on the easiest moon of your life. COLX and FND

>> No.9545851

fucking pajeets, we really need flags on biz

>> No.9545866
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For all we know it could easily drop to 3k lol
I bet a lot of people after the goxxening said $400-600 was a safe entry point just to see it tank to $230
You don't need to put a lot of money in, you just need a lot of luck
You could put 1 million in December and go broke or you could put $800 on verge this time last year and got out with millions

>> No.9545895

kys linknigger

>> No.9545973

If u really think the market is "random" (topkek), u know absolutely nothing about trading and you should really do yourself a favor and not trade at all.

>> No.9546009

Oh so if it's not random it's predictable right?
Tell me what to buy RIGHT NOW to multiply 10x my money
See? You don't know because it's random, I win, you lose

>> No.9546076

your arguments match the arguments of an 8 year old. for your own sake - do not trade!. i'll be fine like the last 2 years thanks.

>> No.9546105

Are you one of those Ta faggots? You realize that shit doesn't work right? If it worked, everyone would be using the same indicators and everyone would get rich overnight
Astrologycucks are the worst

>> No.9546122

This is literally how some people think trading works.

> You can't predict years in the future so markets are random!

Keep believing a bunch of overly emotional panicky retards buying and selling things to eachother is 'random'.

>> No.9546138
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>normies unironically believe this

>> No.9546145

If anything the crypto market is the least random because every single coin still trails BTC.

>> No.9546168

Forgot to add: unless you're a whale yourself or the bitfinex ceo or someone with 1M BTC who's behind every pump and dump you literally are clueless just like the rest of us and don't know what you're doing. Unpredictable/random.
I didn't say "markets", I was talking about the crypto market in particular. A stock value is based on the perceived value of a company's products and services. A bitcoin's value is based on how much you think it will go up in the future. That's 100% speculative which is very related to it being random.

>> No.9546183

And what made btc skyrocket to 20k? Then tank to as low as 5800? Did trump announce btc was gonna replace the dollar then changed his mind or something like that?
What's that? You don't know? Then it's random

>> No.9546209

I will say it's hard if not impossible to predict the price next year, you can to some degree predict the price in the next few hours in specific situations.

Usually situations where people have reacted emotionally moving the price to unsustainable levels.

Successful trading is finding those situations and exploiting them over and over again.

>> No.9546271

Whatever, it's the same every year and every year comes someone (many) like u and talk pure bullsh*t. i have no complains in 2 and a half years in crypto i'll be fine anyways. good luck i hope u won't make tragic mistakes with that thinking cause u clearly doesn't know how the market works.

>> No.9546284

Is the weather random too, anon?
Just because you dont understand why something happens it doesnt mean it's random

>> No.9546287

good for him..... hope he makes it

>> No.9546311

We are the tastemakers.

>> No.9546323


>> No.9546359

You win /biz/, you win it all. You're the most retarded person to post on this board, congratulations. Of all the retarded Linkies holding all-in bags troughout the biggest bullrun thus far you outretard them all. I am sincerely jealous of the bliss you must live in being so ignorant, so naïve, such a humoungous retard.

>> No.9546383

how do these people have sex

>> No.9546406
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>> No.9546436

Digital money is will be used and globally, but it will be a single one worldwide or at least a single one per country and not this "mess"

>> No.9546445

Lmao that comparison
Ok, can you predict the market? Show me, tell me the price of btc for the next 30 days and I'll believe you
Again: unless you're a whale pulling the strings it's unpredictable for plebs like us
Go ahead and show us then
Is BTC going up or down on the next few hours?
And what's stopping someone thinking the same as you but predicting the exact opposite?
Kek you guys are something else
Oh wait, did I miss something? Was there a reason for the bullrun and the tankening?
>muh halvening

>> No.9546449

to make clear he is betting at the ones that arent going to "be the future"

>> No.9546461

hahah it's the sunfire guy !!!
what city ??? sauce, you idiot

>> No.9546473
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>> No.9546489

I got to the point that u already convinced everyone on the board you know nothing about trading, and nobody even think u worth a conversation. trading is not for u if u can't plan a project for several year ahead.

>> No.9546508

U got to the point*

>> No.9546532

>Go ahead and show us then
>Is BTC going up or down on the next few hours?

I said in very specific situations. Situations that come along once a day if you're lucky. You have to scan the market and wait for them.

I have no idea what BTC or most cryptocurrencies will do in the next few hours.

>> No.9546548

Yeah we can all agree that BTC will go up long term but this guy went all in on some obscure shitcoins idk
But what do I know, you guys can keep doing whatever you guys do and be happy with your awesome financial decisions while I just try to avoid financial suicide

>> No.9546569

>what is swing trading
Coins go sideways and when a coin is undervalued it dips and corrects itself in a few days/hours, by your analogy coins only go in a straight horizontal line or a straight vertical up/down.

>> No.9546581

go back to the girls house instead

or fuck in the car (its easy, just find an empty parking lot, or wait for sundown)

or fuck in public (nature park quicky is very fun, bathroom stall, and more!)

>> No.9546600

If you'll take the time needed to learn the market you might learn to find the good opportunity, but u can't play for "the next hours" u have to spread your investments to months at least.

>> No.9546604

>swingtrading xvg last year
>bought at 2 sats sold at 8 just to see it go to 1400 later that year
Yeah, as I was saying this shit is random

>> No.9546606

read new order of barbarians

and no you dont want it, they are going to be inflationary as fuck and your spendings will be tracked by the state.

>> No.9546684

Playing short-term (minutes, hours, even days) is not recommended at all! every investment must be planned several months ahead with lots of patience at the beginning, but if you'll play long you'll have way better chances to make profits.

>> No.9546704

When u play short-term u tend to fall for all the market traps (dead cat bounces, pump or dump bots, and more).

>> No.9546714

Not "random" but manipulated by few people/insiders and full of bots.

>> No.9546726

When i started i did horrible mistakes playing short-term until i said stop! and changed my whole method.

>> No.9546740

as i stated just above u.

>> No.9546762


t. deluded faggots

>> No.9546795
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>> No.9546842

If you had
One chart
Or one opportunity
To gain everything you ever wanted
In one moment
Would you capture
Or just let it dip?

His friends are selling, hands weak, bags are heavy
There's wojaks on his telegram already, pink tragedy
He's nervous, but the order book looks calm and ready
To pump tons, but he keeps on resettin'
What he bid down, the whole pump burns to ground
He opens his margin, but the longs won't come out
Bubble blowin', how, bankers jokin' now
The bulls run out, losses up, over, blaow!

Snap back to reality, oh there goes McAfee
Oh, there goes Reddit, they sold
He's so mad, but will he give up as easy? No
He won't dump it, he knows his whole stack it is doge
It don't matter, just doubt, he knows that, but the scope
He's so shilled that he knows, when it goes back to this mobile zone, that's when its
Back to the top again yo, this whole rhapsody
He better go capture this movement and hope it don't pass him

>> No.9546851


I wonder if this is actually him and he got to the press or the press got to him about it
His story was the same

>> No.9546900


>> No.9546959

A masterwork

>> No.9546978

once you realize crypto is a PONZI SCHEME everything will make sense.

>> No.9547004

why do you think I knew crypto would be a thing before I knew it existed?

>> No.9547043

LOL this is actualy that canadian dude who lives in his car parked in a friends garage for 40$/month.

This dude will make it, no fucking doubt about it.

>> No.9547049
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>> No.9547124

its things like this that make me realize that its too late. there are a LOT of people like this guy, who have mortgaged their houses, who are living in tents, quit their jobs, took massive loans, so they could go all in on crypto. do you really think the system is going to let these people win? these people are seriously fucked and these amazing levels of greed and delusion you are seeing is how you know crypto is a ponzi scam.

>> No.9547150
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Fukkin' saved

>> No.9547175
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Looks comfy

>> No.9547276

you know how many people have done this troughout 2017 2016 and 2015? People have litterly taken out second mortages to buy LTC at 2$, and guess what? They won

>> No.9547292

a...nd here's another one who lost and start talking bullsh*t. can't blame you i know how it feels, but you're only making a clown of yourself.

>> No.9547319

give up there will always be trolls crying it's part of the game whether we like it or not.

>> No.9547656
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Hey I read this guys thread.
Hey annon if you're listening consider investing in HBT i mean Sound tokenomics, over 50% of total supply held by ico participants and they have rly good partnerships with mozilla and telenor

>> No.9548113
File: 32 KB, 429x500, Turtle Marine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mental illness
>Living in van
>Speculates on crypto
T-Turtle Marine?

>> No.9548194

Is "hir" spoken like 'her' or 'here'?
Also if it's the former, what would be the point, seeing as it sounds exactly like 'her' in speech?

>> No.9548340

Had a crazy thought
What if crypto technology does reach wider adaption maybe 10x or 100x or 1000x current usage but unrelated to cryptocurrency.
>crypto bubble doesnt pop
>cryptocurrency goes nowhere