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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9510087 No.9510087 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a troll free REQ thread?

What are your expectations for EOY?

>> No.9510103


>> No.9510110
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>> No.9510120

Coinbase Commerce is being built on top of the REQ platform. REQ is the most likely ERC20 coin to be added to GDAX. This will give them access to fiat currencies like USD and EURO (which is on their Q2 roadmap) while allowing Coinbase to do all sorts of other shit that REQ had planned all along. They are not working against each other, they are complimenting each other. This is more likely than any other ERC20 support. 2 weeks anon

>> No.9510157


>doesn't know how to spell "complementing" properly

>> No.9510186

If they deliver on the roadmap, and the market stays the same BTC below $10.000

I could see Req going up to $1

If BTC goes over $20.000+

We could see Req at $3-5

Req is still missing Bithub/Bittrex/Poloniex pump listings.

And we are yet to see their accounting/audit/invoicing apps. Payments is just the first and of tight now they are the only Decentralized payment processor for crypto.

>> No.9510201

>makes great argument to refute my premise

>> No.9510227

peequest haha pooquest

>> No.9510248


>Doesn't realize that the world works in such a way where you need to prove your claims before people believe you

>> No.9510261

“To REQUEST a cryptocurrency payment, you create a charge. You can create and view charges. Since cryptocurrency payments are PUSH payments, a charge will expire after a waiting period (payment window) if no payment has been detected. Charges are identified by a unique code.”


What does Request network specialize in? “Sharing your banking information isn’t necessary (Push payment vs Pull)”


>> No.9510267

Or here is another thing. Want to see a demo for Coinbase Commerce? Ycombinator pops up and has you sign up with your e-mail. Who else is backed by Ycobinator? Request Network?


>> No.9510277

“the GDAX team will wait for additional regulatory clarity before wedecidewhich ERC20 assets to support on GDAX.”


Here is a fun fact. do you remember why Substratum was allowed to do a ICO in the US? Here is an interview with Justin Tabb: @ 19:51

“… if the currency that you are launching is the fuel that runs your system, like Ether is to Etherium, you are ok to run as an ICO in the US”


>> No.9510276



Leading the wittness

>> No.9510283

Isn’t Reddit a YCombinator company too?
When is REQ to pay for reddit gold

>> No.9510292

I fucking dumped this shit at a low point and feel comfy doing it
Cuz it is bleeding even more now, this coin is fucking dead

>good team
>promising system
does NOT = good performance

>> No.9510294
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They will be supporting a different type of gold soon.

>> No.9510306


Is DigiX a good coin? Like can I actually get the gold I buy?

>> No.9510325

Not sure what they have planned for it to be honest. Maybe a stable coin? But it seems like a coin that Coinbase may be interested in.

>> No.9510341


it'll engage the boomers ye

>> No.9510435

>This is my hunch guys trust me

>> No.9510445

REQ 3k end of decade

>> No.9510453
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>> No.9510489

>muh pay button that any dev can code in a few hours

>> No.9510509

Troll free guys, read the OP

>> No.9510519

I've been monitoring all of binances wallets and only weak hands are dumping (most dumping over the past week bought at .05 yet didn't sell at the ATH lol)
I can't really explain the reason for the low volume pullback but there's too many binance whales by now for the token to completely collasp
Trust in the partnerships and the upcoming fundraising dapp.
sell the pumps, buy the dips
Never hold

>> No.9510566

Why even be on 4chan

>> No.9510608

>haha lmao le 4chan ebic ftw trolls xD haha

gb2 reddit please, or contribute to the discussion

>> No.9510919

They will see. 2 weeks we all will know

>> No.9510950

REQ might not be a quick moneymaker but at least you know they will still be around in 5 years actively working on their product when 90% of the other companies have abandoned their shitcoins long ago. REQ might not make you rich but it will make you money, and that with the bonus that you don't have to fear them exit scamming sometime soon. Compfy hold for me.

>> No.9510974

They are also Ycom buddies so networking betwewn the two is easier.

>> No.9511007

REQ bagholder here.

Can anyone that isn't completely fucking delusional explain why they would list us on GDAX let alone use the platform to build coinbase commerce, when they have a team of engineers who could reverse engineer the entire platform.

>> No.9511029

Why bother? It would likely cost more to build and maintain than just using request network. The beauty of decentralization in action

>> No.9511073
File: 62 KB, 1154x337, Screen Shot 2018-05-19 at 2.28.54 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reverse engineer the entire platform
>create new partnerships with every other coin that makes REQ work in the meantime
do you know what you invested in anon?

>> No.9511075

Yeah but there is not a chance coinbase would compromise their security by using REQ. Sorry guys.

>> No.9511099

what security?

>> No.9511106

Stay delusional man. I'm not selling but we both know that in 2 weeks time REQ won't even be back at .29

>> No.9511125

you are making no good arguments, and i'm delusional

>> No.9511167


Read this you dumb faggot. I hate even talking with reqlets cause it makes me resent my bags

Enjoy that pipe dream. We're staying below .30 for the rest of the year and we both know it. The odds of coinbase commerce using request are slim to none

>> No.9511187
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again, do you even know what you invested in? Just dump your bags

>> No.9511206
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>> No.9511219
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$1 eoy

>> No.9511247

Read founders and leadership. The liquidity KILLS the Reqlet. Probably barely on Coinbase radar even being backed by YC

>> No.9511267

they wont have a liquidity problem in a couple of weeks. just stop bruh, you are making zero valid arguments. just insults and whining

>> No.9511301

Your only argument was that coinbase isn't secure. They haven't ever suffered a real hack. The delusion is so strong with the REQ community it makes me want to sell. Chainlink tier delusion.

Anyways lets both check back in 2 weeks when we get either delisted from binance or everyone panic sells from the volume drop off.

>> No.9511314

>your only argument was that coinbase isn't secure
uhhhhh. sounds good. make sure to take your meds before you come back

>> No.9511358

Can't tell if you're baiting or are actually this delusional. Enjoy those bags bro, only getting heavier this month.

>> No.9511380

how about you check the ID's you are responding to. No bags here I sold at $1 lol

>> No.9511393

it'll just continue to bleed due to no adoption

>> No.9511465

Just read it...req looks like it would fit the bill indeed. What are you even talking about?

>> No.9511510

These retards need to get fucking token swaps integrated ASAP.

>> No.9511579

$20 eoy or i kill myself

>> No.9511644

$40 two months

>> No.9511891


i unironically hope the project fails so you lose your $1k bags that you bought at $0.70

>> No.9511912

I was happy to hold until they burnt 20 of my REQ tokens from my Ledger Nano S. Like seriously out of all the tokens they could have chosen they had to burn mine. Obviously $4 isn't that big of a deal on its own, but I'm afraid once REQ starts going mainstream I'll lose thousands of my coins. Think I'm gonna market sell this shitcoin tomorrow.

>> No.9511929

160k reqlet reporting in, am i gonna make it??

>> No.9511947

I want to believe, but have they ever say something about it?

>> No.9511950
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>8 posts in this thread


>> No.9512003

this but unironically

>> No.9512028

i own 20,000 REQ

can we get to $30 within the next 3 years?

if we get to $20 i'm gonna cash out the $400,000 and quit my job and just live in hostels for the rest of my life , pleas tell me it can happen

>> No.9512059

You retarded piece of shit should've price locked your REQ at $1 on a Trezor instead of being the dumb fuck that you are. You deserve to have your entire stack burned. Why wait till tomorrow? Sell now, the market needs your cheap reqieq, because literally nobody is selling.

>> No.9512088

That's like 20 years of shitty living.

>> No.9512993

REQ is going to binance with Link. We have made it already. Screen cap this.

>> No.9513072

it's already on binance anon

>> No.9513090

Proof or shut the fuck up

>> No.9513344

I meant Coinbase LOL.