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9478901 No.9478901 [Reply] [Original]

Stable coins are an integral part of crypto adoption & these are going to be huge in future, I don’t know why more people don’t own them.

One of the biggest announcements coming out of Consensus was the investment Circle is making & the $110M invested to create a stable coin. This is a sign that these are going to be huge, you don’t spend $110M to not make money

Like we had a run on asic resistant coins & exchange coins, we will have a run on stable coins

So what are some of the stable coins that are available

>Tether - USD backed stable coin
Literally does what it says, keeps your money stable. No other benefits & run by very shady people

>MakerDao - Crypto backed stable coin
Collatorises your Eth into Dai (their stable coin). Allows you to borrow up to 150% of collatorised assets so a good way to leverage eth or use as a loan to cash out dai into real world currency. No transaction fees for using but there fees for collateralising your eth. Holder makes money from MakerDao appreciating and potentially using leverage for high risk trading

>Havven - Crypto backed stable coin
Can collatorise your havvens into an Eth backed stable coin called a nomin. Eth can be traded for Nomins instead of being moved to tether. They will have usd, euro, aud and a few other pairings soon. Nomins are the stable coin pegged at $1USD and meant for real world usage/spending. No cost to collatorise but transaction fees for using Nomins which are redistributed to holders of collatorised havvens. Holder makes money from Havven appreciating and network fees from nomins use.

Circle - USD backed stable Coin
Will be a usd backed stable coin, a safer alternative to tether. Cannot make money on this

Stable coins are going to be huge. There are two on the market at the moment that offer ways to make money off their adoption. The other two (tether and eventually circle) will not offer you a way to make money of holding them.

>> No.9478912

There will be more competitors in this space, there is bound to be... but it’s an oversight not to be holding at least one stable coin in your portfolio.

>> No.9478947
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>> No.9478962

Yea, I think putting all your money in a stable coin will get solid returns.

>> No.9479234

Missing the point... the point is not to own the stable coin but to own the coin backing it.

Tether and circle will be stable as fuck and a good place to park you money so it doesn’t grow or drop

Makerdao allows you to collatorise your tokens to Dai which are stable. You make money off the appreciating of makerdao

Havven allows you to collatorise you coins to Nomins which other people buy to park their money as Nomins are the stable coin and an alternative to tether. You make money from issuing Nomins and receding fees by colatorising your Havven

>> No.9479347
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Fuck off pajeet

>> No.9479378

>Stable as fuck
Until the house of cards blows down. If we wanted stability and tiny profits we'd be in gilts, bonds, shares, commodities, and forex. I want to see the world burn, only to create new worlds a day later, dreams made and broken, fortunes lost at the click of a mouse. It's the only way I feel anything these days

>> No.9479748

The you want to invest in makerdao or Havven... they are literally providing a solution for you to never leave Crypto and have access to stable coins that are crypto backed, not fiat backed. Literally makes fiat irrelevant

>> No.9479816
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