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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 257 KB, 1982x798, Skycoin-WTF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9470880 No.9470880 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9470909

for realsies?

>> No.9470935

naw but it might not be bad a idea to get in on the scam, scientologists are all about the greater fool.

>> No.9470951

Lol obviously not. synth is a fucking pathological liar.

>> No.9470965
File: 16 KB, 640x400, satellitecubes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a fucking scam that tries to be a cult. The price can be manipulated over the short term as they exploit their brainwash retards, but Skycoin will never, ever, go anywhere.

>> No.9470971

I have 7.5 sky will I make it?

>> No.9471004


>> No.9471012
File: 271 KB, 800x755, ARKSYNTH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think people will buy the skywire miner hardware because it looks cool. Then their friends will get jealous and want to buy them... and it will just get out of control. Then sometime after that, the VPN will actually be running on the platform as the first app and people will actually be getting coins (or coinhours at least) for forwarding traffic.

Everyone will withdrawl all of their coins off the exchanges to get the coinhours, while a one Bitcoin buy order sends Skycoin briefly over $800,000 per coin, sending the market cap higher than world GDP for five seconds.

SPACO will release the CXO browser. Then all the aspiring cyber crypto drug lord wannabees will move from ToX and Monero/Dash onto CXO and Skycoin will hit $15,000 and finally pass potcoin.

Then we will have several "hundred million dollar ICOs" on skyledger for "poker on blockchain, chess on blockchain". It will set off a wave of "real money gambling on blockchain" with people live streaming real money chess games.

In 2018 human rights organizations stage protest against telcom employed mercenaries attacking skywire HAM radio nodes in rural africa.

In 2019, two hundred fifty people will drown after boating accident because the emergency transmission shortwave radio channel was jammed, by people sending data over Skywire atteempting to stream 720p Youtube videos to people on their super yachets in the pacific ocean on all unused frequencies, to get as many coins per hour as possible.

In 2020 something aweful finds BBS and government unable to shutdown internet troll forums and democrats declare "War on Trolls" and blame "Russian Internet Trolls" for relection of Trump declares.

>> No.9471057

>Skycoin will never, ever, go anywhere
It's been flying up the ranks on CMC over the past week, and it's not even on any decent exchanges yet. Imagine when this shit hits the big exchanges.

>> No.9471070

why does he talk like a pajeet scammer? hmmmmm

>> No.9471076

He's not. He's a sociopath and he's very good with manipulation. That included lying. A pathological liar fucks up eventually, sociopath doesn't.

>> No.9471079

This is getting worse than verge...

>> No.9471091


>> No.9471119

i heard verge buys me lesbian pron? the 62 genders would not approve

>> No.9471125


Lol you faggots forget Skycoin went 2500x in 12 months, its hardware is shipping and testnet is launching in exactly five days. Once everything is rolling out all you moonboys will be shilling for SKY

>> No.9471155

You absolute fucking brainlet. No it hasnt. 12 months ago the price was $1.17. You just fell for another one of synth's fucking lies.

>> No.9471173

LMFAO... who fucking told you that it went 2500x in 12 months... LMFAO.................................... 2500x from what, 1 penny you fucking absolute mongrel?

>> No.9471181
File: 16 KB, 480x360, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9471183

Sorry for being a fag doubleposter but jesus fuck. He is lying right to your fucking face and you cant even see it because you have been brainwashed by the cult. Its literally on fucking coinmarketcap that the price was $1.17 12 months ago. Do you want to know something else? obelisk hasnt even been implemented yet. the whole network is currently being secured by 6 nodes all controlled by skycoin team - but i wouldnt expect you to know that because your such a fucking brainlet that you cant read through code.

>> No.9471203
File: 172 KB, 1280x960, IMG_1166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is lying because XRP are the banks pick for replacement of SWIFT

>> No.9471228

dib a 5 year old wrigth dis papre

>> No.9471300
File: 78 KB, 718x408, Skycoin-NASDAQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a Skycoin interview on NASDAQ yesterday.


>> No.9471322


Lol you poor fucking retards. I already made it because I used to mine BTC back in the day and I dumped a big chunk of money into SKY when I first heard about it during the first coin offerings. Stay poor faggots

>> No.9471358
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, Skycoin-Google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suspect that was just a typo - I'm sure he meant 2500% - i.e. 25X, which is about right.

>> No.9471400


I know all that. Now please, do you understand what a test net is?

>> No.9471415

as a lifetime addict I can tell this guy is on a lot of drugs

>> No.9471438

This is hilarious

>> No.9471549

Lol check out the Synth quotes channel on Telegram its full of gold

>> No.9471654


>> No.9471712

Is Synth schizophrenic?

>> No.9471717

He sounds like a meth fiend

>> No.9471867
File: 76 KB, 464x800, Skyfleet-Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's even more autistic than money skelly, which is a good thing,

>> No.9471987

Can someone redpill me on Skycoin? It seems like a brilliant idea but the dev(s) seem to get a lot of shit from /biz/

>> No.9472018


>> No.9472380


>> No.9472385


Some people can see the brillance, other people can't get past the autistic nature of synth. It's a great project that could go really far. Some salty bois that got banned from the TG for spreading stupid shit now there is a vendetta basically. It's up to you. Any tech questions?

>> No.9472395
File: 14 KB, 450x316, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>larping dev

>> No.9472404
File: 1.92 MB, 3184x2374, Skycoin-Ecosystem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third time lucky, sorry.

>> No.9472433

the whole thing is a scam. basically they expect to operate as an ISP in countries and not have to adhere to rules and regulations set by those governments by ISP's. it will never work the way they say based on this fact. if it was strictly a proxy thing like tor, then sure maybe, but that's not what theyre shooting for.

get your head out of your asses

>> No.9472471

>comparing synth with money skelly

>> No.9472533

>it will never work the way they say
Why not?

>> No.9472597 [DELETED] 

>the autistic nature of synth
It's not autistic, it's GNAA tier huehuehue that's being taken seriously.

>> No.9472695

because of the reasons i gave. governments would not allow unregulated internet access, telecom companies would cause a shitstorm. just like running tor exit nodes a restricted in most non shithole countries. the connections will be slow as balls because skycoin will not be held responsible if you decide to look up something nefarious using my connection and i will go to prison for running a sky node. so only shit hold countries will be running nodes.
oh but its encrypted? even slower. laws still apply, etc

>> No.9472871

>Lol obviously not. synth is a fucking pathological liar.


>> No.9473000
File: 201 KB, 852x1280, Skywire-2050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>governments would not allow unregulated internet access
How will they prevent it... new laws? There's no law at the moment preventing people from transmitting on unlicensed frequencies, which is what the SKY antennas will do.
And say they bring in new laws, how will they enforce it? Will they have to ban CB radio too?
How will they know if I have a SKY antenna in my attic? Do you see raiding parties banging on everyone's door searching for sky nodes?
They can't even shut down Pirate Pay for fucks sake, and that's not even decentralized. They literally can't stop Skywire.

>> No.9473051
File: 140 KB, 960x1280, Sky-Node-Antenna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you decide to look up something nefarious using my connection and i will go to prison for running a sky node
Anything forwarded through your SKY node is encrypted. You don't know what your transmitting, and the authorities can't find out what your transmitting. Everything on Skywire is encrypted and only known to the sender and receiver. Intermediate nodes just forward the encrypted packets without any ability to find out what data they contain.

>> No.9473053


By autism do mean delusions of grandeur? Which I would say is fair enough considering the scope of the project. As for tech questions... how do I get a Skyminer? What are the risks associated with running it? Is it like running a TOR relay node or a TOR exit node as far as legal liability is concerned?

>> No.9473203


Also, are there any competing projects? Has Synth suffered any government harassment?

>> No.9473208
File: 102 KB, 2114x290, SKY-e-Gov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skycoin is doing the largest e-government project on blockchain in the world. I do not know when the annoucement will be.

Larger than the Dubai intiative. Dubai does not even have a real crypto exchange.

We are doing crypto-municiple bonds for infrastructure and other stuff, basicly free range. They are drafting the government legal stuff now. I just came back from the airport.

I do not know when we can announce it publicly

>> No.9473287


skyminer waiting list is around 5000 now, so it will be 6 months for an official one. you can build your own and get whitelisted, there are plenty of guides out there. Sky has it's own VPN that runs native of the skywire platform. so yeah, it's like TOR

>> No.9473447

the sovereign thing is actually semi-true. there is going to some big fucking news coming from skycoin. it is so out of the left field and weird that people will be like "wtf". its not going to be a partnership with some big name but rather a geopolitical issue. fundamentally it means there will be a lot more adoption for the skycoin platform at a semi-state level.

call me larping or what. i dont care.

>> No.9473494

the first ICO was actually priced at a penny. it doesnt show on CMC because it wasn't listed on CMC yet. go look at bitcointalk threads baka.

>> No.9473514

he is a high functioning autist. i have met him in real life. he is what many 4channers pretend they are on 4chan.

imagine an autist that is extremely into conspiracy theories.

>> No.9473519

So I went and listened to one of their interviews.
LMAO how are you bozos buying this....

>> No.9473536

synth keeps on getting into trouble because he is not supposed to say anything regarding this.

in his autistic mind, anything true = its okay to say out loud regardless of context.

>> No.9473575


it sounds ridiculous at first but really go look at the history on bitcoin talk and the 100s of development updates spanning 4-5 years on their website. he is simultaneously the best and worse person as the face of skycoin.

>> No.9473667

It's not a terrible project but it's 100% premined and they give out the coins to people for running nodes. They hold them all, like Ripple

>> No.9473688

Not sure I've ever seen biblical Noah pictured without a beard.

Going to Jupiter doesn't sound like a good idea. Its gravity is awfully intense.

>> No.9473709

>sociopaths don't fuck up
I'll take "Things A Sociopath Would Say" for 500, Alex.

>> No.9473711

encrypted doesn't mean slow, TOR isn't slow because of the encryption it's slow because it depends on volunteer (ie cheaper) hardware and how it's routed.

You won't need an exit node when the resources are located on skywire, but if you do need one people will use cloud providers, and exit nodes being rarer (because that's where the risk is) will be in more demand so they will get more money

>> No.9473760

yeah the devs control the unlock of the coins, but with coins without mining tell me a coin with a good distribution method. There's not a great way to distribute coins, even with mining it just helps the rich get richer. Once 25% of coins are in circulation that should be a good trustworthy point where the worst that can happen is your coins are devalued 1/4 just by distribution, but really with just about any coin out there if the devs want to fuck you over they can.

>> No.9473859

except bitcoin, obviously

>> No.9474196

You know it.

>> No.9474212
File: 149 KB, 2136x388, Arrogant-Synth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah the devs control the unlock of the coins
Actually 75% of the coins are timelocked. They can't be released any faster than the timelocks permit, although they can be released slower if the devs choose...

"The 75 million (75%) undistributable Skycoin cannot be distributed until the first 25 million (25%) have been distributed. After that is done, for each subsequent year thereafter, 5 million coins (5%) are unlocked via an unanimous consent (1 vote against distribution can stop the whole process) of an unknown group of developers. This does not mean that each year 5 million coins have to be distributed, they are just unlocked and it is possible to distribute them. This process depends on the growth of Skywire. Unlocking the total supply of 100 million takes a minimum of 14 years and the distribution can be extended to up to 25 years if necessary."

>> No.9474298

Synth's brother is the Scientologist you stupid fuck. They are only incidentally supporting skycoin and are not in anyway directing its evolution. I hope all of you die in a fire.

>> No.9474624

bitcoin devs have already fucked bitcoin

>> No.9475164
File: 1.08 MB, 696x1000, 66454564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Consensus thread
>They weren't there, but we caught a boomer literally trying to convince their company to throw millions of dollars at Skycoin over the phone and talking about "Synth" being some god-like yet autistic being.

>> No.9475328

how is this good lying? you have to actually make it believable for anyone to fall for it.

>> No.9475344
File: 183 KB, 1280x1099, Skywire-Testnet-Launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T minus 5 days.

>> No.9475360

>A pathological liar fucks up eventually, sociopath doesn't.
Anon I have news for you.

>> No.9475481
File: 166 KB, 1280x1085, Millenium-Skycoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9475517

I went all in after I saw the latest Terminator model.

>> No.9475832

>there is no innovation in blockchain that Skycoin is not incorporating or leading the development on.

the absolute delusion

>> No.9476793
File: 362 KB, 1000x1480, 1_qCncftqWlaSaamTEFa8-Qg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from https://medium.com/skycoin/skycoin-coin-hours-f537fa7ae614
>Coin Hours aren’t just for maintaining zero transaction fees on the network, they will also be used to purchase services, buy bandwidth on Skywire, play games, and more. Because they will be transactable in various use cases, Coin Hours will also have a monetary value that is set by the market.

Now explain this shit
>Buy 1000 skycoins at once
>hold for a year
>nice stack of 8,760,000 of skyhours
>send 1 skycoin to someone
>only 2,190,000 skyhours left
>buy 1000 skycoin 1 skycoin at time
>hold for a year
>nice stack of 8,760,000 skyhours
>send 1 skycoin to someone
>8,753,430 skyhours left

Sounds retarded. What am I missing?

>> No.9477321

Stop sounding like my ex

>> No.9477484

red flags all over this shit
1 mio daily volume and one of the biggest exchanges is basically owned by synth and this kastelein ico scammer

synth spills a lot of bullshit
a whole lot

>> No.9477504

Hello I'm a 47 year old boomer, and what is this? Seriously, I can't make any fucking sense of this picture, what the fuck is it trying to tell me?

>> No.9478495

i means the whole thing is a hot mess designed to trick morons with big words and pseudo intelligence disguised as autism

>> No.9479063

Best post is ignored, as usual.

>> No.9479426


For people who want to google translate. Btw 110 is the emergency number for police in japan.

>> No.9479509

Nonesense. Go big or go home.

>> No.9479551

Wow OP that reads totally not like a scam...
If you put your hard earned money in this youre a retard.

>> No.9479579

No, the guy is a fucking lunatic
He obviously is all drugged up while typing this