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9451993 No.9451993 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9452012

at what point do you think they'll realize that maybe women just don't give a shit about technology?

>> No.9452020
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kek i love it. we need new bagholders.

>> No.9452027
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>women make tons of buy orders to drive up the price
>get pumped and dumped

>> No.9452044

Do women have the same entitled mindset as communists?

>> No.9452062

uh, yes?

>> No.9452114

To be fair this is very clever marketing.

On the other hand the average woman doesn’t care about this social justice battle of the sexes shit nearly as much as these people think.

>> No.9452138
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Another "Incel Beacon" thread

here come the virgins

>> No.9452158

Women should buy Ambrosus. I'm in a group of some Chads in a telegram group called "Euclid's Window" and we discuss 100x coins like Ambrosus. I recommend women to buy this.

>> No.9452182

I already dump my load on women. Now I will dump my bags.

This is the best timeline.

>> No.9452202


Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on 4chan by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is 4chan. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...

>> No.9452332
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OMG, this is what I was talking about before! It's so wonderful for women to get involved! Hey everyone, Mikkel here. If you want me to open up another discussion about this, let me know! Here are our previous two:
We are also doing pump and dumps to rebalance the crypto world for persecuted and minority groups. We have already collected enough Request Network and HoloChain (we are pretty certain we hold a large enough chunk of these two). Now we are looking to control chainlink coin too! We were aiming for Stellar, but it seems that 4chan is really into this link coin and we want to get more people involved <3 Plus it looks like it's gonna work with our Request Network coin! Synergy! :3

Our hope is that we will use the profits and distribute the money earned to gender/women/poc groups. If you would like to join let us know! We accept everyone!!! If you are a white cis male, you can still join as long as you have the right mindset! Love you all!

>> No.9452369

fucking both of you kill yourselves

>> No.9452379

>crypto is only about wealth
Why are women so shallow? Why do they create these unnecessary us vs. them situations?

>> No.9452396

Women rarely trade stocks or fuck with stocks because they are risk averse. What makes them think they would have any interest in something much riskier?

>> No.9452453
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Suicide is serious, friend. My friend was suicidal once. We had to really work to get her better. She's fine now and happier than ever :3

>> No.9452485

The girl in bottom left is unironically hot as fuck. I forget her name though

>> No.9452510

Crypto is racist and sexist because only white and asian men had the foresight to invest in new technology! Crypto welfare for minorites NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.9452527

Thats really inappropriate and demeaning toward women.

OP, this is good news, we need more powerful women rolemodels in crypto.

>> No.9452542


>> No.9452587

An individual in one of my discussions talked about taxing the wealthiest white crypto owners. Now, I'm not saying like a 50% tax - that would be ridiculous. But if we can tax those people just .5%-1% of their earnings and distribute it to discriminated and minority groups then I think it would be extremely beneficial to our society.

>> No.9452616
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Over my dead body

>> No.9452622

> women aren't allowed to be attractive

I'm sure she went to the make up counter and said "give me some foundation that highlights my intellect"

>> No.9452670


You probably dont dump shit you incel virgin. Youre not good enough for women. Fuck off.


That would be amaaaaaazing! Can I join your group? I always love a good fight against patriarchy. It seems to get easier to win each time lmao.

>> No.9452700


Women dont wear makeup for you, asshole.

>> No.9452719
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Hey friend, I really think you need to be less aggressive. This is a safe area for thoughts. <3

>> No.9452726

Roasie roastie oh so toastie
Got upset and made a poastie
Don’t know why you’re mad
Cheer up sweetie don’t be sad!

>> No.9452731

Sure, just like people don't get tattoos for other people. To "express" yourself, you need to have a recipient. Im positive women spend all that time putting on make up for those precious seconds they glance in the mirror.

>> No.9452735

perianne boring
link waifu

>> No.9452764
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>> No.9452833

Fuck off, we dont really give a shit what men think. We do it for us. Especially not for losers like you who spend all day on some incel board. I probably get more pussy in a month than you do in a lifetime.

>> No.9452883

Wouldn't that make white men sort of like providers, or a father figure? a patriarch if you will. Providing a higher standard of living for all the non-whites/non-men. We could litteraly carry them. We could call it America

>> No.9452918

Well, partly. Unfortunately society has made it so we have to do this kind of stuff. Cis white men have constantly held down people from other genders and races to the point that they cannot catch up. Go to any inner-city ghetto and you can see what I'm talking about.

>> No.9452951
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I really think you need to calm down, friend. We are trying to change minds, not start fights. We need peace and love to start a revolution <3

>> No.9453045

Agree. It's not all about hating tech. Once women hears the word "risky" they don't want anything to do with it.

Women would rather wage slave at a corporafe job they hate forever and forgo having children if it means not having to take a risk.

Also most women cannot save money. All of it goes into shopping. Investments involve having to think, ew!

>> No.9453046


Fuck that nonsense. Men are scum. I will fuck with them any chance I can get. Hell, I just reported my old ex to the cops a couple months ago. He cried like a fucking bitch. Piece of shit. All men can drop dead for all I care.

>> No.9453054

>pink id

why do women have to rub their cum holes in our faces all the time? All they're good for is housing bacteria. I like my dick, ok? It's great for taking a piss outdoors, an excellent design. Men are better than women because I can just whip it out, it's most excellent

>> No.9453160


>> No.9453163

Fuck you, women are better in every single imaginable way. Men do whatever we want if we just show a little cleavage. Soon enough, men will be completely phased out of the equation. The only reason it hasnt happened already is because of archaic societal norms that are still barely lingering.

>> No.9453230
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>> No.9453256

>Women would rather wage slave at a corporafe job they hate forever and forgo having children if it means not having to take a risk.

>Also most women cannot save money. All of it goes into shopping. Investments involve having to think, ew!

so much truth

>> No.9453293

women will do anything for a big dick.
page one of the bible, eve is evil.
the big dick is a big problem in the bible. first you have king david, he's a little guy. He killed people with small dicks and now we got big dicks. As far as I can tell the big dick is not superior genes all of the time, I don't even think most of the time. You get runaway giantism, fucking dinosaurs who control the women. Forget your archaic societal norms, it's all about big dicks and little dicks. My brother said niggers are outdated farm equipment, I say there's no reason to be a goddamn gorilla in the modern world, okay? Women are too fucking stupid to realize this and that's why men will always be better than women.

>> No.9453300

Women must be eliminated.

>> No.9453344

feminist cryptocurrency when?

>> No.9453653


this is a weird and embarrassing LARP