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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9444299 No.9444299[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

White women are trash. Change my mind.

>> No.9444348

Women are trash

fixed it for you

>> No.9444372

they have an inflated sexual market value.

>> No.9444395

/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.9444399

She seems to be the most distinguishable thing in the pile of trash. There must be some difference between her and the pile underneath.
Can't pinpoint it though.

>> No.9444679

This, I am so fucking sick of the constant whining about women. I also love how this board is libertarian/ancap/pro-free market unless we're talking about pussy, then it's "muh government needs to intervene, muh sex redistribution"
Fucking losers.

>> No.9444702
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consider self harming yourself roastie fucks

>> No.9444774

Simply pointing out the massive cognitive dissonance this board is suffering from.
t. not wasting my life uselessly whining about women

>> No.9444793

Tits or GTFO

>> No.9444802

>t. not wasting my life uselessly whining about ...
please use the same words on LINK threads. we need to get rid of them more

>> No.9444841


>> No.9444878
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>> No.9444884

I don't have tits, retard. Try taking showers regularly and going outside.

>> No.9444919
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quintisental incel cope

>> No.9444935

Nothing to change with and dubs confirm

Go yellow or gtfo

>> No.9445299

>t. Roastie

>> No.9445356
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Darkies are the patrician choice

>> No.9445420
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>> No.9445428
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>> No.9445450


>> No.9445451

If you want frizzy haired retard babies, sure.

>> No.9445466

I have no issues getting girls, I guess most on here are fat guys. I actually am still banging 24 year olds at 30, feels good

>> No.9445469
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As a white guy, I just don't get the appeal.

I much prefer a big booty latina to a white girl. If the white girl is curvy I'll go for it but a skinny blonde white girl... Pass

>> No.9445482

This also add LOW IQ

>> No.9445489
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>> No.9445503

Latinas are all whores without morals dumbas you’ll learn the hard way when you find hector in your bed when you come home from waging

>> No.9445519
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Agreed, this board is fucking pathetic when it comes to talking about women. Always makes me laugh to see how opinionated some of these shut-ins are about women when they've barely spoken to one in their whole entire lives

the >t. roastie cope is cute to see too, as if they literally can't fathom that another man would shit on them for their retarded opinions

>> No.9445520


>no evidence to the refute your claim

Sorry, not possible

>> No.9445543

it's sad how many white guys end up with ignorant, no moral lower class latinas just because they crave the exotic type.

There are plenty of extremely educated down to earth, hardworking and morally sound latinas that are worth marrying, specially in the middle/upper classes