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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 699 KB, 599x858, ShowerThoughts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9433692 No.9433692[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why are women subhumans biz

>> No.9433710

Lol, who hurt you, virgin?

>> No.9433713

They just are m8. Best to get it into your head now and accept them for what they are so you can get on with your life.

>> No.9433716

i would fuck wojette

>> No.9433729

Picture could easily be video games, comic book characters, porn stars and weed

>> No.9433731
File: 633 KB, 1701x850, AngryVirginLosers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will the incels learn?

>> No.9433732

Yes, but they can be decent walking vaginas with if their fathers bother and invest a lot of time and effort into modeling them, otherwise - all of them, shitty.

Just wait for AI - robots with artificial wombs, remember to invest in such technology !

>> No.9433736

20% fewer neurons in the brain

>> No.9433737

when u rly think about it girls are actually huge fags

>> No.9433740

It's right there in your picture.

Guys are too driven/busy and our heads can be up in the clouds. Girls bring us back down to earth.

>> No.9433753

What is that dildo looking thing wojack is thinking about in the top left?

>> No.9433758

Don't forget tendies

>> No.9433769

women are ok. gotta understand they are people too and they have vaginas. having a vagina is like always being drunk

>> No.9433770
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>> No.9433771


>> No.9433774

>ad hominem and attacks on your sexual worth
Every time. You can't prove him wrong so you attack him. Prove that women are equal.

>> No.9433799

dude girls like dick and that shit is gay,

>> No.9433867

> You're a man. This means your attributes are weighted more heavily towards the extremes of the intelligence spectrum. If you're stupid, what you want and should pursue evolutionarily speaking doesn't matter because you're going to fail, statistically.
> but if you're intelligent, you can be insanely successful beyond the reach of any normal tier contemporary, so to be ambitious and creative and dream big is evolutionarily advantageous. You're not in and of yourself an attractive package to the rest of society, so in order to make yourself so, you need to both roll the right starting attributes on your gamble as well as have the drive and ambition to exploit them in order to realise your potential.
> historically speaking in ancient times only twenty percent of you would even breed at all.
> you're a woman. Your intelligence is firmly planted in the middle of the bell curve. There are far less female retards than male, but conversely also far less geniuses.
> you will be pursued by the above driven and ambitious in raw form with little gilding purely as a means to the end of procreation. Your role will just be to allow the top 20 percent access rather than try and qualify yourself to them.
> historically speaking, 80 percent of females have bred.
> in the event you do actually have extreme attributes in ambition and drive, the pure rarity of them coupled with the unsuitability for the biologically adapted role of effectively property means they will be sidelined at best in favor of your role as a woman, or ignored and/or directly criticized at worse.
All actually makes perfect sense when you really think about it. Women are boring because they can be. The men that are boring are invisible to society, and those that aren't shine like supernova stars.

>> No.9433882

Pillars of Creation or whatever
Some thing in space

>> No.9433977

Because they've been specialized into a highly specific, yet critical, evolutionary bottleneck. Once artificial wombs arrive, evolution dictates that they will die out.

>> No.9433992

most normies are.

>> No.9434020
File: 82 KB, 1033x679, 1526293734133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you kiss a girl you're kissing all the dicks she's sucked too, and that's super gay, but if you kiss your bros you're kissing all the pissies they've ate, and that's alpha as fuckkkk

>> No.9434042

My nigga

>> No.9434053

Women worse overall for that very reason. The Y chromosome you have has undergone A LOT of selection compared to the X.

>> No.9434063

Fuck you too.

>> No.9434087

Unironicly this. My gf is super socially awkward but can do crazy math in her head at the drop of a hat. Girls are just more likely to be normies

>> No.9434325
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>> No.9434370

most women don't think about anything but their present and near immediate future.

>> No.9434383


>> No.9434396


>> No.9434412

femanon here, can confirm

>> No.9434417

femanon here, can confirm

>> No.9434435

femanon here, can confirm

>> No.9434445

Include me in the screencap :^)

>> No.9434462

in reality the guy was thinking about the woman showering

>> No.9434465
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>> No.9434468

women have ruled the world
you're a shit poster on 4chan
I guess men as a whole are inferior?

>> No.9434511
File: 992 KB, 500x251, 1524790221211.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, we're going to need a lot of timestamped tits to confirm this.

>> No.9434693

femanon here, can confirm

>> No.9434714

what the real answer? because god made man in his image. thats what humans were suppose to be. but adam asked for a plaything and thats what women even though it doesnt seem that way. she derives existence from man.

>> No.9434720

"every time"

just like OPs post

why are poltards so low iq?

>> No.9434747

imagine being this butthurt about being rejected that you type this up


>> No.9434850

kekd hard

>> No.9434872

Wouldn't it be Wojill?

>> No.9434926

>baseless ad hominem attack in OP
>"lol replying with a fallacy. checkmate atheist"

You embarrassed yourself

>> No.9434964

Classic incel cope. You have to tell yourself that women are subhumans to cope with the fact that women don't like you.

>> No.9434998

>business & finance

>> No.9435018

Incels are the worst subhumans alive. They call women subhumans simply because most women don't find said incel attractive. Either lower your standards or learn to deal with thr fact that you will die alone. A lot of women I have been with have thoughts, dreams, and yes even experience existential crisises just like any other 4chan autist. You aren't a unique flower just because you obsess over trivial things like history, the universe, and the meaning of life.

>> No.9435041
File: 221 KB, 374x376, 1492995709968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Why are so many people defending women in this thread? Is /biz/ compromised?

>> No.9435072

idealistic 16 year olds

>> No.9435117
File: 51 KB, 641x530, 1502516278905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, I'm surprised how many real women post here. However, I am curious why none of them have shown their tits yet...

>> No.9435162

can't live with em can't live without em

but the messy bits downstairs make for lots of fun. being logical all the time is boring. I love the T spike a new girl brings to the table.

you niggers should just get laid

>> No.9435169
File: 496 KB, 500x301, propaganda.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the problem that all men have, that they only want attention for what they do

it make me sad desu

>> No.9435204
File: 90 KB, 744x1078, 1526322132015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are forever stuck in the mindset of a child. Also blame society, not women themselves.

>> No.9435263
File: 69 KB, 1024x595, 1524654925898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels

>> No.9435288

Yup. Wojette hot af.

>> No.9435337

this expresses the central problem of everyone here

>> No.9435381

You could generalise all women or realise that the world is more nuanced. You don't owe women anything, but do not think they owe you.

>> No.9435435

People from fit post here

Sorry brainlet poltard, not everyone is an obese virgin who only hates women because they want nothing to do with

Ps: money wont change that

>> No.9435456

what are you gonna do, incel ?
rent a truck & kill people ?

>> No.9435517

These are reddit normies. Real 4chan anons would never defend thots.

>> No.9435524


Really this. You can complain about how women are and get lonelier every year, or you can accept them for what they are and start getting with the program to get your dick wet.

> never trust them 100%
> don't marry no matter what!

>> No.9435574

femanon here can confirm

>> No.9435611

WOMEN have fucked up moral compasses.

>> No.9435617
File: 771 KB, 2000x2000, Nuclear_Redpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men pay women to exist. They are nothing but leeches on society

>> No.9435623

omg this is /meirl/

>> No.9435628

Nobody is defending thots, just shitting on pathetic incels for posting pol trash on biz

>> No.9435639

>women being in their place is pol
every culture put women in their place and its only in the past 50 years in secularized western cultures that women arent put in their place

>> No.9435655

barometers anon... barometers

>> No.9435658
File: 49 KB, 750x1000, raf,750x1000,075,t,fafafa_ca443f4786.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women are all subhuman because they don't want to fuck me.

>> No.9435673
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>> No.9435678


>> No.9435684
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>> No.9435686

not true girls on instagram r really smart

>> No.9435690
File: 135 KB, 507x314, 1524558406108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9435695

im an incel but dont hate women. is that a problem ? i actually worship the ones i find attractive. thats my problem. also i dont lead them. i'm kind of submissive toward wamen i like

>> No.9435702


>> No.9435715


kek dat quote on the right

>> No.9435760

Woman biological anthropologist here and this post is fucking retarded. Everyone thinks they understand human evolution and retards especially seem to think they understand it. It’s embarrassing.

I’ve accomplished more in my short scientific career than any of you virgin losers will accomplish in your entire life (and getting achievements on your Xbox doesn’t count).

>> No.9435770

what a pathetic larp, put more effort in next time roastie

>> No.9435785

>____ here
go back to reddlt

>> No.9435805

>women have ruled the world

I'm pretty sure like 99% of people known in history are men

>> No.9435826
File: 56 KB, 527x705, 1523153647113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anthropology makes you qualified in population genetics

>> No.9435878

oh god i'm dying

>> No.9435891

Worshiping women just because you find them attractive is going to make you extremely unhappy.

>> No.9435988
File: 14 KB, 500x500, uh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet here you are on /biz/

>> No.9436004

it really makes perfect sense if you think about it. it's interesting and true and there isn't even a value judgment against women in it. your gay as fuck man

>> No.9436031

>A lot of women I have been with have thoughts, dreams, and yes even experience existential crisises just like any other 4chan autist.
I have been with more women than you and you are lying

>> No.9436044

being a male whore won't get you a wife

>> No.9436060
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>> No.9436062

Why would you expect real answers to something so blatantly untrue everyone's wondering why are you this retarded?

>> No.9436071

History grad here, you're a bigger joke than I am.

>> No.9436135

>woman biological anthropologist
Bitch have you heard of commas or proper sentence structure? Slapping biology and anthropology together has no meaning, they are two separate fields. You also say "woman" like that gives you special credit to that statement.
Fuck off with this blatant attempt at intelligence and education coupled with identity politics.

>> No.9436139

Jesus Christ are you people really from reddit and have only been on /biz/ what the fuck.

>> No.9436154

"Incels hating women" is a meme.
Most incels would give anything to have a gf

The ones you see hating women have actually had gf's (usually several), and have realized that most women have no sense of loyalty and will sleep around if they can get away with it, and will rationalize it to themselves afterwards; and that most women only bring stress by starting fights and drama without even being provoked.

>> No.9436168

The amount of projecting in this post

I'm sorry that you're frustrated with the current state of your social life anon but taking it out on me on a Cambodian spear tip collecting forum isn't going to fix things

>> No.9436184

You most likely only chase bimbos and think all women are like that.

>> No.9436186

And what are you going to do with that anthropology degree Brigitte? Teach anthropology?

>> No.9436206

ex obese losers who have used so much roids that women laugh the moment they see their shriveled up balls and acne covered back
aren't exactly helping your argument m8

>> No.9436215


People don't get OP's post about women being an investment.

Even normies have a sense of how useless females are just not in the extreme case which is 4chan. Which is why the posts here are met with hostility when they disagree.

>> No.9436220

>getting acne on test
weak genetics

>> No.9436238

this is the be all and end all in this thread

>> No.9436260

This. It's funny because we have a bunch of legbeard virgin femwhales and/or actual virgin betas labeling a bunch of men, that have actually had past relationships and become jaded from experiencing the worst of what women have to offer, as virgins. kek

>> No.9436266
File: 2.11 MB, 200x150, jerry loller.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9436300

It's fucking true and it hurts

I picked a wonderful, intensely loyal woman who takes good care of me and she still has all of these illogical pit falls and doesn't think to question her life or where it's going

>> No.9436306


sage and reported