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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9424306 No.9424306 [Reply] [Original]

Will somebody please think of the bankers?!

>> No.9424333

They didnt buy the dip

>> No.9424373


Can't tell if protest is serious or a ruse

>> No.9424423

imagine the level of butthurt in 3 years.
I want to be seeing banker riots

>> No.9425019
File: 475 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180514-110649_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9425048

top fucking kek. did they get all these losers from craigslist?

>> No.9425105

>aspie fucks on newbiz can't recognize obvious satire

You won't make it

>> No.9425500

>They don't know that LN is funded by Digital Currency Group which is a bunch of old-money people and has the same chairman as the FED.
>Doesn't realize that Mastercard have also provided funding.
>Doesn't realize BTC is already compromised by these forces and that their poster should have said Bitcoin Cash.

>> No.9425925
File: 602 KB, 793x794, 1526144111090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are more bankers per capita than cops. The knock on effects of nuking the financial industry are going to be huge. A lot of people will be hurt and have their lives ruined. They have been living in containment silos of raw incompetence all their lives age are incapable of functioning in any other conditions.

It's going to be beautiful.

>> No.9425984

So it was not a joke?

>> No.9426044

No joke, just a glimpse of the future, for those not blind enough to see.

>> No.9426084

Last time I was in a bank I waited there for about 1.5 hours, then the clerk said he had to transfer me to another clerk because he can't do what i needed (supposedly without extra waiting). waiting for another 20 minutes, went to ask the other clerk why my turn wasn't called, said I wasn't even registered on his line. went to manager, he said there must have been a mistake, and he would fix it right away. went back to the line, waited another 20 min, asked clerk why I wasn't being called, he said I'm still not in the line. Went back to manager, he was gone. tried to ask other clerks to help, they didn't give a fuck. It was nearing closing time. I became so angry I just left the place.

fuck banks. I hope crypto takes off and they all go out of business, useless filthy pigs who profit by managing our money (read producing nothing), using client money for their investment while giving near 0 interest, tempting people into slaving themselves for a loan. probably the fithiest most anachronistic parasitic institute still in existence. even if fees stay high I'd rather miners taking my fees than filthy bankers

>> No.9426881
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Underrated IMO

>> No.9426910

Do you live in Kenya?

>> No.9426926

If you are going to talk huge proportions of shit atleast try and give proof

>> No.9426956
File: 53 KB, 403x448, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew lad, this is cringeworthy shit. The crypto community really is full-on autists.

How do I share a board with literal brainlets like you?