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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9422983 No.9422983 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that anyone fudding req is either a holder or brainlet.

>Building a platform for crypto payments, something that's not only required if crypto will ever truly be taken seriously as a currency, but also future tech that revolutionizes the transfer of value.
>Provides at least one substantial update every two weeks.
>Is transparent with updating github.
>Blogposts long and detailed explaining every aspect of their current goal and how close they are.
>One of the biggest alt communities on reddit
>Recently hired someone for their Strategic Partnership role, based in NYC.
>Attending Consensus 2018 for pre-scheduled meetings and to market themselves.
>Stuck to their roadmap goals, released mainnet on time, added Bitcoin and some erc20 coins shortly afterwards.
>Targetted partnerships with PwC, Wikimedia Foundation, and a number of other erc20 projects. All of these are with companies that directly benefit their goals, with the partnerships being confirmed by the companies themselves shortly after each announcement, so you know it's of substance and not like TRX or OMG.
>Head of PwC's blockchain lab went to their Singapore offices for a week of meetings and talking about how they could utilize their deep industry connections to have REQ bridge the gap between the traditional business sector and blockchain world.
>Wikimedia recently took down their old Bitcoin payment processor, within a few days of announcing their partnership with REQ to start a trial run on their French division. Wikimedia services around 720 million people per year.
>Tokenomics where it doesn't matter if speculators buy, because REQ gets auto-purchased with every transaction as a market buy using Kyber, then gets burned. The only thing that has to happen is for organizations to use REQ to cause passive buy pressure from people using the network. Price is 100% guaranteed to rise if any aspect of their platform is a success
>Rank 123 on CMC, 20 cents.

>> No.9423069
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Good thread fren.
Checked some belts this morning and chose two.. just in case.
Don't want to hang out with Sayori..

>> No.9423112

Daily reminder you would have been better off holding tron than this oiece of shit coin

>> No.9423148
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Yeah, but why are we still sinking on CMC?

Down to 123.

At this rate, we'll be out of the top 200 in a week.

>> No.9423177

You can ask the same thing about why DGB is in the top 50.

You either gamble on shitcoins or go long term for fundamentals. You rarely get both.

>> No.9423215


big business is gonna kill REQ unfortunately. they arent gonna trust them for accounting purposes, sad part being that it will be too transparent

>> No.9423263
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Holy shit you're right. I thought this piece of abandonware trash was delisted and defunct.

Jesus, you've given me hope. There's literal garbage and known fraudulent schemes in the top 100. We need to suppress the normie anxiety about ranking and work towards adoption in business.

Speaking of which, us a bag-holders should be a little more pro-active, and perhaps start contacting e-shops and businesses who already accept Bitcoin payments and introduce them to the idea of Request and their Woocommerce plugins.

>> No.9423280

I wouldn't be too sure about that, they seem to be more focused on building partnerships over marketing and pumping the coin.
Short term is obviously going to be shit

>> No.9423307

Well said sir!

>> No.9423309

i sold off my req last week at only a slight profit. i like their idea and product and if it succeeds then req holders will be rich af but i can't see it going through currently, which is why i sold

>> No.9423321

You sir are a fucking moron.

>> No.9423336

Is that how long you fucking goldfish can think ahead, 1 week lmao Hold req for over a year and you’ll be fine who gives a fuck about price action right now REQ will survive and moon hard after shitcoins exit scam

>> No.9423344

I do not and have never held Digibyte, but I'm not sure why you think it's garbage. It's actually being used, and the team seems to be trying to expand the usage. I think it has a niche for small transactions.

>> No.9423350

You sir are a weak handed vagina. Go lose all your shekles chasing your pumps.

>> No.9423563
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Oh look, a real life Digimarine.

Hey there little fella... :3 I thought you all suicided by now?

>> No.9423829


then why Paypal succeed?

>> No.9423878

Kek "hold REQ til mainnet and it will be $2"

>> No.9423915

Kek “just trade the tops and bottoms it’s easy as fuck you dumbasses”

>next week