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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9419479 No.9419479 [Reply] [Original]

>i.e. can't get a job even if they wanted to

reveal yourselves joblets

t. Unemployed comp sci graduate of 2 years

>inb4 joblet uprising

>> No.9419612

>Computer science
Nigger wtf
Just swallow the Micro$hit pill and get a low paid visual basic codemonkey job. Honestly wtf is wrong with you

>> No.9419632

>CS degree

how the fuck are people this retarded?

>> No.9419703

You have something else wrong with you if you can't get a job with a CS degree. I'm 19 and legitimately can't get a job, applied to over 60+ places (mostly fronk desk jobs, because I refuse to do hard manual labour or work mcdonalds shit because I respect my life)

>> No.9419720

>cs major
the fuck anon

>> No.9419721


>10000 people apply for 1 job opening
>have to compete with pajeets and chinks at shit tier wages
>lol bruh just get a job its easy XD

>> No.9419727

Just say you were working on your startup for 2 years. Refresh your skillset and build something.
You can even wfh on crypto chains pretty easily.

>> No.9419748

You're a moron. You respect your life? If you respected your life you'd get a fucking job. I can't believe what I just read.

>> No.9419759

Buddy are you serious?
If you're fluent in English and are applying for the low tier jobs that you are OVERQUALIFIED for you should be given the job immediately.

If you're losing out to fucking immigrants than you must honestly be horrible.

I hope you didn't take a loan for your degree. Fucking hell.

>> No.9419761

What's confusing retard, do you legitimately believe modern day slavery (wagecuckery) is a fulfilling life? I can't believe that i just read there's seriously still some delusional faggots like you that value a useless piece of fake government points more than your own life.

>> No.9419772

this is the most entitled shit kys

>> No.9419777

You are either applying for jobs you are unqualified for, you are applying for the most competitive jobs at high paying major companies, or you are shit at interviewing because you are immature

>> No.9419786

Entitled because I'd rather not waste good years of my teenage life away using my body for shit I don't even enjoy?

>> No.9419797


You're obviously the type that believes everyone has a shot "if they try hard enough^TM" when the fact is the job market is completely different to what it was 20 years ago.

>lower your standards

employers NEVER hire someone overqualified because they know they'll just hate the job and jump ship after 6 months

>> No.9419803


Be willing to move to a different city. That's how I got into the market. That and working for my dad for experience/resume fodder lol.

>> No.9419807


See my response >>9419797

>> No.9419831

>You have something else wrong with you if you can't get a job with a CS degree.
>I'm 19
Shut the fuck up, you child.
Wait until you get out of university and realize no one thinks you're special but your parents and your dog.

>> No.9419851

Cant fucking stand people like you. One of my old friends is pulling this shit, won't get a fucking job. Guess what? He has no money, can't go anywhere, can't afford to go to the cinema, coffee shop, nightclub etc etc. There's a two year gap in his CV now and they longer he leaves it the harder it'll be. The NEET life is shit anon, he's getting increasingly autistic due to no social contact and he can't even pursue his hobbies because he has no money. A girlfriend? Hahahaha no fucking chance. Basically, get a job you stupid NEET

>> No.9419852


except he'll probably either kill himself or mow down normies like you if he was pushed off to the edge like that

>> No.9419875

Lol, the fuck kind of weird shit are you projecting on me faggot? I'm not your personal vent. Why are you assuming all this shit about me.

I have plenty of money for random dumb shit I want, I sell drugs for about $700 a week for like 2 hours of work. I also said that I'm not against getting ANY job, just not ones that are obvious fucking slave labour. I also have a girlfriend of 2 years currently.

>> No.9419892

Oh great, instead of having a job and contributing to society you still drugs. Well done asshole, do you plan on doing that forever? Remember me when my tax money is paying for the prison you'll be staying in.

>> No.9419894

Okay, I do agree that I was a bit rash to say that there's something wrong with you if you can't get a job. But really, I'm sure there's gaps where you can't find shit but CS is probably one of the best degrees to have right now, if any. I still think you're in a better position than most.

>> No.9419896

Since he doesn't do "hard manual labor," I think it's safe to say he'll suck some helium.

holy lol
Obviously your're not good enough to get a fucking front desk job.
Better get sweeping, Manuel.

>> No.9419905

Lol, get off this board you fucking retarded boomer. Selling drugs is literally the same as running a fast food joint, but I bet you'd say contributing to some dumb ass slave labor job like McDs or raking fucking leaves or whatever dumb shit in your head counts as "contributing to society"? Seriously you need to rethink your whole fucking position.

>> No.9419907

It is.
In fact it's so in, pajeets are shitting their way into the markets.
Contracting was cancer when I was between jobs.
Fucking Sandarjep asking for $5 an hour with a "degree" while I went to a big 10 school and I had to compete with that shit.

>> No.9419916

Inevitably once Pajeet poo-poo's the product or runs with the money, they come back to an American and that's when they get charged double.
I fucking hate Indians in tech.
Condescending, filthy, php ridden dune coons.

>> No.9419939

It is easy mode. Source: have cs degree with gaps in work history.

>> No.9419940

One year away from getting a degree in supply chain at 29. Will still be unemployable.

>> No.9419942

32yo soon with entry level job, if I can't Make It with crypto I will just get a loan and do a phd, kills some time.

>> No.9419960

Telling you to get a real job doesn't make me a boomer you little shithead. Like I said, do you plan on doing this forever? Good luck getting a non "slave labour" job when you have a massive gap in your CV from when you were selling drugs. By the way, in no way is that the same as working in McDonald's. The important distinction is that the poor fuckers working in mcdicks pay TAX. Unlike you.

>> No.9419961

That does sound pretty shitty. I don't really know how it is since I don't have the degree, but logically I would assume the best/most common place to get a job then would be some kind of in-person white collar job, where you get benefits maybe for being white??

>> No.9419983

kek, true.
It is almost impossible to be unemployed in infosec.
You might not get the job that is *perfect* but it's really hard to be unemployable.

>> No.9419984
File: 78 KB, 850x400, boomervenom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, you are so god damn deluded, your legitimate sense of the world around you is completely fucked up. So in your fucked up little old boomer mind, you legitimately believe that "paying tax" is someone's way of contributing to society? Do you literally even understand in the most basic sense where most of your tax money goes, or what even happens to it? Seriously, do you?

>> No.9419997

Not only that, but it is LITERALLY the fucking same. You are just serving pretty much food to people for them to eat. There is no difference. You are literally the most brainwashed nigger I've seen on this board recently.

>> No.9419998

700b goes to the military to bomb pajeets :)

>> No.9419999

I was so fking depressed when I was jobless. Still depressed but atleast I can buy pretty shiny coins on the internet

>> No.9420007
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chekd and ceckled

>> No.9420018


Americans that run these companies ask for it. They fomo into a cheap tech company because there is money to be made in software as a service and they proceed to shit it up with cheap dicksuckers and pajeets knowing theyre looking for dicksuckers so they bullshit them from the other side of the planet.

>> No.9420025

>pay TAX

>> No.9420028

OP just get into machine learning and write scripts for trading bots for an above average wagecuck salary and relax dude

>> No.9420042

You are a leech. The road you drive on, the school you were educated in etc etc etc etc. That's shit you used and haven't paid for yet, you whiny bitch.

>> No.9420048

>involuntarily jobless
>computer science

Alright which boxes of the autistic spectrum do you tick? No way you can't get a job. They literally pay people here to start working.

>> No.9420049

They do.
Time and time again.
Like, you spend all this money on a SOC and "state of the art" enterprise " endpoint security," but rahanjandra left the tomcat deployment with default creds and running as NT Authority\System.
OR you get some fucked php site riddled with bugs and vulnerabilities.

>> No.9420050

Not really, jobs like that are for retards. I don't think retards are here

>> No.9420066

Hahaha, jesus christ you are so fucking stupid. you have literally no legitimate counter-argument whatsoever. Have fun actually waking up sometime in your life. I seriously legitimately think you need to take some time into looking into philosophy.. or at least how taxes work, faggot.

>> No.9420070

I mean surely location has something to do with it for some people. Lot more demand for CS jobs when you don't live in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.9420082

If only it were this easy.

t. guy that's tried that

>> No.9420093


No, location has nothing to do with it as rajeesh can work for american companies from home in INDIA

>> No.9420101

How do taxes work then, explain it to me because apparently I have it completely wrong. Also saying
Isn't a good response dickhead, everything I've said to you is an argument.

>> No.9420115

>wanted to get an internship at a bistro
>wanted to learn stuff, but cleaned dishes instead
>got paid 50 bucks every single day
>finally got to deliver dishes and make some drinks
>retard turk coworker explained all the drinks in 5 min, expected me to remember every single little shit
>got made fun of and my internship got suspended in three days

>> No.9420121


>> No.9420152
File: 20 KB, 543x443, 1412996407973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>interning at a bistro

>> No.9420174

Motherfucker, I lost my job last friday because of downsizing. After telling them to suck my dick I rang a friend of mine and started a new job that Sunday.

Sure it's scary to get started but soon you'll be jaded as the rest of us and getting a new job won't be intimidating. I'm more pissed about not being able to accumulate more crypto because of the gap in between pay cheques at the moment.

>> No.9420183

>paying tax money so trump can use it to bomb ahmed and ranjesh
no thanks

>> No.9420188

You're projecting some weird emotional shit on me and it's clouding your judgement.

Most of your taxes go to shit that literally helps most of society in no way at all, especially so to most if not all of the shit tier slave workers that BUILT the exact things you claim as an argument (roads, schools etc were built by shit tier slave laborers that got no benefit from the shit that most of your taxes paid for (funding fucked politicians/corrupt businesses, funding unnecessary war, loss of money simply due to extreme incompetence on the government's part, healthcare that hardly any of them receive, insane amounts of national defense which are useless, INTEREST on THE GOVERNMENTS OWN DEBT...)

Less than 10% of your TAXES actually go to shit that benefits the average person.

Education and job training: 3.3%
Law enforcement and immigration: 2%
Natural resources, energy and the environment: 2%
Science, space, technology: 1%

People who actually contribute to society are people who sit and THINK, not do slave labour. They think up robots that do slave labour, they think up efficient ways to run systems, they think up art that inspires the next generation of thinkers. Not fucking slave labour and paying taxes.

>> No.9420201


>> No.9420219

They deserve it for shitting up the fucking board.

>> No.9420246

This is straight bullshit, you clearly havent tried applying to enough jobs, if you spend a week, 5 hours a day applying for jobs youd get one easily. Quit making excuses.

>> No.9420324

I seriously encourage you to think about the picture I posted, and think about who brainwashed you and cut them out.

>> No.9420348

Or even to just look up someone like Jordan Peterson so you can learn some critical thinking skills.

>> No.9420374

Actually, I want to make another point, just because I'm shitting on you logically.

Playing world of warcraft is legitimately more contributing to society then working at McDonalds.

>> No.9420408

damnit please come back and talk, I legitimately just want to logically understand dismantle your fucked up boomer viewpoint.

>> No.9420447

>love in the middle of nowhere
>parents want me to have a job before I move to the city
>catch 22
If it weren't for bitcoin...

>> No.9420526

Bumping cause I want that boomer faggot to come back.

>> No.9420571

Alright final bump. Fuck you faggot for acting like you had a fucking argument.

>> No.9420777


He's probably just got back to doing his job, you know, like any normal person would...

>> No.9420779

>NEET childlike drugdealer scum shitting rules on what you should do and how anybody should behave

Classic /biz/

go fuck yourself cunt, I hope you get busted.

>> No.9420998

>moving the goalposts