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9414314 No.9414314[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no gf

>> No.9414321

You think we can get smart contracts for girlfriends?

>> No.9414336

No-strings relationships are the best

Why in the world would you want the tedious task of maintaining a relationship

>> No.9414338
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>tfw post -breaking up with gf and feeling like a free man once again

>> No.9414342

>tfw fucking fat cows with herpes on tinder
its sickening how much this turns me on. i don't enjoy normal relationships, just fucking absolutely disgusting girls 18-20

>> No.9414350

>business & finance

>> No.9414354

normalfags leave and never return
the things you people say are embarrassing to read

>> No.9414369

There's a guy on /v/ or /a/ that likes to wear tiles, like floor tiles, and masturbate to the feel of them

That must be so, so much cheaper tahn chicks

>> No.9414370

Tfw when have wife but no crypto gains. Hope my 3k ori will change that

>> No.9414388
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found him

>> No.9414420
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>tfw you can never return to being a young american white kid in a culture where everyone on tv looks like you and is into the same stuff you're into

>> No.9414495
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holy shit this is legendary

>> No.9414531
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>> No.9414535
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>tfw you’re 50% Hispanic and were surrounded with them your whole life, but were raised as a white kid and never understood them

>> No.9414600

all attractive grills have bf's or fuckbuddies , idunno what to do.

they must choose the good looking guys or somthing, cuz i'm just always left out. i need to be uber aggressive probably but im just not

>> No.9414658

>50% mutt

thats not how it works pedro. you have to go back.

>> No.9414660
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>tfw you still have to go back

>> No.9414705
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I'm the nicest most passive/pacifist dude possible and I get laid all the time.

The trick is in actually going outside and hanging out with women. How do you get a girlfriend if you never give them any chance to meet you and become your girlfriend in the first place.

Seriously do you guys think that they materialize out of thin air in your basements if you want them enough?

Also all the "Redpill" and "alpha" behavior is just a load of bullshit. Same with having to be attractive. It's just a fucking numbers game.

If you meet more women the chance will be higher that one of them will become your girlfriend. The only difference between attractive alpha guys and an ugly neckbeard is that the attractive alpha guy spends more time outside with women and thus has more chance to eventually get one as a girlfriend.

Studies even show that 10/10 rated individuals and 5/10 rated individuals only have a 1% difference in finding a partner. Meaning that it's mostly random and your best chances lie in meeting the most women.

>> No.9414711


>> No.9414731

>just go up to them and say hi

>> No.9414750

Low IQ.

>> No.9414773
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>The only difference between attractive alpha guys and an ugly neckbeard is that the attractive alpha guy spends more time outside

>> No.9414798

>Studies even show that 10/10 rated individuals and 5/10 rated individuals only have a 1% difference in finding a partner.
Can't tell if actually this delusional or simply low IQ.

>> No.9414807
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t. Cleetus & Billy Bob

>> No.9414823

son of basterd bich

>> No.9414831

That's not even what I'm saying. I'm saying maximize your exposure to women to maximize your chances of finding a girlfriend.

If you want to ignore it because staying inside is easier and then blame it on feminism/jews whatever instead of you never haven spoken to any women beside your mom that's your own choice. But'd be much healthier to realize it's your own shortcomings and then try to improve upon it to better your chances.

>> No.9414848
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Just b yourself! :)

>> No.9415010
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>go out with girl, drinks and dancing
>have a fun time, try to kiss her at the end of the night and she recoils, saying she has bf
>leave and don't talk to her for three months
>hit her up again and she's upset, thinks I pretended to like her and didn't mean it, denies ever telling me she had a bf
>tell her we can link back up together (this happened on a Sunday)
>hit her up the next Friday, doesn't answer my call, makes an excuse as to why she didn't
>call her again one last time last Thursday, nothing, no answer no callback

I hate that I'm even asshurt about this but goddamn what a kick in the dick.

>> No.9415128


I have to admit that I've NEVER used online dating in any way shape or form as I've never had a shortage of dates from normal day-to-day lives and I have heard all kinds of horror stories of tinder/OKcupid being really skewed against men.

It's because women are very "in the moment" creatures and don't really pick a dude based upon fotos so just go outside and actually hang out with women.

I wish I could just upload my fucking life experience to the internet so you could actually experience my life and know how this shit actually works because honestly most of you faggots are stressing out about all this irrelevant shit. Instead of whining and crying about not having a girlfriend you could go outside for 1 week and have one.

I swear how the fuck do you guys survive in life. Are you guys also going to whine that you're hungry and then post shit like ">Dude just go outside into a store and get food" sarcastically despite it being exactly what you have to do?

I am starting to think people don't actually want advice and get a girlfriend. Instead they want to whine about not having a girlfriend and how they are such loners as if it's a fashion statement.

If you are hungry you have to get food. If you are tired you have to go to sleep. If you want to have a girlfriend you'll need to go outside and spend time with women, holy shit.

>> No.9415220

M8 the 80/20 thing is not exclusive to tinder, and it's not exclusive to dating either. It's the pareto distribution applied to dating. It's well now that 80% of women go for the top 20%. That's what allows Chad to have a harem of bitches and he gets to hook up every night meanwhile most guys have multi monthong dry spells even after much trying.
It's easy to say you just need to approach many women and eventually one will say yes.
That doesn't happen to most guys. About 80% of them

>> No.9415235
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I just feel like its rude to do cold approaches and I don't really go to events or anything. Thinking about signing up for salsa but not sure

>> No.9415272

"chad" simply has more exposure than you if he has a fucking harem. If a true alpha never gets cucked, why do high status men (Actors, Musicians), get their heartbroken too? Look at all the fucking love songs that men write.

It's not that they're more alpha. It's just their turn

>> No.9415363

The halo effect contributes greatly. It has nothing to do with numbers, it's all percentages. You think if a 3/10 male and an 8/10 male both approached 10 women they'd have the same results? What about 100 women, or 1000?
If a man was ugly enough he could approach 1000 women and get less positive responses than Chad with 10 women.

The reason those guys get their hearts broken is because women are whores who jump from guy to guy. It doesn't matter because they still have the potential to get laid with lots of women. Meanwhile Incel Larry has never seen a vagina in his life because every girl he's ever talked to in his life acts repulsed by him

>> No.9415767

you talk about all these stupid numbers like some autist. BOTH men and women are drawn towards people who are more like them. too many incel are mad that they dont find women but how many women do you know that like fortnight or whatever you kids like these days? if your personalities and attitudes dont match then its not gonna work.

>> No.9415788

I rarely, if ever, see attractive women in my day-to-day. My lifestyle must be totally dissimilar from theirs.

>> No.9415799
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You just need money op
Were gonna make it brah

>> No.9415853

wowie someone with high status has a better chance with women. most women have a backup plan or are always searching for a backup plan so just play by their game

sure they'll play the victim card but guess what, they're a thot they can post a picture online and have 1000 dudes posting on their instagram

>> No.9415950

Excuses, excuses, excuses.

THIS is why you will die alone. Because you latch on to anything that will help you avoid taking personal responsibility for your own situation.

You know why "Chads" get girls? Because they live their lives and aren't afraid of trying new things. They don't sit and wallow in self pity complaining about the fucking pareto distribution. Stop making excuses for your own shortcomings and become someone other people want to be around.

>> No.9415974
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>tfw soul sucking gf

>> No.9416040

I’ve been in a similar situation. I don’t even fucking know. I just went on a hike and felt better. I assumed I was just a fall-back plan B to some other guy she was interested in. Shit sucks, man.

>> No.9416046

Everybody dies alone faggot.

>> No.9416057


Chad gets girls because he's good looking. Stop coping

>> No.9416166
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theres alot of normies in this thread

>> No.9416183

post your face

>> No.9416221

>you kids

Boomer detected

>> No.9416235

Ive seen youtube videos with women saying ew i wouldnt want to be with a virgin. Like if you like that basic life experience blah blah.
Ok then its a vicious cycle.
Fucking disgusting disease ridden bunch of cunts.
If were still majority socially liberal post 2020 make sure your kid fucking loses his virginity to his babysitter to save all this fucking bullshit pls.
Dont make his life a living hell.

>> No.9416285



You fucking retards stop playing extremes neckbeards are outliers. If you are an average guy and actually meet and hang around women you shouldn't have problems getting a gf overtime. You see munted guys with girls and they aren't even rich or famous half the time

>> No.9416652

>another neck beard virgin circle jerk thread.

>> No.9416671

>implying there aren't ugly Chads