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9405971 No.9405971 [Reply] [Original]

First of all, let me just say that Chainlink is a legitimate project.
The team is very professional and they are just trying to create something that's needed by some companies.
However, there is absolutely no reason to expect its tokens to "moon", so to speak.
After all, it truly, only does a little more than a jason parser.
You probably won't lose all your money, but you won't make it either.

>> No.9405976

Now the people who scammed you, are some of the oldfags on 4chan.
I know you've all heard about some of the autistic geniuses on this board and their legends.
However you are terribly mistaken for thinking that they are on your side.
4chan deeply resents the new comers and they won't hesitate to take your money from you.

>> No.9405993

At this point it has become obvious that Assblaster was nothing more than a larper.
Not only him, there are also larpers who pretend that they believe in AB.
Shills who said things like "AB sounded like he knows a lot about finance."
A group of anonymous people who created the illusion of "link marines" holding bags together.
One day we'll "make it" together.

>> No.9406009

Many of you have been outcasts in your life.
You may not realize this but you want a community like this.
You love an echo chamber and reassurance.
You desperately want to make it so you can show everyone who've wronged you, betrayed you, despised you.
These scammers took advantage of that. You have been the target of a psych op.
You thought people wouldn't have tried so hard. Oh but they have. It wasn't even difficult for them.

>> No.9406024

Now link marines have become reality, but this community is built on nothing but lies, and delusion.
I'm sorry anons.
You will have held these bags during the biggest oppotunity in your life and get nothing in return.
I hope you carefully assess your situation and take actions before it's too late.

>> No.9406133

Thanks Warren.
Your pills are in the bottle, as usual.
Also we replaced that piss cola with unborn babies' blood.

>> No.9406176

It's all true, us old fags, have stocked up on Mobius the true Oracle platform.

>> No.9406203

This thread was produced by the Delphi.
I keep warning you fucking idiots.
I’m also a burning raging faggot who loves eating whipped cream off Tyrone’s smegma

>> No.9406442

FUCK OFF. 300k and never selling. Go watch some porn u faggots.

>> No.9406476



>> No.9406508

wtf is this iambic pentameter shit

>> No.9406525

t. 26 year old boomer

>> No.9406568

damn, you know your shit.
I appreciate the research you've put into this, and thank you for sharing it. I hope others seriously consider your warning

>> No.9406579

Although i kind of agree.

Keep in mind cl is a very promising project with a working testnet.
Most other crypto projects are complete scams.
Once link becomes more mainstream it will do well, perpetually.

There's a lot of link fud lately. I know why.

>> No.9406640

What do i buy instead

>> No.9406641

Now this is interesting, for months i've seen only retarded shills, but recently there is a lot of fud and it's a decent quality fud, like this one. What might be a reason? Do you want to fuck the weak hands? Im not selling my stinkies faggots, fuck off. 1000 EOY

>> No.9406664

Depends what you want. Safe growth Zil. Fast growth Colx. No growth Link. Negative growth Req

>> No.9406699
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BitconnectX a new fork from bitconnect that will make your money disappear faster than ever.

>> No.9406708

This thread was produced by the Delphi.
I keep warning you fucking idiots.

>> No.9406747

>Negative growth Req
req has been the most stable token in all of crypto

>> No.9406820

You are probably the same fucking OP that claimed to be one of the top 20-40 wallet holders of ChainLink. You fucking piece of shit should die in your own vomit.

>> No.9406843

Is this bait? This must be bait

>> No.9406846
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>> No.9406872

this. patents pending

>> No.9406889

Why the fuck would you post this now? At least wait a month or something you fucking douchebag. It's still way up -- don't give away the game until it's like $0.10 so we can all laugh at the newfags.

>> No.9406899


Soon DERO. Soon. I love under the radar cryptos.

>> No.9406910
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Soon DERO, soon.

This coin is so under the radar, it's awesome.
Remind me of Antshares before becoming NEO.

>> No.9406923
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thanks for you kind warnings and the fact that you're so worried about our money but no one gives a shit what your boomer ass thinks. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.9406933

I thought you were my frens. Is it true you just wanted to take my money?

>> No.9406947

This. We should make a new name to give people like him: dumbfag

>> No.9406948

Going to invest in this next paycheck after reading the white paper. Very promising project

>> No.9407028

Do you fags see?
Even fud posts like these are part of the psy op.
It creates a common enemy so bag holders will form a even stronger bond. The delusion grows stronger.
To be honest you are all too far gone at this point.
There is no way you are selling your linkies. They are like a tumor. They are part of you now.
This cult has got you, and there is no getting out.

>> No.9407037

Bro, you’re so fecking cool! Hell yea, these NEWFAGS are so GAY amirite?! EL OH EL...we are so much better at being on the internet and have spent more of our lives reading 4chan! We should suck each others cocks frfr!

>> No.9407055

I spy with my little eye a filthy shill

>> No.9407056

Oh no, we may lose some money! This is going to ruin our lives forever! Oh no!

>> No.9407084
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Not. Selling.

>> No.9407173

>being this new
You're not going to get rich here, why do you keep coming back

>> No.9407232

make up your mind

>> No.9407322

Because people like you are funny to me

>> No.9407384

OP is not wrong on many of his ramblings.

>Does LINK have stronger fundamentals than RDD, for instance?
Of course, it's like comparing diamonds to diarrhea despite the latter being 20 spots ahead on CMC.

>Does LINK have an obvious, organized shilling campaign behind it that actually hurts its publically percieved value?
Yes, a very incompetent and shortsighted at that.
>Is it a good buy & hold as in 3 - 5 years down the road?
Yes. Don't bet the farm.

>> No.9407562

>being so new you got b8'd

>> No.9407583

>t. newfag

>> No.9407596

Checked, this is what I have been looking for

>> No.9407618
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LARPing is a form of shitposting and it hides insecurities. I know because I do this myself all the fucking timeand linkies shitpost and LARP all day. When one shitposts we can stick to our plan and while we're busy shitposting we may stop ourselves from making emotional decisions. We know we want to remove emotions, but understanding things isn't the same than being able to do them. When we get into crypto we're the new money that wants to be the heroes and when someone has been succesful we may try to copy his path as best as we can but the truth is that most projects have a huge amount of black boxes for most investors, when they're really profitable and when they're not. So we meme ourselves into believing our black boxes are rational and they have our hopes and dreams inside. We make bets in a game with incomplete information (don't tell me anyone gets the economics and the technicals and at any moment we can only guess what other participants are planning) where the deck is stacked against us and most information isn't revealed until it's resolved. Crypto is full of volatility AND risk, it's all very psychological and we're alone and free to choose and we're all pulled towards that freedom but that gives us a lot of power to get rekt. Thanks just sold 100k.

>> No.9407797
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Yes yes. It was all an evil ploy by oldfags to dupe newfags into buying a coin and fluctuating its value by .00000001 usd with shilling and fudding on an obscure imageboard to take advantage of the swings. They even picked a coin with an actual needed function to really stick it to those newfags.