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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9401947 No.9401947 [Reply] [Original]

Monday is going to be fucking huge
Why do you think Sergey is mingling in New York with the crypto elite
I can't prove my claims but I have been privileged with information
If you do not go all in right now you will be in the sea of red wojaks on Monday
This is your warning anon
So fucking comfy

>> No.9401956

lets hear that privileged info fren

>> No.9401970


>> No.9401979

His info are his bags
Heavy af it seems

>> No.9401988

I wish some fren would compile all the bedtime LINK stories into an actual physical book and sell it to me

>> No.9401989

I can't fren. If I say anything related further I will give away who I am if they find out I posted this
You will be anon
I can tell you one thing
It ain't going down
Put a small stack in and thank me Monday
That anon that sold earlier today will probably kill himself

>> No.9401999

Thanks Rory

>> No.9402007

Sergey and the team were discussing in Telegram the EOY price yesterday.

>> No.9402019

thanks nick szabo i knew you had our back this whole time

>> No.9402027

I'm a REAL insider and Sergey tripped down a comically long flight of stairs right in front of everybody today. The CEO started a sarcastic slow clap while Sergey was just lying there twitching in his blood soaked flannel.

>> No.9402028

If I make it with my mere 2k stack, I ll do it. I will go to every archived thread about insider info or whatnot and compile them all together IN A BOOK, not a shitty image. I'll fucking do it, screencap this

>> No.9402030
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> the meme depicts high schoolers as the main holders of link

At least /biz/ is being more honest with themselves.

>> No.9402043

Close your eyes, try to clear any thoughts you are having
Take long, slow, deep breathes and put all your focus and attention onto your breathing
iiiiiiiinnnn.................... ooooooooooooouuuut

good. Do this for a few minutes, then -
VISUALIZE yourself becoming rich through your LINK investment
ANTICIPATE the things you will buy with your new found abundance of wealth
IMAGINE as though it is all happening now in the present moment, for the present moment is all that truly exists
FEEL the way you will FEEL when that moment comes and you make it!

Now open your eyes, look in a mirror, and recite these affirmations (use/add your own that is relevant to the reality you want to create once you make it)
It's important to do this when you wake up and before you go to bed, but do it as often as possible. Also hold the image and idea of us making it and LINK being worth $1,000 or more in your mind as you fall to sleep.

I love you all

>> No.9402049

How comfy should I be with 9.8k stinkers

>> No.9402065

That's up to the market to decide but I can say with 100% certainly comfier then you are now

>> No.9402083
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>> No.9402090

what did they say?

>> No.9402103

You are a MANIAC
(and so am I)
In b4
>This is pasta

>> No.9402132
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>i cant prove my claims but...

not this shit again.... for the millionth time.

>> No.9402137

How feasible is interblockchain communication? Does it exist? Is it possible to exist?

>> No.9402139

define insanity

>> No.9402148

Dude.. so am... I!
I'm in every thread saying the exact fucking shit
( the definition of sanity is doing something different and expecting a different result)

>> No.9402159

Sergey was just repeating $1000 EOY and something in Russian that no one got. Rory was trying to calm him down but he was ecstatic.

>> No.9402181
File: 129 KB, 1070x644, chainshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how there's less and less of these Chainlink shilling threads?

You fell for a scam, and now you're left holding the bags, sorry.

You originally bought this shitcoin because you saw the memes being shilled on here, just admit it to yourself.

They've already dumped their bags on you and you will see memes for a new shitcoin soon as this one gets forgotten.

>> No.9402187

Please don't say this. I'm almost buying it. What's the non-scam coin if I want to gamble into richness after Consensus?

>> No.9402191

You bring up some interesting points anon which makes me question things further. First, how well did he bounce of his gut? Second, is the big mac diet a new prequsite for health/life insurance smart contract's, since it saved a life.

>> No.9402196

oof. how long have you been here bud?

>> No.9402204
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>> No.9402218

Buy Mobius it's 100x better and faster than chainshit.

>> No.9402234

I've been lurking for a few days...

>> No.9402250



>> No.9402265
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Its happening

>> No.9402293

I'm serious. I'm on /ic/ and /gd/ mostly, very new to crypto, but an "early adopter" as I imagine the future will be crypto-based. Few weeks ago I've entered /biz/ to understand about, guess what, BUSINESS tips, and only found crypto talk. Didn't understand a thing initially, but I believe I'm better now. I've read a lot and studied about the general blockchain thing but I'm not a tech savy or anything. From what I've read about EOS, LINK and LOOM, they seem like good for the 'real world' applications (which I'm most interested in). I'm an UI designer so I believe there will be demand of good user interface for crypto-apps (dapps).

>> No.9402296

with Chainlink it is.

>> No.9402308

most people think memes are just funny pictures, but the dark side is they can be tools for propaganda and mind control

memes were a major factor in getting Trump elected, and they are very effective in turning people against eachother (the "amerimutt" memes for example)

in this case, there was a coordinated shilling of Chainlink memes, you guys saw them, you thought you were "insiders" boarding a train early and you bought into it.

Maybe later you researched the technology and team behind it, but that wasn't the real reason you bought it. The real reason was the memes.

I've seen it again and again and again. Notice how there's no more FunFair threads on here any more? Check the price of FunFair, all that's left are bagholders now after months of nonstop memes being shilled.

You think these memes just appear out of nowhere? It's the same group of people, just different coins.

>> No.9402320

wanna make an app that market buys linkies (converts $ to $LINK) for all the normie companies that are gonna need them to run nodes?

>> No.9402325

AHAHAHA this larping faggot

>> No.9402327

You have bit to learn. Don't loose sight of the forest and biz does a great job of poisoning the well for itself.

>> No.9402345


Give us a hint so we know you're legit

>> No.9402360

he's legit

>> No.9402365

you are very on point, and your post should be stickied

>> No.9402373

Thank you Mr. Takuan.

>> No.9402376

Yeah except Link has been getting posted about for over 8 months now. The scams always die within a month or two

>> No.9402400

link is probably one of the longest spammed memes to date next to trump/btc/eth/neo and arent one month pump and dumps like xrp/fun/bazingacoin/turtlecoin/flik get your facts straight you autist.

>> No.9402451

Was ETH and NEO shilled for almost a year like LINK?

>> No.9402456

the straight fact is that your forced memes and thread spam are more enduring, but this doesn't validate the quality of the investment in any way.

last but not least: fuck your mother if you want, fuck? :^)

>> No.9402459

length of shilling and magnitude of moon are correlated

>> No.9402481

I guess...but was ETH and NEO on the level of LINK in terms of how long the shilling went on?

>> No.9402505

ETH yeah

>> No.9402521

Thank you.

>> No.9402524
File: 7 KB, 200x252, 1513505660082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interblockchain communication is where ARK comes in. SmartBridge tech bb newfag

Get in ARK by Monday or forever regret

>> No.9402543

I was here way before ANS/NEO. NEO was closest to LINK. It had funny memes (ANS IN PANTS stupid logo etc) but LINK has fucking mythology around Sergey and co.

>> No.9402547

The unfettered mind is always fun to apply in these circumstances...

>> No.9402578

What kind of moon pattern did NEO follow? Was it overnight or gradual? I think LINK is a great project but the price has been stagnant for quite a while.

>> No.9402607

Neo was no where near links shilling, I'm not sure why people even compare them. Neo had the paedophile pink girl, the trump one and ants in your pants. Link has been the biggest since ethereum

>> No.9402639

Didn't ANS rebrand to NEO and go from $5 to $50 in less than 24h?

I put off depositing money to buy crypto for months, hearing about ETH, then Ripple mooning, then looked at biz again and saw people freaking out about the coming rebrand and decided to deposit $15k and buy 3k ANS.

Then I realized it was the weekend and I had to make an account on Gemini and get KYC'd and then it would take time for a wire to come through and I was sad. Watched the moon happen without me. :(

>> No.9402642

>paedophile pink girl
aware me please

>> No.9402654

>$5 to $50 in less than 24h
That is insane.

>> No.9402682

no, it was more like $6 to $48 in a week

>> No.9402696

Imagine being one of the anons that got into ANS when it was under a dollar.

>> No.9402716

>paedophile pink girl
>aware me please

the girl from lazytown

jesus, how new are you?

>> No.9402723

4chan for nearly a decade, biz for 3 months.

>> No.9402790
File: 444 KB, 593x492, BBF354D0-9B85-4CE1-AB52-E2D322E41511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking new fags. Kek

>> No.9402818

How don't see how this can be used as a meme for ANS

>> No.9403792

trumps victory was decided before the election began

>> No.9403821


>> No.9403840

Hyperledger Implementation will be announced.

>> No.9403890

We bought in at ICO before a single meme even existed you reddit spacing faggot

>> No.9404242

ANS was being shilled here at 50cent... i jumped off at 4 dollars only to watch it hit 50.

>> No.9404249

I did.. thanks to /biz.
I also sold at 4 dollars.. thanks to /biz fud.

>> No.9405022

You're actually very wrong, I saw some random thread about the ico, when to the site, signed up my email, and then they gave me the option to "chainlink a smart contract" using code. I couldn't believe it. A non bullshit project that was already on it's way to actually being used that solves a real world problem. I went all in after the dump post-ico and the memes came after. $1000 eoy

>> No.9405030


>> No.9405047

It was posted in every ANS shill thread, accompanied with appropriately condescending words. Autist kept it up until it gained traction and other fags posted it

>> No.9405060

We know he's in New York. We know he's at the conference.

>> No.9405065

nope it mooned from $1 to like $3.50 since it was being shilled as "chinese eth" and the swings on it were crazy and very unpredictable. Mooned a bit higher to about $6-7 and when the rebrand came, every sold and it tanked a bit. A few weeks later it mooned randomly to $50 or something

t. got into ANS at $1

>> No.9405600

These memes were produced by the Delphi.
I keep warning these fucking idiots.

>> No.9406018

what about 400?

>> No.9406399

The Boy Who Cried Moon

>> No.9406431

If you can't differentiate between pajeets shilling a scam coin with no fundamentals and actual autistic persons sharing their research after months of reading and investigating a project you will be eaten alive by /biz/. The only way to protect yourself is to Do Your Own Research and Lurk moar

>> No.9406629

When the news drops it'll already be too late. Single oracles are just starting to be used, while CL is preparing for the next step when we need consensus across multiple connected oracles.

>> No.9406823
File: 47 KB, 640x1132, tlQRv15_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not this shit again.... for the millionth time.

>> No.9406881

delphi is literally not even 2 months old. Fuck off fake astro

>> No.9406929

I bet Sergey did some good networking at the event

I bet the announcement is Sergey retiring from Chainlink and working as a dev on a more promising project

>> No.9407051

Delphi has been around since december when i first joined.

>> No.9407131

lol im one of the founding members...fuck off

>> No.9407161

I was a founding member you faggot. My buddy got promoted to moderatus.

>> No.9407168

Oh my god
No one cares

>> No.9407176

We are right under your nose.

>> No.9407213

>>9407131 no one cares about your shit discord group for faggot farmers larping about being rich one day.

>> No.9407221

Is there anyone on this board who gives a fuck about some discord group?

>> No.9407226

Kys tripfag
You're discord doesn't make you special

>> No.9407669

No, it's r9k tier skypegen but worse.

>> No.9407722

Are you korean?

>> No.9407782

Oh look another larper

You pajeets are hilarious

>> No.9407812

I would very much like chainlink to never moon. I don't think it's a bad project, even the holders don't annoy me so much... but the fucking larpers. EVERY. DAY.
>can't say anymore
>My friend who...

Oh my god fuck off, no one believes you.

>> No.9408590

ETH was shilled for a long ass time, I used to be a nocoiner faggot when I joined /biz/ in Dec 2016 and I remember seeing it shilled in early 2017 nonstop.

NEO was different since it was originally branded as Antshares with that stupid fucking ant logo and it looked like a complete and utter memecoin. I remember the heavy shilling last summer, and it turned out to be one of the highest performing coins of 2017. I wish I had paid attention...

I think Chainlink has actually been shilled longer and harder than either of them, but that just may be because crypto has been around longer. When you look at market cap and the significance of the project, $100 Link by 2020 is almost certain. In other words, every $1 you put into into Link today will be worth $200 within 3 years. Let that sink in.

>> No.9408611
File: 91 KB, 998x572, 1526073024503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: link baggies

>> No.9408983

So all you can do is make a bunch of vague statements with zero evidence, literally like every other fucking pajeet on here.
It doesn't even matter if you're right or not, only an idiot would take your word for it.

>> No.9409176
File: 126 KB, 800x769, interesting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually the guy making many of the memes
why? because kek told me to do it.