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9392729 No.9392729 [Reply] [Original]

and have seen others "make it"

Money allows you to focus on what you love instead of focusing on bills and counting every dollar

It won't fix your autism. In fact, it helps you live life more in a bubble (if you decide to do this, consciously or subconsciously). You can Prime Now everything and build your entire house to be an "Autism Den(TM)."

Money will allow you to figure out what you love. Money provides stability and security. It doesn't necessarily direct you to happiness. Having stuff isn't happiness, and you will figure this out (eventually).

A question you will ask yourself will be "what now." After sex becomes simply a release, what now. After hanging with your boys becomes the usual, what now. After traveling to places you've wanted to see, what now. After you have had an opportunity eat what you've desired, what now. After you buy the latest of everything, what now. You will constantly ask yourself, what now. It sounds crazy, but it's sorta like the ol' adage "every beautiful woman has a man who is tired of fucking her."

You'll get tired of just having stuff and doing stuff. You will have to figure out what truly makes you content with life. That is the struggle. Yeah, it sounds ridiculous if you're struggling and you have to worry about finances and budgeting and school and work and whatever, but it's real and you will see. It sounds crazy, but there are moments when you feel like you were more content with life when you were struggling. When you make it, you will understand.

Take care, /biz/raelis.

>> No.9392756

If I roll trips, you send me 1BTC.


>> No.9392767

yup, trips and I get 5 ETH? thanks op.

>> No.9392777

wise words anon

>> No.9392782


>> No.9392788

holy fuck that's deep
thanks anon

>> No.9392812

Thanks, made 100k

>> No.9392813

I just want more knowledge, anon.
Did you just get lucky (like you're an early adopter or bet in the right shitcoin)? If not, how do I make it? Trading everyday? Where did you learn the things that helped you into making it?

I wanna make it

>> No.9392814

>OP is rich and unhappy
>i'm poor and unhappy


>> No.9392817

lol just play vidya, work out occasionally and learn some skills that you're interested in. Or try some crazy shit.

>> No.9392831
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Those trips!!!

>> No.9392842

Money doesn't change who you are.
And, even though, I haven't made it yet, I understand that the struggle to get to the point I am now in life made me who I am. Without that struggle I would be a totally different person. Most likely a shallow idiot of some sorts.
So congratulations OP.
I hope I will make it so I can then look at my struggle times with a nostalgia.

>> No.9392844

>hanging with your boys
does not compute

>> No.9392850

Yea. Read Ecclesiastes even if you arent a believer.

>> No.9392876

You need a fight a goal bigger than yourself, one that you feel deeply and passionate about. One that involves helping out others or animals.

>> No.9392923

“What man actually needs is not a tensionless state but rather the striving and struggling for some goal worthy of him."

>> No.9392938

I think about this as part of visualizing my future. I have goals I still want to achieve, will money make it easier? Yeah probably, but it's still things I want to do. For example, when it comes to music, I won't feel like I've made it until I get interviewed by Nardwuar. I have other goals not related to music that I can't even fathom having enough money to accomplish but god damn it make it or die trying. I think what's odd though is even though I feel like I'm .01% of the way to accomplishing any of this I'm still happy. Happiness isn't about haves and have nots, it's about how you wake up everyday, how you think of yourself and others. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't pissed about the materialist values of present day society but that's the collective's choice in believing what they're shilled. There are many ways to be happy but ultimately, the kind of happiness one can give from themselves like a well starts from within, one must allow themselves to be happy regardless of circumstance so that they can understand the difference between happiness and contentedness. I am still human so there are days where I feel the other emotions as well, however I know just as my happiness can become a well so too will my sadness and anger if I allow it. Wish me luck and good luck to all.

>> No.9392978

truth. the goal after making it is advancing the species.

>> No.9392980
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Thanks buddeh, I'm slowing realizing this. Can't wait to make it with Link and travel the world like a vagabond. Godspeed

>> No.9392981

What would y’all niggers do if this shit really takes off? I’d get on that American Psycho body and skin routine and eat high quality meals first, I’d be a fashion god too, probably travel with my boys for a year or so then get a house built in Texas hill country, but after that I don’t really know what I’d want to do. I always liked the idea of getting a proper classical education.

>> No.9393019

I would like to have some sort of program to help out all of the young boys raised by single mothers or are just beta.

>> No.9393023

as someone who already made it, I
haven't had any of your problems so far
lifestyle hasn't changed a bit: no alcohol, and no drugs

>> No.9393039

this is ACTUALLY a great philosophical method. exercise this throughoutly and try to find out what will be left after your "desires" wouldve been satisfied. what are your real needs? you can find this out via meditation I think. love you fellow bizraeli, you have it figured out

>> No.9393042

When Jesus went into the desert, that should be understood as a desert of the spirit, a desert of values, of things he valued, things which he evaluated as being worthwhile, things which he enjoyed pursuing, which made him happy. Ecclesiastes comes to mind when I read that part of the Bible. One should think of it more like what Bill Gates' child feel if his whole world was Home Depot. There's nothing in it to catch his fancy. Nothing in the store he wants, even though he could have everything in it. What Home Depot is to that kid is what this world and everything it has to offer was to Jesus. In short, the "desert' is a state of mind wherein nothing in this world interests you, nothing in it makes you happy.

Now, it is in the desert that Jesus meets the Devil, and the devil offers him things of this world, things which the king in Ecclesiastes has. He offers him power, endless food, and even miracles on this earth, but none of it suffices, because as jesus puts it:
>man does not live by bread alone.
Earthly bread. This kind of bread may suffice for animals, most of them, but not for human beings. All a dog wants is to eat, fuck, and shit and play. A dog that has all this is a happy dog. But a human being who has all that but not this other thing will very quickly grow bored of it. He'll find himself in that spiritual desert.

>> No.9393094
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>That ID
>y'all niggers
Grow the fuck up and start fulfilling your biological imperative while producing children that will carry on your legacy and better civilized mankind.

>> No.9393104

There was never any meaning in society. That's not me being decadent, I mean, there was never any point to society, nationalism, politics, etc other than the perpetuation of those very structures for their own sake, same as how there is no 'point' to being human than creating more humans. We are just cogs in a replication engine and no amount of ideology changes that.

>> No.9393125

This is a high point of wisdom, because often times people tolerate the moment by living in the hopes for what may bring them happy in the future. As a teenager you were depressed, but you didn't kill yourself because you hoped things would get better when you went to college, or when you had sex. When you did go to college and had sex, it was fucking just fine or it probably sucked, but you didn't kill yourself because you hoped that getting out and getting a job, and a house maybe on the prairie and lots of dogs, some kids and rifles would do it. Then you'd be content. Or maybe you sought power in politics or business. Then you perhaps got all that, but even that hovered between sucking and being just fine, and so you need something else in the future into which to place your hopes. And so you keep living in hopes, until you reach a certain age, and for a lot of people that comes at 30. That's how old Jesus was when he went to the "desert", and Buddha when he went into the "wilderness", and Nietzsche's Zarathustra when he climbed mountains to go into his "cave", and even me now. 30 is important because that's around when you've tasted a representative sample of life's buffet of bullshit to make a final judgment about the whole thing: namely, that what is there for you to taste is nothing good.

You need something more. Your muslim friend eats nothing all day because he fasts, he doesn't jerk off, he doesn't have sex at all, he prohibits himself all these earthly delights, and yet he's clearly happier than you. You're not muslim though, nor christian, nor any other kind of religious. There's just no seeds of religion in you to sprout in these dire spiritual times. You saw them blossom in your friends, but there's any of these religions, be they christianity in all its flavors or islam or whatever are as far removed from you as paganism. You can see how happy your friends became once they too hit the same wall you now encounter, but you can't follow them

>> No.9393155

Id get an apartment in Dallas first and just work on myself for a while. Go full hermit just read work out and become a god

>> No.9393161


I'm starting to realize the same thing.

>> No.9393180

I was forged in the flames of onions, my mother drinks diet cola and smokes pot all day I was all alone but luckily I’m sexy and smart and will have a dope life

>> No.9393202

Now we destroy the state.

>> No.9393224

>All a dog wants is to eat, fuck, and shit and play.
this is not true at all. a dog needs company, warmth, love, attention, affection. Your points are valid and I dont understand why you bring this point, it is wrong and not necessary

>> No.9393283
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>> No.9393287

There is nothing I want more than children. I’ve romanticized the family life.

>> No.9393302

This is true. Being financially secure feels comfy, not having to check the prices on things is cool. But aside from that, things stay the same. Sure I got the newest toys but the novelty wears off fast. Riches don't bring happiness and as much as poor people despise that logic it's true.

Wow an actually good post on /biz/. The crash truly brings the best out of people.

>> No.9393306

Not having to work and not relying on handouts is all the happiness I need

t. Someone who cashed out 1.2m

>> No.9393339

i haven't made it but have a 5 year old son. unironically have kids, if you want a mission in life. that's the pleb way of having meaning in life. it will give you meaning until they're old enough to care for themselves.
there's nothing romantic about it, billions of people have it, it's a "normal" thing to do.
i'm thinking one more biological child, maybe two if my shitcoin portfolio comes through. if i do make it i am thinking even of fostering/adopting when i'm older.

>> No.9393356

that's actually a good idea, would give your life a lot of meaning too

>> No.9393363

neice of household name high end retail heir was my gf for college. in a private moment he told me he was miserable, his assets owned him, and so on.

neice of another mega wealthy couple was my gf for 6 years. i lived in one of their dozens of nice houses for free, i was working nearby, just had to keep an eye on the art collection. he said his assets owned him as well but he was a genius and pretty old so it wasn't that bad and his wife is a rare successful smart cool older gal.

if you find yourself wealthy: don't marry for beauty. you will need a wife eventually but hold off. use your money to buy peace-of-mind, not shiny toys. and don't gf the neices of rich people, that's my job.

>> No.9393405

Very well said and I couldn't agree more.

>> No.9393422

based wealthy people

did you break up with each because of the power dynamic? I broke up with a millionaire girl who bought $300 worth of eth when our professor shilled it to us ($11-30) the dynamic was uncomfortable for me despite how much I cared for her and felt it reciprocated. I stayed with her for 4 days then went home and she said she felt we didn't spend enough time together. That scared the heck out of me and I needed to retreat because such is my nature.

>> No.9393427

I made it and I cannot confirm OP's sentiments at all. Having money is a completely new paradigm. Not having to worry about basic survival is a freedom that provides joy that just can't be described in words. I was poor and making it even a little bit truly changed everything for me.

OP is probably LARPing

>> No.9393440

>he said his assets owned him
Kinda how it feels with crypto desu. My mental state is basically tied to crypto. When my folio is up so is my mood and spirit, when It's down I become anxious and depressed.

>> No.9393615

I haven't "made it" yet but... I went from living in my parents' basement and broke, to renting with roommates, to renting alone, to owning a house, all along the way getting pay raises and nicer things. Stress over bills, debt, expenses is all gone. I've traveled all over and I can freely spend money on entertainment to a fair extent.

And yet, I find what OP says to be 100% true. If I suddenly became rich, I think the feeling would be amazing for a couple years and then I'd basically feel the same as now.

>> No.9393626

you went from being a leech to being a wagie, you have no experience with what OP is talking about so why do you think you can weigh in on it?

>> No.9393674

Can someone send me $1 in ETH? I cant move my coins please

>> No.9393914

Haven't "made it" yet but have enough to where I don't think about money anymore. It helps that living in mexico is cheap as balls.

It's so incredibly liberating. I do me now. Exercise 5x a week, trade in my free time, see a shrink twice a month. I go out with my girlfriend three times a week and don't care about how much the bill will be. I take music gigs that don't pay me 'cause I don't need the money and it helps me get ahead.

I'm looking forward to "making it" just so I can invest outside of crypto. I want to go into real estate development, I want to help out my cousin with his burger joint, I want to open my own vegan place.

I no longer dream of not having to work, I just want to embark on projects and do shit that sounds interesting. Next year I'll hopefully enroll to do an MBA, just because I think I'd like it.

And for that, all I need is for the market to trade sideways until the end of the year. Turns out trading is fun AND not that hard. I don't need a moonshot, just time.

This anon is wise, focus on you, figure out what fulfills you. Take your time, be a better you. Life can be pretty ok.

>> No.9394294

"What now?" is still a better question than "When the fuck will I die because I hate wagecucking".

>> No.9394344


how to make it? please tell so I can struggle too!

>> No.9394542

> ID checks out

Welp, it’s a self fulfilling prophecy now anon

>> No.9394604

Wow this is real shit. I’m 29 and going through these feels.