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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9384586 No.9384586 [Reply] [Original]

Why are people so obsessed with giving their lives away for money when the fact is it doesn't make you happy no matter how much you have

>> No.9384603

financial freedom is the nicest thing in the world

>> No.9384614

It does make you happy.

>> No.9384621

Yeah, staring at my money wouldn't make me happy. But buying a plane ticket to somewhere and staying for a month probably would.

>> No.9384672

So I can pump and dump cute traps whenever I want

No joke, my main reason for wanting to make it.

>> No.9384715
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At what cost? Giving away the most prime years of your life so by the time you retire youre in diapers?
t. poorfag
I agree about traveling, but is it worth wageslaving 40-70+ hours a week for the rest of your life?

>> No.9384734

I don't care I could be 50 still slaying prime college gold diggers. every relationship is transactional in nature so it wouldn't bother me

>> No.9384739

If I had money I could cope better. Fuck off OP dumb stupid meanie butthead

>> No.9384755
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>when the fact is it doesn't make you happy
speak for yourself faggot

>> No.9384773

Anon dunno where you heard this but its seriously immoral, read some Immanual Kant, using people as a means to an end (transactionally) is to disregard their innate autonomy, you should instead be treating them as something in an of themselves with instrinsic value.

>> No.9384837

but everything really is transactional, it's just being rational. People won't interact with someone that can offer nothing to them. It has to be entertainment, pleasure, money, etc.

>> No.9384964
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interactions and relationships you form with others is the only reason worth living though. while im sure a lot of people do have your perspective for me personally just spending time and talking with people im close with makes me happy enough.

>> No.9384980

My dream is to be able to work remotely year round so I can live somewhere warm in the winter months and go home in May.

>> No.9384983

Well some of us are sad regardless so might as well be rich and sad

>> No.9384984

What do you spend your money on that makes you happy?

>> No.9385012

Hi Remi anon. What you're saying holds true for many, but it doesn't change the unfortunate fact that we need as much money as possible to afford to live.

>> No.9385086


Kill yourself faggot

>> No.9385100
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I cant really argue with that. I'm more so trying to say that becoming a slave for the dollar will never bring happiness like some people think.
i wish i had the balls to do it

>> No.9385115


I know if there is 1 thing you can do right, is to kill yourself anon :)

>> No.9385122

There is a point where having money is awesome. It's just not everything.

>> No.9385132

I mean i get your point and its a valid one yeah but most of western law is built upon the morality espoused by Kant, if we treat people transactionally or as a means to an end (as tools or whatever) we are acting immorally because we disregard the inherent worth they possess as thinking, feeling, autonomous beings.

>> No.9385154

Don't know about you but I'd definitely be happier if I wasn't this poor. Maybe if you already have like 10 mil or something getting more doesn't really make you that much happier.

>> No.9385305
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your posts are very mean anon...

>> No.9385336


They are doing what they were meant to do :)

Go avatarfag elsewhere.

>> No.9385351

Only certainty I have and is Im depressed 40 hours a week and fine the rest.

>> No.9385391

Most highly succesful people don't "wageslave" just to get rich. Working gives their life meaning. Most of you NEETs probably don't understand this because you've never had tried having a great job.

>> No.9385410

Fuck working and fuck getting a job and fuck normies. I just want to have 30 years of a comfy life without work and kill myself after my parents are dead.

>> No.9385426
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im not avatarfagging im just posting my favorite girl!
this guy gets it

>> No.9385447

>posting always the same stuff after describing yourself to form an identity
>speak mostly NOT about bussiness
>not avatarfagging

>> No.9385476

You do you. Most people want more in life than just being comfortable though.

>> No.9385510


Well thats good for me, if i dont have to do "the work" . I just want normies to leave me alone.

>> No.9385545

So you want free stuff from society without contributing anything to society?

>> No.9385590
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Yes. Problem, normie? Lots of people take advantage of you already, i will be just the last one in the line.

>> No.9385593

Explain to me what a "great job" is. I've never had a job, as I'm a student and only 18, but really any job seems awful, even if you make a lot of money. I think people are just trying to cope with the fact they are wasting their life slaving away for a corporation, just so they can get a tiny fraction of the money they make for them, then they just spend all the money and take on debt so they have to slave even more.

>> No.9385627
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>tfw no angry neet bf

>> No.9385660

I'm not a neet but i'm autistic. I dont like to be around people. And society forces me to be around people just to survive. So they torture me every day just so i dont die in the streets. Of course im angry.

>> No.9385700

I feel kinda bad for you desu. I'm sure I'm enjoying life a lot more than you are. I have no problem giving you a little bit of money every month if it makes your life a little better :)

>> No.9385717

iktf anon, i would play games with you if you want...

>> No.9385718


I dont want charity normie, i will take my cut of your money via inflation and stupidity of the masses just like the government does.

>> No.9385722

why dont you just kill yourself? the suffering will only get worse

>> No.9385747


I dont want any "friends", i'm autistic. I just want my money so i can be comfy until my parents die. That's the only thing i really need.

I can tolerate it if i get the money. I'll wait for my parents to die so they dont have to suffer because they at least they cared about me. Wouldnt be fair just to do it now.

>> No.9385760

shit that's actually a pretty good quote.

>> No.9385785

You can't be happy without freedom. Money gives you freedom.

>> No.9385815

Well that depends on what your interests are. My mom is a doctor and she truly enjoys helping sick people. My dad's a philosopher because it's his passion (it's not a job that will make you wealthy as you probably know). I own a small/medium-sized online business. It sounds like a meme but my job is biggest hobby: I love the strategy aspects, making sales, doing marketing, making customers satisfied, bargaining with suppliers etc.

>> No.9385838

>Work 50-60 hours a week fulfilling someone elses demands for 40 years
>great job
lmao the wagecucks have really deluded themselves

>> No.9385862

any cute trap vid favorites pls

it's so hard to find cute petite Asian goddesses with feminine penises

>> No.9385863

killing yourself is a one way ticket to hell
don't do it

>> No.9385874


Fuck your slave morality, fuck your religion and fuck you normalfag.

>> No.9385881

What are you trying to say? All my wealth is in assets that have positive real expected returns. I could quit working today and live this "comfy life" you dream about if i wanted to. I run own my own business and love my life. Why are you so angry?

>> No.9385883
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ahhh i see. I wish you the best anon i also fucking despise normies.

>> No.9385920

it really depends on what you're doing. Some professions need you to wageslave or else you cant gain enough experience to be independant.

Wageslaving is only a meme if you're in a dead end job

>> No.9385923

You're thinking of your job at McDonalds (and I would agree), I'm talking about jobs that people actually enjoy.

>> No.9385931


Lel i hope they beat inflation normie. Hint its higher than all statistics say. Im angry because i fucking hate living in this world made for non-autists and forced to interact with normies just to not die in the streets.

Good luck out there, dont fall for normie tricks.

>> No.9385955
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>slaves rationalizing their slavery
>aktshually enjoy

>> No.9385957


this most brainwashed normie believe the stupid hype that the older generations still put behind going to school and getting a degree and getting a job that makes okay money like it's the plan for everyone. almost nobody focuses on what they like and how they might turn a profit doing it.

>> No.9386020

I have a background in BM/econ. Pretty sure I have a better understanding of inflation than you do. My wealth is tied up in my business, stocks, my apartment and some crypto. I'm great financially and I'm enjoying my life. I'm sorry that your life is so miserable.

>> No.9386026

op u r cute
u r gonna make it

>> No.9386046

I'm a business owner. Wouldn't that make me the slave owner according to your NEET logic?

>> No.9386062
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I have less than a hundred bucks in my bank account right now and my only steady source of income is my mining setup, which is making less and less every day due to the market shitting itself.

Don't tell me that money doesn't make you happy.

>> No.9386071


I dont care about how much money you have normie. You get taxed, you get your money inflated and i get the benefits. That's what matters to me. Life as an autist in a normie world is miserable yes. That's why i want out. Life itself is the perfect tyranny and involuntary. Affecting a third party for your own benefit.

>> No.9386073

money = freedom to pursue happiness
money alone can't make you happy (due to the hedonic treadmill, which is important because it makes humanity continue to advance), but it allows us to avoid doing unpleasurable activities (like working at a shit job)

you're not a slave if you can walk away at any time
having a shitload of money allows you to do that
I'm planning to get a blockchain dev job despite already being a millionaire from Bitcoin because I am interested in that field
If I don't like a given company, I can simply leave since I already don't need to work for the rest of my life

>> No.9386081

I just want to own land, raise my family, find happiness in simplicity and self sufficiency.
Its fucking hard. The suburban sprawl has eaten up a vast amount of rural acreage where I am from. The governmental regulations on land and business ownership make ownership daunting. I fear living independently given our highly legalistic society where a single mistake can cost you everything. The same goes for our disgusting medical system where not having good insurance could be death.

I just graduated with my EE degree, I've really got to start figuring out how to achieve my dream.

>> No.9386088

We're getting taxed 35% to benefit Tyrone, Ahmed, and these NEETs. Why haven't we put all our savings into Monero and moved to Singapore yet?

>> No.9386111
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oh my god anon thank youuuu!
I really admire your ambition, I really hope you make it!

>> No.9386136

Please me how you think you're "taking your cut of my money via inflation". I suspect you're mildly retarded on top of being autistic.

>> No.9386150

Please tell me*

>> No.9386153


because i own crypto that gets pumped by inflated away, you dumb normie.

>> No.9386156
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gay animeposter

>> No.9386161

Pumped by fiat currency that has inflation

>> No.9386180

"Get's pumped by inflated way"? I think you should start by looking up what inflation is. As I said, I own crypto too (a lot more than you, I'm sure).

>> No.9386200


Oh yeah, you own more than 3 million usd in crypto normie, right? Believe whatever you want normie. Pay your taxes and hold fiat, thank you.

>> No.9386206

its like beating a stupid horse

they also probably believe inflation means the consumer price index and inflation bonds are actually a full hedge against inflation

people with retarded ideologies are futile to educate because you have to be retarded to arive at a retarded ideology in the first place

>> No.9386209

we're not wagecucks, I intend to retire by 30 at this rate

>> No.9386223

No I don't and neither do you if you still need to work your shitty low-wage job. 1% of my networth is in fiat currency. I'm not sure if it's the autism, but you're getting confused.

>> No.9386224


Meh, i like it this way, makes it way easier for me to be lazy and rich with crypto. I just want to have my comfy life.

>> No.9386273

>No I don't and neither do you

hehe, believe whatever you want to believe

>if you still need to work your shitty low-wage job

The job is not shitty, it does not pay well yeah, i just dislike being around people. Im also greedy and im waiting for the next pump so i can have over 10 million buckus. Why i havent quit? Because i need a plan B just in case. I could lose my money just like that.

>1% of my networth is in fiat currency.

Then that % should be higher, lol :^)

>> No.9386316

>Im also greedy and im waiting for the next pump so i can have over 10 million buckus. Why i havent quit? Because i need a plan B just in case. I could lose my money just like that.
you really dont understand opportunity cost like all the other normies

>> No.9386339

Good for you if you're doing well financially. I highly doubt it based on your comments though. 1% of my networth is 6 months living expenses for me. There's no reason for me to have more than that. If I need more fiat I can just sell some crypto/stocks.

>> No.9386344


I dont care, whatever. If life gets too hard ill just kill myself. Sorry Mom and Dad, you were guilty of bringing me to this horrible world anyways.

>> No.9386367

>Good for you if you're doing well financially. I highly doubt it based on your comments though.


>1% of my networth is 6 months living expenses for me. There's no reason for me to have more than that. If I need more fiat I can just sell some crypto/stocks.

Sell your stocks they are gonna crash in the next 3 years for sure. :^)

>> No.9386426

>the price of freedom is never too costly

>> No.9386512

Maybe they will, maybe they won't. I'm sorry, but I don't really care about a random autist with no financial background's opinion of the state of the stock market. One things for sure though, if you were smart enough to consisteny predict macro trends you would already be living that "comfy life", and not wageslaving a shitty job you hate.

>> No.9386576


Im just following the path of least resistance. I need the job as a plan B for now. I could cash out if i really needed to. I dont. Cryptomarket could collapse. I dont care, im all in. If that means killing myself in a year, so be it. If my parents died tomorrow i would just kill myself. I dont really want anything in life. I already experienced enought.

>> No.9386631

I dont care that you dont care about my opinion neither. But if im alive i wanna buy a year or 2 after the crash tho. Im not that smar to predict when its happening but its coming :^)

>> No.9386668

Of course it's coming. Everyone knows that. That doesn't mean that stocks are a bad investment now though. Look at the average return of the stock market during years with no major corrections.

I'm heading out. Good luck with your life. I hope it gets better :)

>> No.9386675

I'm the same person, just had to change wifi.

>> No.9386709


>Of course it's coming. Everyone knows that. That doesn't mean that stocks are a bad investment now though. Look at the average return of the stock market during years with no major corrections.

Eh, the crash could come as soon as this year for me. It could also be a slow bleed. Its not like im gonna short it anyways. I just want to buy the correction/crash

>I'm heading out. Good luck with your life. I hope it gets better :)

Goodbye. I certainly not looking forward to the future, even if i cash out/make it. But hey, maybe that could change, somehow.....

>> No.9386954
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>drive lambo
>girl sees you in lambo
>girl fucks you because she saw you in lambo
>rinse and repeat