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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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926465 No.926465 [Reply] [Original]

>steal toiletpaper from public restrooms
>evaporate ocean water to save money on salt
>the average home has 50 hinges and doorknobs. Remove all doors and sell knobs and hinges for $2 each. +$100!
>put expired milk in the sun for free cheese
>dip cool aid in bubble gum to get more cool aid

>> No.926472

>steal toiletpaper from public restrooms
>evaporate ocean water to save money on salt
how much salt do you use daily?
>the average home has 50 hinges and doorknobs. Remove all doors and sell knobs and hinges for $2 each. +$100!
>put expired milk in the sun for free cheese
retard, you will still have expired milk
>dip cool aid in bubble gum to get more cool aid

>> No.926482

>>dip cool aid in bubble gum to get more cool aid
trying to figure out the logistics of this one

>> No.926500

how to save money on your water bill:

>shit/piss outdoors. that way you don't have to flush your toilet
>find a public water tap, like someone who leaves their water hose out. fill up jugs with the water, bring it back to your house, bathe using said water. can also be used to brush your teeth.
>fill up drinking water from public reserves
>wash your clothes using the same water you get from public areas
>invest in a big portable tub or pool. put it out when it rains. literally FREE water just falling from the SKY!

how to save money on food:

>DUMPSTER DIVING. super markets/restaurants/food stores throw away "expired" food out back ALL the time. find the places that leave this shit out in the open and let the harvest begin. LITERALLY FREE FOOD.

how to save money on electricity:

>find a public outlet. connect all of your shit to it using an extension cord. you may have to tunnel underground to ensure sustainability. LITERALLY FREE ELECTRICITY.

random saving tips:

>when getting fast food, say they fucked up your order. usually, they'll just give you a replacement and let you keep the original
>don't be afraid to give out a random hand job here and there. that's a quick 20 bucks NONTAXABLE CASH for a few minutes of effort. plus this is a good way to network, which can open up future monetary possibilities!
>if you're gonna have casual sex, consider having gay sex. that way, there's no chance of anyone getting pregnant. children are among the WORST investments you can make and you'll likely have to keep pumping into them for about 20ish years and then wait another 20ish IF THAT for ANY kind of return on your investment, and even then it's a VERY low chance.
>security systems are expensive and yield results shortly. get a couple of dogs instead, they'll tip you off PLUS go straight for any trespassers
>guns and ammo are kinda expensive. get a crossbow instead. that way, you can RETRIEVE AND REUSE your ammo should you have to deal with any "undesirable elements".

>> No.926721

The electricity one comes in handy. I also use this little trick:

>mount 1000w grow light over solar panel array
>plug grow light into solar panels
>jumpstart with flashlight
>unlimited free energy

>> No.926725

If you want to eat cheap, buy oatmeal, pinto beans, and carrots.

>how to save money on your water bill:

At home I pee exclusively in the sinks.

>> No.926731

>put expired milk in the sun for free cheese

how to get free intoxication by rotten food

this is actualy really tempting on giving it a try

>> No.926732

ITT casuals


>> No.926733

Loved watching that show... It was like People Watching, but to the realistic extreme

>> No.926734


>not measuring everything with tablespoons


>> No.926736

Or the show about odd things people do. One was about this african american female who was obsessed with mothballs, and would smell them all day long. She'd have a supply of them with her at all times.

Now when I look at people, I make up odd addictions they have.

>> No.926737

>not enjoying the Colorado sunrise with a warm mug of urine

>> No.926738


That's just stupid. I can eyeball measurements of various things just fine. Also, I think the girl in the bathroom was using too much toothpaste. I only squeeze enough toothpaste to cover half of the bristles on my toothbrush. Drawing a bead down the entire length of the bristles is wasteful.

>> No.926754
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Forgive me Anon, I have forgotten to check my privilege and in doing so I have not been drinking my recommended intake of 8oz of urine a day because not doing so would result in my intolerance of those that do.

> Captcha: Select all the drinks
> 2015 Google not listing the urine drink
> 2015 Google is intolerant, will call PC Principal

>> No.926757

>oh she's naked, kinda hot
>oh she literally just used the phrase 'when I take a dump'
> she just explained how she washes her butthole with paper towels

>> No.926758

Jesus dude I just woke up and you're already making me turned on

>> No.926761

It's a le ebic troll. The original tip is to dip gum in cool aid powder to add flavour to it.

This is a shitposting thread, but here are some legit ones:

> Steal toilet paper from restaurants. A big industrial roll will last you weeks.
> Smaller jars of Nutella come in smooth jars with no lid screw. Clean them up and they're free tumblers perfect for breakfast juice or spirits and mixer. The best thing is they don't look like jars so your friends/date won't think you're a total cheapskate
> Similarly, creme brulee or other desserts often come in a glass ramekin. Keep, wash, use as a serving bowl for table sauces, nuts, etc.
> When you walk down the street scan the floor for coins. Also try every vending machine and payphone you walk past for unclaimed change. Dem pennies all add up.

Food and drink:
> At a bar or restaurant, take free salt, pepper, sugar, ketchup and mustard sachets, matches... fill your pockets
> Drink tap water. If you're fussy, fill up a bottle from a public water fountain or your work's water coolers.
> If you're eating out, always ask for tap water, or at most order a drink that has free refills.
> Learn the time that your supermarket reduces food. You can get meat and other perishable foods for literally pennies if you get there before anyone else
> Buy big, economy-sized (preferably catering size) bags of rice, pasta, beans, etc, and make these a staple of your meals
> Cook in bulk and freeze meals in batches using takeout containers
> Freeze your bread
> If your bread goes stale, sprinkle it with water and dry out out in the oven to bring it back to life. Or just toast it, you'll never know the difference.
> Did you motherfuckers know you can freeze milk? Basically, freeze everything.
> Dumpster diving

>> No.926764

I throw my pennies away. Am I damaging the economy?

>> No.926766


> See if your country/state offers free or subsidised wall and loft insulation
> Ditto for solar panels
> Put insulation strips on your doorframes and windowframes

> If your company reimburses fuel costs, car pool with three/four other guys. Take turns to drive while each of you claims full fuel expenses.

> If you have a big jar of coins at home, and want to get the cash value, never use the coin machines at supermarkets as they charge commission. Pay them in at your bank - ideally they'll have a free coin deposit machine or else you can bag up the coins and pay over the counter. They'll also give you coin bags for free.
> Aim to never pay interest on your debt. If this means transferring the balance to new cards offering 0% and free balance transfers for a limited time, do so, and switch again before the grace period expires
> Some banks give a cash incentive (one-off or rolling) for switching to them. Switch to whichever gives the best monthly rate
> Sell your old shit on eBay. You seriously don't need all your old crap.

> Befriend somebody who has Netflix. When you want to watch a movie, ask them for their sign in details
> Buy all your books used, either from Amazon or charity/second hand/thrift shops.
> Get Xbox Live Gold. Two free games every month, some of them pretty decent.
> Never buy games at release. they'll halve in price if you wait a couple of months and buy preowned

>> No.926768

Why would you do that? Collect them and cash them in. You'd pick up a $10 bill, so how is that any different to picking up or saving 1000 pennies?

>> No.926843

Because a dollar is 100 of those fuckers and they're dirty and covered in what can only appear to be fossilized feces from the 1980s.

I'm making a stand. I'm on a path to end the circulation of pennies.

>> No.926877

Well, more power to you, then.

>> No.926935

That's how I am but with dollar bills. You seriously need like 20 garbage bags full to even buy a watch or whatever. Like I'm gonna just haul around bags of money with me.

>> No.926940

>find a public water tap, like someone who leaves their water hose out. fill up jugs with the water, bring it back to your house, bathe using said water. can also be used to brush your teeth.
>he doesn't have actual public water fountains provided by the government

>> No.926943
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>he doesnt carry around garbage bags of money

>> No.926948

I get it's a troll thread man....
everything actually "makes sense," though. I just couldn't figure that one out

>> No.926956

If you find a penny a day, it'll take you 3 years to get 10 dollars.

>> No.926961

That's probably a lot cleaner than using toilet paper honestly. Toilet paper is just smearing the shit away, if you got shit on your hand you wouldn't just wipe it off with a tissue.

>> No.926976

>When you want to watch a movie, ask them for their sign in details
You won't have many friends if you do that

>> No.927030

I always let buddies use netflix. All it takes is me changing the password and they are good to go..

>> No.927032

That's the equivalent of $100 deposited in a 3.2% interest account compounded monthly. I actually track how much change I find and I average 3 pennies a day...

I have a friend who lets me use his Netflix. *shrug*

>> No.927034


> Finding a bank that offers 3.2% APY

>> No.927040

Most outdoor outlets in public areas, at least where I live, are for plugging in vehicles and are on a duty cycle. Meaning that other than in winter they are usually not operable.

>> No.927054

...I'm not sure whether you're saying that's easy or difficult to achieve, but where I live (UK) an account that yields 3.2% after tax would be considered very good indeed.

Hell, the best easy-access ISA (tax-free savings account) on the market is currently 1.5% compounded yearly. At that rate I'd need to hold a $100 initial deposit for seven years to see a return of $10; or a $667 deposit for one full year.

What I'm saying is, if you have the opportunity to pick up a penny every day, you should take it. The $3.65 you'd make in a year is equivalent to the interest on $244.

Obviously this is chump change to the wealthy, but this is a /frugal/ thread, not /rich/. Penny-pinching is the name of the game.

>> No.927055

>Buying books
the library has infinite free books
>Xbox Live Gold
PS+ lets you keep the free games that you have downloaded

>> No.927066

Yeah, I should have mentioned libraries. Also eBooks.

Xbox live lets you keep the games permanently too.

>> No.927074
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Hell, I've been shoving 5 dollars in pennies up my ass every day since 1999.
That's 500 pennies a day. 3500 a week, 42,000 pennies a year, 16 years makes that 672,000 pennies. You have touched my ass pennies, every single one of you has touched one of my ass pennies.

>> No.927105

>whenever you need to spit, spit into a jar. After a while it adds up and you can use it to wash your face in the morning, saves on costly water expenses.

>> No.927116


>be me
>be the other day
>see a blue 20 euro bill and a red 10 euro bill lying on the sidewalk
>carefully step over it
>continue walking

>> No.927120


tpb gives you all the premium games for free

>> No.927169

That's vile. Don't do this.

>> No.927191

>add 4 drops of febreze to a package of jello to make axe bodywash
>refill color printer cartridges with food dye
>shave down pennies and add one to each roll of dimes for .9% profit
>dip bubblegum in sugar to make more coolaid

>> No.927193

Honestly, not flushing overtime you pee is ok if you clean the toilet regularly, but the sink? Really?

>> No.927207

I have, more than once, considered rigging my gutters up to collect rain water and piping it in to use as grey water for toliets. I just don't think it would be worth the savings. Would be a kind of neat project I guess. No good in the winter though

>> No.927208

P trap has a fun new meaning.

>> No.928494

Some shit that actually works
>digital thermostat has saved me nearly 2K this summer
>composted about 70% of trash last year. Net spent on topsoil for garden: $0
>Keep ziplock bags at work, whenever there is a birthday party or celebration event, discretely load up after they are done and put food into freezer.
> speaking of work, if they have a Keurig but don't supply the coffee, get the refillable filter cups and use the generic Columbian roast at your local store (the cup will pay for itself in a week)

>> No.928514
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cool troll thread op

>> No.928528

Real tip that actually works: dip bubblegum in chili powder to make more cool-aid

>> No.928542

>whenever you need to cum, cum in a jar. Eventually it adds up and you can amuse a bunch of manchildren for a week, saving on their entertainment expenses and making you a damn commie.

>> No.928548

>quit your job and vote for Bernie Sanders. Free stuff incoming!

>> No.928557

>not knowing these people are actors
>still believing in reality tv
oh america

>> No.928565


>only have a few dishes to wash? Save water by putting dirty clothes in with them

>google image costo card, print and cutout the picture and put on top of random plastic card, get in to costco with fake card, walk around and eat all the free samples, easy to get away with two trips around, congrats on your free lunch.

>When taking a shower lots of extra shampoo is wasted on first rinse, keep a pet under you so you can wash them with the same shampoo

>> No.928568

Why does Rodney Dangerfield have a purple mohawk?

>> No.928571

Interest rates in America are nothing right now.

>> No.928581

In America you essentially can't make 1% anymore.

>> No.928582

you can with several banks. I have a pitiful amount in ally that earns 1%

>> No.928585

>steal toilet paper from bathrooms
>guy before you had shit on his hands but it was so small that you dont notice
>you are literally taking someone elses shit into your house

jesus christ anon, i rather wipe my ass with leaves than do that

>> No.928591

>put spare room on airbnb
>have sex
>get paid to have sex
>lol living the life

>> No.928592

How poor are you all that an extra 500$ a year is worth lowering your quality of life so much?
Whats the point of making money if you can't afford to wipe your ass?

>> No.928595

Speak for yourself. I save $500 a month on coolaid alone

>> No.928596

>get a load of this fat cat cam

>> No.928685

Shitpost fest but I'll add a few serious ones.

- Eliminate all debt you can. Interest keeps you poor and a dollar save really is a dollar earned. This plan works best: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bU7HEIs3IWw

- Ditch expensive cell phones and planes. Go with a barebones plan and $100 phone you own outright. I went from $115 to $60 a month doing that.

- Cancel cable TV. Buy your own network equipment off ebay used and get the lowest internet plan they offer. Went from $ 127 to $14.99 a month (flat including taxes and fees) with time warner cable.

- Turn down your hot water tank if you live in a house. It uses more gas than your heater/furnace over the course of a year.

- Heater/Furnace no higher than 68 F.

- Brown flush it down, yellow let it mellow.

- Plan your meals. Actually write them down and each ingredient needed. This includes work lunch and snacks, pack them.

- Make your own soap. Both laundry detergent and bar soap. Extremely easy to make - oil and lye, poured into a mold and cured basically. That same soap shredded with washing soda and you've got laundry detergent. Scents are optional but it does the job. One batch will last you nearly six months for about $6.

- On your car, keep your air filter clean, tires inflated correctly and use cruise control @ no more than 57mph if possible. The extra time my commute takes me is negligible compared to the additional 4-5 MPG I get.

I could go on and on. I'm a cheap ass mofo but I own all my stuff outright because of it.

>> No.928998

>to the additional 4-5 MPG I get.

Assume you drive more than the average American, say 20,000 miles per year.

And lets assume your car gets 33 MPG. That is 606 gallons of gas per year, or $1454 (with gas at $2.40 per gallon).

Now lets assume your do not go over 57 mph, and your get all the way up to a whopping 38 mpg. That would put you at 526 gallons of gas per year, or $1263.

You saved: 1454 - 1263 = $191 in one year.

But not all of your miles are highway miles. Lets say 3/4 of them are (15,000 miles). Your jew-hack does not work on the other 5000. So your actual annual savings is $191 *3/4 = $144.

Lets also assume the average highway speed is 65 mph; it would take someone driving the speed limit 230 hours and 46 minutes to drive those 15,000 miles. You are going 8 mph slower, so it will take you 263 hours and 9 minutes to travel the same distance. A difference of about 32.5 hours (that is four full work days)!

One final quick thing to show you: $144 / 32.5 hours = $4.43/hr. That is 1990s minimum wage.

My time is worth a lot more than that.

>> No.929038

You can make Yogurt with expired milk. Though I'm pretty
sure the OP is just trolling

>> No.929040

They stopped circulating them in Canada.
Pretty good idea

>> No.929057

(32.5*60)/260 = 7.5 minutes

You aren't getting paid a dime to commute to work anon. You can make the opportunity cost argument all you want, but if you're not actually using that 7.5 minutes to work on the clock, you're losing money.

The average American has
a set work schedule and doesn't get the option to clock in early by 7.5 minutes 5 days a week.

>> No.929161

More frugal commuting tips:
>sell one of the wheels/tires off your car for $100 and use the donut instead
>replace your good brakepads with old, worn ones. You will accelerate less for safety purposes, increasing mpg
>drive without headlights at night to save on electricity
>dip your transmission in coolaid to get more bubblegum
>skip oil changes. They're too expensive

>> No.929178
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>dip your transmission in coolaid to get more bubblegum
holy fuck i'm dying here

>> No.929188


I just don't live above my means and pay my parents $200 rent to avoid paying for an apartment.

>> No.929203

Thanks to your handjob tip I have work piling up every day. Good advice anon some people even told me they'd pay higher for blowjobs and anal!

>> No.929242

>am gay, so no kids and no fucking cunt females draining my income with retarded shit
>husband is manager at local Costco, in charge of all Costcos in our city but is at our local one 3 days per week. He took my last name, but his father is the guy who checks receipts at the exit, and no one knows this although it's not concealed. Sometimes early before Costco opens, he wheels out a cart of whatever he wants. Doesn't even bother paying, at least i never see the money leave our bank accounts. First shift exit guy is his father. No one says a word, no one really cares. He donates so much to food drives and homeless shelters

>> No.929290

>im going through the thread taking every idea seriously
is this bad?

>> No.929345

Depends what you do with your time. I listen to podcasts and enjoy my coffee on the way to work and use it to relax. I don't look at it as wasted time.

Besides it's not about one specific category having a 'holy shit the savings!' impact. Small cuts and modesty in living across the board have an amplifying effect.

I'll do the math too. Using your numbers for fuel and mine based on my budget before and after to add up savings. Plus a few tips I didn't share such as unplugging appliances not in use. Annually.

Fuel savings - ($12/Mo) $144
Phone savings - ($55/Mo) $660
Cable savings - ($112/Mo) $1344
Meal planning - ($135/Mo) $1620
Electricity - ($24/Mo) $288
Natural gas - ($15/Mo) $180
Water/Sewer - ($10/Mo) $120
Soap Making - ($12/Mo) $144

$4500 a year. For a few basic cuts and modesty in living. That's not even taking into account the saved interest and the power of your disposable income by eliminating debt. My actual savings by living frugally are around $650 a month from cuts alone.

When you're talking about saving for a home, paying one off or trying to retire early, it absolutely makes a difference. Every cup of coffee or MPH you speed you can equate to more time towards working towards a financial goal.

There's a sanity budget in there too so it's not miserable. It's not easy at first and certainly not for everyone. So I understand the skepticism and trolling in these kinds of threads.

>> No.929347

>save money
>not going to spend saved money to save more money

>> No.929430

Live with your parents for as long as possible, i wont be moving out until my late 20's fuck renting

Dont get a girlfriend prostitutes are cheaper

>> No.929432



I'm living with my parents till I'm in my mid 30s

beat that bro

gonna save fucking millions

>> No.929438

>Dont get a girlfriend prostitutes are cheaper

tips fedora

>> No.929441

>Assume you drive more than the average American, say 20,000 miles per year.

First step is not driving 20k a year. Live close to your job and the stores you frequent. Use a bike or motorcycle for trips where you don't need to take more than a backpack.

>> No.929442

Buy from the dollar menu and McD's.

As for extra napkins every time.

Haven't had to buy napkins in 20 years.

>> No.929448

>Haven't had to buy napkins in 20 years.
congrats man, you did it.

>> No.929476

Who is this semen demon

>> No.929496

how much soap do you go through that you can SAVE $12 a month??

>> No.929498

Or if you still can't get by with just a backpack, you can get one of these bitches amzn to/1NOcXrN
I got it for 80$ and it made it completely viable not to have a car. i can get any groceries i want, including cases of water, beer, and other heavy shit

>> No.929508

Bro, do you even shower?
>shampoo $5
>handsoap $3
>bar soap $3
>detergent $3
>dish soap $2
>cleanliness $priceless

>> No.929510

well first
>shampoo $5
good goy.

so you make your own detergent and liquid soap too? if not, you can buy huge bottles of that shit for like 5$. you use what, one bar of soap a month max? a years' supply is under 10$

>> No.929529

Household of two people. If we're buying it.. between body wash (my g/f) and bar soap for me plus laundry detergent and shampoo for the both of us, $13 to $14 a month. A little less in the winter months. I make different bar soap for hair so it's not as drying. Which is basically a couple oz of castor oil added before we pour it into molds. All in cost is $2-4 per month. So maybe I padded that one a little. At least $10 tho.

No as far as making dish soap. I've tried making it with terrible results. It does clean but sucks when it comes to grease. I stick to laundry and bar soap, they're the easiest to make especially for beginners. That and my g/f likes trying different kinds of bar soap. We've done coffee, chocolate, cucumber etc.

One bar of soap a month? Not if you shower every day. We got through like 4 to 5. Plus you gotta factor another bar or two near the sink for just washing hands too.

The numbers I'm using are legit. I'm a frugal budget freak - no troll.

>dip soap in coolaid to make bubblegum soap

>> No.929539

i shower twice a day and clean my entire body (neck down) with a bar of soap and a normal size bar lasts a month

4-5 bars of soap a month for 2 people? wtf

>> No.929545

1 or 2 for hands and 3-4 for showers.

Now that I think about it we do keep them in the shower. Maybe they wash away from being wet constantly.

>> No.929546

This, but not for the napkins, for the calories/$. If you use dollar menu to get you through the span of several hours or a meal and eat healthy for the rest, the cost savings outweigh the health consequences.

>> No.929548

Anyone who says this is either dating the wrong girls, or (more likely) can't get a girl and justifies it to himself by claiming it's too expensive. Protip: in terms of $/sex, a girlfriend is much cheaper. Also sex with your girlfriend isn't directly related to how much money you spend on her, and it's a lot better than having sex with a prostitute. Being able to do it raw > any money you might have saved with a prostitute.

>> No.929549

>> Befriend somebody who has Netflix. When you want to watch a movie, ask them for their sign in details
>> Buy all your books used, either from Amazon or charity/second hand/thrift shops.
>> Get Xbox Live Gold. Two free games every month, some of them pretty decent.
>> Never buy games at release. they'll halve in price if you wait a couple of months and buy preowned

Sorry anon but I have better solutions
>Project free tv, kodi/xbmc, torrents
>humble bundle (you buy games for $1 !!!), steam sales (also lol at xbox gold its fucking 70$ !!!!) sell your xbox and buy a pc nigga
>I totally agree with this one. Better yet, rent a new game. its likely you'll beat it in a weekend if you really want to play it anyway.

>> No.929571


>> No.930077

>We got through like 4 to 5
for 2 people? wtf. maybe you mean the little hotel sized ones?
a gallon of dr bronners, is $60, you can only needs several drops,literately little drops to wash your whole body. boom, you just saved a shit load of time that you would have spent making soap+money. everything else you said was legit.

>> No.931037


>> No.931106

>Have girlfriend
>Make it known from the beginning, I'm not paying for her
>Pays for half the rent and utilities
>Pays for half of the food
>We pay for every other meal when we go out
>Only additional costs are: birthday present, christmas present, lube (she pays for the birth control), and maybe an occasional gift or something if I want a temp increase in the sex flow
>Total price: like $200 a year

Also protip to people arguing about soap. If you're not making it in huge quantities, you're not saving money over bargain soap.

>> No.931120
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>Only additional costs: lube

max kek

>> No.931134

>not using crisco and saving $15/month on lube

>> No.931141

Take a shot of Listerine instead of drinking beer.

>> No.932068

Don't waste money on water or toilet paper by pooping in the street and wiping with your left hand.

>> No.932333


>> No.932348

Instead of buying a compost bin, shit directly on your plants.

>> No.932374


- wash your tennis shoes with dish soap, then take out the soles and sit them in the sun to dry. they will look like new.

- get suits at Joseph a bank. they are nice as shit and only cost like $250. Also you can go to goodwill or a thrift store and find nice suits too. Then just take that suit to a tailor and have him fit it to you for like $50.

- Never buy anything from a store, go shopping and pick out things that you like. Then leave and buy those exact things on Ebay for 1/2 the price

- Never get your car serviced at a dealership, instead find a local mechanic that people trust and has good reviews. Dealerships will always rip you off.

- If you have a side hustle or small business, ask people to pay you in cash (offer 10% off for it) then just spend that cash and never declare it on your taxes

- any time you see a garage sale, stop and whip out your smartphone. You can buy shit for cheap, then flip it on CL or Ebay

- If your car is worth less than $10k don't get full coverage on insurance it is a fucking waste

>> No.932375


> free electricity

most of your power costs come from HVAC, which can't be powered using your method.

>> No.932407

also living with parents

i think it's fucking hilarious that people choose to commit massive chunks of their income just so they can fuck around

absolute nigger tier

>> No.932411


why wouldn't she just get a bidet, that literally exactly what she wants

>> No.932422

ITT: Degenerates and Losers.

>> No.932439

>when at restaurants, ask for extra takeout boxes and recover leftovers from neighboring tables
>the same trick works at bars: grab other people's drinks when they aren't looking
>save money on entertainment by getting a friend's Netflix password, then sell his information online
>save money on gay porn by looking in the mirror
>dip straw wrappers in coolaid to make pixiesticks

>> No.932466

>Live with your parents for as long as possible
This is the absolute best frugal tip. Housing is the biggest cost there is. If you do this, you don't have to do any of the nigger-tier things listed in this thread what-so-ever.

>Dont get a girlfriend prostitutes are cheaper
Then he went full retard.

>>929548 and >>931106 have this one right.

>> No.932478


Simple cheap lessons

>> No.932496

Nice try PDF seller

>> No.932516


op you might as well have written
>kill self to save money on food/water

>> No.932518


you should look up the term opportunity cost.

>> No.932527


>> No.932589


you think you're better than me

>> No.932592


if you really want to see savings ditch the car completely

>> No.932597

Dude, don't cut on your spendings.

Instead get more income.

>> No.932860

>go on pol
>learn that a penny spent is a penny for the merchant
>lower your cost of living as much as you're comfortable with
>advance your career
>monetize your hobbies
>learn what compound interest is
>get out of debt and invest surplus income
>don't get married
>get into sex tourism (sexual arbitrage)
>dip you bubblegum into a tranny to get more coolaid

>> No.932869
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>sexual arbitrage
So value sex is death?
Tell me more.

>> No.932939

where I live the utility company has a minimum amount of water consumption that I have to pay for even if I use less than that amount and I am always pretty far below that amount, is there a way to use the extra water that I am paying for anyways to make some money off it or at least save some money? I was considering something like a small generator attached to a paddle wheel and then pouring water over the paddle wheel with a hose to generate electricity.

>> No.932954

jesus christ kill yourself

>> No.933033

put it in jugs and sell it to california

>> No.933068


A 1.5€ bottle every 2 months
>handsoap $3
Bought a 2l refill for 2€ a year ago.
I still have half of it.
>bar soap $3
What do you need bar soap for if you have the liquid stuff?
>detergent $3
6-7€ box every 6-7 months.
>dish soap $2
1.5€ bottle every two months.
>cleanliness $priceless

One thing is to be clean, another is throwing shit away.

>> No.933131
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Goddamn son. You really are the definition of a penny-pincher.

>> No.933142

I was just demonstrating how you can easily spend that much on soap.

Personally I bathe at the gym and ask to use other people's soap bars. I save at least $6/month using this method

>> No.933149

The average ejaculate contains about 50 calories and 2g protein. Go to the gym and suck about 10 dicks for a free meal. This can save you about $5 a day if you're good, plus any money your clients give you as tip.

>> No.933153

Do you really fucking wash yourself with handsoap?

>> No.933203

but you could literally walk through the exit of any costco and no one say shit

>> No.933281

I used to wash laundry in the shower at my condos gym. That way I am not even using my own water/heat/soap

>> No.933562

Where do you find 3.2% compounded monthly? I want to go to that bank

>> No.933711

Sure if you wire a it to a DC motor and use a joule thief, you can power a single LED.

If you're determined to use the water. Get water and milk jugs, clean them out and store the water. Otherwise water your lawn.

>> No.933805

>not sharing one tub of bathwater among your entire family

>> No.933829


>They put the word 'hand' in the name so it just works on hands! Using soap with 'hand' in its name on another part of your body will probably set you on fire!

lmao you must be the easiest guy to market trash to

>> No.933854

Am I the only guy who pisses in the sink at home and just uses a spurt of water to wash it down?

feels like it's saving something

>> No.933859


it saves water, the only reason not to do it is social taboo or convenience

>> No.934145

>pisses in sink
>wash hands and clean the sink all in one go

>> No.934237

Go to buffet in work clothes, I put on a gay reflective vest and bring in my dingy lunch box. Fill lunchbox with food. Tupplewear is good to have. Dont get full weeks worth, but 2 visits a week to different buffets allows me to spend less than $30/week on food I dont have to make.

I rented a bunch of apartments and rented out rooms and made $500/mo in profit per apartment. Got a government rental house, rented those rooms out too.

Grocery store has gas reward points. I buy things (not food) and get gas for like 50 cents a gallon, fill up my small RV, return items and get my money back.

I live in small RV in old parking lot by my job. cops dont bother me, takes me 5 minutes to walk to work. In summer, I stay by the river at a camp site for $5/day - free electric and water. People throw away lots of liquor and beer and camping stuff. Sometimes I sell tents and stuff I find. I sell firewood but it pisses off the managers.

I buy broken electronics, like a PS4, replace broken parts with good parts from item bought at store, return the item - or return the broken item, keep the new one. get money back.

Gym has showers, gym is free because I stole someones badge to get in and out.

I eat at a community center for poor people, they think I'm poor. I make $5k a month from work. Works for me.

>> No.934252


This shit is bananas.

>> No.934274

why do all that when you can literally live a normal life

>> No.934282

Feels normal to me.

>> No.934284

Because I live a normal life in Central MA, I make 81k, and this guy saves 3x what I do.

>> No.934286

What's your net worth?

>> No.934299

>dipping your life in poverty to get more coolaid

>> No.934331

If you are a man, just don't get married or have kids. I make $42k a year and have more money than I know what to do with.

>> No.934454

Just 240k, I'm 28 now, I hardly worked in my early 20's. I think once I get to 500k Im going to stop this "lifestyle" and figure out how to save my nestegg and try to get it to grow a little. Im not very smart, but I dont want to retire at 60 and have nothing but a shitty house. At 500k, maybe I'll buy a trailer (mobile home) and some land or something but to be honest, I dont know how much land costs or really how to buy it. Im kind of hoping I get fired in the future because I would really like to collect unemployment and use my unemployment benefits to go to school, which would also extend my benefits and payments by staying in school - for 2 years. Maybe I could go to school for 2 years, get another job for a couple of years, save up more, and get fired again and get a 4 year degree without owing much. Not 100% sure on how all of that works.

In my free time, Im trying to learn how to code in Python. Thank jeebus for torrents.

My life is pretty much normal. If there is a new game I want, I wait a couple weeks, find it used, buy it, play it for a week or two, resell it and maybe make a couple dollar loss but its cheaper than renting it.

Place down the road makes lights and stuff and gives their employees free food and stuff all of the time. I like to walk in and grab free gatorades and redbull and stuff. Radio stations sometimes put up calender's for events and stuff, last week I walked out from a car dealership with 4 pizzas nobody wanted. Was pretty awesome.

I have a nice cigar collection. This place called Tobacco Outlet has good sales on cigars, sometimes I can resell them on this facebook group for a profit. Best part is I get reward points for purchases too. Couple times I have bought boxes of cigars, then took them back and kept the reward points. Once every couple of months I go pick up a box of cigars for myself for free.

>> No.934507
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>> No.934513

>Go to buffet in work clothes, I put on a gay reflective vest and bring in my dingy lunch box. Fill lunchbox with food. Tupplewear is good to have


fam i am doing this holy shit.

And if you dine and dash after you got to eat food, got free food for a week AND didn't pay jackshit.

>> No.934518

but wait how do you do this inconspicuously?

Seems kinda super obvious to be putting shit from your plate into your lunchbag...

>> No.934521
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Poo in loo

>> No.934522



>> No.934534

Fucking sweet. What do you do for work?

>> No.934568

Sit in booth. Put lunchbox between you and the wall, toss food in. If people around you are nosy, put the lunchbox on the floor by your feet. I wear dirty clothes and the reflective vest to look like a construction worker with a lunch box just trying to get some lunch.

Lunch time is the best time to do this. Only time I have been told I couldn't bring my lunchbox (which is a cooler), was at Country Buffet.

Don't drink anything while you eat, waitresses will stop coming to your table to refill your drink.

>> No.934571

I'm thinking of doing this at a Chinese buffet but fuck fam seems sketch... I can't imagine emptying a plate into some Tupperware containers, must look so retarded

I'll try sometime soon tho, if it works and I get like 4 containers of different meat shit all I'll need to buy is oats/rice and vegetables for full meals.

>> No.934582

Just do egg rolls and chicken and stuff, I'll grab meatloaf with my hands and toss it in. I wouldn't scrape a plate full of noodles. I pretty much toss a little at a time until my box is full. Eat something, grab something off of your plate, throw it in the box nonchalantly, continue eating. Tons of people do it. Just do it better than this guy:
youtube wy8z5OUU8NQ

>> No.934593

I don't take any big steps to be frugal, I just don't spend money on anything but food for the week and on things that break down or need repairing. I never eat out and all my hobbies are things I do online for free. I don't get my coworkers who whine about their living paycheck to paycheck when they waste their money on frivolous things every day.

>> No.934743


>freezing milk

Girlfriend's mother would make a trip to Niagara Falls and cross the border to buy multiple gallons of milk and they would just freeze 3-4 jugs.

>> No.934751


My sister stayed home until she had enough for a down payment on a home. I'm staying because I want to finish my degree.

>> No.934754

>Go to buffet in work clothes, I put on a gay reflective vest and bring in my dingy lunch box. Fill lunchbox with food.

When I was a teen, I used to always go to the KFC buffet because my cousin worked there and I got to eat for free or reduced price in management was there. I always got a large pop and when I was done, I'd empty it out, rinse it, and dry it out and then fill it with BBQ chicken. Then I'd sell the pop cup with chicken to my friend who's mom was a nazi and wouldn't let her kids eat meat.

Really weird looking back on it.

>> No.934763

>I don't get my coworkers who whine about their living paycheck to paycheck when they waste their money on frivolous things every day.
You have to be autistic to not be able to understand that pedantically obsessing about reducing expenses is fucking weird as shit.

>> No.934771

>every successful company is run by autists
How's your $500 phone bill working out? I bet you buy coffee at the shop you pleb

>> No.934883


> living the dream, The Post

>> No.934892

time is money. i'm sure there are better uses of your time than to do such stupid bullshit.

>> No.934979


This is how Warren Buffet became rich.

>> No.935044

Tru. But I want the chicken and meat fam.. Oh well I'll try it soon should be ebin

>> No.935049

rice and beans.

>> No.935273

partially this

you can eat really well on not that much money
>peanut butter
>whatever fruits and veggies on sale
>make your own bread

I can even pick up a bunch of snacks and alcohol and my monthly food bill is < $150. pretty surprised, because cost of living estimates pegged food costs per person at $350 here

basically always check for sales and spend 5 mins getting online coupons

>> No.935743

most people in this thread should.

>> No.935814

More like /gypsy general/

>> No.935840

Don't wanna pay full price for a pizza? Rob a place.

>> No.935843

Does anyone have that Russian meme pic where it's like keys to success: Make tea 3 times with the same teabag and shit like that with a bunch of guys in business suits standing around

>> No.935861

I steal about 50% of the food I consume.

As in, I habitually shoplift, and have done so for a long time.

I'm not dumb about it, and have never been caught. Its just what I do to cut down on costs.


at my local public, i enter wearing a large jacket - grab the $6 packs of pre-cooked chicken. Slip two packets in either pocket and do normal shopping

Counterfeit couponing. Risky to make it yourself, but if you can find jewpons you can get all kinds of things cheap

self checkout - get a vitamin water (98c where I am), ring it up multiple times, whilst putting other, more-expensive objects in your bag. I do this to buy my bread, which is normally $4 a loaf, but i only pay 98c since i ring it up as vitamen water.

Also, most of my food comes from the nearby universtiy. I'm young enough to where I don't stand out, so I just grab my normal backpack, and head to the on-campus diners.

They have very little security, if any, since pretty much everyone there users a meal plan


my roommates are both children of multimillionares, and habitually waste money, so I help them out every now and again, and get to enjoy free food, free booze, free weed. Etc.

>i could go on, there's always more

>> No.935956

Piracy saves tons of money.

>taking food people wont eat anymore
I wish i could do this without being a weirdo. I just don't like wasting food.

>> No.935967

Save the excess in gallon jugs for six months, then ask to have your supply cut off and to stop being billed. Then you live off the stockpiled water for the next six months, and repeat. Yearly water bill halved.

>> No.935977

Brb, using toothpaste to style my hair, it's just a name

>> No.935993

I don't get the relevance of the work clothes. Is it just so you have a reason to be carrying a lunchbox? Doesn't make stashing food in it any easier. Why not wear a suit and dump food into sealable bags in a briefcase?

>> No.936007

sell the doors you dumbfuck

>> No.936009

Who here /frugal/ in an enviromental way? I dont try to be frugal for money, mostly to be as effcient with any respurces available and use water and electricity as little as possible

>> No.936034


>recognizing that handsoap is just soap is the same as putting toothpaste in your hair

a dumb analogy from a dumb dude

>> No.936100

>wash dishes in leftover tub water to save whales
>dont throw away old batteries. Eat them to avoid harming mother earth
>use plastic products instead of wood whenever possible. Save the trees
>use wood products instead of plastic whenever possible. Save the Earth
>only eat air. Eating animals is inhumane and eating vegetables is like stealing animal food
>dip recycling in trash to make more recycling
>only drive at night, so your CO2 emmissions will not trap global-warming-causing sunlight

>> No.936117

Its so I have more of a reason to carry a lunchbox. I dont own a suit or a briefcase.

>> No.936131

hand sanitizer is 65% ethanol, and stores have bins of it everywhere! for free!

get crunk nigga

>> No.936255

Dunno if this has been mentioned, but: LED lightbulbs.

Walmart (at least my local one is) is now selling "Great Value" led bulbs for $.88 each - normally $8.88 each. According to an employee I talked to Walmart has partnered with a/multiple power companies to offer them this cheap.

They are 60 watt equivalent, but only use 10 watts, and the light they give off is virtually indistinguishable from a normal incandescent.

I replaced 20 bulbs in my house with these for under $20, and estimate they will save me ~$120 over the course of a year.

>> No.936280

Serious frugal guide

>> No.936307

Normal is broke. Over half of all Americans live paycheck to paycheck. I'm cool with being weird.

I thought of doing that. Back when I switched all my bulbs I tested an LED and the light just isn't the same. Almost hurt my eyes after a while. But yeah, changing out normal incandescent bulbs with either CFL or LED bulbs is an easy way to stop waste.

>> No.936364


I don't like typical LED light either, but these are JUST like incandescants. I promise, you won't notice the difference.

>> No.936386

My sides jesus lol
Did you try dipping it in bubble gum?

>> No.936394

>save the trees

I am dying lol
RIP anon 1994—2015

>> No.936422

So, I lived in the streets for a few months when I was 15, and learned some tips that lasted me through life:

1-) Dress well (enough to blend in) and go to the mall when the food area is packed. Bring your own fork, spoon, knife and cup. Lots of people leave their trays on the tables, usually with a good amount of food left - eat it, using your own silverware, and throwing the soda/juice on your personal cup. At the end of the day, you will have a really balanced diet, and will save a lot on food.

2-) Libraries are great places to sleep, bring a pillow, find a quiet corner, and spend 10-15 minutes reading something. People will leave you alone after you start sleeping, as long as you don't snore.

3-) Airports are also great places, but you will need earplugs.

4-) If you are out of options, try hiding in the disabled bathroom of a mall.

5-) Find a disabled toilet stall with a integrated sink. Now you can shower there and give yourself some water enemas with privacy. It is easy to carry a 5ft hose on a backpack.

6-) The hardest part about going full hobo is storing your precious stuff. Many libraries got "free lockers", so you can try those, if you don't have much. If you want to store something large and heavy (like a book collection), wrap it in plastic, then put it in a cardboard box, wrap the box with more plastic and bury it somewhere discreet.

7-) You can get free Spanish/German/Etc... lessons by going there, saying that you are interested, and having a placement test.

8-) If you need some quick money, just find a street far from the subway and from bus stops, and say that you need some change to go somewhere distant. If you walk fast and keep a low profile, you can make $20 in one hour doing that.

9-) You can get TONS of free food on universities. Make sure to know what is going on there.

10-) ALWAYS join a huge protest and stuff like that. You will be able to get free drinks/food/cigs/drugs, depending of the nature of the thing.

>> No.936424

Yeah they might have made some progress in making the light softer and less office like. I'll have to check it out in store. Online they're like $2.44 per bulb.

>> No.936438

>give yourself some water enemas with privacy.

Literally why?

>> No.936445

Yeah, the entire post was way too serious to just slip in the 5' hose thing. Five feet???

>> No.936447

Because privacy is important.
Where do you take your water enemas?
In a public toilet, with children and old pervs looking ? That sounds barbaric.

>> No.936450

It is so you can comfortably shower with it while standing on the seat.

>> No.936463

This is actually standard operating procedure in large portions of Australia apparently.

Distant relatives that keep in touch from one side of my family did this. Big blue plastic barrels that they just buried in the ground. Toss a few chlorine tablets in every couple of weeks, and a few more after a good rain. They cut their water costs by over a third. System paid for itself in under a year, and their town gives them free tablets to encourage people to do this.

100% not worth it in my area though. Running my pump for well water costs about ~18 cents an hour and will produce nearly 1000 gallons per hour, every hour. Not to mention my well water is so pure using any sort of fabric agents actually makes my clothes dirtier.

Back when we had the pool I ran some numbers for fun. It's literally cheaper (and cooler) to drain an 18 foot swimming pool every week and refill it with 50 degree well water than it was to chemically treat the pool.

City people get fucked on water though.

>> No.936546

Underage b&

Wait... You fucking millennials are actually overage now.

>> No.936552

You're missing the point nigga. Why is it necessary to shove water up your butt at all, let alone have this be a priority when you're homeless?

>Haven't eaten in 24 hours or brushed my teeth in a week, but at least my colon is sparkly fresh

>> No.936586


>he can't figure out why somebody with no home and no money would use enemas

world's oldest profession my friend

(or a horrendous diet means he's permanently clogged the fuck up)

>> No.936596
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>When at self service lines at super markets, place your most expensive items on the weight counter and mark them as bananas
>5 lbs of rib eye steaks at 40 cents a pound

>> No.936604


damn, here all self-service counters use scanners, you can't mark them as anything else

and in my opinion things like theft and piracy don't belong in frugal threads, everyone already knows those options and there isn't anything thrifty about it

>> No.936609

I agree with this

>> No.936638


Here's a song about frugality


>> No.936652
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>> No.936727
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>> No.936739

>>security systems are expensive and yield results shortly. get a couple of dogs instead, they'll tip you off PLUS go straight for any trespassers
I know I shouldn't take this seriously but It'll cost more over time to feed and maintain the dogs than to just get the security system.

>> No.936939

>Befriend somebody who has netflix, then don't "borrow" his acc just use kickasstorrent

>Torrent all books

>Step 1 :Buy modded handheld/household consoles from craigslist Step 2: Buy and burn games onto dvd disc..

>Never buy games ever

>buy a vpn if u feel like it idc

>> No.937006

dont do this.

>Cum in a jar
>freeze cum
>put on your food
>free proteins and nutrients

You can also safe it for emergencies when you run out of food.
Basically don't waste bodily fluids that aren't waste(urine/feces).
Every time you waste cum it costs you about 2 to 10 dollars of nutrient rich food.

>> No.937045

Buy methamphetamine as a cheap alternative to adderall.

>> No.937215

Snipe cigarette butts and scavenge the tobacco. package into ziplock bags and sell to bums.

Sell smokes and alcohol to kids at a mark up.

Scour the floor in bars and night clubs for lottery tickets and money.

In the bar order water and pour it out, collect unattended drinks and fill your empty glass.

Check loose change for silver coins.

Learn the edible berries, plants and mushrooms in your area to reduce your grocery bill.

Ask fast food people for scraps near closing time.

Look in dumpsters for empties, or go to the bar and steal them. Easy Hundo per day.

Sex with old lonely people.

Walk the alleys at the end of the month when people are moving. You can make decent money spotting for furniture and second hand stores.

>> No.937234
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>save money on entertainment by getting a friend's Netflix password, then sell his information online

>> No.937252

>always expend time you could be using to trade for salary or making yourself more valuable searching the street for coins, in 10 years you might have picked up as much as 50 dollars in only 400 hours!
>buy economy everything so your meals only cost a couple bucks each, then spend a ton of money on an expensive creme brulee for the almost useless dish it comes with
>become known as 'the toilet paper guy' at all your favorite local restaurants when they notice you always take a roll of toilet paper with you
>freeze your bread
My parents always did this and to this day it makes no sense to me, I never once saw them actually eat the bread and the taste of it was fucking terrible. You can get a loaf of bread for a single dollar and that should last 2 weeks, why are you freezing bread? it's utility basically goes to zero when you do it because the taste is shit.

>> No.937259

just make your own bread for like 1/10 the cost, with the benefit of it being tasty as fuck, always fresh, and getting the pussy wet

>> No.937260

>air dry everything by hanging it on your shower rod rather than using a dryer to save energy
>open infinite gmail accounts to continuously use free trials to Netflix and Hulu
>Check area vending machines for spare change
>complain online to restaurants customer support to receive free vouchers for food
>go to the supermarket and munch on grapes without making the vine too bare
>reuse condoms
>grow dreds

>> No.937395

>rob people at night with a knife
>buy lockpicking kit and borrow some bikes
>steal food to cut down on food bill

Who /frugal above all else/ here?

>> No.937415


>> No.937416

>rob people with a sharp stick to save money on knives

>> No.937424

True. Should help give some additional reach and be easy to throw away if the fuzz starts coming to lock your ass up, a lot cheaper than hiding the knife somewhere and then forgetting it.

>> No.937498
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that was one damn funny skit

>> No.937502

>give yourself some water enemas with privacy. It is easy to carry a 5ft hose on a backpack.

>extra bubble gum and coolaid

>> No.937519

alright bitches, third-world tips incoming

>the only true currencies are time and effort. and you choose when to run out for the second. everything that saves time or gives you extra capacity is important. pay for someone to wash and clean if your hourly rates have you saving more money
>you don't need shampoo. seriously, you don't. it's healthier not to use the stuff. less time in shower, less water spent.
>rice, beans, lentils, legumes, oats, chicken, veg, eggs - all in bulk, check asian groceries. learn how to ferment. or dumpster dive. learn the locations of all the food warehouses (watch Just Eat It). increase your health for free by learning how to ferment. sauerkraut is as easy as chopping cabbage and putting it in a jar full of water with salt. find traditional kefir grains and have an unlimited supply of powerful kefir milk
>wash pants every 4 months. you can even go longer. reuse shirts if they don't stink
>learn2torrent (novels and textbooks, films, documentaries, podcasts - fucking everything)
>live near where you have to go. save time anyway you can. and use time you'd be spending waiting in traffic or transportation doing something useful (podcasts, reading, reflecting)
>only use one swipe for deo. a stick of old spice lasted me a year. use a bead of toothpaste. use less soap
>don't drink tapwater if you can. the fluoride just isn't worth it
>wanna jog? do it barefoot. if you don't live in a shitty neighborhood, you won't be stepping on glass. once your skin thickens, you'll worry less. and it's easier to check your form. americans have cleaner air thanks to tight regulations, so breathe some more of that
>learn to focus and be consistent in your goals. nobody got good at anything quick, or by being inconsistent. ambition is great, but pick one
>research on nootropics. racetams, noopept, blueberries, bacopa monnieri, fish oil, etc. check /r/nootropics. spend less effort trying to remember things and make being creative easier

>> No.937527
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>also for nootropics: theanine + caffeine, rhodiola rosea. get through your 100 hour weeks sane and still energetic. take melatonin for maximum sleep and make sure you sleep comfortably uninterrupted. take away light sources, don't drink a lot of water before bed, reduce noise
>getting sick is wasted time. zinc both prevents getting sick and cuts cold and flu duration times. vitamin D, vitamin C, garlic, magnesium, tea, probiotics, exercise and sleep all improve prevention. n-acetylcysteine was found, in a sample of 200 people inoculated with the flu, to reduce 70% of clinical flu symptoms. they were indeed sick but had none of the symptoms
>invest in relationships. there's nothing better than having someone you can trust, split the bill with, and combine income. however, do keep separate balances. if you combine income, that gives the illusion of having more money to spend. keeping separate finances and splitting allows for more financial responsibility from both parties and discourages risk-spending
>don't buy a car. ride a bicycle or commute (bicycle healthier, but less capacity to concentrate on say a podcast, while commuting gives you that opportunity)
>hotels have free phone chargers. just ask the lost and found
>you can find the torrent for pic related by searching for infographics

>> No.937708

Tapwater is fine in most places.

Bottled water is the exact same shit but has xenoestrogens from the plastic. Filters don't get rid of fluoride also.

At least in my area but water here just has natural fluoride

>> No.937768

>Learn the time that your supermarket reduces food.
>Freeze your bread
This is a popular misconception. This ruins bread.
>If your bread goes stale,
Not surprised this is a common problem for you, tbqh.
>Freeze milk
To what degree? I already keep my milk in the fridge. What good will *freezing* it do?
>Dumpster Diving
Contracting diseases and loose abandoned screws driving through your feet will cost you far more money in the long run.

>> No.937771

>Make your own bread. It's cheaper and it makes your house smell amazing.
>No housing but own a vehicle? Sleep in your vehicle in Wal-Mart parking lots.
>If you end up homeless, live innawoods instead of staying in a shelter with junkies.
>Use the local food bank. They don't ask many questions.
>Some even give out shower passes where you can take a towel and go to the local swimming pool just to use the shower for free.
>Additionally, go to the Salvation Army thrift store. They're not affiliated with Goodwill/Value Village/etc. They're a charity and if you say you're in need, you can get a voucher for free stuff. >In retirement towns, the thrift stores often get fantastic brands and price them cheap - you can get designer jeans for $10, sell them for $50-100 depending on condition, and make bank. Or look rich while being frugal.
>WoW now has a feature where you can play for in-game gold. Pay $15 for a month and then just use the gold you make after that. It's so addictive that you won't spend money on any other entertainment.
>Instead of using expensive sunscreen, just stay in the shade.
>In winter, use blankets and sweaters instead of turning up the heat.
>If you must, use a fireplace or hobo fireplace (metal bin with wood and kindling). Wood is everywhere. Gather sticks, fish it out of dumpsters, or just go innawoods late at night and cut down a tree. Make sure you're out of earshot so people won't know in case it's illegal.
>The ultimate in frugality, however, is going to jail. Three hots and a cot for FREE for the entirety of your sentence!

>> No.937802
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This thread is glorious.

>> No.937847


>> No.937849

>super markets/restaurants/food stores throw away "expired" food out back ALL the time.
You're implying its still good. Can anyone back this up?

>> No.937864


The expiry date only applies until the package is opened. It's up in the air after that. Most food, however, is in airtight packaging and if it's something that doesn't have to be refrigerated, you're probably good to go. Meat you'll want to cook and then freeze right away if you're going to take the risk. Check for mold on cheese.Remember that mold can grow in all directions so don't trust that it'll be okay if you just slice the moldy part off.

Thrift shop dumpsters are great for dry goods, but do it after hours or you'll be kicked off the lot.

>> No.937989

>Libraries are great places to sleep, bring a >pillow, find a quiet corner, and spend 10-15 minutes reading something. People will leave you alone after you start sleeping, as long as you don't snore.

i hate those fckn hobos

>> No.938053


time is money. fucking niggers

>> No.938074

Separate organic waste from plastic paper and metal
Mix organic waste in blender for free protein shake

>> No.938122

>not adding the metal for hardcore nutrition

>> No.938239
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Oh god all that Zinc, Gold and Iron why didn't I think that before

>> No.938249

If it takes you a second to pick up a penny, you're getting .60*60 = 36.00/hour just for picking up pennies. Your pay rate is higher than 36/hr?

>> No.938257

>Every 6 months or so, go through all the settings on your phone and change them so it feels like a new phone.

>> No.938766

>>don't drink tapwater if you can. the fluoride just isn't worth it


>> No.938776

>shave pennies by using less soap, shampoo, deodorant and water
>spend them all in vitamin supplements


>> No.938780

Expiration dates are always on the safe side.

Stuff like canned good are good for YEARS or even decades past their expiration if the can isn't damaged.

Meat is good past the sell by date usually by a week.

Real cheese lasts for years if stored properly (fancy cheese are aged for years).

Eggs last for weeks in the fridge. Usually good for a few weeks past expiration.

Milk is pretty accurate in my experience. It will be good for a few days after. NEVER drink milk from the bottle. The bacteria from your mouth will make it spoil much faster.

Frozen goods stay good for a long time as long as they stay frozen and air tight.

>> No.938784


What about making lube in large quantities?

>> No.939083


>> No.939106

>PC Principal
Sweet, you're PC, bro?

>> No.939122

>Expiration dates are always on the safe side.
Usually yes.

>Stuff like canned good are good for YEARS or even decades past their expiration if the can isn't damaged.

>Meat is good past the sell by date usually by a week.

Absolutely not. Not here at least.
Usually meat goes bad exactly the day after the expiration, sometimes even before that if you break the cold chain for too long while taking it home from the supermarket.

>Real cheese lasts for years if stored properly (fancy cheese are aged for years).
Depends on the kind of cheese.
>Eggs last for weeks in the fridge. Usually good for a few weeks past expiration.
In theory, yes. I never dared eating eggs older than 7 days past the expiration though.
>Milk is pretty accurate in my experience. It will be good for a few days after. NEVER drink milk from the bottle. The bacteria from your mouth will make it spoil much faster.
True for both.
>Frozen goods stay good for a long time as long as they stay frozen and air tight.
Only if you have a decent freezer though. (-18 or lower)

>> No.939132

Sometimes the food is perfectly fine but deemed unsaleable due to how it looks. E.g. dented cans, fruit with blemishes.

Source: worked in 2 supermarkets

>> No.939451

Posting in glorious thread. Used to be a guy that would come into the shop I worked at at the same time every day, just to look at the reduced stuff. Dunno if I could be bothered just to save some pennies on a yoghurt.

>> No.939594

>That mans name you ask...Buffet..Warren Buffet.

>> No.939609

>In theory, yes. I never dared eating eggs older than 7 days past the expiration though.

if you put an egg in water and it sinks it is still good. A bad egg will float do to the buildup of air inside the egg.

>> No.939612

you can keep milk frozen for weeks/months without going bad

good if your milk is about to expire and you have to go somewhere for the weekend or something

the thing is though it tastes watery as fuck for like three days after you start thawing it

>> No.941100

bump for great justice

>> No.941107

How does air get in the egg man?

>> No.941113
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Legit advice I got this week from my local bartender friend:

In seedy cafes and even not so seedy cafes it is worth checking behind the toiletpaper holders for money or drugs. Dealers and buyers do dead drop exchanges in public toilets and places regularly. Other places to check are the toilet brush holder and the toilet itself as well as the basin.

My bartender friend made 300EUR in two months checking the men's toilets of his own bar only.

>> No.941131


I have a frugal solution for you right here:


Enough to last you a lifetime

>> No.941147

Alternatively psychostimulant abuse causes constipation. (This is also why your cocaine is cut with anti-constipation meds, the more you know)

>> No.941149

Waterwells collecting rainwater for toilets and outside taps is normal in Europe. I do it on all my houses.

I also have additional collection vats on my garden sheds for use in my vegetable garden.

>> No.941386

People poke holes in them and dip them in air to get more bubblegum

>> No.941424
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>frugal thread
>Full of advice for being cheapskate
You niggas need a bike in your life

>> No.941668

>This thread in one posrt

>> No.941683

>Can't tell if Russian or Nigger..

>> No.941955

>le funnie antirussian meme

kill yourself fam, Russians are p based tbh fam

>> No.942077

Some strong bantz ITT m80s

>> No.942094

Yeah dude, PC Alaska Anchorage. Been PC for over 2 months.

>> No.942458

ok vlad

>> No.942494


>> No.942548

>Depends on the kind of cheese.
Yeah, hard cheese only

>Absolutely not. Not here at least.
I buy my meat from an actual butcher so it's generally already a week fresher than supermarket meat. I also cook expired meat as soon as I get it home.

>In theory, yes. I never dared eating eggs older than 7 days past the expiration though.
I keep two different cartons of eggs. Old eggs turn out much better when hard boiling. Easier to peel.

>Only if you have a decent freezer though. (-18 or lower)
I highly recommend a good sub zero chest freezer for anyone trying to cut costs on food budget.

Also consider a foam cooler if you're going to buy a lot of frozen goods from the store. Load them directly into the cooler and keep it shut except for checkout at the store. I do this then I make Sam's Club runs.

>> No.942556

Is this your waifu, OP?


>> No.942744

How does freezing old shit save money? Arent you spending more on electricity?

>> No.942849

how can you be this fucking retarded

you could just put a little more effort into making money and you'd have more than enough to do laundry and use fucking toilet paper instead of wasting your time with this entirely unproductive bullshit

>> No.943009

>not wiping with old tshirts and washing them in the sink
It's like you hate money

>> No.943017

these people have transcended rationality, friend. best you do the same

>> No.944143


My family used to own Chinese buffet. I hate fuckers like you two. There are reasons why Chinese people don't open buffet restaurants any more.

>> No.944145

Ok, Chang. Its just revenge for that one packet of soy per 4 people desu senpai. You Chinese are frugal with the soy

>> No.944711

For those more hung up on convenience, there's a way to do all of this without paying much more
>tap water
In some places it's inconvenient to do this due to hard water making it taste terrible. The best thing to do is get a large water jug and go to the store and fill it up. Costs cents per fillup.

If you prefer your water cold, then water coolers are in the hundred dollar range, but can last more than a decade before a mechanical failure. There's nothing wrong with sticking the jug in the fridge if you have a fridge that large. In fact, refrigeration is more efficient if you fill up the entire space.

This won't work. Your 4-year degree thing. Many universities implement a system where you're only allowed a semester off per year, otherwise they cancel your enrollment. In my university, it's called Continuous Enrollment, and not having this makes it an enormous pain in the ass to do anything.

>> No.944725

>There are reasons why Chinese people don't open buffet restaurants any more.

Because they're not a gravy train of easy profit?

>> No.944777
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>> No.944816

Chest freezers are very cheap to run. Like in the $20-40 a year region. Allows you to buy in bulk. Can pay for the electricity in one shopping trip.