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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 147 KB, 1872x1109, IMG_1975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9361354 No.9361354 [Reply] [Original]

I am rich and Jewish. I bought tons on nexo so I can collect interest off you betas when you take out crypto loans. AMA

>> No.9361370

when nexo moon?

>> No.9361393

>not beta

>> No.9361410
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>> No.9361430
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Would you prefer the gas chamber, the rope, or a bullet in your head?

>> No.9361443

Nexo will moon bigly. Many people will borrow against crypto to avoid sale which results in tax implications...

Yes I am circumcised
Yes I eat Pork (bad Jew)

>> No.9361447

fuck Israel

>> No.9361465
File: 307 KB, 1162x850, jew_shekel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buying the NEXO dip for the same reason (but not a jew)-- can I still make it as a goy?

>> No.9361467

What do you think is the dumbest commonly accepted dogma in crypto and how tall are you?

>> No.9361480

No great options. If you feel that you must kill Jews, can we do forced opiate overdose?

>> No.9361494

kill yourself you dirty fucking kike

>> No.9361511

All the moon bullshit
I am 5 10

>> No.9361514

Do you still have your horns, or were they removed when you were young?

>> No.9361572
File: 141 KB, 1024x993, jews2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, bought another 100,000

>> No.9361631

>1 post by this ID
of course

>> No.9362606
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>> No.9362712

ngl OP Jew seems kinda cool actually

Wat other shit tier market cap projects u liek

>> No.9362747
File: 139 KB, 720x600, jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Jews create the financial domination kink?


>> No.9362793

As much as we hate you big nosed serpents....

I have to give the Jews much respect when it comes to being tribal in nature AND allowing their communist propaganda to divide white people where half of us are willing to let 3rd world shithole people into our once great country.

I envy the Jews because they stick together... you don't see Jewish bitches fucking or marrying shitskins like white chicks do.

So while you are a kike... I do respect you anon.

>> No.9362836

>sucking up to the people who caused the things you're complaining about

>> No.9362850

OP - serious question. Obv as you know communism is a Jewish movement. Why are so many Jews lefty/communist by nature tho?

I went to a high school with half Jews. Although my ritzy suburb didn't allow Jews. And they were all smart but all leaned way left. Why is that???

Do you guys all go to a camp when you are young and are told to be communists so we can fuck over white people?

Cuz as we know Jews are ONLY scared of whites and want us out of the way so they can control all thendumber shitskins. Hence why the Jew communist media brainwashed whites into being for letting in shitskins from 3rd world countries

>> No.9362857

Do you carry a bag of jew gold round your neck?

>> No.9362896

jews get their strength from weakness being around them, because they are weak and ugly by nature. they must destroy the beautiful, in order to feel like they belong.

the point of them bringing in immigrants is to destroy homogenity so they can blend in better. their idea of a great society is a middle eastern bazar where everything is chaotic and they can scam among hordes of others and retreat into the crowds when their trickery is revealed. thats why they flock to cities.

>> No.9362930

Just like SALT

>> No.9362983

also it reduces the chances of them being targeted by the next Hitler. If everyone is mixed and there's no predominant nationality, the chances of convincing an entire country to mobilize against the jew cancer is slim.

>> No.9362990

What do jews know about making money that we don’t?

>> No.9363057

>the virgin societal parasite
>keeps getting kicked out of host countries
>makes gross exaggerations about lampshades and ovens
>can't even hold down Jerusalem without sharing with other ethnicities and religions

>the chad civilization builder
>picks a Middle Eastern religion and decides to Westernize it
>Uses it as the foundation for the greatest civilization leaps the world has ever seen
>willing to put up with Jews as long as they pull their own weight... until a threshold of parasitism is crossed and it's time to drop the hammer again

>> No.9363143
File: 337 KB, 932x1472, bobby jews edit 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9363225

Im a chemist and want to know your fav Gas

>> No.9363418

Most jews I know are not manlets
The Jews that I know in the Jewish community in my country fled from eastern European commie shit holes and hate communism with a passion

>> No.9363489

Nazi reaction images are probably the cringiest things I've seen. Imagine spending your time going through all known footage of Hitler trying to find things that could work as a reaction image lmfao.

>> No.9363494
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>> No.9363514
File: 26 KB, 375x200, ftn2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes nigger, that is how pictures originated on the internet. people sifted through hours of media footage for reaction images.
you know where you need to go back to

>> No.9363547

Pissed larper incoming HAHAHAHA

>> No.9363555
File: 57 KB, 584x960, 1523805683865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>T. Kike

>> No.9363567

I want to be filthy dirty rotten stinking fuckin rich, Can you pass along any jewy advice that might assist?

Just be greedy?

>> No.9363601

>get called a retarded autist
Classic larper cope

>> No.9363677

get a tight gang of sociopathic people that work together, promote eachother and actively work to destroy and poison all local competition together. congratulations you're jewish!

>> No.9363742

I didn't want to be jewish, just have lots of money.

Next /pol/ack please.

>> No.9363792

I've got bad news for you, you're a brainlet and aren't going to be rich.

Stay humble and appreciate the small stuff.

>> No.9363933

>stay humble and appreciate the small stuff

Nah I'm okay. I'll die trying to get out, I know what a normal life is like and I don't want that.

>> No.9363934
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>> No.9363970
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>> No.9363973

How can i become a jew? My father is a jew for sure, but i'v never saw him.

>> No.9364013
File: 231 KB, 804x442, the word nazi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9364203


>> No.9364238
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>> No.9364242

You're a tripfag, you're already a jew.

>> No.9364347
File: 124 KB, 1024x634, 1511304250991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you please stop ruining Europe? What is wrong with you people?

>> No.9364544

nexo is a pos

cant even list on hitbtc

cmc proves me right

fk you rat

>> No.9364592

you lose rag