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File: 437 KB, 661x637, Screenshot 2015-10-23 at 11.10.44 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
934525 No.934525 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me, or has everything been done?

When I say everything, I mean everything within the reach of a smart but unskilled person. Someone who doesn't have a PhD. You can't start the next microsoft from your garage anymore. Even if you could, you would need to be a programmer for the previous 10 years

>> No.934530

Not everything has been done, not yet. Think deeper.

>> No.934533

The thing is, there is going to be the next 'internet' that revolutionises the world creating so many new branches of technology to be researched. When that hits, it will be a thing for the elite, the rich and the military. Then you have to manipulate that technology in to the home.

We are already connected to everybody in an instant. I can't envision a world more progressed, but, I'm certain it will come.

>> No.934536


There will always be more to be invented just like the universe is infinite

>> No.934543

I've got plenty of business ideas that haven't been done yet.

>> No.934547

Thankyou for acknowledging my claim as correct. I appreciate it.

>> No.934551

"Everything has been done" is what everyone thinks at any time period.

>Spears? Nah fam this is the peak of human creativity
>Primitive tools? Ight we done here bruhz, it will never improve
>Wagons? Fam dis dat shit
>Old ass cars? Yee bruz we be whipping

>> No.934561


Yes, this is what's called a technological plateau. This is the reason the Galactic Republic exists in its static state for a thousand generations.

>> No.934575

Until someone creates a matrix like virtual reality or contact lens that produce personal holographic images, apps, and videos, you can always do more

>> No.934601
File: 112 KB, 779x749, richtube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as everything been done?
no. because "creative destruction" and "paradigm shift"

bill gates is a billionnaire because he was one of the first, the early birds, to take advantage of the paradigm shift that is computers/internet/digital age.

the previous paradigm shift was the industrial revolution, and people who were early in the game became rich.

there will be another paradigm shift, and there will be the next bill gates and google. when? probably in 50 years, 100 years, 200 years, who knows?

but the point is, not everything has been done.

what's next after the digital age?

>> No.934614

>the universe is infinite

Anon, I have some bad news.

>> No.934629

I'm willing to listen

>> No.934631

>smart but unskilled person

>> No.934657
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>im about to claim to know something i can't possibly know


>> No.934811

You lack imagination. That's fine, most all of us do

>> No.934818

If you look at where mankind was 200 years ago, 100 years ago and where it is now, it is almost mind boggling stupid to assume progress stops here. Also, everyone in history who claimed everything was done in their period was wrong, every time.

>> No.934864
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> the year is 1950
> a man sits on his front porch looking down
> "everything has been done" he says
> "we have cars to take us places"
> "trains for long distances"
> "ships and planes for crossing oceans and borders"
> "a mail system for carrying messages to each other"
> "Radio broadcasts to send music and messages to each other"
> "Jazz music, arts, at an all time high point"
> "All the major sports are at their peak of talent"
> "It's all been done"

look at yourself nigga. Humanity hasn't even hit the singularity yet. We got a long way to go.

>> No.935563

what are you trying to say?

even if the universe was specially finite, there's an infinite number of possible computer programs, an infinite number of possible novels, and infinite number of possible songs, and that's what really counts here when we're talking about ideas.

>> No.935564


>> No.935684

It dosent need to be totally new or done before to be successful.
Iphone wasn't the first smartphone/touchscreen/video call capable etc etc, but it put all the tec together for the first time in an appealing package. If you look at a lot of innovations you'd be surprised how much is just recombinations of existing stuff.

>> No.935688


uh, no... a nigga can make an app that catches fire and become a millioniare and then if you invest it properly you have a ticket to the forbes 500...

like look at shit like snapchat or instagram. i don't know all the ins and outs of their stories, but i guarantee you these niggas didn't have PhDs or 10 years of programming at some company. now maybe they programmed from a young age, like i said, i dunno the stories, but im just giving examples

as far as the future goes, you can't say everything has been done, young buck. 3d printing, AI, nanotech, biometrics, oculous...... these technologies and many more are still in their infancy. shit is going to get more and more real in our generation as long as we don't kill ourselves or let the SJWs enslave our minds. think big, promote liberty, live life, free your mind, etc etc


>> No.935710

All of you are stupid.
Of course there is an increasing bar to technological innovations.

Everything this far has just been small improvements over existing ideas. Anything you think is "revolutionary" is in reality just a slight improvement of something else that already existed, but didn't catch on.

But there are physical limitations in everything, and you can't just keep improving efficiencies without diminishing returns, and more and more expertise is needed to get them.

The "dropout overnight millionaire" has been a myth for sometime now. When this happens it's due to a motivated and very highly self educated person. Often with several failures under their belts. Not average guys with simple ideas.

>> No.936273

i am hoping for space age.

>> No.936277

whenever I think about this OP I always remind myself about snapchat and instagram

>> No.936290

You have to realize that even if something has to be done, there's no guarantee that it has been done "right" or that there isn't a market for many variations of a product/service.

There are also alot of things that haven't been done, it's just that you aren't knowledgeable enough to figure it out. Broaden your knowledge and experiences and always be trying to figure out how you could make money from them.

>> No.936298

It really is a lot like the movie fight club says. We were all lied to. Even the people that are successful for the most part have been lucky or were cheaters and rule breakers. Combined with this they were extremely hard workers. I mean what do you want. It just doesn't make sense that we could live in a world where everyone does a little honest work and becomes a billionaire.

>> No.936301

i still can't believe stupid bullshit like twitter, instagram and snapchat has made so much. surely that shit can't have been difficult to code.

>> No.936369

KeK so hard man

>> No.936435
File: 61 KB, 960x720, uber_fb_airbnb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the world’s largest taxi company, owns no vehicles.

the world’s most popular media owner, creates no content.

the most valuable retailer, has no inventory.

the world’s largest accommodation provider, owns no real estate.

>> No.936456

Facebook creates tons of content. They have a whole facebook studio, they own occulus and instagram. All of these are popular through content curation growth program.

Alibaba isn't retail, they are a service platform. But Alibaba does own some of the factories in their holding company.

airbnb does own property. They actually own a lot in the valley. The original airbnb was based out of the founder's own apartment and they expanded from there.

Uber is building vehicles soon. I guess for right now they are a taxi dispatch group.

But your infographic is terrible for understanding how service companies work.
Priceline doesn't own airplanes and hotels, and deloitte doesn't own any companies.

>> No.936464

Way to miss the point, autist.

Facebook has tons of pictures of girls, animals, funny pictures, meme pictures. But they don't create them. They own instagram, which has even more pictures and videos none of which were created by Facebook or instagram.

Who created the contents of this instagram:

Who took the photos and uploaded them, Mark Zuckerberg?

>Uber is building vehicles soon.
But now, they don't. Which proves my point.

>airbnb does own property.
Of course they own offices. But as an autistic, you missed the point. Airbnb will soon be booking more rooms than the world’s largest hotel chains. Even if you owner rents his own apartment at the beginning, it's like what.. 0.0009% of their total room.

It has millions of rooms, it's not like if the owner suddenly stops renting his own apartments, the business will fail? That's the point, they rent millions of rooms and they don't own them.

It's always the autistic who take words and things literally, and miss the point of what is being said.

>inb4 facebook created the facebook logo, therefore they create their content.

>> No.936472

There's a whole lot of shit we haven't done yet man.

Just look at that discovery of those aylmao's floating solar panels around their sun for energy 1500 years ago. Why the fuck aren't we doing that, or at least thinking about it.

There's a shit load of things we HAVE to do as a species. We need more people like Elon Musk that just takes a wacky concept and says "lets do it".

The technology is out there. Every fucking day some scientist phd government grant scrub is inventing some new carbon nano tube, or cloaking device, these things never get commercialized though because people just don't know what to do with them.

We live in the most technologically progressing society ever, we've been numbed to it. IT seems every day something that has the same potential as the internet or the automobile is invented researched, put on reddit and forgotten about. Just need guys with balls to draft something fun up, contact the scientists, contact the investors and make something happen.

>> No.936478

Chill fam, service industries have existed for hundreds of years.
Also just so you get it, facebook has a full content creation team, airbnb, the company owns properties in cities that don't adapt immediately to rent out and Uber rents cars for interested drives to jumpstart major cities.

The point of that infographic is trying to explain that business is changing from owning equity to repurposing it.
But think about this:
Banks don't have any money and are actually over debt leveraged, television stations don't produce any content but license it from studios and travel agencies don't own hotels/airlines.

The service industry has always been the most profitable. It's silly to try to say this is a new trend.

>> No.936581

Start thinking of VR apps.

>> No.936585

Of course not, you idiot. As technology progresses and new markets open up, there will always be potential for innovation.

>> No.936597

You're thinking much too simplistic. There's plenty of potential for the digital age to continue evolving, and possibly revolutionizing society.

Autonomous driving is one such example. The technology exists and isn't particularly impressive. It's the application which is impressive. Imagine the paradigm shift that would accompany autonomous vehicles, convoys of linked vehicles, even completely driverless vehicles. It would turn the taxi industry on its head (you think Uber was an upset to the status quo?), road freight would likewise be shaken up, it would also potentially give a short term boost to manufacturing. All of these and more are niches where one of us schmucks could potentially strike it rich.

Other near-future growth areas are likely to be ai, voice recognition and synthesis, quantum computing. We're at the point where 3d printing and wearable tech are at the fork in the road between being game-changers and novelties.

Tldr; there's loads of exciting shit happening before we get into space.