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File: 82 KB, 680x680, vomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9309664 No.9309664 [Reply] [Original]

most terrifying moments in your crypto career
>thinking you sent tens of thousands of dollars to the wrong address

>> No.9309830

I get extra autistic when I'm about to transfer crypto
I literally back-and-forth check every single individual character of the address after copying and pasting. Twice. And I also make sure I didn't accidentally highlight & copy a space at either end of the address

>> No.9309862
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How about this:

>hear verge is rocketing beyond the moon
>Exited like i've never been before, having 200K XVG
>Go fetch my wallet to sell said xvg.
>wallet says amount is 0
>turns out coin pouch wallet was hacked. everything stolen
>Darkest december ever, still recovering

A while later, millions upon millions of xvg suddenly pop up all over the place to fund shit with such as the pornhub deal.

>know that the verge hack was an inside job and that the devs robbed their earliest holders, and that my xvg are now resting in some shady pornhub wallet.

Feels. so. fucking. bad.

>> No.9310171

I just check the beginning and end desu, no reason to check middle characters

>> No.9310212

>Sent like $20k worth of crypto to wallet
>Didn't arrive
>Start panicking
>Can't wait around all day staring at wallet, errands and shit to do
>Whole time doing them I'm imagining my life without crypto gains, how I'm going to be poor with no escape
>Begin to reason that money *really* isn't that important to me. I could survive and maybe reinvest. Accept that no amount of money could ever make a person truly happy. Like schopenhauer sad, we chase pleasures day to day and are invariably unsatisfied
>get home, feeling a bit more relaxed
>Money is in wallet
>feel amazing

>> No.9310267

>terrified of my exchange getting hacked
>even more terrified of my computer wallet getting hacked
>even more more terrified of my hard wallet burning down or getting eaten by my dog or thrown out by the maid
>supremely terrified of just fucking up the transfer between any of these points and sending my bitcoin to oblivion, or worse, a pajeet
>call exchange
>block all digital asset withdrawals
>a-anon are you sure? we're pretty secur-

>> No.9310277
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.... anon even if you sold at the peak it was only like $50k... then after taxes you're looking at $35k ... Its not like you would have been set for life

>> No.9310283

>network intercepted

Popped up when logging into Binance. My balance was a dash.

I nearly had a panic attack!

>> No.9310309
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i know lad, i know. But still... it would have been my first major success. It would have made a world of difference.

All gone, like tears... in rain.

>> No.9310339
File: 99 KB, 639x960, 1518135889948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being in the top 250 LINK wallets
>knowing in your heart that it is a total scam

>> No.9310341

It was the Jews.

>> No.9310353

Can this "everyone is a burger"meme die already?
You're not the center of the world

>> No.9310472

At the very beginning of my crypto journey I wanted to send my freshly bought BTC to buy some alts at Bittrex, so I just copied and pasted exchange's address. It was my very first BTC transaction so I was very careful with it and thank God I've checked it twice... Somehow just TWO (2) characters in my entire address were completely different from the copy&paste one. How the fuck did that actually happened? I will never know that. I ended up writing my address manually and double-checking it again. That was some scary shit.

>> No.9310803
File: 129 KB, 1300x861, ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres always next time anon, life is one step forward two steps backwards usually
I bought xrp when it was building, rode it to the top then took the advice of fuckwits facebook groups I follow to not sell, panic sold when it was at its lowest. Took a month off crypto and been making good gains trading between now and then, for all my gains I'm still not at my initial investment yet.
I see the sadness in my eyes every day I look in the mirror

>> No.9311172

Could someone give this man a quote in VND

>> No.9311193

literally copy paste and then ctrl+f on both pages. very easy

>> No.9311229

Wow, how much insight can you get when you are desperate

>> No.9311240

Fell for John McAfee's coin of the day pump and dump and lost $6000 in 10 minutes.

Fun times

>> No.9311351
