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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9274366 No.9274366 [Reply] [Original]

Why is biz shilling mostly bad coins? There's a few good here and there but mostly it's just pajeet ICO's and other worthless garbage with no MVP nor usecase. Like why the fuck?

>> No.9274410

We need flags
That would solve this problem

>> No.9274436

I-I r-read the white papers
I'm srs investor. Muh portfolio is unironically hundreds of USD.
Brb eating Tide pods

>> No.9274537

I shill bad coins for fun, I know there's always someone who will fall for it.

>> No.9274548

I shill hot to the pajeets because I bought the ico so I'm at a 11x but these retards will buy anything so why not

>> No.9274559

this. Literally this

>> No.9274565

Suggest it in feedback then

>> No.9274570

I would imagine it being the fantasy of becoming an millionaire overnight that deludes this board's good judgement. Then again, I only started browsing here recently again.

>> No.9274587

because dyor is a meme. Don't do your own reasearch cos chances are u don't know what the fuck you are reading about. You can understand it, but you certainly do not comprehend feasibility of certain objectives, market & consumer behaviors.
Thats why the same shit coins are shilled here - a lot of biz is retarded in a very similar way to each other.

>> No.9274606

I try to shill and talk about coins with decent fundamentals. Take BAT for example, it has an actual working product AND a stellar dev team, Brendan Eich is leading the project as it's CEO for Christ's sake. They meet the deadlines on their roadmaps and they don't generate fake hype with nothing to back it like some of the chinese projects out there. And yet these fucking halfwit neanderthal """investors""" just don't process it with their smooth walnut-sized brains. They're too busy sucking their own cocks and pretending to be the wolf of wallstreet while losing money on day trades. Poor people stay poor for a reason.
Fucking agreed, holy shit.

>> No.9274618

Flags would just result in more shit posting and a million Canadian proxies

>> No.9274635

We still don't like you, Reddit.

>> No.9274686

You are a bad person and you should feel bad, we should all be here to help each other out. I have spent at least 50$ in ltc tiping anons who gave me serious honest infos in the last 3 months, you are a short sightes degenerate and dont understand the power of cooperation. If it wasnt for people like you we neets would alle be rich right now. Shame in you anon

>> No.9274690

I'm posting from a vpn right now lol, always laugh at niggers asking for flags
VPN + 4chan pass is best combo

>> No.9274705

There are no more bizraelites here, just pajeets and reddit.

>> No.9274711

You get 4chan pass banned you have to wait or buy new pass
It's not much but it will raise the barrier of entry

>> No.9274730
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>because dyor is a meme

>> No.9274743

care to elaborate

>> No.9274749
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>> No.9274808
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>> No.9274814
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this is now a dumbjak thread