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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 76 KB, 1082x695, comfywysker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9271470 No.9271470 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine beeing a normie in a consumer society.
Buying useless shit the whole time, cause why not?
Scrolling through Amazon, clicking pages, searching for gems at alibaba wasting hours to find stuff you never wanted, but bought anyway, cause why not?

Lets do some math, imagine a normie of that kind watches x - products in y - hours and buys z products per month
Imagine he would watch x+50% products in y hours.
> The outcome of this is a higher z value.

Imagine he would watch x products in y-50% hours.
> The outcome of this is a higher z value.

Imagine he would watch x products in y hours and z would be preselected by his preferencs.
> The outcome of this is a higher z value.

Now lets have a look at this gem, calling Wysker.
> Its a shopping app which makes x higher and y lower, therfore z higher.

Would be pretty cool, as a retailer, to make x fit your preferecences, right?
Would be pretty cool, as a normie, to get money to share your preferences with advertisers, right?
Would be pretty cool, as a normie, to even get paid to share preferences, right?
Would be pretty cool, as a normie, to get discounts for products which fits your preferences, right?
Would be pretty cool, as an advertiser, to pay a normie, to buy his stuff instead buying stuff from a competitor, right?
Now imagine beeing yourself.
Holding WYS token which is the key or the chain which holds all this connections together.
Would be pretty cool, to profit from this circle, right?

Buy Wysker, idiots.

>> No.9271614

What the hell

>> No.9271640

You're really earning your pay there, shill. Good work lol.

>> No.9271641

Wysker is stupid and so are you.

>> No.9271730


Just because you don’t understand doesn’t mean the others are dump. Normally it’s vice versa kek.

>> No.9271799

Is it a ICO?

>> No.9271859


It was. Now it’s one hidden gem on the rise. Check out here: https://www.wystoken.org

>> No.9271867

ICO concluded, you can get the tokens at forkdelta and radar relay
It will be on Nebula Exchange in a few days.

>> No.9272009

Wysker is huge


>> No.9272033

Wysker 2.0 will be released soon, its still time to come aboard this spaceship

>> No.9272063

wysker is stupid and so is anyone that buys it

>> No.9272071

2.0 will be so good can't wait to see it.

>> No.9272776

Moon soon

>> No.9272807

Fuck off, shill. I thought this was a based neet thread to make fun of wagecuck normies

>> No.9273400

It is. Wagecuck normies are the primary target demographic of anyone who sells anything, they're the people who go out and spend their whole paycheck on new AirJordans every month, they're the people who go into creditcard debt to buy a new Gucci handbag every month, they're the people who mindlessly spend money on mobile gaming, they're the people who will zoom away on the Tinder of Shopping like mindless drones for hours on end, generating enormous data stores that tell advertisers exactly what to push on them with pinpoint accuracy.

Wagecuck normies are the reason Wysker is going to be huge, and wagecuck normies are the reason anyone who buys Wysker now is gonna come away with a fortune.

Join us brother.

>> No.9273754

Are you sure? I mean, this could be like RaiBlocks at 0.8 cents. Do you really want to risk it?

>> No.9273762

I did some looking in on it. Could be big.

>> No.9273789

WYS is like the Borg.

They FUD, they read up on it, they assimilate. Welcome friend.

>> No.9273806

Now I feel retarded.

If advertisers are incentivized to hold WYS then the price will skyrocket.

>> No.9273846

Don't feel retarded. This is /biz/, you're right to question what you read here. But this is also where we find those small tidbits of info which lead us to the right investments from time to time.

Everyone should DYOR on this one:



>> No.9273943

Needs more volume so they can get on CMC

>> No.9274173

Gotta keep spreading awareness for that. They haven't done an airdrop or a particularly widespread bounty program, so contrary to what the FUDers say on here, there's no pajeet volume yet. It truly has been hidden.

>> No.9274238

One of the most elaborated shill threads I ever see.

You almost got me, bravo.

>> No.9274337
File: 53 KB, 946x332, Purpose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What part of WYS don't you believe in?

>> No.9274414


Kek, great shill anon. Unironically go research this shitcoin now

>> No.9274455


forget the technicals.

this coin is new & not easily available at the moment.

here are some things that will pump the coin significantly from here, and these things are inevitable:

CMC listing
Exchange Listings
Word of Mouth

coins ive made a fuck ton of money off of that started with a subtle 4chan shill:

ELIX, LINK, GMT, BNTY, EBTC and a few others. Regardless of where these coins are now doesnt matter, look at the charts from CMC inception onwards.

You WILL make a profit on this coin, again, regardless of technicals.

Now for the fun part, figure out how to cop some WYS. :D

>> No.9274556
File: 29 KB, 380x160, 001C9F4B-B31C-40B8-BD4E-33458EDA7A76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


True. Pro tip:

Watch new ForkDelta listings, wait for the presale holders to dump, if you’re not patient at least check to see if they is a CMC listing yet, if not, Buy. Also check BCT to make sure it’s not an obvious pajeet scam.

This is far more profitable than trading on any major exchange.

>> No.9274621


kek i like how ForkDelta is straight up tell users its a #gem

>> No.9274698

>You WILL make a profit on this coin, again, regardless of technicals.

I don't disagree, but I personally don't go for short term pumps like that because I don't have the capital and time to begin with to make it worthwhile. I'd just end up buying random shitcoins and making like 2 dollars.

I only go for things with solid longterm potential. Been sitting on WYS for a while now :P

>> No.9274724


you bought in ICO?

>> No.9274809

Yeah, I'm still buying with whatever money I can get my hands on. Haven't had a lot of capital though since I'm writing my BA paper right now and haven't had time to work for a couple of months.

>> No.9274900

>since I'm writing my BA paper right now and haven't had time to work for a couple of months.

>BA paper
>couple months

I've just handed-in mine, two weeks is all you need Anon

>> No.9274943

>I've just handed-in mine, two weeks is all you need Anon

To be completely fair you are right, I've spent a lot of extra time playing Path of Exile and binge watching shows. If I had spent that time on the paper I'd be done by now. I'm preparing for a life of Wysker-financed leisure by getting in the mindset early.

>> No.9274946

I went to a mall a couple weeks ago. I went into this tie store. It was literally a store that sold 10cent scraps of fabric for $45. One of the retail wagies self initialed oral communication with me. He asked me about the temperature of the atmosphere and whether he should "roll my jeans up." I just stared at him and he asked if he could help me with anything. I realized this pathetic wagie has been completely broken and only lives to seek approval and work for others. I thought for a moment but couldn't think of a clever retort so just told him he needed to help himself first and left the store.

>> No.9274953
File: 109 KB, 650x740, spreading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ooooh no no no no.. don't you dare steal our meme!

>> No.9274997

Sorry. Didn't know it was yours.

WYS is like the uh, the Necromongers.

>> No.9275071

I’ve been in since pre-pre sale, 45000 wys. Could not be comfier

>> No.9275177

high levels of comfort

>> No.9275179
File: 18 KB, 250x160, E5A6308B-ADDC-4B0D-A1BA-87217D47656F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weak hand pre-sale hodlers already make like 260% profit without any hype there. That’s why some of them are selling atm. Good time to jump in on there stock because great times are ahead. Bull-market + Wysker 2.0 + iOs-release + new bounty for crypto + giant normie campaign + Nebula and Next.Ex-listings+ super low MC gonna skyrocket that thing!

>> No.9275284
File: 358 KB, 320x320, Cats4Profit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets say we hit 10b, top 25 in a 800b market.

That's 4.5 million dollars of comfort.

>> No.9275649
File: 135 KB, 798x660, DataFuelsMoontrip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new bounty for crypto

I'm wondering what that's gonna be. Think they'll pay us for Biz threads? :D

>> No.9275695


>> No.9275699

>guys its in a youtube video it must be true!

>> No.9275705



>> No.9275763
File: 48 KB, 880x586, WysEternalProfitMachine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a fun fact for you.

The top holder of WYS outside of Wysker themselves has an Ether wallet worth 1.17 million dollars. He holds 17 other tokens than Wys.

Do you think you're smarter than him?

If not, you should check out the WYS Whitepaper.

>> No.9276024

>they're the people who go out and spend their whole paycheck on new AirJordans every month
niggers don't work retard. That is your money they're spending. This is the worst fucking shill ever. This makes me consider buying HOT it is so bad.

>> No.9276096

>niggers don't work retard. That is your money they're spending. This is the worst fucking shill ever. This makes me consider buying HOT it is so bad.

None of that makes sense because its money flowing into wysker regardless of where the money comes from, you get taxed anyway

but hey, keep bumping the thread by all means

>> No.9276273

WYS is just NCASH without the partnerships, advisors, and "community." Also, it's a euro coin, which historically are slow to be adopted in the actually developed nations.


>> No.9276859
File: 42 KB, 641x530, 1489556225749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poorly enlarged image with artifacts that destroy kerning
Off to a great start.
>earn tokens for product views
>earn tokens for app usage

Did you even read the damn infographic? It's literally a cyclic adware/spyware-crypto hybrid system that gives real power to advertisers, pseudo power to users and basically nothing to vendors.

Is this a fucking joke?

>> No.9276882

>The top holder of WYS outside of Wysker themselves has an Ether wallet worth 1.17 million dollars.
Dude knows a good scam when he sees one. He obviously knows how to play the game. I guarantee he dumps his coins at the first bear.

>> No.9276938

>real power to advertisers, pseudo power to users and basically nothing to vendors.

No, you have to volunteer to temporarily lease your data profile for a period of time to specific campaigns.

>> No.9277002
File: 250 KB, 1944x2243, wys_is_life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9277121
File: 618 KB, 1085x3335, WYS_probably_a_Scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just check this pic, and move on to other coins.

I looked into the LinkedIn of the CEO of this project. And I made a pic that just explains why this is probably a scam.

I'm only going to post this once so some of you fags save the pic and repost it if any WYS shilling threads come up in the future. Don't let the pajeets win, biz.

>> No.9277238

You mean the ICO that was heavily regulated by the german government? you mean the project that has a working product you can download and use right now? Yeah am sure that's a scam.

All you have shown is the past business experience of the ceo and forgetting that there are three founders and a team of 28

>> No.9277263

Nice maths lmao.

What if he decides your coin sucks my left ass and watches x*0 products in y*0 hours?

>> No.9277301

how much wys do i need to make it

>> No.9277328

>Largest investor outside the founders has only 1.7 mil portfolio
holy kekamoli

>> No.9277327



>> No.9277338

Holy shit I misread... It's not 1.7 it's 1.17 ...


>> No.9277339

These guys are pretty great at scamming to have netexplo in on this.

EOS also says in its terms the token "does not have any rights, uses, purpose, attributes, functionalities or features, express or implied, including, without limitation, any uses, purpose, attributes, functionalities or features on the EOS Platform." It's just legal shit to save their asses in case something does, on the off chance, end up happening.

>> No.9277356

CEO lied on his LinkedIn about his experience. So he has zero relevant experience and somehow he's the best candidate to be CEO of this multi-million dollar project. How low IQ do you have to be to trust this guy with your money?

>> No.9277383

>CEO lied on his LinkedIn about his experience

Your assuming too much, which is why your argument doesn't work.

>> No.9277407

>Claims to have made an app, but it doesn't exist. Neither is there any info on the history of the app.
>Claims to be a founder of 1K Ventures, but there's zero information on them actually doing *anything*, and the website is dead, even though he listed that he's working on it from 2015 -- Present.

Those aren't assumptions, but facts.

>> No.9277452
File: 1.88 MB, 400x400, cutelizard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For my multi-million dollar blockchain project - let's just hire Steve who works the register at McDonalds to be CEO. And if anyone asks, he's an "ICO Expert". Kek.

>> No.9277687
File: 1.11 MB, 480x270, 152438875002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but you don't know the context behind the facts, you don't know what happened, your just assuming

thanks for bumping the thread again, I was away for a bit.

>> No.9277799

The whole point of capitalism is to sell and buy useless shit.

>> No.9277885
File: 52 KB, 1080x720, E75129C2-62F6-4668-8342-37BB2BBE34D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

June 3 2018

>> No.9277937
File: 31 KB, 755x708, 1502804832082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute anime kitty

Just bought 100k

>> No.9278194

Lmao what the fuck is this next generation shilling.

>> No.9278323

Yeah right it is an ico, biz only shills coins post ico in order to dump.

>> No.9278997

You got me shillers. I'm in

>> No.9279237
File: 54 KB, 640x640, 5975B02B-6CB9-4962-82C7-CED4D0EC74DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Asians gonna love it.

>> No.9279272

So it's self infected spyware and I have to pay real money for it?!


>> No.9279295

>being this retarded
>governments have never been scammed before!
Lets say it IS an exit scam. Are there even any german laws against such a thing?

>> No.9279298

>I have to pay real money for it?!

No, you get paid for it, that's what the tokens for

>> No.9279312


No kek you get money for using it.

>> No.9279351

Your trying to hard

>> No.9279380


In Germany you have to report your project to the BAFIN. It’s german financial Gestapo. You even can’t start with your ICO without getting audited by them. They have all the legal power to pursue you into the dust.

That being said it doesn’t make any sense to hire 17 devs, release a working product, jet to Tokio to reach semi-finals in Tokio Slush, winning Netexplo Innovation award and moving into bigger office in the center of Berlin only to exit scam with 3k two months after ICO.

>> No.9279440

Why are newfaqs still investing in apps?
tinder for products - what a shitty idea.
And the usecase for the token makes it even a worse investment.

>> No.9279475
File: 157 KB, 1600x566, 1_Wbk9h7QW76sqqmglQR3ccQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got shit opinions senpai


>> No.9279519


Thanks for bumping.

>> No.9279595

This post inspired me to look deeper into the coin. Not interested at all.

>> No.9279686
File: 575 KB, 1212x726, 1525579413684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool story, bro

>> No.9279934

All who miss this train will cry soon

>> No.9280250

Just read that there's a treasure hunt with 100k WYS to find.
If this shit goes moon this could be alot fucking money

>> No.9280349

So at the moment this should be worth like 6k, I should give it a try.
Token looks interesting through

>> No.9280404


That’s the video with the clues: https://youtu.be/Ajhyirdd9CE

Bu beware anon it’s pretty hard!

>> No.9280513

/Biz autism force should solve it easily

>> No.9280787

I just called Sundar and he confirms he has never heard of a Tobias Haag working at Google

>> No.9280822


And I just called Elvis. He’s not dead he says.

>> No.9280901

>Want to make money off crypto
>go to famously retarded board and do research
>see that majority like to rage on wagecucks because it boosts their ego
>get brilliant idea
>make thread to attract casuals who fell left out on the crypto train and shill them my bs

nice work op. I just hope only a few fall for this so i can see the rage threads in a few months

>> No.9280925

Those who didn't get on the train will rage. Wysker 2.0 and iOS release is just around the corner

>> No.9281042

Why does the price action on forkdelta look like a crash? Why is this being shilled now, and not on april 20th?

>> No.9281053

I put couple ETH in the ICO but I'm pretty pissed that team announced they're not gonna go after any CEX because they're not in crypto spirit

what the fuck? Tobi should be a man and just tell us they don't have money for that shit. Instead they try to make it look like this was the plan. Fuck that.

>> No.9281088

It seem's that wysker is gonna have a way to easily buy wys token with fiat on the ad platform. So exchanges don't really matter in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.9281097


With 3k Eth it doesn’t make sense to invest everything in Binance-listing. And DEX are the future as CEX are getting hacked all day long. Besides there actually will be a CEX-listing with up-and rising Newcomer Nebula Exchange: https://nebula.exchange

>> No.9281112

they have more funding at hand then just 3k ETH, wysker has been operating since 2016

>> No.9281116

There’s no crash. Price is volatile as there are still some Bounty hunters and weak hand pre sale buyers.

>> No.9281131

Im gonna buy 2k of these just so I can get a clear mind. I really love the app design, but losing ETH right now just feelsbadman

>> No.9281154


You‘ll thank Manitu that he lead you to this thread anon.

>> No.9281162

I was in the thread yesterday too, trying to find as many flaws as possible. The biggest thing is that this app NEEDS to get customers otherwise noone is incentivized to hop in, but it already has a product array, good design, I think it could be a thing.

>> No.9281224


Maybe some of us know more things than others about things to come. Trust me Anon a massive marketing campaign towards normies will come and it will be huge as soon as 2.0 and iOs-release happened. I myself hodl 65k and I’ll hodl till 10$ per token next year.

>> No.9281267

Is me trying to close the spread and do market making. Thanks for all the extra tokens so far

>> No.9281289


cant shilling be reasonable?

>> No.9281396

You realize people are allowed to have money in more than one single Ethereum wallet, right?

>Off to a great start.
Just screenshotted the Whitepaper.

>hybrid system that gives real power to advertisers, pseudo power to users

Users consent to advertisements. Users benefit from the data collection because it creates an echo chamber filled with your own desires. A reduction in shitty spam, in products you don't even want to browse, and you get rewarded for the ads you actually choose.

Nothing pseudo about that.

>and basically nothing to vendors.

Well. Vendors offer discounts already, lets say they offer a 15% discount normally.

How could we possible add the WYS token to that and benefit? Oh I know:

10% Discount on this product, add X WYS for another 5%.

Now the retailer gets free WYS tokens while selling his products for the same price he's been selling his stuff for before. If he notices that this causes lower profits than doing a 15% + 5% with WYS, then he does the latter.

He can now use his WYS to drive customers to his products. Free advertisements isn't nothing

So you can invest so you can also dump when it has become profitable :)

>niggers don't work retard. That is your money they're spending.

So you're telling me you hate that they steal your money through welfare, but that you don't want to capitalize on this in some way to get some money back?

I don't think choosing WYS, or not, is gonna get you out of taxation.

>> No.9281447

Im german and would never touch a german project. The people here are all cucks and the devs will probably sponsor pro sharia organizations or just give away half of the coins to niggers or some other dumb shit.

>> No.9281465

>The people here are all cucks and the devs will probably sponsor pro sharia organizations

Hey if they start selling Hijabs we're good to go, there's like 400 million people who wear them.

>> No.9281527
File: 27 KB, 600x600, 0e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have 4,5k WYS and I might just buy more.

although what >>9277121 wrote concerns me a bit.

>> No.9281546

googler is someone who ever used the google searchpage so thats prolly not a lie

>> No.9281576

By my calculation the mcap is $10 million with a circulation supply of 270 million WYS.
iOS release soon, direct competitor to BAT and not on any major exchanges even IDEX.

>> No.9281655

the total supply is 102 million.

>> No.9281696

>although what >>9277121 wrote concerns me a bit.

Failed past projects don't make the current one a scam. Somehow the guy ended up with enough funding to run Wys and develop the app without any revenue. The app was completed without using the ICO funds. They have 17 paid employees and a brand new office in Berlin.

It could fail, it'd be delusion to think that this is foolproof. But a scam with a working product? That seems real unlikely.

>> No.9281718

On their homepage it says there are 362 million WYS tokens, with 60% allocated for the ICO.

>> No.9281753

It also says they will burn any unsold tokens and a proportional equivalent of their funds after the ICO.

As they did, here's the Telegram posts:

"Token-Burn accomplished!

1. 3,000,000,000 tokens were issued initially
2. 61,404,060 of these were sold prior to the closing of the token sale
3. In accordance with our whitepaper, 60% of all tokens issued were allocated for the token sale and 40% reserved for user incentivization, advisors, etc.
4. We have comitted to burning the unsold tokens to restore the 60% / 40% ratio initially defined
5. This means, 2,897,659,900 tokens will be burned leaving wysker with 40,936,040 and making the total number of tokens in circulation 102,340,100"

"We have opted to burn the tokens using a method devised by Ethereum co-founder Jeff Wilcke which involves creating a new contract, transferring the tokens to that contract and then self-destructing the contract.

This technique was successfully implemented tonight. The related transactions are as follows:

Creating the "burn contract" (source code is on Etherscan):

Transferring the tokens to be burned to said contract:

Burning the contract by invoking its "BurnMe" method:

In summary: Unsold tokens were successfully burned tonight.

My apologies for the delay and thank you for your patience.

>> No.9282144
File: 65 KB, 750x798, s05e56als4w01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its yuuge op

>> No.9282273

Can only go up from now. Especially because it will be on a noob friendly exchange in two days.
I would stock up before it's too late this will be hardcore

>> No.9282364

consumer normies care for token shit
OP is as always a faggot

>> No.9282442

>consumer normies care for token shit

No, they care about high quality shopping apps. The tokens are a bonus, they don't even have to understand that these are a crypto token.

>> No.9282459

no they don't. You are about 20 years too late

>> No.9282468

Yeah they do, no I'm not.

>> No.9282490

You should conduct some market research instead of relying on the shit done by dependent institutes hired by idiots who still believe they can shape the narrative with muah advertising. Face it, the buy shit era is finished, the DiY era is the one that has a hell of a lot of growth potential, and Tokens die on monday anyway

>> No.9282498

true. this one definitely looks promising.

i can't fathom whether this one will be big or not.
online shopping is a 2,3 trillion dollar industry.
just 1/4 of this could give the token price a huge increase.

normies are gonna love it.

>> No.9282627

Promising indeed. Time to buy some of those little fuckers

>> No.9282680

>Holding WYS token which is the key or the chain which holds all this connections together.
So... The key is to buy chainlink?
Thanks just bought another 100K

>> No.9282723
File: 140 KB, 1300x868, 1504035390468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Face it, the buy shit era is finished,

Yeah. People are gonna stop shopping.

>> No.9282742

If you didn't figure it out, those are normies when they see the "This is what people thought about Wysker in 2018" BuzzFeed article where your post is featured.

>> No.9282749


>> No.9282783

Yep can confirm, stopped shopping months ago, living off the land

>> No.9283220

Threw your phone in the lake, didn't need it anymore, Wysker is killing the planet?

>> No.9283277

Boycot Wysker
Plannet killers confirmed

>> No.9283793

Very good will DYOR now

>> No.9283887

went shopping with family...
watching the methodology of purchase...
over spent +$15 within a few purchases..
not comparing costs/ingedients...
at checkout, forgets 2 purchases...
about $20 in value... oh well.. whatever...
total cost of shopping day over $500...
literally buying and leaving 4% of it in a store, and thinking "oh well.."
and overspending $1 to $5 each purchase..
because "muh organic local honey, certain flower type, local business only..."
read the bottle at home...
shit is made 2k miles away....
this is the typical consumer...

>> No.9284021
File: 201 KB, 905x668, shark-horse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this shit anywhere other than FD? no activity there whatsoever, need to fill my bags anons

>> No.9284809

Forkdelta and radar relay. But only forkdeltas order book is filled. In two days you can trade in on Nebula exchange

>> No.9285067

500k wys enough to make it?