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9268773 No.9268773 [Reply] [Original]

Best place to retire off crypto in Europe?
Need to be able to get flights home to look after mum hence staying in Europe.
I'm thinking Poland would be a good place. What do you a ons think? Where would be a nice place where I don't get taxed as much on my gains when I make it. :)

>> No.9268780

Poland has high taxes (32% on crypto gains) and extreme pollution during winter.

>> No.9268815

Follow cz to malta

>> No.9268816

isle of wight

>> No.9268830

i am planing on Georgia next year
Georgia does not tax foreign income

>> No.9268837


>> No.9268842
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norilsk russia

>> No.9268968

I would recommend Malta or Greece or maybe Monaco.

>> No.9269008

Fucking retards suggesting to downgrade to shitholes as a "retirement plan".
Don't listen, if you're just wealthy and nothing more you will regret. Stay in developed leading countries where your social ass will be more valuable. Pick at least less occupied by businesses countries.

>> No.9269034

damn, that looks so simple and organized
hopefully the apartment prices are cheap also

>> No.9269110

Um, dude I want to get a tax residency there. its best to get tax residency (~180 days of stay annually) somewhere after you move from your current tax jurisdiction. Once i have that i will be on greener pastures

>> No.9269126

Comfiest place on earth desu

>> No.9269141

Is the pollution everywhere though? Also I thought they elwere dealing with that.

>> No.9269161

Heavily Anglicised Pole here who visits family sometimes. In terms of living Poland is a good choice.

Personally I wouldn't choose Warsaw to live, but the suburbs or outskirts of one of the other major cities sounds like a pretty good base for retirement.

Also, everything is still dirt cheap there but I doubt it will stay that way for the next 15-20 years so now would be a good time to buy real estate.

In terms of taxing crypto - I hear Poland isn't so good on that.

>> No.9269174
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Hungary or Poland. Western Europe will crumble from without because it has lost all of its internal cohesion.

meanwhile, western civilization as we know it will be florishing in central and eastern europe again. The tides of history are turning again.

>> No.9269187


from *within* ofc. sorry.

>> No.9269233

if you work online why wouldnt you go to a less developed country

way cheaper. being in a poorly developed country is only bad if you have to work there in the system. crypto aleviates that issue

>> No.9269253

Thanks brother. Appreciate the input. Was planning on getting a place there in the next two years :)

>> No.9269271

Sad Englishman agrees

>> No.9269281
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High (very) standard of living, no tax on crypto gains (0%) if you play your cards right.

>> No.9269289

Because if you want to move you ur life there you'll want to find a wife and long term friends

>> No.9269349

>somebody ask for where to retire
>obviously not from hungry or poland
these 2 countrys have rising far right politics which means more difficulty for people of other countrys to move there and have a "peacceful" time there

what makes you think that retirering would be a good idea there then? also democracy is crumbling extremly fast in both of these countrys with the political right highjacking the mainstream media and court system. just like russia, turky, isreal and other countrys that are more dictatorships then democracys lately.

>> No.9269386

This pleb thinks staying in a county ran by Muslims in 20 years is safer than moving to a homogenous Christian Nation. Kek. Have spent lots of time in Poland I know what I'm talking about.

>> No.9269452

if thats all you care for then be happy since i wouldnt be suprised if in 20 years poland is a tolaritarian dictatorship of homogenous polaks

dont forget north korea is also homogenous

>> No.9270197

Underrated post

>> No.9270217

That's an interesting point but less probable.

>> No.9270319

the overall political climat of the world is moving towards dictatorial oligarchys. not just in the west but overall. its not less probable if you remember that within only the last 20 years such climat has arrisen. projecting out from today 20 years out, it doesnt seem impossible that some politician grabs power and rules absolut + cements his power like its typical for dictatorships.

putin did a good job. erdogan learned from him and copys it and the rest of little dictators of the world watch and learn to do so too.

>> No.9270379

All I can say mate is walk through Luton then walk through Krakow

>> No.9270586
File: 250 KB, 640x360, Belarus 148503479-640x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Belarus. A lot of the country is very beautiful. And the population is over 95% White.

>> No.9270699

What's the tax on crypto like there?

>> No.9270766

It's not all we care about, but anyone who's not living with blinders knows what countries with majority shitskins end up looking like. Demographically this is the fate of France, Germany and the UK. People who disagree can't do basic math or irrationally pray for a "race war" (yeah right).
I don't see why you'd pick a country guaranteed to be ruled by islam over a country that might turn out to be totalitarian, unless you're brown yourself.

>> No.9270780


>> No.9270794
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I lived and worked in Malta for 5 years.. If you are from a civilized western country it will be a pretty big culture shock.

Maltese act and behave like the average Arab..

Also you get more value for your money in Spain or Cyprus.. much better.

>> No.9270825

Pretty much everywhere, it's from home coal heating. Industry is clean nowadays. It's getting worse every year. Nothing actually happens because it's caused by poor people which are the voting base of the current nazbol party. April-October is fine, but during winter a good air purifier is a must... My asthma was 'magically' cured once I got one.
It's not a joke, for several days every winter worst cities have the most polluted air in the world. During these times when you blow your nose after 15 minutes outside, the tissue becomes grey to black.
Maybe in 10-20 years it's going to be better.

Objectively it's a good country to live in in April-October. Very low crime, good infrastructure, clean drinkable water in pipes.

>> No.9270837

>Maltese act and behave like the average Arab..


>> No.9270986


Just to name some things.

individualism (in a sense of not giving a shit about human rights, the environment or the rest of the world in general )

short term thinking. People cannot think ahead for more than one week.

women are threated as properties

Impulsive and highly explosive in temperament.

>> No.9271132
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also the type of idiocracy you see on memri tv.. that's something that could come out of the mouth of a Maltese as well.

>> No.9271153

Tax-free for 5 years or so.

>> No.9271192

Putin is a usurper that puts entire nation on it's knees in a bad way, the same thing most predecessors did. It is currently underdeveloped and in heavy decline.
Not only they want to make Russia the next China, but Kremlin's information propaganda is doing a political mayhem to the world, as well as US doing theirs.
Only true shithole countries that are in decline have either usurpers, chaotic dictators, or government sellouts. Frankly, Russia and Turkey qualifies in all. But if all of you cares only for muslims plaguing your country then you'll find out soon enough that there will be bigger problems than that. Just hope your country won't be like Italy.

>> No.9271384
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>more difficulty for people of other countrys to move there

Polfag here, white westerners are fine as long as they behave and they don't come for gibs, most nationalists are even cool with ge*mans as long as you agree that Merkel must hang and EU must burn. Brownies are not fine as they always come for gibs and while polfagia is not gibs-friendly, you still get free higher education and free healthcare. Current gov is a meme anyway trying to appeal exclusively to the mouthbreathing underclass and the (((upper class))) while shitting on the middle class and they'll lose soon, most likely to a pro-EU party which wants refugees to enrich the nation.

Bear in mind that it's already a tax hell and our equivalent of IRS is ran by an actual unironic jew who wants to kill crypto and anything interrupting the goyim milking process. It's like the worst aspects of the US tax machine combined with the laziness of the USSR bureaucracy. I'd rather retire to Cyprus if I could.

>> No.9271478


I figured it was more expensive because of the lower taxes. Spending less in Spain isn't really better if I'm getting taxed more

>> No.9271556

I'm interested in living in Malta, what's the tax situation like there for foreigners? One thing that puts me off is how densely populated it is. Wonder how hard it'd be to get citizenship there?

>> No.9271656

Also as an Britbong I worry about how Brexit might impede my chances of living elsewhere in Europe and perhaps getting citizenship. I don't want to live in England anymore but I don't know where to go/ what to do desu.

>> No.9271655

I like places with space. Here in the UK it's getting very congested

>> No.9271685

Crypto is not "foreign income"

>> No.9271695

Same situation as me bro. I thought about applying for citizenship in Poland and hoping it goes through before Brexut or just marry a cute Polish girl ;)

>> No.9271729

Bulgaria, 10% flat tax, very good weather, cheap houses and is a holiday resort for Europe

>> No.9271840

I like the sound of that. We should have more of these kind of discussions on /biz
Would be nice to find the best place we could cash out and start a new life.

>> No.9271904

lol @ this pic. in reality the midwest is a bunch of morbidly obese boomers with oxygen tanks living in a town with "developing nation" infrastructure

>> No.9271924

Don't go to Poland if your main source of income is crypto.

>> No.9271968

lol westerners arent exactly setting bench marks for outstanding people. low socio economic societys have significantly superior women and people in general

you really wanna wife a 80 dick american white girl who doesnt shave her arm pits as a politicsl statement when you can get a 9/10 traditional slav girl and live 10 times cheaper while experiencing a completely foreign culture and life style

>> No.9272025

Don't know about Poland mate, I considered it but I heard that they're greedy about taxing crypto, over 30% tax is really off putting and I don't think that there's any plans to change it soon reluctantly I don't think so.

>> No.9272039


>> No.9272070

Income tax in Spain and Malta are not radical different.

>> No.9272123

Citizenship entirely depends on your situation. Are born outside the EU?

In that case there are severe limitations as otherwise half of Africa would be moving to Malta by tomorrow. You can basically forget it.

Are you born in a EU country ? You can just move there by tomorrow in theory.. you don't need any paperwork or citizenship or whatever.

Also there is reddit thread related to malta and crypto. Please ignore that as it's complete nonsense written by peoplee who have never been to Malta.

>> No.9272156


I haven't looked into Spain's tax, but I thought in Malta the income earned in foreign countries is taxed at a flat rate. So assuming you were in the upper incomes from sources that weren't based in Malta you could save money. Some YouTubers moved their because of less tax

>> No.9272247

I wouldn't know how that can work out. So you are earning abroad while living in Malta ? Perhaps care to give an example ?

I cannot exactly grasp what you mean :)

>> No.9272267

I'm English, just wondering how Brexit will affect my situation to permanently move to another country if I decide to leave here.

>> No.9272287

There must be a way to cash out with low tax then set up a Polish bank account and transfer 10k or so per year without tax. I think when we make it in crypto it's probably best to seek professional advice

>> No.9272305


I have British friends who lived in Malta when Malta was not part of the EU yet.

they received a visa for 3 months at a time. At the end of the 3 months they go to Italy for 1 day and come back to get a new visa for 3 months (rinse and repeat year in year out every 3 months)

I guess you will be in a similar situation.

>> No.9272321

I would like to know the answer to this as well if you know mate

>> No.9272445


I'm not sure but I understood it to be if you owned a store in another country that the income provided by that store would count as foreign income

>> No.9272523

there is a flat tax rate of 15% but it's only for people who have a high net worth permit only.


Applicants are required to obtain a local residential address by buying or renting a house or apartment that will serve as their residential property in Malta. The applicant must either acquire immovable property in Malta or Gozo with a minimum value of EUR 400,000 or must rent immovable property in Malta or Gozo for a minimum of EUR 20,000 per year.

here’s a minimum annual tax payable of EUR 20,000 (and non-EU/non-EEA/non-Swiss nationals holding a HNWI residence permit even have to pay a minimum annual tax of EUR 25,000)

>> No.9272536



>> No.9272542

No tax on crypto + great weather, food

>> No.9272564

>no tax on crypto

Lmao we are literally USSR tier

Dont come here, they will rob everything off you in taxes

This place is hell on Earth if you actually have money

>> No.9272576


Is that why millions of poles come to western europe every year?

>> No.9272608

ignore him.. he is the /pol/ version of rk9.

they all think they can move to Poland and especially Ukraine, will still receive their neetbux and that white blond virgins will flock to them.

>> No.9272622

Spain, i think is 20% max.

>> No.9272647

Explain, I hear the 51k meme but how exactly does it work

>> No.9272661

I must say that unironically there is some truth to that

>> No.9272911

Income tax =/= crypto tax

>> No.9272913

...and filled with bulgarians

Don't shill these brown countries like hungary or bulgaria as you would probably dislike the gypsie-tier people that live there.

>> No.9272956

There are less brown people in Bulgaria than in most western countries

>> No.9272971

I can't think of a worse place in Europe to retire. Not even polacks want to live in that shithole. You are fine in Western Europe as long as you avoid the big cities. No sandniggers actually go to the countryside or live in rich neighborhoods

>> No.9273073
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>no tax on crypto gains (0%) if you play your cards right.
what do you mean by this? in from sweden, we pay 30% on any profit from selling crypto.

0% sounds very tempting so how do you do that?

>> No.9273133

Ok bulgarians might not be brown but the traditions still look gypsy-tier to me. Especially the clothing. Also, never heard of anyone going TO bulgaria.

>> No.9273170

This is true. I live in the countryside in Germany at the moment. 99% white + some Asian mail order brides.

>> No.9273188

a lot of pedophiles from western Europe go there. It's such a shithole that families sell their children

>> No.9273276

Simply claim that you didn't specularly 'invest' in cryptocurrency, but that you bought it intending to use it for it's purpose; to use it as currency. You can't deduct any losses when you do this, but you don't pay tax either.

>> No.9273493
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you gotta report this to the government somehow when you buy the crypto?

because if not it sounds like you can just claim it was an investment at the time of selling if you made a loss, or claim it wasn't if you made a profit