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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9166795 No.9166795 [Reply] [Original]

Are you ready for the AMA?

>> No.9166850

Sirs yes sirs

>> No.9166993

Yes, looking forward to it! Sucks having to wait until april 2019 tho

>> No.9167003

21k JNT here.
Just asked Talal if SEED will be the owner of those tokenized jBonds- he said that they online tokenize it and others have to buy it- so no SEED-made pump but only based on demand for jBonds caused from the market.

>> No.9167037

I will bet you that their will be no AMA today.

You are the retard of the day.
Insert brainlet.jpg pls

Tokenizing = lowering circ supply = price will rise

>> No.9167075

>>9167037 The AMA will be today- its already uploaded and they are just waiting to push that publish button.

Sir tokenization=/= lowering circ supply.
They can tokenize as much they want, just by paying the jgas fee, its another question IF there is the demand for this tokenized assets. The supply only lowers if someone BUYS that asset and not if someone tokenizes it.

>> No.9167090
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>> No.9167102
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>buying anything from this known scammer

>> No.9167129

Hang on maybe I'm being a brainlet but I don't understand what you mean. Surely if it's tokenised the JNT is taken out of circulation. Then when someone buys the jBond all that happens it it changes hands.

>> No.9167141

Kalim, what does this mean?

>> No.9167147

Pls stop replying in JNT threads. Never heared so much bullshit at once.

Regarding the "uploaded" AMA, this reminds me on their already recorded SEED group interview which was delayed because of the evil media outlets.

>> No.9167294

kek- honestly, idk

>> No.9167303
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>> No.9167328

That was a press release not an interview and I thought it was relatively understandable why they waited for traditional media to announce first.

>> No.9168117

Sir where’s the AMA sirs

>> No.9168322

Sirs. Unfortunately it is delayed. We weren't able to deliever in time. Sorry sirs

>> No.9168346

Sirs why u keep do this sirs?

>> No.9168786

Sirs, this is the imminent moon mission and our upload button is broken. Keep in mind, hold and DO NOT TRADE. Thanks sirs

>> No.9168829

>hyping up for an AMA
never change jiblets

>> No.9168846

But today is the last day of April! After all, it's not like them to delay things

>> No.9168852

Stop posting 4chan memes on the telegram you absolute massive newfags.

>> No.9168924

Fuck you. The telegram chat belongs to us now.

We need more holo threads

>> No.9168962

tg is 95% /bizcancerkids
should tell you enough about the shitcoin
hint: look at the linkchart
frank, ricardo, datboi, hans?
pls kys asap, you are such lowlifes
i don't find words

>> No.9169019

SEED provides liquidity. They said that from the beginning if you even had to ask Talal about that you sersiously didn't do any research.

>> No.9169069

Go fucking neck yourself you retarded decemberfag. Even Talal must be embarrassed when he sees your posts.

>> No.9169134

Who cares? Jibrel is a memecoin and hasn't delievered anything since they have announced their ICO.

A wallet in an Alpha version is worth nearly 60m. Welcome to the crypto world.

This is bullshit. Even in their postponed press release they have called the 250m for tokenizing only.

>> No.9169173

Yes and that's exactly what they are doing, I don't get your point.

>> No.9169189

>the product is not finished after 3 months since ICO
>hurr durr vaporware
Try to be more subtle next time.

>> No.9169240

Are you fucking kidding me? They pre developed their wallet at was ready in Q3. That means 7 months for the developing step alpha to beta.

The russian developers are doing a great job. :)

>> No.9169340

Yes, I'm sure that this is THE ONLY thing they've been working on.

>> No.9169361

True the devs have to join their daily meeting in the SEED Office. You will find an excuse for anything.

>> No.9169405

Yawn, must try harder.

>> No.9169460

Tic tac, clock is ticking jiblets. Starting to feel despair yet as you realize the team will fuck up once again? Can't even release a pre-recorded AMA on time, fucking LMAO

>> No.9169509
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The absolute state of jibrel bagholders.

>> No.9169520

9 am wallets on friday 7411
9 am wallets today 7472 so thats an increase of 61 wallets in three days, about 20 wallets a day. We are averaging about 13 wallets day increase. I was pushed back one spot. So overall nothing crazy.
bibox wallet:
9 am friday it had 5,064,244
9 am today 4,967,787 a net loss of 96,366 so about a 100k. I expected more the way things were going but a net loss is a net loss.
waiting for the AMA not for a price pump but to really dig deep and see where this project stands
as always hodl the fuck up, lets all get rich

>> No.9169575

Some of you guys are going to shit yourselves when they clarify some of the questions regarding jAssets.

>> No.9169587

i have some jnt i can sell at a 10% increase, but it's not much ~$250 worth. i can afford just letting them sit, but is it worth it or should i buy something else?

>> No.9169604

If you think a guy that posts that is the guy to give you genuine advice then God help you

>> No.9169631

Hedge your bets.

>> No.9169639

Well if it goes to the moon you will miss out and kys. If it fails you probably lose your whopping 150 bucks before you sell and life will go on. Tough choice.

>> No.9169784

keep it anon, its 250 that can be a lot of money in the future. Store it and forget about it

>> No.9169922

i'd rather ask some guy obviously fuding than some guy obviously shilling.

>> No.9169974

Lol why don't you do your own research instead of trusting that the fuddders and shillers even know what the fuck they're talking about.

>> No.9170058

Kalim, you polish retard.

>> No.9170086

Something that needs to be said....
The majority of biz doesn't even understand the jibrel network. They don't understand the use case, nor the implementation details that the medium articles have been communicating. You asking someone whose most probably dumber than you are for advise on what to do with your JNT.

>> No.9170108

At least you understand the project ;)

>> No.9170210

yeah you're right, i'm currently basing all my investments on asking random users on biz and not doing any research myself. i realize i need to stop that now, thanks for showing me the light

i asked an obvious fuder a specific question to see what he would say. i never said i thought he was an authority on the issue

>> No.9170212

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the concept of Jibrel Network and what they're trying to accomplish. The mechanics are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the project will go over a typical investor’s head. There’s also Talal’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his character- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The investors understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this project, to realise that they’re not just innovative- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike JNT truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Yazan’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Talal’s genius wit unfolds itself on telegram. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a JNT tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

>> No.9170213

Yeah, I wouldn't have bought into this project if I didn't. Some of you guys are still confused about whether or not JNT is a simple gas token or why anyone would want to use a jBond. No one even talks about jAssets, even though it's the most bullish development IMO.
Looking forward to the AMA.

>> No.9170246


>> No.9170269

I really don't think the AMA is coming out today.
Some time in the next week or two sure but probably not today.

>> No.9170286

How are jAssets the most bullish product? Not concern trolling, legit curious. Aren't they similar to jCash?

>> No.9170298
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>it worth it or should i buy something else?

>> No.9170362

JNT can/will be used for the settlement and clearing of jAssets. In the last medium article they also casually mentioned a fractional real estate ownership pilot they're running.

>> No.9170368
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see >>9170212

>> No.9170404

Keyword - CAN

>> No.9170413

Walletbro pls

>> No.9170449

Alright, but those JNT don't have to be locked, as jAssets are purely off-chain backed. Whoever sells jAsssets for JNT is free to market sell the tokens, so it won't really affect market cap in a way that jBonds would. Am I wrong?

>> No.9170455

what up

>> No.9170473

I think you underestimate the significance of establishing a legit and safe way of moving large amounts of money in and out of crypto.

>> No.9170987
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Reminder that the ama STILL hasn't been released. Fucking jiblets, when will you learn?

>> No.9171024


>> No.9171080
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It's fucking insane that you can understand the full outline of jAssets, very interesting how much information you can get from 3 sentence about a new aspect of the project

You should be the new Co-Founder of JNT, your 200 IQ and your deep understand / insight for the project could fix the sinking boat.

>> No.9171105

That's fascinating but it sure as hell doesn't look like an AMA to me

>> No.9171129

AMA was delayed, check TG for more information

>> No.9171154

This is why I don't usually get into it with biz. jAssets aren't new and the details they've provided are clear enough for me. If you don't like it, don't invest. I don't give a shit anon.

>> No.9171199
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Truly, a man of superb intellect. Let me tip my hat off to you my dear sir, god help all these inarticulate peasants who lack the required mental capacity to fully understand how innovative this project is!

>> No.9171319

You have to be part of a new species. The knowledge you have, is clearly from another universe. Keep it up tho, you will make it in under one month with that IQ.

>> No.9171404
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the telegram is pure aids. the following people should kys:

-dat boi
-max the soiboi admin

cannot fucking WAIT to dump my bags on you faggots and crash the price right before you think you're going to make it

>> No.9171536

market sell everything you have right now faggot

>> No.9171539

So everyone that posts in tg?

>> No.9171556

Phil is the only non brainlet

>> No.9171691

Shoo Phil.

>> No.9171737

No, I'm Phil. Someone shilled me guys. Hope it ain't a PnD.

>> No.9171789

Welcome to a dead project. 7 ppl posting memes over and over again

>> No.9171813

>ID related

Shortened version of Duckbutter, or the accumulation of sweat, vaginal discharge, anal seepage, seemen, blood, saliva, urine, etc. around the taint/gooch area.
Last night I had so much deeb in my taint, I could hear it squish when I sat down

>> No.9171962

So when AMA?

>> No.9171974

April 2019

>> No.9171996

Phil the biggest brainlet of all. He tries to bully people and speak from a position of authority but in reality he just insecure boy :^)

>> No.9172452

Feeling comfy.

>> No.9172458

He may or may not be a dick I'm just going off the first medium article where he was the only guy in that retarded group that could articulate useful questions.

>> No.9172777

Tic tac. Time is ticking away

>> No.9172802

Tick TOCK you mouthbreather. Who says tac?

>> No.9172871

tick tock, look at my cock you nigger

>> No.9172877

Nice one

>> No.9172902

damn WTF everybody is mad about? Relax fuckers....... if you think its a shitcoin just dont buy or just sell. Comfy as fuck over here

>> No.9173087

Tic tac toe, don't be such a hoe

>> No.9173161

$5-10 EOY 2018
$100 EOY 2019
$500-1K EOY 2020

>> No.9173359

Don't get my hopes up Anon

>> No.9173370

Then i will bring them down again


2,5h left

>> No.9173433


>> No.9173453

dubs call it

>> No.9173478

Come on talal you bouncy castle salesman. Hit upload

>> No.9173550


>> No.9173763

Holy shit Talal just messaged me

>> No.9173787

Dick pics?

>> No.9173977

Actually bent over spreading his ass cheeks. I also see his balls and dick hanging. He said 1k EOY

>> No.9174087

As long as it's 1k EOY he can do that on live television for all I care

>> No.9174151


>> No.9174325

Phil is actually a whale with inside information and a member of a whale cartel that invested in seed round of Jibrel Network, Tomochain, TeFood, Economi, Hashgraph among many other projects.
He knows his shit.

>> No.9174393

Hello Phil. Can you ask talal to hit upload on this ama? All joking aside I can believe that, genuinely the only useful person in that telegram beside talal and Yazan.

>> No.9174464

I'm not Phil but I know a whale who's in the same cartel and he's the guy that recommended me Tomochain and Jibrel Network.

>> No.9174526

Clever guy, TomoChain is a fantastic project. I bought it and Jibrel at the same time. In hindsight I wish I had put more into TOMO but Jibrels time will come.

>> No.9174600


Hello everyone - I understand some of you are upset that the AMA isn’t out yet, but I would like to remind everyone that although we are committed to ensuring we communicate with our community, it is NOT our primary focus. The AMA video will be posted shortly, but here are some of the more pressing issues we have been working on.

We had a pitch to the Governor and board of directors of a central bank earlier today and are in advanced discussions having crossed a critical milestone. We are working on a pilot with one of the largest commodity exchanges in the world. The business team is conducting user-acceptance testing for Jibrel’s products. We are working with 2 top-tier VC’s that plan on using our CryDRs in their upcoming fundraising rounds. 1 Islamic bank piloting commodity based Murabaha loans using our jAsset system. WBF Dubai, ECOH Kuwait, AEF Kazakhstan, VEEN Korea (events). The list is endless.

The AMA was recorded Sunday and our team are working on the editing so it will be posted soon :)

Again, we would like to thank everyone for their continued support.

>> No.9174638

Bullish as fuck

>> No.9174645

Fudders BTFO.
Fuck the AMA, this is insane.

>> No.9174663

Yes, this guy actually meets IRL the teams, devs, advisors and the angel investors before investing in projects, so I trust his advice. I'm not worried about Jibrel at all, I'm at a huge profit anyway.

>> No.9174667

Hahaha, another missed deadline. Going to get fudded to absolute shit for a few days. Regardless, bullish news. Confirms what I always thought about jibrel, genuinely too busy to spend ages catering to biz brainlets with medium posts and AMAs. Yes I know I sound like I'm making excuses, but this shit is going places. You'd have to be blind not to see.

>> No.9174680

>team is working hard with great people
>meanwhile underrage biztards are FUDing on 4chan and Telegram

>> No.9174708

Just like I said.
How old are you? 20?

>> No.9174748

Did you read past the first line of what I have written? Usually that kind of literacy is taught well before 20.

>> No.9174769
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Damn, bullish AF and makes me cautiously optimistic. Pretty comfy with my stack hearing this desu

>> No.9174777

O's dubs call it. Never felt more comfy
9 am wallet guy here
i know its heartbreaking watching other coins moon while this is stagnant, but the moon mission coming to JNT will be like no other
store your coins into your wallets folks, hodl the fuck up, we're in the journey of our lives i can feel it.
bought VEN early and currently making bank
bought OMG early and currently making bank
bought EOS early and currently making bank
but not once i felt as comfortable about a project as JNT, this will be where my life takes a different direction

>> No.9174841

Trips confirmed! BUY JNT NOW

>> No.9174849
File: 48 KB, 900x900, 290D5E7C-79FE-4400-BD9E-D1F1634B64F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NNNNGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH, Talal you son of the bitch

>> No.9175003

That is quite fucking bullish.

>> No.9175174

Honestly chances are this is what caused the pump last week. If talal is telling the community this now you can guarantee insiders heard way earlier.

>> No.9175233

I find Talal writing out Top-Tier to be hilarious.

>> No.9175259


Only someone who frequents 4chan would say top-tier. This is literally /ourcoin/.

>> No.9175361

Hello everyone - I understand some of you are upset that the AMA isn’t out yet, but I would like to remind everyone that although we are committed to ensuring we communicate with our community, it is NOT our primary focus. The AMA video will be posted shortly, but here are some of the more pressing issues we have been working on.

We had a pitch to the Governor and board of directors of a central bank earlier today and are in advanced discussions having crossed a critical milestone. We are working on a pilot with one of the largest commodity exchanges in the world. The business team is conducting user-acceptance testing for Jibrel’s products. We are working with 2 top-tier VC’s that plan on using our CryDRs in their upcoming fundraising rounds. An Islamic bank piloting commodity based Murabaha loans using our jAsset system. WBF Dubai, ECOH Kuwait, AEF Kazakhstan, VEEN Korea (events). The list is endless.

- Talal

>> No.9175403
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>We had a pitch to the Governor and board of directors of a central bank earlier today and are in advanced discussions having crossed a critical milestone. We are working on a pilot with one of the largest commodity exchanges in the world. The business team is conducting user-acceptance testing for Jibrel’s products. We are working with 2 top-tier VC’s that plan on using our CryDRs in their upcoming fundraising rounds. 1 Islamic bank piloting commodity based Murabaha loans using our jAsset system. WBF Dubai, ECOH Kuwait, AEF Kazakhstan, VEEN Korea (events). The list is endless.

>> No.9175627

Can we expect a dump from these news and AMA? I really need to buy more.

>> No.9175634

$10 end of summer. Comfy as fuck.

>> No.9175709

As usual, retards from an obscure tuvan throat singing forum will still find a way to fud this while shilling ponzies

>> No.9175719

talal is a brainlet

>> No.9175868

Imagine if the AMA has more good news than this though.

>> No.9176130

It probably won't. Be happy with what you got.

>> No.9176303

the AMA will just explain a bunch of shit and create more fud opportunities. this news from talal is a much bigger bomb than anything the AMA is gonna have.

>> No.9176337

>Murabaha loans

Really bullish now

>> No.9176707
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have they tokenized anything yet? oh, still nothing? who would've thought! I'll pop in in a month or 2 with the same question to mock you faggots

>> No.9177186
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>mfw he sees all of our scamel memes
I h-hope he won't hate us like Sirgay desu.

>> No.9177296

Who says they haven't? Not possible to say until jSearch is live

>> No.9177377

some people just never give up lol

>> No.9177846
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> AMA is late
> No new information, only restatements of things that have already been said
>nothing of any real substance, only more hot air and forward looking statements
>STILL no indepth discussion of the actual function of the SEED partnership, which was supposed to be the makeup of an entire medium article awhile back.

>> No.9177907

maybe in 2025 but it won't be reflected in the market cap anyway


>> No.9177975

I hope the ama disappoints and creates fud, I need to buy more

>> No.9177997

same. would like to pick up an extra 5K

>> No.9178397

I thought fedora tipping faggots don't believe in God.