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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9157202 No.9157202 [Reply] [Original]

a-am I going to m-make it?

>> No.9157216

Not if you post this every day you queer

>> No.9157228

Fuck it I'm fed up with you posting your PF everyday. I'm going to hack you.

>> No.9157236

You've been posting this fucking portfolio since DBC was 60 cents. Post neo address or you are clearly just some 12 year old looking for attention.

>> No.9157251

>I have 300k guys: the post.

The ones who will kiss your balls are poor fags whose opinion you shouldn’t care about, and richer fags laugh at your attention seeking.

>> No.9157289

I've seen this exact same portfolio every day since November on /biz/ holy fuck kys

>> No.9157316

You fucking loser fagot you must not get endorphins from other parts of your life offline that you have to get it here from posting your portfolio on a Mongolian basket weaving forum. Go buy some pussy with your gains fag

>> No.9157344

I've posted proof multiple times.

>> No.9157393

Autistic neet confirmed.

>> No.9157397

Lol 300k. You had $1mil in Jan. 70% down lol. You don't know wtf you're doing. You just started with a huge Mommy and Daddy capital and lucked out on a bull market. Stop posting this garbage.

>> No.9157448 [DELETED] 

I've cashed out 280k already, if I had cashed out in Jan I'd owe 500k in taxes, and I would only have 680k total gains post tax from my crypto endeavors.

That's great for starting with 15k BUT my portfolio will go over 2MM by the EOY, and when it does I'll be able to cash out with long term capital gains tax, meaning I'll only owe 20% tax.

So, if I cash out when I have 2.4MM, I'll walk away with 2MM POST TAX +180k post tax from 2017, as opposed to only 680k total for both years if I had sold in January.

Use your head, bro. Day traders lose, holders win. I've been in AE since the ICO.

>> No.9157469

I've cashed out 280k already, if I had cashed out in Jan I'd owe 500k in taxes, and I would only have 680k total gains post tax from my crypto endeavors.

That's great for starting with 15k BUT my portfolio will go over 2MM by the EOY, and when it does I'll be able to cash out with long term capital gains tax, meaning I'll only owe 20% tax.

So, if I cash out when I have 2.4MM, I'll walk away with 2MM POST TAX +180k post tax from 2017, as opposed to only 680k total for both years if I had sold in January.

Use your head, bro. Day traders lose, holders win.

>> No.9157502

In my eyes, you have already made it.

>> No.9157528
File: 14 KB, 250x250, 1524212174696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my portfolio will go over 2MM by the EOY

>> No.9157553

join me, you will make it too.

>> No.9157556
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look, OP Is a fag but posting your folio and folio threads in general has been a /biz/ thing for a while now.

Get outta here pajeets, there used to be folio threads and people were up 1/2 mill.

>> No.9157578

Man, fuck you. Good job and way to go and all that, but you already know you made it so fuck off with this validation nonsense.

>> No.9157619

omg nigger u dont need to post this everyday

>> No.9157653

Sure you did buddy, sure you did. I'm up 300% over the past week and broke a million dollars. Do I feel the need to make up stories on 4chan? No. Please leave.

>> No.9157700


>> No.9157707

Wow, I can actually physically feel your butthurt through my screen.

Also nice Larp.

>> No.9158460

>cashes out with coinbase

geez anon, how new are you??

>> No.9158469

why do you post this all the time? what is the point of you copy pasta? Coinbase is literally the only way to cash out significant amounts of crypto legally and safely.

>> No.9158479

Buy some coss so you have all /biz/ shitcoins.

>> No.9158944

Fucking wretched loser.

>> No.9158958

you dont have xlm u retard

>> No.9159100

>being this butthurt

>> No.9159122

You have exactly 2 tokens which won't disappear off the face of the planet and they're not even in your top 3 holdings. Congrats.

>> No.9159135

OP why do you have so much AE? What do you think will happen?

>> No.9159155

>Do I feel the need to make up stories on 4chan? No.
but you just did

>> No.9159175

This is fake so no, you wont make it
And even if it was real, still wouldnt
Maybe if you keep posting it everyday it still wont happen

>> No.9159232


My nigga

You should take a look at Joel's Emotiq too

>> No.9159236

Gemini would like a word, and LocalBitcoins would like to offer a blowjob.

>> No.9159442

Gemini is Coinbase you nigger

>> No.9159500
File: 149 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180429-225807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not special. Quit showing off.

>> No.9160209

No it isn't

nice larp/shitfolio.

>> No.9160633

Why is this shit coin pumping so hard?

>> No.9160661

You have 60k link, that’s $6 million by itself EOY

>> No.9161070

It's going to replace ETH.

you bet

>> No.9161086

How about buying something else than shitcoins? 100k in DBC. Are you insane?

>> No.9161194

I don't own any shitcoins, except for MNE, which I now just keep as a pet.

>> No.9161256

Diversity is a meme. Go all in on 1-3 coins and be done with it

>> No.9161481

AGAIN. If I make any trades I will be subject to short term capital gains tax rate. Do any of you retards understand tax strategy? Or even basic math? holy shit.

>> No.9161591

You've lost hope. You were almost at a million and now you realize most of your coins will crash and never go back up.

>> No.9161644

would you rather make $14k after taxes NOW or would you rather make $8k after taxes in A YEAR?

>> No.9161657


>> No.9161803

My portfolio has outperformed everyone on Biz consistently, and I have already cashed out more money that you'll make in the next 6 years.

Like I said, I will cash out when I reach long term capital gains, and my portfolio should be worth 2.3-2.5MM by then, allowing me to walk away with 2MM post tax. Don't believe me? Cap this. Tron alone will make me 1MM, and the rest of my coins will earn 1.3-15MM.

I don't have to wait a year, only 5-6 months. My strategy is perfect, you people have to understand that the new shit coins coming out won't moon like last year because people are privy to all the scams, what WILL moon however are the established coins from last year, Tron being one of them, AE being another. That's how you're going to get rich this year

>muh projection

>> No.9161829

nah you're LARPing and shilling

>> No.9161860

I've literally been posting this exact portfolio for 5 months, why do you think everyone is calling me a faggot and writing-

>he posted it again

I've posted evidence of everything I said. I'm not larping, and I'm also not shilling. I'm leading you idiots away from poverty.

If you would only listen...

>> No.9161872

this has to be one of the biggest late adopter portfolios ive ever seen

>> No.9162023

my linkies....

>> No.9162070


>> No.9162133

can you literally not read? I started with 15k last June, have cashed out 280k already, and still have almost 400k in crypto which will turn into 2MM+ in 5 months.

Yes, I'm a "late adopter". Guess you must be one of those billionaires who bought bitcoin at 10 cents.

>> No.9162165

Off yourself holy shit

>> No.9162287

>what is projection

>> No.9162382


>> No.9162535

He posts it every day.