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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 87 KB, 590x575, B4907078-F07B-4DF4-9C75-3B1B69C11AD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9139094 No.9139094 [Reply] [Original]

I’m not here to shill.

I’m here to say one thing: Please at minimum do your research.

The overall idea is simple, but the coding is excellent. Read through the contract, understand how it works.

I guarantee if you do, and avoid the pajeets on this forum, you will understand why this is being shilled.

I’ve been mining this for months, got no plans on selling. Even bought a stack before it mooned.

The network hash rate has been around 300-400 GH/s past few months since inception.

Now? The network hash rate is 2 TH/s!

Total supply is still only 2.2 M, difficulty is ramping up.

You are literally getting in on bitcoin 2009.

Please biz, do yourselves a favor, get a small stack of at least $100, that way there will be less wojacks in a year from now.

Conclusion: Coin is solid, no pajeet devs, lava wallet incoming (no gas in transcations).

Good Day

>> No.9139125

It has no use-case, sure it's a very well executed idea but it's just a bad idea.

>> No.9139163

People literally invested billions of dollars in projects that only consist of a token and some promises, it doesn't matter if it has a use case or not.

>> No.9139180

Use case is a meme.

Bitcoin has no use case. Regardless I can almost guarantee this will see many times increase.

It’s only a matter of time.

>> No.9139334

>I’m not here to shill.
yes, yes you are. with 20 threads a day you're also not very subtle. I wouldn't write this comment if you we'rent spamming this board in and our
>I’ve been mining this for months, got no plans on selling. Even bought a stack before it mooned.
strange you've been so silent. why didn't you share your good advice when the coin was in its infancy? is it possible you're trying to dump your bags??????
>The network hash rate has been around 300-400 GH/s past few months since inception. Now? The network hash rate is 2 TH/s!
you patiently accumulated during the bear market then started a shill campaign dump your begs during the pump.
>You are literally getting in on bitcoin 2009.
no, an erc20 token is not bitcoin in 2009.

>> No.9139378

Hello. You need to use your brain a bit longer to think about what you just said. It's money. Who the fuck cares? What is Bitcoin's use case? This is exactly Bitcoin. Read the material.

>> No.9139379
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It's over, you fags already took the retarded /biz/ money, there is no more left.

>> No.9139381

Not going to shill as I said, you do do.

If you weren’t blind you would of realized there were threads about this, that’s exactly how I found this coin, from biz.

It just so happens we got a lot of dumb fuck brainlets shit posting threads all day.


Tell me this isn’t similar to bitcoin mining, maybe you yourself don’t understand how BTC is mined.

>> No.9139430

well, for starters bitcoin mining hashpower is actually used to secure the network, while this token "mining" is a fancy airdrop, and a waste of electricity.

>> No.9139455

they could have implemented staking, but that wouldn't have enticed the retarded people on here with
>i-it's just like muh bitcoin!!!

>> No.9139460

Read what I linked.

>> No.9139505
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>you patiently accumulated during the bear market then started a shill campaign dump your begs during the pump.
Oh, my. He thinks a shill campaign on /biz/ affects the price movements. LMAO!
>no, an erc20 token is not bitcoin in 2009.
Read the goddamn code! It's real, actual Bitcoin code transmuted through Solidity on Ethereum. It sues proof of work, sha256, not an ICO, not premined, able to utilize smart contracts, takes advantage of Ethereum's infrastructure, et ceterea.

Stay sour because you cannot comprehend percentage increases in small windows of time (why would someone not like to make obscene money?) or because your brainlet capacity prevents your ability to invest in a coin on a decentralized exchange.

>> No.9139507

0x is a fun game and nothing more. Some people may make money, but the idea that this is anything more than a minor novelty at best is delusional.

>> No.9139578

>Look, I can parrot words of others to sound as if I'm knowledgeable
What the fuck is Bitcoin? You do realize everyone understands this is just like Bitcoin, correct? The investment mindset here is just as valid a factor as the Bitcoin investment mentality. With better chances than a casino and people who are gamblers in other ways, this is coin is an obvious choice. The ability to mine it just as Bitcoin is an attractive prospect.

>> No.9139582
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>> No.9139591

This is just a token on the EVM with no value other than the fact that people are basically crunching solutions to an ETH game. 'Mining' it doesn't secure the network—it's just an ETH token. It's an overbuilt ERC20 token and nothing more. It's neat, it's cool, the implementation is good, blah, blah, blah... it's an ERC20 token with no use case.

It's fun and I hope you make money, but that's all it is.

Polite sage.

>> No.9139608

Doesn't answer what he asked, if mining really did anything where is it's blockchain? It's using the ethereum network to secure itself, so mining is literally wasting electricity.

>> No.9139636

Rofl did this before with Bitcoinereum

/biz/ never learns

>> No.9139666

>people are basically crunching solutions to an ETH game
You haven't read the code.
>'Mining' it doesn't secure the network—it's just an ETH token
You haven't read the code.
>It's an overbuilt ERC20 token and nothing more.
You don't know what you're talking about.
>t's an ERC20 token with no use case.
Your inability to put this into perspective with everything else proves you're a brainlet. I can make blatant statements, too, and appear definitive. Wow, I'm so very much convinced!
>It's fun and I hope you make money, but that's all it is.
That's what all things in the blockchain sphere, besides Ether, but including Bitcoin, are.

Come, fellow /biz/zer! We would like you to make money as well.

>> No.9139668

Correct my assertions, then

>> No.9139672
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>it will pump because it has "Bitcoin" in its name
Sounds just like BTCP

I've seen that exact argument used for COSS.

I wonder how that turned out for both coins?

>> No.9139713

0xBitcoin is a better store of value than the original bitcoin.

Every argument the tardfags on here make against 0xBitcoin is an argument against Bitcoin... and look how that turned out.

>> No.9139751
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I rode the wave up and dumped this shitcoin at ATH. Thanks for the money suckers.

Literally all it takes is a few dozen shill threads in one day and every retarded suhuman IQ /biz/ faggot falls for it.

BTW this coin is absolutely useless in every way.

>You can mine it!

>It's BTC but an ERC20

>> No.9139781
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>> No.9139783

Why go the effort for your personal request? I'm not trying to convince you, only pointing out that you haven't read the material, yet still feel like you can spread bullshit as if you took the time to read something. The burden is on you to read the material. I'm not going to hold your hand.
>it will pump because it has "Bitcoin" in its name
I never said that. I said it will increase in value for the same characteristics as other digital valuations. It has limited supply at 21M and is low in price. I included the word "Bitcoin" as a comparison to Bitcoin, explaining that Bitcoin is no different than Litecoin or Dogecoin. The same reason people invest in all three, including Bitcoin, are the same.
>I've seen that exact argument used for COSS.
Yes, you probably have. And you "see it again here" because you failed to interpret the correct reasoning for comparison.

>> No.9139788
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you are a fucking autist, I shilled this in early March, and nobody was interested.

Seriously, grab the rope and K Y S

>> No.9139791

so basically what i'm saying is true
shill your coin elsewhere, stupid nigger
saged and hidden

>> No.9139810

Reminds me of reddits Garlicoin. RIP.

>> No.9139832
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I’m done haha. Can’t say we didn’t try.


>> No.9139837

Why should I invest in Bitcoin? To make money? So? Why would I want to make money? Why did you invest in it to make money? Why are professional traders trading Zcash? Nobody is saying that mining will make it legitimate in the eyes of people who look to Bitcoin. We are saying it's an appealing aspect that will attract speculators.

>> No.9139848
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Glad I listened to that 0xbtc shill a month ago

>> No.9139877

You must either be young in age to draw that conclusion or unaccustomed to using your brain. Sure, move along. Just remember, before you criticize something, put in the effort to at least read the material. If you can;t even do that, then fuck off.

>> No.9139882
File: 99 KB, 400x400, reddit fedora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Comparing this to a shitty scrypt meme coin that has only dumped and only used by reddit cucks who can't meme.
TurtleCoin is unironically better than that shit.

>> No.9139896


Read biz.

>> No.9139919
File: 8 KB, 199x253, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I've already made thousands of dollars on 0xBitcoin.


>> No.9139984

that would have been me.

>> No.9140054

It has a usecase dumb fuck
Ether cant be integrated in the same ways as tokens can, this is the only farily distributed token on ethereums network that isnt owned by a private company and therefore it can be agreed upon as the standard.

Brainlet, you need people to actually have the coins first to stake them, which means they have to be distributed, if you like buying vapor from a company that they decide the price on go do it, instead of mining your own coins. But maybe you like relying and giving your money to private companies.

It s a trustless mined currency that everyone can agree upon as being decentralized and fair due to pure mining distribution, this cant be said about ICX, ETH, or other coins that have been ICO'd, PREMINED, MINTED and so on.

People can integrate this into their own smartcontracts and apps so that people doesnt have to buy fucking shittier tokens to use them, imagine being able to use for example Enjin without buying the fucking enjin token.

Turtlecoin cant interact with dapps or smartcontracts

The fucking bizlets I cant believe you have gotten this dumb

>> No.9140082

I have about £100 sitting in my account right now, it's the only money I have. Do I trust /biz/ and dump it into 0xbtc? What can I expect 6 months from now? 2x? 5x? 10x?

>> No.9140180

i a holding my stack at least for a year so I can live comfortably..

im not going to even shill it, just read the medium article and make up your own conclusions


>> No.9140187

Their subreddit has CSS that makes the user profile link disappear, so this coin is too brainlet for me.

>> No.9140199

how much 0x to make it?

>> No.9140218

Alternative medium article that is on the first page of results when searching "0xBitcoin": https://medium.com/@liucory/0xbitcoin-cute-but-not-very-useful-41e393ae5d86

>> No.9140246

> Cory

a fucking reddit cuck

is this /biz/ nowdays?


>> No.9140287
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>believing a shitcoin with a smart-contract based mining minigame has real value

is this /biz/ nowdays?


>> No.9140302

> comfy little little bag

I will pass you on the highway with my Ferrari Spider, you fucking reddit cuck

>> No.9140303

>Brainlet, you need people to actually have the coins first to stake them, which means they have to be distributed, if you like buying vapor from a company that they decide the price on go do it, instead of mining your own coins. But maybe you like relying and giving your money to private companies.
turbo brainlet, then stake ethereum for your useless shitcoin

>> No.9140337

TurboOmega brainlet
Ether was premined and ICO'd so you're back at the bad distribution model again.
This also doesnt touch the other points in my post, but its ok you can just ignore it and not mine now and just BUY in later when reddit has found this

>> No.9140352

I am only trying to help my fellow biztards avoid a shitcoin.

If you want to invest in something worthless, be my guest.

>> No.9140408

0xBitcoin is Bitcoin on Ethereum, join our supportive community on Discord. 0xBitcoin is a trustless mined currency that everyone can agree upon as being decentralized and fair due to pure mining distribution.

>> No.9140428

Thank you shill. Enjoy your turtlecoin 2.0 on an aging smart-contract network.

>> No.9140432

> Implying i invested in this.

I invested in Chainlink, but hey look how that played out so far... T..th..thanks biz...

Meanwhile I'm mining this since early March and i already made alot more than /biz/ could help me.

consider the following = kys

>> No.9140448


>> No.9140482


god fucking dammit this entire board reeks like curry because of you and your faggot ass pnd coin

>> No.9140486
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>implying mining, a process designed to consume resources, isn't a form of investment.

Now I understand why /biz/ likes this coin.

>> No.9140523


it is nothing like bitcoin mining faggot; it doesn't do anything for the network or consensus

>> No.9140529

even if you mine this you are losing money

>> No.9140541
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>> No.9140549

It distributes the coin you faggot, no one wants your premined, faggot company minted coins that 40% of the supply is held by a private company.
This is the reason crypto hasnt been adapted because other companies doesnt want fucking digital chucky cheese tokens

>> No.9140569
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is this the best fud you can give? retard?

>> No.9140623

please stop with the roleplay asterisks.

I wasn't fudding, I was just showing that this shitheaded "Bitcoin on ethereum" idea isn't new. It's failed before, and will fail again.

0xBitcoin will be used for nothing. I'd love to be proven wrong.

>> No.9140629

I hope you faggots realize even if this started getting big enough to catch Vitalik's attention he would call it out and Sage it for being an electricity wasting shitcoin borderline scam. He would kill it with a tweet.

>> No.9140721
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Needs more F U D

>> No.9140738


I guarantee you Ether itself has a better distribution than this shitcoin. A fuckton of people have bought and mined Ether over time. This shitcoin is going to be held by the handful of faggots willing to mine it.

You also don't need to implement fake mining to distribute (which is a bad mechanism anyways because the first miners at low difficulty and up with just as much coin as ICO founders do. For example Satoshi himself has over 5% of all BTC a fucking million coins minimum)

You could use a faucet or implement an airdrop and get an even better distribution. Airdrop the shit to everyone with a Binance/Huobi/OKEx account.

This coin is a useless. People will just use wETH which at least has the value of being redeemable for ETHER which has network utility.

Your 20 shill threads are getting old. All the Biz brainlets you were going to suck into this shit to dump on have already bought it. You aren't getting any smart money to flow into this trash. Just leave please.

>> No.9140832
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>> No.9140841

>Bitcoin has no use case

>> No.9140849

>creates hudnerst of threads per day
>i am not a shill
>reddit spacing

Kill yourself nigger

>> No.9140932

This looks like a complete shit coin.

>> No.9140970

Dont buy this coin if you hate satoshi

>> No.9141109

Yeah a PREMINED coin has better distribution, go dream faggot

Look up the distribution, its great no one is even holding 1% and there is more and more coming to mine so it will just get better distributed

Sure the method could maybe have been better im not saying anything about that, you can go and create one similar with a airdrop.

wETH is only there because of a problem, its not meant to exist it even says so on their website. 0xbitcoin is the solution. Vitalik himself has talked about a mineable token and now its here.

Its not useless just because you dont understand it

>> No.9141253

This is the solution to Bitcoin. It manipulates 99% of the market. 0xBitcoin will make it more multipolar.

>> No.9141355


>> No.9141393


You are not mining if it doesn't improve the network you absolutely fucking brainlet. You are doing a fake mining you disgusting piece of shit that it's not even needed when you could stake the Ethereum tokens. I swear whoever buy this shit deserves to be poor forever. Kill yourself.

>> No.9141413

damn you are both very stupid and very mad

>> No.9141443

/biz/lets are already all in, holding tanking shitcoins

>> No.9141562


just because any one wallet doesn't hold more than 1% doesn't mean the devs don't have multiple wallets holding a fat chunk of the total supply (they do). This coin is fucking trash. The only ERC20 tokens worth anything are utility tokens that derive value from their use in some economic system that uses the ethereum network.

>> No.9141605


Vitalik created a mineable token, it is called Ether.

>> No.9142118
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Ether was ICO'd, can mint, and was not meant to be a currency.

>> No.9142204
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> Being this retarted, uninformed and unironically, kys-material.


>> No.9142216
File: 16 KB, 483x479, 725B1E4D-E215-442B-80D9-6E8014238FA7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id like to apply for a position please


Panjeet rhajeesh

>> No.9142754

look at the date.

>> No.9142793
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here is a (you)

>> No.9142796

Don't buy bitcoin. It is a bubble!

>> No.9142922

yes goyim

>> No.9142956

please read:

thank me later

>> No.9143010

No they dont, you can read the smartcontract and see that they would have needed to mine it from the beggining and sure devs had a headstart but he also posted it as soon as he made it so anyone had the chance to join at the same time, but just wait, just like you waited with bitcoin

>> No.9143127

at a certain point shilling becomes counterproductive because people begin filtering the threads
a sudden increase in shilling out of nowhere is also suspicious
time for 0xbtc to join the list of filtered shitcoins
ironically 0xbtc is the worst shitcoin I've had on my filter
TRTL at least had privacy
UFR was at least trying something different even if their model was inherently flawed
Chancoin was really shitty, but at least it tried to be /biz/'s coin
COSS was at least based on a business, even if the exchange was shit
and...0xbtc is literally a copy of Bitcoin on Ethereum

>> No.9143237

I agree 100%. Just bought a hell of a lot.

>> No.9143262
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dumb dumber, dumbest retard on /biz/??

>> No.9143476

>knows how to filter

>> No.9143651
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>> No.9143700

I just read it and the guy writing it has complete no idea what blockchain works. Seems scammy as fuck.

>> No.9144076

>illogical opininon detected
>judging author's knowledge instead of debating 0xBTC