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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 197 KB, 1000x1000, linkie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9118419 No.9118419 [Reply] [Original]

Shilling and FUD aside, is this a worthwhile project?
All signs point to yes, but I keep reading that the whole point of it is to be worth around $1.

>> No.9118465

Link over $1 defeats the purpose of the token Rory confirmed in slack

>> No.9118472

Sergey personally stated that the tokenprice should be as high as possible

>> No.9118475

can you explain why, or post the screenshot?

>> No.9118488

Worthwhile project? Perhaps. That doesn't necessarily mean it's a good investment though. You don't understand the project if you believe "the whole point of it is to be worth around $1". It's just a meme meant to trick brainlets like you (much like the 1k eoy meme).

>> No.9118506

Well, yeah, I don't understand the project. That's why I'm asking about it.

>> No.9118510

How about you start by reading the whitepaper? I can't believe how lazy most of you are. You are delusional if you think you will make it in investing without putting in any work.

>> No.9118532

No one mentioned investing, I don't even hold any coins, I'm just following crpyto related news.
Calm down there, friend

>> No.9118533

wait what i thought 1k was real

>> No.9118572


1k is real, just not this year

>> No.9118703

the more expensive the token, the greater the incentive for oracles to be honest, therefore the better the oracle, therefore 1000k eoy

>> No.9118966

1K EOY is literally confirmed.

>> No.9118978

its fud

LINK will be tied to the respective fiat value of data requests. So if LINK does x100 then the cost will go down 100x.

>> No.9118983


>> No.9118986

priced in

>> No.9118990

Wait so the more expensive Link is the cheaper the costs?

>> No.9118996

Checked sir!

>> No.9119001

yeah. If the cost of data requests scaled linear with token price then no one would use the network when the price increased.

>> No.9119047

The value of a transaction requires the needed amount of LINK, depending on how many tx are going on and at what price, will determine the value of link in order to sustain the network. A 10,000 contract would be 10,000 link at $1 or 10 link at $1000

>> No.9119130

Considering selling my 100k link for req. You cant lose

>> No.9119190

The fiat price of Link doesn't matter.

Suppose a certain node fee is 1 cent USD.
If the price of Link were 10 cents per token, then you'd pay the node 0.1 Link.

If the price of Link were 1 million USD per token, then you'd pay the node 0.00000001 Link.

It literally does not matter.

>> No.9119227

It does matter, because if you buy in now, when Link worth thousands you can have many nodes all receiving fees.

>> No.9119276

Not sure what you're talking about.

Of course large-scale usage of the Chainlink network is going to have an impact on the price; not just simply practically (more and more people NEEDING tokens, increasing demand) but also simply because of speculation (i.e. they're kind of like shares).

My point is that Link could be 1 million USD, and it would be just as usable within the network.
The whole "Link over 1 USD defeats the purpose" thing is completely retarded.

>> No.9119347

It is possible that we could see $1,000 per link, just not EOY.

>> No.9119351

>Early adopters are at advantaged
What a surprise...

>> No.9119356

Exactly and that is why they creatwd it with 18 decimals because of the events 1 million per link in 2025

>> No.9119364

Nevermind, I didn't read the OP. Immediately read your post as fud. You are correct

>> No.9119793

Nice pasta

>> No.9119828
File: 79 KB, 600x600, IMG_1429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hold link, but your post was so intellectually muddled I actually don’t want you to hold the same coin as me.

Blockchain is TRUSTLESS which means you don’t have to trust anything. You KNOW the code is going to run as written because it’s impossible for you to be shown one thing and something else happens behind the scenes.

LINK will make the whole of human affairs TRUSTLESS. Meaning you no longer have to trust anyone any company or any damn thing ever. If you insure something you KNOW the contract will execute regardless and the inverse is true, you cannot cheat the contract by making false claims. It will bring that to all aspects of human affairs. Politics, economics, trade, computing, science will all be revolutionised by trustless decentralised oracles.yes, chainlink is the most advanced project in this regard and is currently the greatest hope humanity has for progress in to this new age. But please. SHUT THE FUCK UP AND ACCUMULATE. When they finish this project it will be the greatest leap forward for humanity since the invention of blockchain technology. Will there be bugs? Yes. Will there be teething problems? Yes. But we’ll get there in the end. This is sergeys life’s work. He will succeed by hook or by crook and he has the funds and the team to pull it off. I have not been so sure about a project since I first clicked send on my bitcoin transaction to the Ethereum ICO all those years ago.

Yes, early Eth Holder - ChainLink represents the catalyst to mainstream Smart Contracts.

>> No.9119843

Fucking shit. Forgot to delete link copy pasta. Fucking ruined it damnit.

>> No.9119848
File: 66 KB, 689x600, 1516895948714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


REQ just dumped on LINK by developing their own oracle.

Sergey had ONE job. And he locked himself in his bedroom with a box of fish sticks.

>> No.9120029
File: 1.06 MB, 1024x862, 1524823359990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dump it, fatman failed us

>> No.9120210

>muh Link didn't meet Req's deadline

The delusion is real.

>> No.9120313

>quite extraordinary statement
>muh "read the whitepaper" as explaination
weakest fud

>> No.9120724


Sort yourself out