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9113769 No.9113769 [Reply] [Original]

I have $1,000USD to my name and I want to put it on 1 coin that’s going to moon. What do I buy into? And don’t say link because I’m not falling for that meme

>> No.9113783


>> No.9113796


>> No.9113801

"link is a meme" is a meme. one of 5 main coins I'm holding

>> No.9113809

I don’t invest in projects who are run by overweight manlets. If you can’t tske care of yourself you aren’t a good investment

>> No.9113819


>> No.9113821

>one of the main 5 bags your holding

>> No.9113823

DYOR then you stupid faggot

>> No.9113828

I’ll check into DYOR.

>> No.9113839

>Do your own research
Oh I can’t invest in that dude I work a job and have a gf I don’t have time to be a neet

>> No.9113864

welcome to biz. congrats on learning that dyor means do your own research and trying to cover it up that you didnt know

>> No.9113868
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>> No.9113877

I don’t spend a lot of time here. I didn’t know until I read it twice I don’t get into neet slang often

>> No.9113895

OP is faggot

>> No.9113912

link is way too big already for this fucking goy to make it with. i realize every little bag helps your cause but it is pajeet mentality to take the quick buck now rather than first helping the goy build a significant amount while you live rent free in his head before turning him, as the jew would.

>> No.9113921

It's 2020...

OP is suicidal because everyday he thinks back to this thread that he made and said he wanted to be shilled on a shitcoin... not link tho. And link is at $1,344 dollars.

OP... you have 1k....you have ZERO chance of making it. Sure you can put it in a pedocoin like EOS or NGR coin and make 5-10 times. Maybe 25-50 times if your lucky.

Big deal tho? That's nothing.

by the time you make 25k-50k all this shit will have consolidated and no more moon missions.

1k will buy you 2,200 LINK...

Link goes to 100 bucks and that's a quarter mil.

You unironically have to go all in link to have any chance of making it

>> No.9113926

>OP is a faggot
Sorry bro I have a life I don’t only crypto im sorry your life revolves around memes

>> No.9113946
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this guy

>> No.9113947

Dude link has barely moved in fucking MONTHS. EOS mooned this month for early adopters why should I believe link will go anywhere when it hasn’t?? Shill me

>> No.9113970

>asks NEETs about something because he's a lazy faggot
>gets shamed into being a lazy faggot
>"huh i have a girlfriend and a job
stop finding excuses you fucking sperg, if you're not willing to learn you won't ever make it, spend that thousand on something else

>> No.9113982

Wtf is a spreg you virgin ffs speak English you fucking virgin pajeet faggot

>> No.9114020

OMG, ignore LINK shills. Buy and hold OMG for at least 2 years.

>> No.9114031
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confirmed to have been browsing this site for less than a week
>inb4 muh job and muh girlfriend
Fucking wagefaggot, what's the matter with you? What's the point of working if you're poor? I'd kill myself if I was you. Your girlfriend is probably cheating on you while you flip burgers night shift

>> No.9114038
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ChanCoin is looking good.

>> No.9114051

Girls don’t cheat on chads faggot I know that’s your life stop projecting your failures on others

>> No.9114066

Lol volume $76usd
God damn trolls

>> No.9114088

Omg looks to of mooned already for my 1k

>> No.9114104

>still a poorfag
>can't educate himself
>asks random people on a peruvian dating website what to invest

yeah you sure are the chad here

>> No.9114133

Just read all the legit link threads. All over 100 and 200 responses. There was a link thread yesterday with 280 responses.

If I was born yesterday and came on 4chan and never heard of crypto... I'd be investing in the one that has dozens and dozens of responses.

>> No.9114138
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How about based Monetha?

>> No.9114143

So you’re saying because I’m new to investing means I’m new to lifting and new to speaking with women? Nice logic. Even if I never make it I’ll still have tons of girls to fuck which is better than money imo lift weights and improve yourself kid

>> No.9114150

All bullshit and stupid link threads aside... this above that I wrote is the most bullish indicator. Even not knowing shit about the project.

>> No.9114161

This actually isn't bad OP....

50% OMG and 50% LINK

>> No.9114171

I see link threads all the time I’m on here but that’s not proof enough it will go anywhere. I want to believe but I just can’t especially when I see that faggot who runs link. Looks of a total homo WOrld of Warcraft player

>> No.9114187

stop being spoonfed for a second and listen, you're getting shilled so fucking hard you'll be coming next month crying about muh bags and muh gf left me

>> No.9114196

Privatix (PRIX)

>> No.9114197

Could be smart. If I see link move to $1 I may fomo in 50% of my cash I’ve just been waiting to see it move even a tiny bit it’s moved like 10 cents in 3 months I don’t come on biz often but I check coins daily on coinMcap

>> No.9114215

If my girl leaves me I’ve got 10 waiting so who cares but maybe you are correct about link. If I see link even move a tiny bit I may fomo in but as of now link is dropping in rank and the price hasn’t moved and they have zero announcements really

>> No.9114234

The fact that in actual legit link threads it's getting 100-200 responses means there's something there dude. They aren't discussing anal fucking there gay boyfriends.

Like I said... you aren't going to fucking make it anyway. Even if OMG goes to 1k that's still only like 40k for you.

You HAVE to go all in on a low priced coin with enormous potential upside or else it doesn't fucking matter. Do you get that???

>> No.9114248

>You HAVE to go all in on a low priced coin with enormous potential upside or else it doesn't fucking matter. Do you get that???

this, get all in on a shitcoin, watch it moon

>> No.9114262

RLX. it's already mooned a bit for me but it's still only at ~10m mcap. will likely be ~200m by Q4

>> No.9114282

Has nothing to do with announcements. The fact that there are no announcements is a good thing. Almost of the supply is locked up for the big boys...

And there is a really good chance that link isn't going to steadily increase where you can FOMO in. Good chance this shit goes from say 50 cents to 10 bucks overnight and then 100$ a week later.

>> No.9114290

Yes I get that. OMG is already too high for me I know this which is why I wouldn’t put my money in it. I thought about putting my money in eos but it would have to go very high for me to make it but I’m only looking to make 50k on my 1k I’m not unrealistic. I need a nice boost so I can invest more in just looking to boost my money quickly so I can day trade with 5k and also hodl EOS and other alts I believe in. I understand the concept here I’m just looking for the right coin. Link is alright but what’s so great about it? If it is so great why hasn’t it mooned already?

>> No.9114314

Okay fine so when do you expect link to make this mountaineers climb to $100+?

>> No.9114358

Because nobody knows about it. Ask yourself this... why would sergey and his Dev team not market it at all? I mean they are putting their blood sweat and tears into this coin.... yet no marketing? Don't they want the plebs to buy it so they can make more money???

The fact that they aren't marketing it means it's some serious and and they don't need plebs like us investing in it. They are doing what they are doing for the big boys.

>> No.9114366

You should be buying PFR instead of whatever crap youre holding. Their mainnet comes out on April 30th. Do you realize that Localbitcoins now has KYC? Do you understand that once PFR is out, people will all jump ship to avoid having to upload documents? People kept doubting the project but these guys deliver. Do you want to be poor forever.

>> No.9114401

check it out.

>> No.9114410

I don't know my gut tells me Link will go parabolic at anytime. Maybe this June or maybe in 2019.

If I went all in Link right now I would have 39k Link... but I have 2 or 3 other shitcoins that I'm hoping moon before Link starts its ascent (parabolic or steady) to be able to buy more Link.

I'll tell you this tho... I trade some of these shitcoins and hold a few, but I never go to sleep without 10k minimum link in my account. That way if it fucking takes off im not completely fucked by putting it all in EOS or whatever and hoping it moons before Link because I don't know when Link will sky rocket.

You sound young anyway so what does it matter if it happens in July 2018 or Nov 2019?

>> No.9114430

Or maybe they aren’t marketing because it’s a scam? Idk I honestly don’t have many choices because lots of shit has already mooned. I may drop 500 into link but I have no faith in that project at all and I’ve been watching it for months link even dropped from 1.00 to .40 which isn’t a good sign. I think you’re too optimistic to think it’ll be $100 EOY or 2020 but I could be wrong as well

>> No.9114446

Go in for a couple low cost coins. The popular ones with decent white papers and potential that aren't shilled constantly are BANCA and DAN, but they are on HitBTC and nobody likes that exchange. If you use Binance or something else more popular, there's a few coins I bought that seemed like long term potential (AMB and ARK). Their team/product and development/roadmap are fantastic and a few months of conferences and announcements should up the price a little, maybe 20% if luck should have it. But those won't moon you for a long time.

>> No.9114469

Time doesn’t matter. I just wanna be on whatever moon missions are available. I’m still kicking myself for not buying EOS at 6.00 even though I wouldn’t of made too much. Maybe I should get into link but I’m unsure it’s taking so long to move an inch

>> No.9114482

I’m on binance and Gdax

>> No.9114497

Go with Nuls. Mainnet in May.
You need 2K to stack. The fomo will be high.
Cause you cant stack, buy Achain after the price increase.
Loyalty programm with extra coins and maybe forked coins in the future.

And wait for the dip on weekend

>> No.9114511

The entire market was down 60%.

It's not a scam bro. SeriouSly take a few hours and read 4chan and Reddit threads on link. I'm talking going back 2-4 months to... especially in Reddit. Look at what ass blaster said.

Look how sergey got invited to sibks twice.

At least put half in so you have a little over 1k coins. Just trust us.

>> No.9114524

It hasn't moved an inch because nobody knows about it and it isn't meant for nobodies.

>> No.9114532
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crypto is volatile and unreliable. learn about stock options, buy one. Ill make it easy. buy A SINGLE apple call ending may 5th ish at 170. if they beat earnings, which is announced may 1st, and their price jumps, you stand to double your investment (about 250$) and only risk losing 250$ rather than going long on some retard coins.

>> No.9114541

That’s true the market was down to shit badly. Fuck it I’ll put $500 in and hodl. I only need 100k-150k and where I live I’ll have ‘made it’ just looking for a down payment on a house and a ring to marry this girl I’m seeing. I’ve got extra money in my savings but I’m not willing to gamble my life

>> No.9114546


>> No.9114550


>> No.9114558

I need much more than $250 to chill out for awhile. I am into penny stocks a bit but I need the 25k min to day trade so it’s worthless

>> No.9114568

In a year I want you to make a thread thanking me for shilling you. :)

You really should go all in those. 2k for a poorfag is comfy

>> No.9114584

Trust me dude I read all the link threads because I’m on the fence about it and I know it’s a possible opportunity. But I also know people talk too much and talk is cheap and so is link atm lol catch .22 I guess link is one of those coins with tons of fan boys so I can’t tell if their fan boys or know what their talking about it’s a fucked up mind game

>> No.9114594

I’ll screen cap this just incase and if it works out I’ll give thanks for sure

>> No.9114599
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DBC or Elec

>> No.9114666

Thats a nice hole youve dug yourself.

>> No.9114690

Pick a a ICO
go all in

>> No.9114693

It’s okay I’m a 6ft chad I can get out

>> No.9114714

Thanks anon...

>> No.9114722

if you have time to take care of yourself, you dont have enough time to take care of your business.

>> No.9114743


>> No.9114759
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>> No.9114775

I know how you feel. When I read about it a few months back I literally went all in. Then I came to 4chan and sold it all 4 hours later after reading the shit on here.

I was the researching it a couple days later on YouTube and I replied to a comment where one anon was being deceptive but lead me to believe it was for real. I replied to his comment and was like dude.... is this for real or not? Cuz I can't figure it out. And I'll literally give you 8% of my gains.

He replied and gave me his email and to email him so we could telegram and to let me know if it was legit.

I told him. I don't know shit about what's true or not. I'll give you 8% of my gains whether it's link or whatever other coins you are in because he seemed knowledgeable and I don't understand ANY of this shit.

So yeah the fact I knows it's true is because I talk with this kid pretty regularly and he gives good info and giving him 8%. So that was kind of my tuition to feel comfy about it otherwise why wouldn't he shill me on another real coin since I'm going to be giving him 8%

>> No.9114793

Unironically Nano, everyone thought it would shit the bed when Binance opened deposits back up, it did not.

They will be releasing their mobile and desktop wallets in the coming weeks and this essentially puts them into full drive on marketing.

This will not 1000x I am sorry, but it is less of a slot machine pull than any Pajeet tier ERC20 longshot people have you eyeballing here.

>> No.9114853

same except Im 5'10 and not on my own. Im a finance major with a buttload of family FS connections. wish I was 6ft but I make up for it downstairs. Best of luck to you, seriously consider hedging your entire investment using options. This is posed to double your investment with less risk. Imagine losing the whole 1k on a coin or coins. now imagine losing 250 on one option and making 750 on three successful ones, putting you at 15.

Now prove to me youre a chad, whats your pussy eating method. Mines the alphabet. works every time

>> No.9114898

You're a gullible retard and if it were any other coin I'd hope you lose everything. Luckily, we're all in this together. Stand proud marine

>> No.9114920

Hey bro. Real talk. I’ve been researching link for months because of biz shilling it.... it seems legit. Good solutions for real world problems.

As a suggestion. Pick up some Tron and hodl for a week. We’re about to moon heavy. Take your gains and split em between another low cap coin like POE & FUN and then pick up link in August. I’ll have about 30k from these moon missions and with 15k of Link.... we'll be smoking moon rocks on Mars.

>> No.9114978


>> No.9114988

Lol come on dude we both know that’s a defeatist attitude

>> No.9115009

So many good feels but will it grow to resent link? I guess we will find out

>> No.9115032

Lol the alphabet? I don’t eat much pussy today except for my gf but you’re supposed to hit the top of the clit and they cum in 50 seconds or less

>> No.9115041

>smoking moon rocks on mars
I’m literally playing doom2016 atm lol dude I plan to make it off this shit. TRX is sketchy but I’ll look back into it

>> No.9115115

I use my nose on the clit and give it some attention after the first round of leg quivering. College chicks these days really like head. and hairpulling

>> No.9115253

You Bros know nothing. You have to use your top lip and tongue like a suction while licking up at the clit, 10/10 reaction every time. You can’t just dive in with that tho cause it’s kinda forceful

>> No.9115350

is running options with 1k on TD ameritrade a good idea?

>> No.9115389


>> No.9115461

Lmao your nose? Do you have a Jewish dildo schnitzel sniffer?

>> No.9115479

I feel anything in the traditional stock market less than 25k is pointless. The gains are slow as shit you need much capital