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File: 37 KB, 440x550, 60CAA545-7152-4335-9D0D-2E9F19E9B994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9062122 No.9062122 [Reply] [Original]

No matter how much money you make you can never get your foreskin back.

>> No.9062137

bahaha the jews have alr3eady won havent they

>> No.9062178

>tfw getting surgery on my esophagus delayed my circumsion to the point where my parents didn't think it was worth their time to take me back to the hospital after I recovered from my first surgery

>> No.9062245
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You made me laugh. And because of that I lost. You know how this is going to go.

>> No.9062270
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>> No.9062278

Actually there are methods available to regrow foreskin. Also iirc there are surgeries available too.

Stay strong brother.

>> No.9062300
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>> No.9062340

My father was an MD and wise to jewish tricks, so he successfully safeguarded my infant penis from their evil clutches. So fucking thankful I didn't end up with jewcuck parents. Even inherited an 8" cock off him too.

>> No.9062343

Too late after years of friction have destroyed most of the nerves on your helmet.

>> No.9062388

It's a sign of being one of the chosen people. Be glad you were given this opportunity anon.

>> No.9062424
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Korean women don't like foreskin

>> No.9062480
File: 228 KB, 821x594, 20180420_125352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Penises w/o foreskin so much hotter than uncircumcised tube worms.

Circumsized penis = vagina with lips spread

>> No.9062507

right in the feels man

>> No.9062508
File: 127 KB, 406x596, 1523494683998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korean women like eating dogs and cats. That doesn't mean having a foreskin and eating dogs and cats is the way to go.

>> No.9062533

the jews ate my foreskin, should i just convert to the chosen

>> No.9062542

Good thing I never lost it. :^)

>> No.9062572

Wrong muttboy, they live my norwegian anteater

>> No.9062585

Most girls can't even tell the difference when you pull the skin back you braindead whore. You're mentally conditioned to think it's gross.

>> No.9062611

God damnit i misspelled, it’s all ruined!

>> No.9062619

Yeah we should mutilate infant genitals because some faggot on an Armenian pyramid scheme forum thinks it looks better that way

>> No.9062647

What ?

>> No.9062667

I'm happy to say that in my experience that isn't true.

>> No.9062690

Good thing im not a muslim, jew or an amerikek

>> No.9062741

I guess I'm the only person on the planet who would kill his parents if they DIDN'T circumcise me

disgusting 3rd-world filth

>> No.9062794

Sexual pleasure is arbitrary anyways when it comes to actual life progression and self building. Most jews are circumcized anyways, maybe there is a correlation between reduced sexual pleasure and being successful and rich because last time I checked that's what most jews are.

>> No.9062812

Like they'd tell you to your face.

I'm so happy I'm circumcised. I don't want my dick looking like a sock puppet. On top of that, unless you live in freakin europe, women prefer circumcised men to uncircumcised.

>> No.9062819

same. guys who weren't circumcised were made fun of at my school

>> No.9062840

jews also circumcised their slaves retard

>> No.9062851

Not true. Speaking from personal experience.

>> No.9062868
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Is this how you mutts cope? Do you enjoy being jew-slaves?

>> No.9062897

uncut here and it makes sense to me
desire to acquire resources comes from need to mate. if sexual pleasure is harder to reach, then you'll try harder to find the exact person that fits your willy
there are few truly happy persons who end up politicians, CEOs, etc.. behind every overachiever lies a missing part, as you've got no need to push hard if you're already content

>> No.9062902
File: 781 KB, 1823x1203, Screenshot_2018-04-23_17-25-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope all cutfags ITT kill themselves when they realize their parents PAID for the hospital to mutilate their genitals and then on top of it their foreskin was sold to a company for the production of anti-aging creams

the best they can do is rationalize their mutilation because they know they will never be a truly whole, intact man without the mark of the jew

>> No.9062911

>tfw dad was a jew in soviet union
>tfw neither him nor I are circumcised
Must suck to be you

>> No.9062915

Again, they wouldn't tell you to your face. It's like if a women had huge nasty beef flaps. Majority of guys don't like that shit. Just like majority of women don't like foreskin. They won't tell you to your face, but 90% chance she thinks it's gross. Same with american girls. Why do you think over 80% of men there are circumcised.

>> No.9062916

They are the apotheosis of mental retardation

>> No.9062942

i make $200k/year and get to keep most of it, so that helps. how much do you make? :)

>> No.9062969
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Defending jews probes that you are either one of them, or one of their filthy servants.

Anyway you are a disgusting being

>> No.9062972
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lmao sorry that I had plastic surgery done on my dick to make it sexier and less clogged with lumps of moldy afterbirth

>> No.9062985


Pretty much all wealthy people through history have been circumcised, I don't see the correlation you are trying to make between slavery and circumcision. It's not a mark of the slave, that's a myth.

>> No.9062991
File: 1.26 MB, 1905x1235, Screenshot_2018-04-23_17-31-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw your dick skin went towards some fat fucks diabetes treatment

>> No.9063022

That's only true in America where being uncut is unfamiliar (alien). European women share no such "repulsion" to foreskin, because it's normal.

>> No.9063048
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I don't wagecuck, boy. I'm retired already

>> No.9063059


>According to the Hebrew Bible, Conversion to Judaism for non-Israelites necessitated circumcision, (Exodus 12:48). In the 1st century AD, there was a controversy between the Shammaites and the Hillelites regarding a convert born without a foreskin: the former demanding the spilling of a drop of blood of the covenant; the latter declaring it to be unnecessary.(Shab. 137a)

>> No.9063079

>varg/anime poster

>> No.9063108
File: 34 KB, 817x443, 1518790477952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is by far the stupidest shit I've read.


It all boils down to IQ, something you guys seem to be lacking. Hundreds of years without manual labour caused them to have an increased IQ. Lmao at your logic

>> No.9063127


>The Talmudic laws required Jewish slave owners to try to convert non-Jewish slaves to Judaism.[36][75] Other laws required slaves, if not converted, to be circumcised and undergo ritual immersion in a bath (mikveh).[76][77] A 4th century Roman law prevented the circumcision of non-Jewish slaves, so the practice may have declined at that time,[78] but increased again after the 10th century.[79] Jewish slave owners were not permitted to drink wine that had been touched by an uncircumcised person so there was always a practical need, in addition to the legal requirement, to circumcise slaves.[80]


accept your mark

>> No.9063139
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>they live my norwegian anteater

>> No.9063143

>Jewish slave owners were not permitted to drink wine that had been touched by an uncircumcised person so there was always a practical need, in addition to the legal requirement, to circumcise slaves.[80]

read it and weep cutbois - /pol/ is always right

>> No.9063151

OP, it is easier to convert to Islam if you have already been circumcised.

>> No.9063156

It's true in America, Canada, all of Oceania, S. Korea, and Philippines. On top of that, most women in uncut countries like a cut cock because it's unique and looks way better than the tapeworm-looking thing most guys have (It definitely doesn't go the other way though).

Why do you think most porn has cut dicks? Uncut dicks are gross, anon. Women might not say it directly to your face, but they definitely think that.

>> No.9063181

>t. Dunning-Kruger
jewish success happens at a rate disproportionate with their iq

>> No.9063184

>Why do you think most porn has cut dicks?

gee idk who runs the porn industry with an iron fist anon

>> No.9063193
File: 10 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

google "tug boat foreskin"

>> No.9063199
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Hate to break it to you, but the jews have won again.

>> No.9063211

Ya, REAL smart people KNOW mutilating your DICK makes you SUPER SMART and shiet

>> No.9063225
File: 508 KB, 1031x1880, cutfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you think over 80% of men there are circumcised

>> No.9063226

They could easily hire foreskinned men if they wanted but no one wants that gross shit.

>> No.9063235


>Letting people at school see your penis

The state of mutts.

>> No.9063247

>paying someone instead of enslaving them for basically nothing

anon are you serious?

>> No.9063264

most porn have cut dicks because most porn is produced in america
it's weird burgers have this strange fascination with acting like experts on uncut dicks having never seen one. unless you have phimosis, your foreskin naturally retracts to reveal your glans as you get an erection. it's even pretty common for the foreskin to remain pulled back if you're havint copious amounts of sex. this mythical tapeworm thing doesn't exist anywhere save for your head

>> No.9063267

considering there market is mostly american men (who are mostly circumcised) you want to have a guess why?

>> No.9063283


>Caring about what women think of your penis

Holy fuck dude just give up on life. By the time a woman sees your dick you should be able to fuck her, after you fuck her why do you care what she thinks.

>> No.9063288

not the anon who insists jewish success comes from intelligence, so not sure why you sperg at me

>> No.9063366

>Falling back on "the jews" to hide the fact you have a disgusting looking anteater dick.

>> No.9063405 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9063446

How do you mutilated cunts even walk around? If my dickhead isn't in his hideyhole it hurts when I move. Do you guys have no feeling at all down there? I bet you fuckers can last for hours

>> No.9063464

Kek who tell you that?
Wow, me am just saying circumcision penor hot as fuck
Me not care about baby

>> No.9063500

The only people who can objectively claim cut is better than uncut is adults who grew up with foreskin and had to have it cut for medical reasons. I don't often hear them celebrating their "achievement"

Why is there no adult circumcision industry in the civilized world if a cut can purportedly "make you dick look more attractive to women"?

>> No.9063512


>posts picture of worst looking cut dick and best looking uncut dick
>doesn't say any advantages of having a cut dick (less health problems, your dick doesn't smell like cheese feet, girls actually want to suck your dick, women generally prefer cut dicks

You sir, have posted an image biased towards uncut dick in an attempt to make cut dicks feel bad.

>> No.9063530

>not appreciating and having a foreskin fetish
Please get better taste.

>> No.9063552

Well if that's true anon, you probably have a medical condition where you should have been circumcised. Circumcised people don't have their dicks hurt when they move. Sorry anon, guess that's one more thing we have that's superior.

>> No.9063559

>less health problems
Nonsense unproven claims. There are no health problems with having your natural skin unless you neglect your own health.

>your dick doesn't smell like cheese feet
You clean under your foreskin daily, like any other part of your flesh

>girls actually want to suck your dick
>women generally prefer cut dicks
What, there's a world outside of 'murica?

>> No.9063579

>Why is there no adult circumcision industry in the civilized world
Kek there totally is, me touch self to circumcision videos all time. Love to see look on guys face >:D

>> No.9063581

Why would you want to have an anteater?

>> No.9063612

>What, there's a world outside of 'murica?
Most the world. Places where cutting is normal, uncut is seen as disgusting. Places where it's not normal cut dicks are a unique to all the wormbeast dicks around.

>> No.9063619

Best thing about being uncut is if doctors found some proof cut was better then I can just go get cut. Cutfags are stuck with their mutilation, and defend it just because they can't change it anyway, so may as well just pretend they like it

>> No.9063652
File: 450 KB, 798x816, kike mutilation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9063653

>less health problems
Yeah because there is less penis you dumb fuck. Let's promote castration too cuz it reduces testicular cancer

>> No.9063686

>Nonsense unproven claims. There are no health problems with having your natural skin
See >>9063446

>> No.9063849

That's not a health problem though. You don't have a foreskin so can't judge the feeling of a sensitive penis head rubbing against material. On the flip side, you'll also never experience the absolute pleasure of a real blowjob. Surely a zombie penis with no feeling is a bigger health problem?

>> No.9063858

Look into foregen

>> No.9063872

everyone who talks shit about dicks should show what they got. I bet your cock looks ugly as fuck

>> No.9063878
File: 188 KB, 526x750, 20180423_142912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncircumcised Men are literally the roasties of men.

Meh, me used to when it was big fad 2016
But after enough video and sucky
Circumsized won out

Foreskin just desexual penis so much. It like looking at nude woman with huge bush. The bush basically panties she might as well clothed.

Cut penis so ... raw... vulnerable... shameless...
Guys not used to seeing circumsized women either and women not used to being circumcises, so they have nothing to compare eachother with.

>> No.9063937

I wake up and thank my parents everyday i'm still 100% intact

brb sex feels better for me
brb maximum pleasure
brb big dick so my dick doesn't look like an ugly small uncircumcized dick where it covers the whole penis
brb master race

>> No.9064031

nice try faggot, not happening.

>> No.9064079
File: 83 KB, 1024x1017, 1524322624140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the uncut cope is like niggers bragging about being black

>> No.9064094

Foreskin is more pleasurable for women especially as they age. As you get older and your cut dick gets more and more keratinized it takes more and more friction for you to cum which becomes uncomfortable and painful for them.

>> No.9064107
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Fuck off anon, FUCK off. I would skin a baby for my foreskin back

>> No.9064122

>Not knowing how painful it is to have sensitive helmet rubbing against your underwear all day.

Uncut have the option to get cut at any time. Why aren't they rushing to do so? Perhaps they don't want to lose most of the pleasure in sex?

>> No.9064125

I can relate 100%, anon.
I can masturbate without lube
Clean everyday, so never stinky
Girls have more options with fellatio with tongue

>> No.9064126

>fucking old women
>can't make them wet
whew lad you're making this too easy

>> No.9064320


>making people feel bad over something they had no control over

this thread

>> No.9064392

They should feel that it is bad so that they don't mutilate their own children's penises. It can't be helped that they've lost theirs, but we should be bringing attention to savage ritual so that one day it might be eliminated.

>> No.9064405
File: 61 KB, 599x828, cut-inside-man (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thing is, uncutfags can feel what its like being cut, just pull back my foreskin and wait a few hours till it dries up etc, it doesnt work the other way around, its a shame really, tip fucking a girl with your foreskin doing most of the work is pretty great.

>> No.9064441

you nerds are really insecure about your dicks

>> No.9064471

You mean like women are really insecure about their pussies because FGM exists?

>> No.9064490

Cutfag mods banned me, eat a dick,he does is for free

>> No.9064521
File: 4 KB, 282x179, FA74F511-3888-4C52-9677-2C410BA5FCED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks he will never age.
>he doesn’t even know his dick is keratinized

Pic related is you

>> No.9064536

>wait a few hours till it dries up etc
>fucking a girl with your foreskin doing most of the work is pretty great
now i know you're trolling

>> No.9064551

>main insult again women on 4chan is "roasties"
>thinks women aren't self conscious about their sagging cunts
>thinks women dont have their vag trimmed 10x more than men get circumcised

>> No.9064554

>tip fucking a girl with your foreskin doing most of the work is pretty great.
What is this?

>> No.9064724

>Never used the term "roastie" in my life
Wasn't even trying to criticize women, but making a point that they give a fuck about girls being mutilated, but they don't give a fuck about boys getting the same treatment.

>> No.9064750

Basically just putting only your bellend into her and pumping back and forth, makes your foreskin retract and detract in her opening, feels great

>> No.9064901

>thinks he's joking
I legitimately feel sorry for you anon... Kinda sad to see people think their mutilation is normal.

>> No.9064950

Me know,
Me just tell you women infact do have their vag fixed.

>> No.9065195

What the fuck kind of school did you go to where the teachers allowed everyone to run around with their dicks flapping out all over the place??
Makes sense that you're mentally disturbed since you went to a pedo school

>> No.9065211

They can probably literally last FOREVER. I heard they need to use lotion or something to jerk off lmao

>> No.9065236

You are retarded. These two anons already explained why:

>> No.9065270

You are aware that foreskins retract when erect? your retarded american women literally can't tell the difference

>> No.9065287

I’ve done that being cut and it’s great, she doesn’t like it though.

>> No.9065323

Sorry about your mutilated jewdick anon.

>> No.9065373
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LOL the amount of coping and mental gymnastics going on in this thread by incels who honestly think women care that much about cut foreskin because it really makes the difference in how attractive you are.

Newsflash; if she's seen your dick she does not care how it looks. The same can't be said for men and vaginas, my boyfriend is so critical about whether or not I've shaved, done lunges etc. Meanwhile I have no complaints about his hairy uncut gorilla cock.

>> No.9065375

FGM just have bad rap because of middle east and oriental culture.
To them female circumcision are LITTERALLY
LITTERALLY cutting off their clitoris
This barbaric custom = cutting off mans penis

Real female circumcision just removes clit foreskin and messy labia. It actually make sex more sensitive

>> No.9065410

The amount of coping by cutfags in this thread is hilarious

>> No.9065426

T. male roasties

>> No.9065433

Thanks bruh

>> No.9065484

Does that actually work ? You can do manual restoration too.

>> No.9065487

I restored my foreskin, and it's great. AMA

>> No.9065528

How long did it take?
What method?
What did you start as?
How much better is the feeling?

>> No.9065545


>> No.9065565

t. mutilated penis that can never know a sensation he's never had

>> No.9065573

Just wrap it in bacon

>> No.9065575

>I'm so fucking dumb people can tell what I'm thinking even though I said something else.

>> No.9065588

>censors the word heck

>> No.9065614

>unironically believes removing penis sheath makes dick less sensitive
What Jewish mastermind brainwashed you so badly?

>> No.9065623

>How long did it take?
It took me around two years to get full flaccid coverage. I took a break for five years after that, and now I'm working towards more erect coverage.

>What method?

I used cross taping and ring taping with paper medical tape. I basically wore the tape almost 24/7 for the first two years. Now I mainly use my DTR and TLC tugger. I've also tried weights and inflation.

>What did you start as?

When I started, I was cut tight enough that my skin tore if I tried to masturbate without lube. I had a little slack when I was flaccid, but nothing was covered, and it was very tight when I was hard.

>How much better is the feeling?

My inner foreskin remnant used to feel the same as the rest of my shaft skin, very insensitive, but now it is more sensitive than my glans. My glans and inner foreskin used to be dry, and the skin used to be much thicker. When I got 24/7 coverage, the skin became much thinner and more sensitive. I also have the mechanical gliding of a foreskin now, so there is no friction.



>> No.9065641

I can hold back my foreskin and masturbate to simulate yours. It's quite tragic and I honestly feel sorry for you man.

>> No.9065653

>muh dick skin for pleasure
focus on meaningful things in life or simply get some heroin if you really need pleasure so much as to hate your parents for the lack of it.

>> No.9065776

>implying you can't focus on meaningful things and have your dick whole at the same time. I could cut off my ear, life a great life, and still hear moderately well, but I'd rather not.

I seriously can't understand how you can justify mutilation with the only near legitimate case being, "Some people think it looks better"

>> No.9065807
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when greentext goes too far

>> No.9065813
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What are we going to do about these goddamn kikes?

>> No.9065855


There whole middle nerves bundle underneath head that completely exposed, with about 2 mm less skin covering it if circumsized.

Male roasties will never know what it like to have this nerve bundled directly stimulated

>> No.9065891

>typical anteater animal
read the post again and tell me where did I make the statement you are putting into my mouth.

>> No.9065897

Also, Foregen could always use more money. They're working on reconstructing foreskins, nerves and all, with all the structures intact.

>> No.9065906

The only argument of relevance is that, as an uncut male, I can choose to get circumcised if I so wish, it's a choice entirely within my command. But cutfags will NEVER have the choice to get their foreskin back. It's like you exercised your option early and destroyed the value

>> No.9065937

>jews share their greatest secret to prosperity to one of the only goys that were nice to them, the burgers
>US gets prosperous
>the goys start to feel complacent from the prosperity and rail against the helpful hint from the jews
>the US goes to shit

>> No.9065962

>child is born with a tumor
>we can't cut it out, the child must to wait till adulthood to decide for itself

>> No.9065997

What the fuck are you even talking about? Did they circumcise your brain at birth too? Imagine comparing an integral part of your penis to a tumor

>> No.9066022

this whole circumcision thing seems just like a way to rail against your parent in a self-righteous way.

the point is for the child to not focus on stupid dick feelings and get shit of real importance done at the time distractions are most destructive. not to be manipulatable by rancid roasties by the power of their vags alone.

>> No.9066033

Circumcision didn't start in the US until the late 1800s, when it was introduced by Seventh Day Adventists to punish young boys for masturbating. It didn't catch on until later in the early 1900s.

>> No.9066034

I'll give you that point as it seems to make you feel superior. But same goes for you as well since you'll never know foreskin sensation, and I definitely wouldn't be willing to trade mine for yours.

>> No.9066044

Maybe for some but for me it’s about having a fully functioning dick.

>> No.9066059

also, most importantly, to discourage masturbation. real shit has to be done when you are young for the prosperity of the person for the entirety of their lifetime.

>but muh bellend tinglies

>> No.9066104

a dick is fully functioning without foreskin

>> No.9066106
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Tell me more about your childhood my son.

>> No.9066138

The fact that you say that proves you have done zero research and are just talking out of your ass.

>> No.9066147
File: 21 KB, 404x404, 1524500004126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me feel superior no matter XD

Where this whole circumsized make penor less sensitive meme come from ne ways?
It very impressive lie seeing as everyone believes it with out questions.

>> No.9066178

>asks anon how much jews brainwashed them
>literally has a cut penis, a ceremony practised by jews and muslims

>> No.9066198

>tfw people complain about having no foreskin and then you realize that you have foreskin but have pinhole phismosis and have never seen the head of your penis

>> No.9066211

I have a foreskin.... What's to question? I would rather have it than not have it the same as I would rather have my earlobe, toenails, or nose than not have them.

>> No.9066232

Can you fuck with a dick without foreskin?
Can you have children with a dick without foreskin?

fully functional

>> No.9066257


>> No.9066262

Can you pick up a tool with four fingers?
Can you type with four fingers?

Yes, but it'd be better to have a complete hand.

>> No.9066272

ive gone to this page 500 times but i just cant get around to doing it, unbelievably long process and i get get around putting things in that area

>> No.9066289

there is hope for us, actually! i think foregen has been making progress and should come to market eventually!

>> No.9066296
File: 268 KB, 1024x1014, 1524490110841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>continues to spout talking point like brainwashing zombie
>still no evidence supporting his brainwashed views
>muh Jews
It so ironically you think me brainwash but not even have self consciousness of own actions

>> No.9066309

>lets cut off everyones foreskins because some people have medical issues with theirs
>lets remove everyone's brains because a few people obviously don't need them

>> No.9066311
File: 15 KB, 395x182, Preputioplasty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't want to stretch it manually, you could look into getting a preputioplasty. You can eliminate phimosis surgically without removing any tissue.

>> No.9066312

Ok me get it you have tube worm dick
Me just wondering where "reduced sensitivity" meme come from

>> No.9066313

by having 4 fingers I can't use it. by having a dick without foreskin I can use it as proven by our jewish, especially orthodox jewish, friends.

>> No.9066333

It's not a meme dummy

>> No.9066350

My penis was much less sensitive before I restored my foreskin. My glans and inner foreskin had thick skin and they were dried out. Your glans and inner foreskin are supposed to be mucous membranes, like the inside of your eyelid.

>> No.9066373
File: 7 KB, 221x250, 1512666229790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a brain is as important as a foreskin
only in your case

>> No.9066383

Because foreskin has sensitivity, I have it and can attest. If I cut it off I wouldn't have that sensation. That basic logic shouldn't be too difficult to comprehend.

Pretty sure someone with nine fingers can still use tools 98% proficiency as someone with 10. Hell I can play piano fine using 5 or 6 just fine.

>> No.9066414
File: 656 KB, 837x1000, 1457289275961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once again no one cares about how one larping faggot thinks dicks look, and regardless its no reason to justify mutilating infant penis

>> No.9066419

how is that sensation essential to your dick working? it serves it's purpose without a foreskin

>Pretty sure someone with nine fingers can still use tools 98% proficiency

not at all. it disables usage of whole classes of tools.

if you want pleasure, just start using heroin.

>> No.9066437

it is done to remove perverse incentives while the person is sensitive to them. it is pointless when adulthood is achieved

>> No.9066480

I'm done. You're either trolling or retarded. I'm happy that you've convinced yourself your penile mutilation was a positive influence in your life. I personally would prefer the barbaric practice to stop being forced upon babies and children in civilized countries.

>> No.9066527
File: 93 KB, 552x701, 1524489980658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me can find absolutely zero scientific evidence supporting the claim out of about 5 studies
No offense but your penis sound like it abused by chronically masterbate and poor care
Yeah but inner nerve bundles of head have most of nerves in penis
Having raw penis head directly exposed all the time is apex sensitive

Me love talking about cock :D....

>> No.9066529

>I'm done
>no responses
thinking it's the foreskin-class-utility of your brain coming into play here

>> No.9066557

I said fully functioning, not “it works “.

>> No.9066581
File: 255 KB, 1260x1218, Unexpected_Suprise_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh braces & toncelectony r mutilation durrrr

>> No.9066587


Why do you know so much about dicks?

>> No.9066631
File: 434 KB, 1500x1500, sensitivity2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No offense but your penis sound like it abused by chronically masterbate and poor care
Any attempt at masturbating without lube would cause the skin on my dick to tear. Erections were sometimes painful. I know someone who was cut so tight that his skin would tear open just getting an erection when puberty started because he was cut so tight.

You can't know how much someones dick is going to grow when they're an infant, so often far too much skin is removed.

>Yeah but inner nerve bundles of head have most of nerves in penis
>Having raw penis head directly exposed all the time is apex sensitive
It becomes less sensitive, because it is exposed to fabric 24/7, and it becomes thicker to protect itself. It is almost painful for a normal glans to rub against fabric, but a circumcised glans is numb to that.

>> No.9066632

your dick is fully functioning without a foreskin. what kind of function can't it perform

>> No.9066653

Why get braces and a tonsillectomy if there's nothing wrong with your teeth or tonsils?

>> No.9066682

Met my current girlfriend because she posted she had a fetish for foreskin on fetlife. The kinkiest, most submissive slut I could ever dream for. All from my parents not being proponents of genital mutilation. Life can be good, sometimes.

>> No.9066685

infant circumcision is basically culturally enforced noFap

shit's great

>> No.9066739

>zero research

Who the fuck researches dick and foreskin?

>> No.9066809

Directly refuting your pic

whole rubbing against clothes thing also only proves that circumsized make cock more sensitive. You should wear silk panties.

>me 1% of people born with perfect teeth and 30% of people who not need tonsils removed

>> No.9066864

lol, must be nice at your mother's place

>> No.9066896

post the twitch stream when you do

>> No.9066938

circumcized here and can masturbate without lube -- I AM THE 1%

>> No.9066995

what can an uncut penis do that a cut one cant? lol, besides tug 2cm of flesh around.
this thread is simply bait for people with penis insecurities.

>> No.9067070

>tfw never been on 4chan

>> No.9067394

An adult foreskin is roughly the size of a 3x5 index card on average.

>> No.9067773

neat! my cut dick will still fuck your girlfriend lol

>> No.9067972


>caring what women prefer to the point of mutilating your own genitals.

Men prefer women with their labia cut off so they look younger, lets do that.

>> No.9067984
File: 60 KB, 287x279, 20180419_084953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9068205

But it's not done to infants without their consent, and it has been against the law in the US since 1996. The US ban on female circumcision violates the 14th amendment, it needs to be made gender neutral. Iceland is about to pass a law that will ban circumcision of minors, to match the law they have against female circumcision.

A consenting adult should be able to do whatever they want with their body.

>> No.9068957 [DELETED] 


>> No.9068983

that woman is the product of many hours of sculpting by a surgeon in the operating theatre. she's not a korean. if you saw a real korean you would regret the day you were ever born.

>> No.9069139
File: 25 KB, 641x530, 1508831083646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright cutbros, which of these would you choose?

>option 1: your dick is completely and magically restored, like it never happened.

>option 2: Grichka and Igor Bogdanoff beam themselves down from their intergalactic space cruiser and hand you a Ledger Nano S with 1000 BTC on it, no strings attached.

>> No.9069184

I'd take the BTC and put some of it towards making sure other people don't get mutilated.

>> No.9069277

It doesnt function as intended. The foreskin acts as sort of a lubricant to the vagina. Without it the sex is rougher and less pleasant for both parties.

>> No.9069282

I was cut but sex still feels great so fuck it.

>> No.9069531

t. goldblatt

>> No.9069845
File: 235 KB, 1060x1102, foreskin-for-sale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's good. It's sad that infants are being harvested and sold to cosmetics companies though.

>> No.9070460

What if it was only 100 BTC, would you still take it over the restoration?

>> No.9070725

Feelsbad for my N. American brothers.
You all got mutilated by the zog.
It’s too late for you, but not too late to change public perception of it. Use your gains when you’ve made it to fund the right groups.