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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9051890 No.9051890 [Reply] [Original]

Who comfy?

>> No.9051925

Sold it for ZIL. Best decision ever. Will hold until Top 5.

>> No.9051936

feeling comfy indeed

>> No.9052057

nigga we're dropping on the charts everyday
no one comfy

>> No.9052090

sell in my buy order pls

>> No.9052097

Holding 67k of it. Was going to trade for rlc

>> No.9052231

We've been making steady fiat and sat gains since the recovery period regardless of whatever hype of the day is up or down.

>> No.9052276

>only pumps slightly when every other coin is pumping like a motherfucker

buying req was the worst decision of my life

>> No.9052301

Its up 7% on the day.
Please tell me which other coins are pumping like motherfuckers you dumb fuck.
Your weak hands are what allow these markets to be so good for the rest of us.

>> No.9052315

It's only up 7% because it shat the bed yesterday when everything else was mooning

>> No.9052335
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Comfy on 203k.

>> No.9052529
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>buy at 0.15

>> No.9052581

150K comfy as fuck. Real project means real growth. 2018 going to be epic.

>> No.9052598

fucking cult members

>> No.9052614

I bought in at like .13 lol
gonna hold till like $50 and nobody will ever believe I'm not larping 10 years from now

>> No.9052694


Still holding 50k since ICO. Sold my other 50k for JNT ICO and some other shitcoins.

>> No.9052735

>500k REQ here. Average buy price 4 cents. Pretty comfy.

>> No.9052737

REQ seems like a good buy. But people fud the shit out of the project. I heard ETH can do the same thing with smart contracts.

>> No.9052778


ETH can theoretically do anything that all these other coins can do.

>> No.9052926

Req is ETH with smart contracts...

>> No.9053690
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People already think I'm larping when I say I bought 10k ETH in 2015. People will also think you're larping when you say you bought 10k REQ in 2018.

>> No.9054512


>> No.9054582

+50k holder here, comfy af

>> No.9054818

120k, always was comfy but I find it strange af that we are lagging behind so hard.

>> No.9054839
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pls tell me if req has any chance going more than $10?

>> No.9054864

I'm starting to get nervous, the projects I wanted to buy for part of the REQ gains have started mooning, while REQ is doing shit all. Maybe it will catch up, in any case there is no point in selling when it's not even in top 100. It wouldn't be the first time that it fell out of top 100 only to moon soon after 20-30 ranks higher.

>> No.9054884

20k and comfy. hopefully huge news on friday

>> No.9055384


>> No.9056100


Man, I'm no longer comfy.

We're out of the top 100, losing steam and enthusiasm. With so many other crypto projects coming out with new and exciting updates and announcements, these fuckers need to deliver a knock-out punch like fait integration, otherwise they will fade and be forgotten.

The performance of REQ has been really poor, it has basically no support.

>> No.9056153

Friday's update will be important. They will have to show some really nice progress, both btc oracle and erc20 support minimum. They are already almost 1 month behind on those 2 things. If they cannot implement merely BTC and ERC20 by Friday I will be looking into other projects

>> No.9056154

what price did you sell the ETH at?

>> No.9056299


What other projects?

>> No.9056319
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They should know by now that the support levels are weak for their token, so anything other than STELLAR fucking progress about ERC20 tokens or the BTC oracle, or progress in fiat integration, will be met with a punishing sell-off.

I hope they read this. I'm banned from their Reddit for FUDing, anon, can you do me a favor and post this on the sub?

>> No.9056420

I don't have a reddit account but I might do this later if I can be bothered
Anything that has a live product/close to release and good partnerships with use cases ready to go which will provide real world value. I already own VEN but I like the look of stellar and OmiseGo at a glance. Hopefully it won't come to that

>> No.9056467

People will think you're larping in 1.5 years.

I'm already up hundreds of dollars, and soon to be thousands within the next month.

t.10k REQ holder, holding until 2020 and then reassessing

>> No.9056490


Thanks. Your point was definitely valid about the importance of this weeks update. But as an auditor, don't sleep on the partnership with PwC. PwC is partnered with Amazon web services just fyi. They are probably brewing up something huge on the automated accounting side. Its the elephant in the room that everyone is overlooking. Double entry accounting over a blockchain is revolutionary.

>> No.9056545

>probably brewing up something huge on the automated accounting side
This would require putting fiat transactions on the blockchain in some way shape or form which nobody in the crypto sphere has managed to solve yet. Seems some way away which comes with a large opportunity cost. I don't doubt as soon as that happens request will become one of the most important projects on the market but in the mean time I'm going to try and make as much money as possible

>> No.9056754

They have huge partnerships lined up.

>> No.9056892

How do you know?

>> No.9056935

Why are you guys blindly hoping for good updates? The team already said they're moving away from the Friday updates and just announcing updates when they're ready

The github suggests erc20 is near ready but if people aren't lining up for eth payments why would they want payments in erc20 lol

I don't want to fud since I'm a holder but the negatives keep piling up as REQ drops lower and lower on people's radar

>> No.9056977

It didn't go up? Clearly it did? You pajeets don't understand crypto.

>> No.9056988

It's not 'blindly hoping'; It's if the next update isn't good then I'm out.

>> No.9057033
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Who else here got reqt

>> No.9057124

Wait until around consensus at least.

>> No.9057175

they'll probably just unveil their new improved roadmap and give updates on the side projects.
I honestly think they hoped the pwc update would be enough to create hype and pump the coin back to January prices when btc rebounded.

Now is the time they need to announce partnerships that'll actually cause REQ burning by using the protocol.
Token price is directly related to token burn rate at this point

>> No.9057188
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A few problems:

1. This token is increasing in supply at 20,000x the burn rate

2. Fiat integration is basically impossible, and should any financial insitution offer to provide 1:1 fiat backed tokens, they’ll want a fee for providing the service (so now you’ll have to pay the bank fee and the REQ fee, making using request more expensive than PayPal et al.)

3. Nobody is using the network

4. Even if people use the network and millions of dollars move across it daily, it will have almost no effect on the token price (see chart)

5. Many, many /biz/nessmen are calling this token a poor man’s BNB

>> No.9057193


>> No.9057215

Most of us bought below .10 but hopefully your new pick is a winner

>> No.9057251

Everyone holding req will be very comfy. Soon (+- 6 weeks) REQ will be added to (((the biggest normie exchange))), can't mention the name of course.

>> No.9057252

Fuck off with this shit tier FUD faggot
Supply was always 1m and if you go by "circulating" for any project you're dumb as fuck.

Ps that chart is actually bullish for REQ

>> No.9057270

*1b not 1m

>> No.9057298

Pumping rn. Wonder if it'll dump

>> No.9057347

Bought 3 weeks ago in the dip at $.15.

>> No.9057359

What is consensus

>> No.9057360


>> No.9057391

oh shit nigga we pumpin

>> No.9057434


Where's your credibility?


>Blind hope

Where did you see that? I take a rather bellicose tone against the devs. If I don't see the development I want I'm out, like the other guy. This bullshit about becoming a new "crowdfunding platform" is just stale old garbage.


I feel bad for all those who bought in December-January, I honestly do. I held through January, and even though I bought at 4 cents, I'm still furious with the way this whole thing unfolded. Lesson learned, I will mercilessly take profit.

>> No.9057468

back on the front page niggas

>> No.9057475
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Sold most of it sub-$300. Still gave me enough money to retire. I still have 1000 ETH that I will hold long term. I have 500k REQ and will probably slowly increase my holding to 1m REQ very soon.

I usually don't reply to such low-effort posts but today I feel like it since I feel pity for people that will miss the chance getting rich due to stupid shit like this.

1: More outstanding supply is good. The outstanding supply should be as close to total supply as possible as this limits market manipulation. Total supply has only gone down over time.

2: Fiat integration is possible without financial institute attached to it. Such as tokenized fiat types. It's not like Request Network doesn't have any experience with that (their previous company specialized in this)
3: Nobody is ABLE to use the network since there has been no Woocommerce/Shoppify plug-in released yet. People interested aren't going to program their own API just to integrate a payment option on their website. Adoption will happen after this easy "plug-and-play" feature gets released.
4:You didn't include the most lucrative monetary flows in that picture. Namely accounting and business to business invoices which is a multi-trillion dollar value. Capturing only a small % of the accounting volume means tens or hundreds of billions of dollars will move through Request Network. This would push up REQ above $500 per token assuming you'd have 1 billion REQ tokens overnight.
5:This token has nothing to do with BNB except for the fact that Binance also burns their tokens.

Again this was not written for you (don't reply to this post) It was written for the poor kid with anxiety that might kill himself when he sells his REQ and it's worth $1000 per REQ token in 3 years time.

>> No.9057552

Things are happening behind the scenes.


This guy knows

>> No.9057616

>doesn't know what consensus is
>LARPing as an insider

One of the biggest hurdles to adoption of blockchain technology is making the end user experience seamless. Enterprise and businesses don't want to know anything about wallets, crypto assets or any of that. They want some company to offer them a service that they can come in and implement which will save them money. The end goal is that businesses will use Request for whatever purpose, may it be accounting/auditing, payments or whatever else, without knowing the words 'blockchain' or 'wallet' (as it refers to crypto) exist. This means tokenizing fiat will NOT work as a means to adoption. Standard business transactions need to be recorded on the blockchain and they need to be true. This is the biggest hurdle to mass adoption of blockchain technology AND request network.

>> No.9057625

>It's not like Request Network doesn't have any experience with that (their previous company specialized in this)

Is this true?

>> No.9057626

we still pumping nigga we still pumping
no more dumping

>> No.9057655

Google monetits

>> No.9057784

How did I not know this? Was Moneyitus succesful? Interesting...

>> No.9057810

the sell side is so thin how do we not moon?

>> No.9057817


>> No.9057850


>> No.9057983


You have no evidence or credibility, so kindly fuck right off.

>> No.9058041

>I feel bad for all those who bought in December-January, I honestly do. I held through January, and even though I bought at 4 cents, I'm still furious with the way this whole thing unfolded. Lesson learned, I will mercilessly take profit.
fucking this

>> No.9058045

buy high sell low the biz way!

>> No.9058078


Curious, how do you see them ever overcoming fiat integration? They have proposed no clever new solutions. And the best minds in crypto have not solved this yet. OMG has tried to address it but the technical challenges are huge and they've made no progress in nearly a year.

>> No.9058117

You can say this about every coin/token. If you bought in January, you fucked up. REQ fell from what like $1.20 to $.14? If you were buying at $1.20 I sure as fuck hope you bought at $.14 and brought your DCA down. I bought REQ from .11 all the way to .80 and then back down to .14. If $1.20 is the highest it ever goes I have simply picked the wrong fucking token. But I'm not worried about the price anywhere there. My total gains on REQ are currently only around 30%, but the mcap is so low I know it could easily still 5x within a single good month, and by EOY we'll see REQ's true face and I'll know for sure how fucked I am.

>> No.9058220

step one would be partnering with someone who has expertise that can make it happen

omise needed a $25M ICO to fund their operation
they lack the know-with-all or experience to accomplish such a feat

>> No.9058540


>> No.9058896

who has this expertise you speak of?

>> No.9059590

Nice FUD, req $100 eoy

>> No.9060401
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are you guys feeling THE pump?

>> No.9060765

nice subtle chainlink shill


>> No.9060858

what other coins you got anon

>> No.9061309
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A good pump would take us to 50 cents.

God I miss those days. All I ask for is a 6-digit portfolio... Is that so much to ask for?

>> No.9061390

Since I know of your existence I'm seeing you everywhere, is posting the same guy essentially the same as tripfagging?

>> No.9061466

Paypal and venmo are not the only payment methods out there, just direct card payment is huge and not counted on the table. And multiply that for every 1% market share more.
Gofundme is not the only crowdfunding site by far. Just think what smart contracts could do to Patreon and Kickstarter tiers.
Ico numbers are ok but it's the sector where Req could easily get a very high market share, 1% there is ridiculous.
The missing accounting volume is the elephant in the room, with pwc backing they could get a decent share in a huge market.
The table is fud.

>> No.9061679


Personally, I don't see how REQ can even secure 1% of that total identified mark. No hope in hell.

You people are far too optimistic about the ease of disrupting established market share.

>> No.9061905

God I hate the term mooning.
The markets went up a bit and it was nice.
Kids like you have completely killed the word.