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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 101 KB, 725x1024, thot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9047383 No.9047383 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a rich kid who made 1.6MM off crypto last year off 23k but don't even care because my family is worth about 55MM in real estate and I personally own about 4MM in real estate and am an only child.

I just turned 29, AMA.

>> No.9047392

money cant fix manlet

>> No.9047402

Cool story man. I too am I'm a rich kid who made 10MM off crypto last year off 34k but don't even care because my family is worth about 1Bil in real estate and I personally own about 500M in real estate and am an only child.

>> No.9047413

yah but do you own link

hmm? thought so, loser

>> No.9047426
File: 5 KB, 250x174, q5OL30E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rich kid from wealthy 0.5% family
>Spends time on 4chan

Like why? Are you really that much of a loser?

>> No.9047428

Millionaires and billionaires with only one child, meanwhile welfare recipients have 15 kids a piece. This is whats wrong.

>> No.9047437

i already hit rock bottom, i am 21 and have to pay 3000 to someone in 2 weeks or else he will probably kill me. isn't it odd how different our lives are?

>> No.9047452
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>> No.9047463

I'm 6'0"

I own some because I want to feel part of the biz community

What do you think rich people do? crazy shit every second of the day?

I ordered $115 worth of sushi this morning, went for a walk, went to the gym, and am procrastinating in bed when I should be doing some work.

>> No.9047464


something doesn't add up here chief.

>> No.9047467

Some of the most brilliant minds in this world visit here u retard. This is for the smart to act stupid

>> No.9047484

Faggot here, Can you help me pay rent this month?

>> No.9047498

Think of it like this.

I'm like Iron Man. Vast resources were poured into my well being, health, education, cultural awareness, sensibilities, etc

Poor people are like those space nigger orcs that come out of the portal when Thanos invades NYC

It's not about quantity, it's about quality. Aids will wipe out the gays and niggers soon enough

>> No.9047513

Show one timestamped pic of proof, show your expansive living room or anything that shows you have what you say you have. In the meantime nice LARP.

>> No.9047521

Real life Chad here, CEO of my own lawn mowing company I created as an 8th grader, now doing 750K a year in revenue and growing, as well as now the premier lawn mowing agency for the Utah Jazz and south central Nevada. We dominate the rural Utah and Nevadan areas and will continue to dominate. So anyways to make money simply create a company and also be the boss and earn more money. Then you can become successful like me.

>> No.9047528

Trillionaire here,
4chan is my main connection to the life of commoners. I hire college kids to inform me too but I worry they're telling me what I want to hear or they're corrupted spies sent by my enemies. Surrounded by yes-men all the time it's so hard to trust anyone

>> No.9047529

still not enough resources were poured in to education, cultural awareness, sensibilities, looking at your shitty analogies.

The Avengers? And using words like 'niggers', wanting to eradicate the gays and 'niggers'.

You make me laugh.

>> No.9047537


Which coins did you ride to 1.6 MM?

>> No.9047543

Being rich changed three things for me:

Nicer car
Bigger house
Easier to date women

>> No.9047547

So youre mexican is what youre trying to say. Am i right juan? Or is it jose?

>> No.9047562

Lord rothschild is that you?

>> No.9047565
File: 218 KB, 959x1200, 1519185500174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Do you use your wealth to get girls?
2. Can you give me 1 ETH?

>> No.9047572

how much is your rent?

Not gonna time stamp shit for a poor fag like you. Like I said, I'm relaxing in bed. Ask me some questions only a rich person would know if you think I'm larping.

Yes analyze my words more that's a good use of mind share. I really make sure I put careful effort into each 4chan biz post I make, so your efforts are not wasted.

>> No.9047580

575 $

>> No.9047586

what was your education like as a child?

>> No.9047591

>mind share

what did he mean by this

>> No.9047593

Did you just virtue signal a fantasy on 4chan?

>> No.9047613

Can you give me $500 to learn to trade? Would really change my life and I won't waste it. Thanks didn't know superheros were real.

>> No.9047616

ay that's boracay, a complete shit hole now

nah im just saying that he sounds like an idiot

>> No.9047625
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nice bait. people replied.

7/10. maybe pull back on the rich family net worth in the begining op and try to lure a responder into asking you later into the thread. it makes it more plausible.

>> No.9047640

What is it like to have an easy life and do you have a happy family?

Always wish I have an easy life but i got no parents and my grandparents is struggling financially.

>> No.9047683
File: 14 KB, 630x630, 2367275_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is nano about to break upwards? Wedge will complete in less than 4 hours, looks like 6% price movement

>> No.9047692

>maybe pull back on the rich family net worth in the begining

>> No.9047723

Primary school was 25k a year, and it only got more expensive from there.

When to a school that focuses heavily on creativity, and the kids I grew up with all came from wealthy families, except two kids who got in to fulfill poor people quotas.

The teachers are paid enough to actually give a shit, and therefore behavioral problems are caught early on and they try to adjust them. It was a very loving environment and school was actually a very good experience for me. We went on many unique field trips that expanded my mind, and we had fantastic teachers. My music teacher used to be a famous musician, and though I don't do anything related to music, his enthusiasm for life and the lessons he taught me have inspired me throughout my life.

Imagine teachers like Robin Williams in dead poets society. If any of you retarded faggots actually have kids (which is 0% likely because you're all fat neckbeards), then make sure you send your children to good schools with few black kids.

>> No.9047727

You can screenshot your bank balance off your phone in bed...

Any questions i ask you could probably google.

How much did you pay in taxes for that 4mm real estate, and what state do you live in.

>> No.9047739 [DELETED] 

You say your crypto gains don't mean anything to you, but I'd bet on some level your crypto bags still bum you out.
I'd like to offer you my service rich bro. I'll carry your bags for you and free up your portfolio from the shit coins that have been weighing it down. I'm not begging, this is a legit service I'm offering you. Sometimes it feels good to clean house. Try it....see if you like it.

>> No.9047752


Wtf is up with her cankle, it's almost as this as her thigh.seems hot until you get into the details...

Just saying.

>> No.9047764

Nice LARP OP. I sniffed right through this. Anyone at that level is talking about their Amex Centurion, the family office, the exotic cars, the travel, an Ivy League school, etc.

You need to work on your "rich boy" writing

>> No.9047773

>I increased my entire family's generational net worth by 2% on a single year's investment that I initiated without my parents aid or even knowledge.
>I don't care
This is how we know you're lying.

>> No.9047775

Would drown her in pot or boiling water

>> No.9047779

>Calls himself a "CEO"
>750k a year in revenue

Just lol. You couldn't be a waiter to a real CEO.

>> No.9047823

where do you live?

>> No.9047841

I only have two credit cards, my credit limit is around 85k. Actually I'm going to call and request a credit line increase (you should do this every 4-6 months). Not everyone is a cartoon rich person, so no, I don't own a super car.

When you cash out in the states at my level tax is over 50%, so I'm waiting until I hit 5-6MM.

>> No.9047850

That’s great. Every good crypto trader needs a legitimate income stream for when you don’t pay your gains / taxes. Hope you have a plan. Now tell us your next picks and share some wealth

>> No.9047857


Former teacher here, can confirm

No matter what the economic background, black kids are way more likely to be disruptive

>> No.9047861

Primarily LA.

>> No.9047902

> incorporate company
> name yourself CEO
> "board" approves

wow so hard

>> No.9047910

better start giving away money cuck, your threads getting boring

>> No.9047914

Autistic turborunt

>> No.9048000
File: 49 KB, 1093x615, compey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sushi wasn't comped

>> No.9048013

At least it's not as boring a people find you to be in real life

>> No.9048026

i probably have more genuine friends than you.

>> No.9048028
File: 118 KB, 624x390, 1__26tcEdIdnU1xPHeQHQFSQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Still waiting for an answer.>>9047537

>> No.9048036
File: 34 KB, 655x527, 02f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$115 worth of sushi
>Stupid dorky Iron Man reference
>Brags about expanded mind and how all of us are neckbeard losers because of freakin primary school lol.

Basedboy loser confirmed. Lmao.

Oh hey, if you haven't cashed out yet, then prove your wealth, flash it on binance or whatever exchange you use.

>> No.9048042

meant for

srsly what a silly thing to say, everyone knows rich people don't have any real friends or companions.

>> No.9048046

>has friends
>posts of forchang
Pick One

>> No.9048056

wasn't picking on you friend. take it easy.

>> No.9048068
File: 93 KB, 1387x702, 8f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all good fren

>> No.9048079

Part of being high status is that you have the luxury of honesty without caring what people think. I'm just telling you stuff because I can and I don't care what peasants like you specifically think about it.

If you told me about your life I wouldn't read it because it'd be worthless information at best, and in all likelihood just depressing to read

>> No.9048099

hey rich kid, stop typing like a queer and give me some cash already you little geek

t. 6'2

>> No.9048104

>I only have two credit cards, my credit limit is around 85k
Poorfag detected. Credit cards for wealthy people or even just business owners making a couple $100k/yr have no limit.

>> No.9048107



>> No.9048118

Comeon man, now it just sounds like neckbeard talk. You're going too hard.

You want me to show you how to larp?

>> No.9048131

85k? I'm disappointed in this LARP. You realize the Centurion has no limit right? Anyone with a networth of 7-8 figures has six figures in credit available at all times

>> No.9048132

lol. pathetic.

once again, you don't know what it's like to be rich and never will.

Rich people are the kindest, best type of friends you can have, because relationships between rich people are built upon preference for their companionship, not anything else.

I don't need people in my life because I can do whatever I want whenever I want, therefore my friends are genuine. It's in fact you with the fake friends. You rely on each other for emotional support and other things, you're not actually friends. You're more of a tribe that needs to band together to survive.

>> No.9048134
File: 224 KB, 544x572, 1516300449001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're a fucking LARPER, and if not, you've posted nothing of value, just showed us how petty and irascible you are, which is unbecoming of anyone of good breeding. Twice now I've asked you a /biz/ related question of your coin picks, ignored.

I'll bet you respond to this post, now that your little ego is bruised, you mental midget.

>> No.9048141

I made 40mil from 12k, maily on TRON. My family was an original shareholder in one of the largest mining companies on earth. Family net worth including cousins is 5 billion.

>> No.9048153

lol. uhhh, yeah they do. a "couple $100/yr" isn't much at all.

again, not true at all.

>> No.9048160

This board has really gone to shit.

>> No.9048162

>rich people are the kindest
>larps as a degenerate psychotic

try harder next time kiddo

>> No.9048166

You fucking pleb

>> No.9048179 [DELETED] 

post a picture of a spoon in your ass with a time stamp that also says "there is no spoon" and I'll tell you my picks.

>> No.9048181

This all reads like you're a friendless loser.

Sorry OP, you started off kinda meh and went into bad larp territory. Try again.

>> No.9048182

Yep, this thread is gayer than aids

>> No.9048209

Loving this butthurt projection.

What I said is completely true. Probably tough for you to digest, though. Self preservation of the ego is important to peasants.

>> No.9048210

Where do you summer?

>> No.9048233

even if you aren't larping, it's sad either way. what are we doing here? we're trying. we're not playing video games, we're not on facebook, we're investing our time into a hobby that if we work hard at, can make us successful. and you shit on us. you come here to shit on us. even just to larp, or really you are a millionaire.

either way this thread is more pathetic than any of the sad lives we may lead, in this thread, combined.

>> No.9048236

OP you snap a mobile pic of your bank balance and ill believe you, but you have not given anything tangible. If you were actually rich people would be nicer to you.

>> No.9048259

Where to network with rich people when you’re relative poor professional -starting my law career

>> No.9048262

kek. delusional manchild.

>> No.9048263

Here is the true test question of your LARPING faggotry: what is your opinion of the scam coin chainlink?

>> No.9048265

Are you the same faggot that posted the half grinning wojak and shorted 100x on Bitmex?

>> No.9048278

Flash your crypto earnings on any exchange you want and I will literally do this. That should be easy enough right? Since you said you never cashed out.

Otherwise you're a pathetic loser

>> No.9048281

At work you fucking idiot. Work har and build a reputation as a performer and not a suck. Join the best firm you can.

>> No.9048284

LOL? Posting memes on biz is "trying" for you? Well try harder, peasant, cause you're never going to make it this way.

Maybe you could ask questions about non crypto investments, accounting, starting businesses, etc.

Or just call me a larper again

>> No.9048286

Sums up my thoughts.

>> No.9048309 [DELETED] 

Faggot here, Rent is 575.
If you feeling generous here is my BTC address.
Thanks anon desu

>> No.9048314

I literally own 100k links, not even kidding.

Bought it for the lulz.

no, I don't short or long.

Did you go to a top 8 law school?

If not, forget about having ultra rich clients.

>> No.9048337
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incredible work op. The larp is strong with this one. I like how you professionally refuse to display wealth because its so easy to get replies from other butthurt basedboys in this thread. but the original rating still holds 7/10.

nothing is going beyond this level unless you begin to post proof of stakes or some kind of validation of what you are. But i dont care, im just eager to see how far this rabbit hole goes.

mediocre bait thread


>> No.9048351

> Self preservation of the ego is important to peasants.

Projection much.

>> No.9048358

>>I literally own 100k links, not even kidding.

Its a fucking pajeet larp. Even worse than i originally thought. Can you please stop shitting on streets

>> No.9048373

This is potato tier shit all around. All of you should be gassed

>> No.9048378

No one is believing this. We're all just bored basement dwellers and crypto isn't doing anything atm.

It started kinda ok, but then took a nosedive when he started talking like a loser.

>> No.9048404

>let's shift tactics and huddle around each other like penguins caught in a snowstorm.

What a waste of an AMA.

>> No.9048410

OP, I will timestamp a picture of me fisting my ass if you flash half what what you claim to have ($0.8MM). Deal?

>> No.9048425

The name Jeff Horacek mean anything to you? Rudy Gobert? John fucking Stockton? When I’m not managing their lawns I’m breeding shrimp and selling cricket burgers to the Chinese. That’s how you make real money in this game, cucks.

>> No.9048434

t. reddit migrant

>> No.9048442

your AMA was shit from the start.

no information about yourself, no areas of expertise. tell a story next time. get people invested in you for reasons besides the fact that you have lots of money...

there's millions of millionaires m8, you're not special because you have cash, especially not here where there are actual richer fags than you.

>> No.9048462

Put a spoon handle in your ass with a time stamp that also reads "there is no spoon" and I will show you all my holdings. I'll log into each exchange and MEW and show you exactly what I own.

>> No.9048480

>I'm a rich kid
>I just turned 29

>> No.9048492

shut up kid, I'm getting tired of your incessant squawking.

>> No.9048493

I'll do if you flash it first. No lube.

>> No.9048509

no, you first. I stand nothing to gain but a simple chuckle, you could potentially make 100-200% over the next 2 months

>> No.9048517

youre getting tired of being shown up by a cool peasant like me, boyo.

my personality is better than yours, haha idiot!!!

>> No.9048527

Reddt detected. Its time to go back where you belong now

>> No.9048533

hi grandpa

>> No.9048536

Lmfao. Pathetic loser.

>> No.9048569

says the guy who is willing to fist his own anus without lube for a chance to look at my holdings...

>> No.9048577

Yes, I would know more than anyone.

>> No.9048581

yeah but you couldn't man up and do it
atleast he's dedicated and committed

you would back out of a fight i know it

>> No.9048584

>lol. uhhh, yeah they do.
Do you even have rich friends? You are literally clueless about what actual rich people are like and you are making things up as if they were a poor person trying to imagine what the rich are like.

>> No.9048587
File: 28 KB, 488x463, 1507081530789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i didnt realize it until you requested a second time. excellet fetish. i should make my own larp thread and request people to shove a spoon up their ass too and upload photoshopped screen shots and links to accounts of wallets that arent mine but have alot of money into it.

>> No.9048593

>I'm 6'0"


>> No.9048601

I don't need a fist in your ass or lubeless entry, just a spoon handle. You're calling me out, let's see if you follow through.

>> No.9048617

You missed his point. You basically made this thread to feel better about yourself and to shit on people who were less lucky in life than you. That's pathetic.

As you said, vast resources were poured into you well being, health, education etc. You act like you're better than everyone on here, but there's no reason to believe you would've made in life without your rich parents. What makes you think you're in a position to give advice to regular people? Congratulations on being rich, I guess.

>> No.9048626

I missed that. I fuarantee this fag is about 5’9. I would kill myself if i was less that 6’2

>> No.9048633 [DELETED] 

I'm 6'5" not a larp

>> No.9048645

Bro its a pajeet from redt. He lives in india or maybe pakistan

>> No.9048675

No, I'll prove it's my own.

>> No.9048684 [DELETED] 

Will you give me free crypto?


>> No.9048745
File: 123 KB, 500x1125, ED261A51-0F97-44E2-870A-810CD466384D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is logical
Do it, Anon

>> No.9048763

I hope he's finding a spoon right now.

>> No.9048825

So the trend line was broke, retested and is now fighting the resistance line above it, actually looks like it broke. Nano btc

>> No.9048843

I hope you don't actually read into meme lines too much, they don't work.

>> No.9048918

Youre a joke kid. Ta is a self fullfilling prophecy and if you wait for confirmations, they can help you time market movements.

>> No.9048936

If TA is so accurate then why are you so poor?

>> No.9048971

If you had such a good and loving upbringing why do you feel the need to shit on people who weren't as lucky as you in life?

>> No.9048973

>projecting this hard

>> No.9048992
File: 59 KB, 545x505, 1448746165727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely shit tier thread.

Jesus, make it go away.

>> No.9048995

Serious question btw. I'm trying to understand the the mentality of people like you.

>> No.9049012

>doesn't know what projection means

probably because my attempt to enrich the lives of people here was met with resounding negativity and is simply being reflected back towards the perpetrators. not that complex

>> No.9049025

How do you mitigate the risks of getting a wife? I mean like prenups are not worth the paper theyre written on so how do you get a wife without her taking tens of millions of dollars from you?

>> No.9049039

Im talking about building friendships with rich folk. I have a few really rich friends and you give off the same outlook as them. Anyway thinking of joining a croquet team. Shit like that. Any other cool random activities rich people do?
Yup. Check. Thanks anon

>> No.9049048

in california divorce is half, so yeah it's seriously fucked up and ruins men.

Either marry someone of high moral character or someone who is richer than you.

My plan is to find a nice, loving wife who isn't materialistic, then get my dick sucked by hookers for the rest of my life without her knowing.

>> No.9049064

Do you live in a major city and if so which one?

>> No.9049074

San Diego.

>> No.9049113
File: 108 KB, 1181x897, 06e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Proud of 4ch. The board of billionaires.

>> No.9049154

>Marry someone of high moral character

how can you ascertain this trait ahead of time?
pro-tip you can't.

>> No.9049249

I see. And what makes you think you can enrich the lives of people here? As you said, you were handed everything in life, so why do you think your life experience is relevant?

What I learned about you in this thread: you're rich because of your parents, you hate black people, you hate homosexuals, everything was handed to you in life and you're planning on cheating on your future wife. Despite all this you think your mind "has been expanded", you see yourself as culturally aware and you look down on poor people (because they weren't lucky enough to have rich parents). You sound like a terrible person to me, and I doubt you can enrich anyone on here.

>> No.9049312

see now this is an interesting person

OP you're not.

>> No.9049313

Legit question...

I make 6 figures, self employed. Made a couple grand off crypto. Have a lot saved. Getting ready in the next 3 years to buy a $1.5M home at over 50% cash. Wife makes high 5 figures (she's a partner in my business) and her family owns 10 properties (I don't think we're inheriting any of them completely, they'll be shared amongst siblings/cousins).

How do I take my trajectory to next level? I want my kids to be set for life before they're born (although I ain't letting them know that).

>> No.9049325

ive seen this post over and over and over again

why do you do it op? why?

>> No.9049327
File: 12 KB, 225x225, gattsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have no fire in your eyes. you've never struggled. if we met face to face, i would eat you alive.

>> No.9049340

You’re a faggot lmao

>> No.9049353

why do you think a guy who's larping as having inherited all his wealth would know?

>> No.9049369


He talking about enriching and I want to see what his type of enrichment is

>> No.9049377

would you like a cute biz white blonde girlfriend?

>> No.9049391

pretty much want to marry a guy that can support having at least 8-10 kids comfortably, so I need to look at finding a rich redpilled husband while im still young

>> No.9049401
File: 82 KB, 400x550, compare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we see this thread every day, or at least once a week. what are you trying to prove. you know we're all anons here. post a thread that's either useful or funny. otherwise, enjoy the hundreds of insults coming your way.
>hurr durr i don't care i'm already rich
if you were truly rich and satisfied you wouldn't need to brag about it on this shithole forum. you'd be out enjoying your millions or banging sluts or doing something interesting.

>> No.9049416

>tfw op keeps changing the filename so i cant search for the previous threads in the archive

>> No.9049455

Some of us appreciate patrician sensibilities OP. What will happen though if your wife discovers your sick sucking prostitutes? You seem pretty cavalier about getting caught and by extension losing your money to divorce. Also, do you have a boat or yacht?

>> No.9049473

Fuck off roastie

>> No.9049484
File: 31 KB, 470x470, 1521408854092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5ft 11.5in detected

>> No.9049492

im a white 5'10 mommy gf body tier that just wants to make kids and have a family

so degenerate. tsk tsk.

>> No.9049495

>28 posts by this ID

>> No.9049511

just click on 'view same'


>> No.9049548

ark girl is that you

>> No.9049587

no sorry

>> No.9049606

>mommy gf body

what is this

>> No.9049687


basically cellulite and large but saggy breasts

>> No.9049722
File: 429 KB, 600x750, thonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this pretty much

>> No.9049741

>I need to look at finding a rich redpilled husband
So you're a gold digger but you're just trying to hamster and rationalize it?

>> No.9049756

idk how youre going to find a super rich dude that wants to have 8 kids. seems unlikely.

lower your standards a bit, you dont want those eggs to expire. i believe in u sweetie.

having both parents working is a sure way to have shitty kids. fuck off MGTOW virgin.

>> No.9049763

just because I've never wallowed in poverty like you doesn't mean I've never struggled. You're ignorant, and will get eaten alive by the world for it.

>> No.9049796

i come from a pretty wealthy family and just want to continue my lineage and be able to live at around the same comfort level that I do now.
the white race is dying out and its up to white women like me to save it.

idk, I think redpilled men would be down for it. white genocide is real. I could live with maybe at the very least 5 kids, but I would like a rather large family to combat the shit skin problem. I want to get started too because I just turned 23. (although i look rather young, probably around 16-18)

>> No.9049799

There's other scenarios, like raising your kids on a rural farm but you didn't think of that because you're a gold digger.

>> No.9049804

no one believes you aren't a soft bitchboy. stop trying.

>> No.9049824

well I wouldn't be against that but honestly I'd like to live in a nice upper middle class suburb area that is majority white so I dont have to drive a shit ton. women shouldn't be driving anyway.

>> No.9049836

> kid
> child

>> No.9049838

OP how can I be rich like you?
Where do I buy a real estate for 5$ and a mcchicken?

>> No.9049841

yeah that's what i meant. you don't need a richfag to have 10 kids. it would be harder to do in the suburb. and if being redpilled is important to you, sending your children to a rural school is going to do a shitload of good for their mental health and wellbeing. which will in turn improve your life because you're not always having to fight agaisnt the liberal indoctrination that pits children agaisnt their family.

>> No.9049844
File: 141 KB, 500x322, guts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did i strike a nerve? yes, you have never actually struggled. not getting your favorite toy or having tiffany stand you up at prom does not count as struggling.

you were given a silver spoon and judging by the posts you've made in this thread you're an abomination of a human being as >>9049249
pointed out. the worst part about it is that your mind will come up with countless arguments as to why i'm wrong because you lack any degree of self-awareness, then tomorrow you will forget you even posted this thread and continue living your empty life devoid of creativity

>> No.9049847

ty my man. this will help alot with these assholes in the future. posting this shit at the start of thread kills it really quickly

>> No.9049909

I want to homeschool my large amount of kids until maybe high school to avoid the liberal indoctrination. What is a yearly salary you think that could support at least 6-8 kids?

I don’t want to have to work because I’d have to send my kids to daycare and more liberal degeneracy there, and missing some esssentisl moments with kids.

>> No.9049914

Ask your father for help, its a tradition as old as marriage itself.
Network of networks, and all that someones got to know someone.

>> No.9049935
File: 3.27 MB, 487x344, 472363B0-11DA-47E0-984C-21EC2FEA4595.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell us more about the sushi anon.

>> No.9049961

You mean to hook me up with someone?

>> No.9049962

you seem nice. how come you hang around this shithole? just wear some subtle fascist imagery and do volunteer work. you'll find someone. having kids is cheaper than you'd think, you don't have to buy them fancy new ZOG toys obviously. do you really have it in you to live frugally and dedicate your life to the happiness of motherhood?

>> No.9049967

Are we having a dialogue or are you just trying show how much of an edge lord you are?

All your struggles are meaningless

>muh I have to work an extra shift at taco bell to pay rent
>muh have to choose between a mountain dew and [insert mass produced product designed to addict you to sugar]
>muh have to save up to buy a video game that will do nothing but rot my mind

Yep, truth hurts. You're in a hamster wheel son, so you have to resort to delusion of self-awareness and achievement just so you can make it through the day.

The struggles of the underclass do not matter in any context except within the mind of the struggler. The system is designed that way. Basically nothing you've ever done is of consequence to anything or anyone, and you're never going to have more than 30k in your checking account in your entire life time.

Sorry buddy, you don't have the time, the resources, or the energy to ever achieve anything meaningful :(

>> No.9049973

stop posting

>> No.9049990

Real answer look into tax and estate planning. The goal is to pass on your wealth in a tax advantageous way. Right now the lifetime gift tax exemption is 11.2 million per person, so if you structure things properly you and your spouse can together pass on 22.4 million to your children tax free. This is also something you want to do early because the exclusion counts the value of what you gift at the time of the gift itself. So if you set up trusts sooner rather than later, they can accrue interest and be worth more than the 22.4 million.

Then in addition to that you work with a estate planning professional to figure out new ways of passing on more as the tax code evolves.

Also good to start thinking about who you want the trustee to be, what you want the trust to pay for, etc.

>> No.9049993

>750K revenue
Lmao, my woodworking business hit that in the first year. Doing 2.8M now after 7 years (460K income) and I still feel poor by North Chicago standards.

>> No.9050016

Or answer my damn question. Where/what to network with rich people (San Diego). Fucking shill me.

>> No.9050028

The participants in this whole thread need to be gassed and put in the ovens. This thread is proof /pol/ was right all alomg. It gives ves me no pleasure to finally understand this. Sage

>> No.9050043

I dunno. I’m into crypto so I guess that’s why.

What kind of imagery?

I just want to figure out how much I need to ensure that my kids and I will be happy.

I live somewhat frugally but I would like to not have to worry about money.

>> No.9050074

Arranged marriage. For all of history woman has never needed to develop the skill set to find a good man, because her father and brothers would help find the best guy and filter out the rest. All of a sudden in the last century or so of time she's suddenly let loose to figure it out on her own? What I mean is there's too many scenarios when you'll just end up getting used and you where not able to discern like some guy that you thought seemed good because he's really well practiced and really experienced in gaming girls and it turns out you're just another notch.

>> No.9050092

You're asking the wrong question. Why would a rich person want to hire you? What are you good at? I need to know more.

People get so butthurt when they hear the truth.

Sometimes people see everything in the mirror except themselves... *sigh*

>> No.9050122

Business & Finance, sorry
Thread reported, each and every of your posts reported, IP reported, and saged.

>> No.9050127
File: 60 KB, 1000x1088, Black_Sun_Volkisch_Norse_Runes_Viking_Ragnarok_W_Black_Shirt_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cool try to make some crypto videos, if you're pretty and blond you can get a horde of beta orbiters.

Fascist/Nationalist, whatever. Just if I saw a woman who was wearing a shirt like pic related, it would be a great signal and I would approach her.

>> No.9050179

I would but my father is kind of a piece of shit who beat my mother and I from age 3-18 and we are not close any more.
I wish things weren’t so complicated.

I could but I kind of don’t want to reveal my power level to normies. I enjoy being hidden.

>> No.9050196

Ok? You say that as if it's supposed to have some sort of effect on me.

>> No.9050208


This is helpful. Thank you. I just wrote two giant checks for taxes and sad nigga hours over here. Will talk to my CPA about this and start a trust.

>> No.9050238


Adversity (struggle) is overrated.
Discipline is underrated.

>> No.9050248

Pasta, saw this yesterday

>> No.9050273

where do you live? you can come live on my and my girlfriends compound. we're aiming for 5 kids comfortably.

>> No.9050282

I wan to develop rich/established friends for the long term. It’s about the connections and friendships. Biz on a later date. I do corporate and ip law. Work at small firm. They’ll want to hire me since I’ll help them protect their assets, minimze liability and keep em from committing stupid fuck ups that Can be worth all their biz operations.

>> No.9050332
File: 33 KB, 400x350, 79792663-9E4E-4765-AD17-09D424EBF8D2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh... you’re making me ask myself what value will I offer them to consider being friends for the long term. Roger that.

>> No.9050340
File: 16 KB, 300x168, images (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strength in adversity is literally what drives human innovation. Many "poor people" made the memes, entertainment, technology, actually pretty much every axiom your world revolves around. You are poor in spirit and have the mental toughness of a gnat, I bet.

>> No.9050405

Here we go again, you and you're useless self-therapy mantras.

The big bad secret is that actually very little innovation comes out of poverty. Almost every success story you hear of is tailored to fit your narrative because it keeps the peasants hopeful. This is true across all axioms, finance, entertainment, medicine, tech, etc etc.

Strength in adversity only matters depending on what kind of adversity you're face. Like I said, if your adversity is struggle to pay the cell phone bill every month, then it is useless adversity.

If your adversity is struggling to write a great novel that will be considered a work of art, then that is useful adversity. However you will not have the time nor energy to work on a novel if you're wagekeking at tacobell every day.

All the geniuses, even in tech, like gates, jobs, etc. all come from rich families who can support their children's pursuits. How do you think bill gates had access to so many computers when he was a child? rich parents.

Same with Speilberg and other giant directors. Notice how none of them have jobs until they break out. I assure you Christopher Nolan wasn't working at Wendy's while he was writing his films.

Same goes for finance. It's a boys club and there's a lot of handshaking that goes on to get you into the exclusive societies at HBS or Wharton.

Son, I'm the truth. Truth hurts, and you're hurting.

>> No.9050409

Uh Texas but I am not into polygamy, sorry :(

>> No.9050420

>equates everything to pop culture
peak bugman

>> No.9050528

Ok anon, how many times have you moved? Describe your eating habits. Last impulse purchase? Whats your ideal reality?

>> No.9050576
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>> No.9050584
File: 625 KB, 500x291, star platinum.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started from nothing
>made the more money than this guy
New rich here, so I'm gonna beat you up. I'm basically just a tougher, smarter version of you.

>> No.9050589

Email me bxyckl+izwp6rftlkf8@grr.la

>> No.9050611
File: 197 KB, 719x1280, imgpsh_fullsize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that's something to be proud of, hook me up bruh

>> No.9050631
File: 252 KB, 300x434, guts_leveled_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bill gates and steve jobs... hacks compared to dennis ritchie who was raised middle class at best

there are plenty of people in the entertainment industry who came up from nothing at all. the "poor people" i'm talking about are also only poor relative to you

LOL you're citing people with wealthy backgrounds succeeding as part of your claim to superiority? you're just cherry-picking success stories.

besides, all i said there was no fire in your eyes. you could be wealthy and still have that fire, and the pain from suffering that helps you grow, but you don't, judging by your condescending attitude and general lack of empathy.

>> No.9050646

If you are rich then good for you but holy fuck your posts are the dregs of a fat fag fuck.
My question, rich or not, is how do people put up with you anon? if how you post is how you talk then I can imagine you must feel very depressed, perhaps all consumed by your sense of self-importance this sadness turns into some juvenile shit flinging so you come to 4chan to enrage people because you desperately need attention.

>> No.9050647

I'm a rich kid who made 16MM off crypto last year off 230k but don't even care because my family is worth about 550MM in real estate and I personally own about 40MM in real estate and am an only child.

I just turned 290, AMA.

>> No.9050757
File: 1.27 MB, 1917x2556, 5F3F0A03-D1E0-43E6-871A-B2153DAD89BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a rich kid who made 160MM off crypto last year off $12 but don't even care because my family is worth about 50B in real estate and I personally own about 2.8B in real estate and am an only child.

I just turned 13, AMA.

>> No.9050758
File: 170 KB, 772x1090, e0cfed235e33fec3fcdfc39c6bba3616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey hundred man slayer, Gryffith here, wanna gang bang Casca? Last time i got a little carried away and made you watch. Sorry about your left arm and right eye. It won't happen again buddy.

>> No.9050792

If its so easy for you to make miney in crypto and your family has so much why are you so stingy with donations?

>> No.9050834
File: 1.21 MB, 1917x2556, 82AA61E0-750B-4AF6-A5E7-E2DF73D9A2BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally own 350M links, not even kidding.

Bought it for the lulz.

>> No.9050843

Because I worked hard for my money
Poor people need to just buckle down and work hard lmao

>> No.9050861

Why? You dont need it

>> No.9050864

what u want for $1000?
no gay stuff

>> No.9050866 [DELETED] 

hey, if you're the real fucking deal why don't you do something for the Lulz like changing me and my three year old son's god damn lives?

>> No.9050867

Now that you own the entire circulating supply of link what are you going to do Mr Bogandoff?

>> No.9050869

Jesus, there are some stupid ass people on this board. Y’all fucking idiots actually believe this larp.

>refuses to post pics, unlike other anons that always timestamp their lambos for us
>refuses to screenshot anything
>refuses to tell us what coins he held during that time

And people are getting jealous and butthurt over a wealthy 29 year old “kid” that doesn’t even exist. What is more pathetic, larping as a rich person for attention? Or being envious of a fake story some /pol/tard made up?

>> No.9050876

>people this retarded actually exist and actively invest in cryptocurrency

>> No.9050877

What is inspect element?

>> No.9050878

Send monies pls

>> No.9050883

shut the heck up nerd

>> No.9050884

Seens like a waste of time and energy taking away from other for something you dont need while providing zero value to the world

>> No.9050888 [DELETED] 

Sure. Put a fork in your butthole. First one to do it with a timestamp gets 1 million eth

>> No.9050889
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, 1521662329397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically you're saying your generated a net worth equal to 2% of that of your family?

You're pathetic, my net worth is now ~30% of my family's and I'm only 24. Your returns aren't good at all and you should feel bad about yourself, especially since you had a massive headstart in life

>> No.9050901

Saving lives isn't funny. You kniw that man

>> No.9050904

im not gonna do this so take your time
do it for your son

>> No.9050909

>Basically nothing you've ever done is of consequence to anything or anyone
Oh look, a materialistic dumbass who believes only value is material value

What have you ever done of positive consequence to anyone? Oh nothing, what a surprise :)

>> No.9050916

The first thing I’m going to do is buy Bizonacci. Not even kidding. I’m going to pay 15 Russian mafia members to go to his house and physically drag him to mine.

>> No.9050931

he might just want to hang out, u know

>> No.9050953

I’m going to make him spread Bog videos

>> No.9050975

But your dependent, that’s what separates you from your dad. Without him you are nothing. Truth hurts OP. You haven’t accomplished shit and look to others who grew up from similar upbringings to reaffirm your own ideology. I hope this is bait. Because you’re a person whose lost touch with everyday society. We may be poorer then you, but you deal with us everyday. We come here because we can’t find friends with similar interests or thoughts in real life. We may delude our selves into thinking our friends in real life are our true friends. But true friends should be brutally honest. We are the link marines and we are not fucking selling.

>> No.9050983

Well if someone did it and then got nothing it would be funny so we already know he's not serious.

>> No.9050986


Any advice for a 21 year old male in Texas that starts college next fall to make it? I'll be saving for as many asics as I can until then so I have a livable passive income to put into the market mainly. I have to go to a community college for at least a semester before transferring to A&M (hopefully) or the community college next to it. Not even sure if I should go for business.

I'm just starting to trade and was wondering if you had any resources you personally used to help you when you started.

Did you have a good knowledge on markets before crypto? When did you first get in? Thanks for your time anon.

>> No.9051000

How does it make you feel to know money can't buy youth or health?

>> No.9051006

hook up with her and have 10 kids

>> No.9051017

I’m 13 you retard I bet you’re 18 or something GRANDPA.
everyone in my family lives to 120 and we have access to our own private hospital.

>> No.9051035


>> No.9051049

What the literal fuck I meant to reply to OPs post, get out of here you gross kid having fuck.

I don't even want to have one kid. The thing is when you have a kid, your life is no longer your own.

I want to see the world and drive a fast car, see and do it all with the best people. I can't do that with a fucking dog, much less a kid.

Can you tell OP to respond to my post. ty

>> No.9051052


Dude im sure somebody would do it

>> No.9051058

shut the fuck up you mandchild faggot

kill yourself

>> No.9051080

They should
Cause if they don’t, this is why poor people deserve to be poor. It’s like they hate money.

>> No.9051094



>> No.9051136

Ok now i know you're larping

>> No.9051139

Having grown up in the middle class then not knowing if I would get to eat the next day since 18 I couldn't force a kid to grow up that way. I see it the same as those Christian parents that don't abort retards because of their selfish morality, only the kids suffers for selfish adults.

You can force yourself to see parental love all you want and call me a child for not doing that yet, but anon. I won't even consider it until I make it. If I ever have a kid, they won't be put through that.

>> No.9051152

> be OP
> turned 29
> thinks he is still a kid

>> No.9051174

>claims to be rich
>posts 0 proofs
>"hurr why is my ama so shit"

>> No.9051177

Thought you guys were playing along ironically
>350M link is literally the entire circulating supply
>the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.9051220

You sound like a gigantic faggot

Kill yourself

>> No.9051273


Hi OP, just wanted to break down a few elephants here.

people come to /biz because it is there one place that they can be along with other neckbeards in trying to realize their dreams and see crypto as their only ecape of the wage cuck life. Even if they dont ever make it, /biz provides that place where we can still escape that wagecucklife metaphorically speaking by thinking we are better than other people because we know what a smart contract is.

Instead, when they see somebody like you here who has essentially already /madeit in life even without getting into crypto trying to belong and be apart of the neet club they dont want you here. And start finding reasons in their head what they can fault you for such as:


it is obvious you probably have some flaws, everybody has fucking flaws, including the people who posted this shit, but it doesnt mean it defines you as a person.
What you have done coming here is the equvilant of a boss or ceo of a company going with his employees on a night out on the town, it is awkward and fosters resentment because in their mind its like your trying to belong to something and they dont want you too.

>meh 100k link

how does it feel that you go on /biz and want to be part of a community and so you buy link except that very community dont want you to be apart of it? That is what i am getting here.

I am in the position where i actually have a very rich friend who is like you. he never wants anything from me except his friendship and is always doing things like buying me clothes and watches and stuff even when i tell him not to all the time. And he treats me like I am better than HIM, which is fucked up in my mind. even when he gets way more girls than i do and is 100x richer he is a genuine person like you OP.

I think some people ITT have wasted an opportunity to ask you questions about how to acquired and accumulate wealth from the horses mouth.

>> No.9051274


oh yea, I remember asking you what your thoughts on me were.
Oh wait. no I don't.

You and Jose can lick your lips at the new suburbans coming out in a few years dreaming you'll get to take your unmannered kids to soccer practice one day in it, knowing damn well you'll never get that close to a new SUV with the time raising kids costs.

>> No.9051305
File: 155 KB, 631x633, 1517537498112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if its not too late, what were you holding last year right before the bull run and what are your major holdings now.

if it is too late, well then i wish you all the best in life op

>> No.9051308
File: 86 KB, 1148x1149, confused1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is that chick on the image? Looks fine as fuck.

>> No.9051312

it's a larp dude, it's pasta

>> No.9051354

Op came in to swing his wallet in front of a bunch of poorfags faces. He basically had 50MM in the bag due to only child status. I don't like him because he doesn't have the same struggle as me, get rich or die poor. Plus he didnt share any valuable info. Why defend him against your fellow neets?

>> No.9051418

I have diarrhea, and I'm trying to make it off a 1k crypto investment spread across a few moonshots and a couple steady gainers. Any advice on both the shit and the crypto path? Don't have the capital you do, but my brain is competent

>> No.9051441


>Why defend him against your fellow neets?

oh come on man, who cares if he has 50mm in property and 1b in link or whatever. so we are only allowed to be neets until we make it and then hated by everybody else on this board? because i really dont know what the rules are

>> No.9051446

Did you see him being a massive cunt? I dont hate rich people except when theyre massive cunts

>> No.9051545

middle class is good enough. What, does everyone have to be exactly as poor as your to "have fire in their eyes"? Grow up kid.

holy shit, if this is real then what the fuck are you doing on Biz? Most of my worth is tied up in real estate, I don't have that much liquid. If I had millions of fucking dollars in a checking account I'd NOT be on biz at 1am. Get an imagination, jeeze.

nice larp kys

yes you know me and the entirety of my life and everything I've done, good job!

>without your parents you are nothing

This can literally be said about every human being who has existed. Just because I started off with more than you doesn't diminish my accomplishments.

nice analysis, accurate and eloquently stated, but no one here know's what a smart contract is.

yes everything that causes you butthurt is larp, great way to move through life.

>everyone who is more well off than me is a massive cunt

>> No.9051611
File: 199 KB, 369x425, Guts_laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the very next sentence I said you could be wealthy and still have that fire. It's like you don't know how to read.

>> No.9051735

No I read it, it's just that I don't care enough about what you say to respond to your ideas as a whole.

You think you're telling me something, but it's actually the opposite.

>> No.9051746
File: 52 KB, 853x1276, ea7d6d235c0267defff30bf9a2eb0795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sit tight OP because I'm about to BYTFO

You COULD have had a decent thread if you didn't have to make the "space nigger orc" comment. That was the beginning of your downfall because A. You're comparing people who are worse off than you to "space niggers" B. You chose a horrible pop culture reference that only normies would like

That was your first mistake. From there, instead of taking the bants that were coming at you in stride, you proceeded to berate everyone who was shitting on you, which grew exponentially as I'm sure you could tell. Unfortunately I guess you couldn't tell WHY people were making fun of you. I'l give you a hint, it's not because of your wealth.

It's because the effect that wealth has had on YOU as a person is it turned you into a dainty little faggot who calls people peasants and has to defend his pride on a mongolian soup kitchen board. You make normie references while trying to fit in as edgy on 4chan. And you take yourself too seriously. Maybe you had some constructive things to contribute. I don't doubt that. But you fucked it all up by being the little pansy that you are (wealth or no wealth).

>> No.9051861

Yes wealth can get some girls, but just know it's not neccesary.

Work on yourself, improve yourself, improve your game, and you can get as many hoes like your pic related as you want.

>> No.9051923
File: 91 KB, 750x721, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you would rather surround yourself with retards? Here I'll give you a hotdog fetish, enjoy.

>> No.9051982
File: 1.30 MB, 2236x2232, 1523566200795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9052240

literally everyone liked Avengers. It was like the first color film ever made, even if you didn't love the story, you enjoyed the spectacle. A film like that had never been made before.

Even girls sort of liked Avengers.

>> No.9052790

It’s a LARP. It would’ve been so easy to at least fake a screenshot for us. (Next photo was me owning 350,000,000 LINK. Which is all of the circulating supply.)

>> No.9052817

>sees someone “richer” than you
>why don’t you put it in real estate
>lmao what a retard
>being on /biz/
Geeze you shit on everyone don’t you. Read my post I have 2B in real estate. I own the state of Oklahoma. $30MIL is what I spend in a weekend.

>> No.9052859

oh, what a faggot. Also, I'm not larping.

I didn't tell you to buy real estate, I said do something interesting with your life, but you're poor, so nevermind.

>> No.9053006

Real question to test you:

If I want to acquire some shares of stock, say I’m okay with owning anywhere from 50-75 shares of this stock, and I don’t care if the stock decreases in the short term, then how should I go about acquiring these shares?

This should be incredibly easy to answer.

>> No.9053484


>> No.9053745

well-known, common place knowledge, you are addressing the hive mind, don't you forget

>> No.9053806

>no timestamp
kys larper

>> No.9053933

I don't really do stocks. I've used Robinhood but never seriously.

How does your question "test" me? Like I said, all you people have the image of a cartoon rich person in your head. People make and maintain their wealth in different ways.

>> No.9053967

>rich kid dropping nbombs like its nothing

I though they was supposed to be educated and enlightened but nah they as ignorant as common folk

s m h

>> No.9054009

Yes, because using n-bombs dictates your level of enlightenment.

Blacks need to get over their "muh oppression"

>> No.9054237

I'm a rich kid who made 1.6MM off crypto last year off 23k but don't even care because my family is worth about 55MM in real estate and I personally own about 4MM in real estate and am an only child.

I just turned 29, AMA.

>> No.9054414

>I don't need people in my life because I can do whatever I want whenever I want, therefore my friends are genuine.
you have autism mate. no amount of money is going to cure it.