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9040134 No.9040134 [Reply] [Original]

Why Separation of Property before marriage isn't mandatory?

>> No.9040178

Because marriage is intended to be for life.

>> No.9040206

How else would a wife be able to fuck you over in court?

>> No.9040329

No, seriously...

>> No.9040528


>> No.9040537


No seriously...

>> No.9040584

Because that isn't how it works when you cosign on a loan. If you don't want your wife to take shit from you, either
A) Prenuptial agreement
B) Don't fucking use her name on loans for assets you retard
C) Don't get married to a greedy cunt
D) Don't do stupid shit in the marriage (alcoholism, infidelity, domestic abuse)

Inb4 "all women are the same because all the girls I've dated are bitches," low class attracts low class. When everyone sucks except for you, it's a personal problem.

>> No.9040612

Because you should be free to do what you want with your belongins, not have the State tell you what to do with it. You fucking commie, get out of crypto.

>> No.9040625
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>we don't need laws against immoral women, just be a clairvoyant and predict your future wife's behavior ten years down the road

>> No.9040642

Not sure if you understand my point.

>> No.9040754

you missed the prenup part bud. contractual agreements make up for your lack of good taste in women.

Prenup can include anything and everything--some people even include weight gain in a prenup. For example, wife/husband have to sign that if either partner hits ___ BMI or higher and stays there for more than __ mos, it's grounds for instant strings free divorce where both parties take what's legally theirs and no more (or they can take $___ in cash upon divorce, no matter the net worth of the other partner or cosigned loans).

Marriage is fucking great when you know how to write a contract.

>> No.9040759

It used to be that the man provided for the family and the wife raised the kids.
That's why all property was pooled. Today, nothing of that still holds true:
- men either don't want kids or don't want to take on responsibility for the family
- women don't want to be stay at home moms only or don't want kids.
- both parts typically don't commit to life-long partnerships anymore

So, the default could be changed. However, for historical reasons, it stays as it is.

>> No.9040766

Prenups almost never hold up in court when it comes down to it, especially when children are involved.

>> No.9040789


Basically, marriage itself was intended as a means of control against immoral fuckheads. If we're honest with ourselves, most divorcees, men and women, overstate how much they were victimized in a marriage and both tend to contribute to the relationship's failure in huge ways. For instance, a guy can swear up and down his wife was a crazy bitch who took everything from him, even his kids, but leaves out the part where he was an abusive, promiscuous alcoholic who gave her an STD and had a gambling habit on top of it.

Rule of thumb is that if anyone insists they were a blameless victim in a divorce, the divorce was most likely directly related to their shit behavior.

>> No.9040833

Citation needed. Prenup works beautifully, especially when written with a lawyer's help. They don't work when certain events take place that trump the agreement--I knew a woman who was supposed to get the kids in the case of a divorce (as she signed in a prenup), but she lost them because the husband could prove that she was an unfit and abusive mother. It all depends.

Basically this

>> No.9040847

Yea nah.

>> No.9040862


This isn't the 2000's anymore. It's common knowledge those get thrown out routinely.

Not at all the point.

Men can be saints in marriage, and get fucked over anyway.

Women can be abusive demons, yet get everything.

To survive a marriage, a man has to be immaculate (even then he is taken to the cleaners). A woman only needs to be...a woman, in order to profit immensely off a marriage.

That is how the modern divorce industry works.

>> No.9040948

"Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muß man schweigen." Translation: shut the fuck up, you don't know shit. https://www.legalzoom.com/articles/prenups-what-they-can-and-cannot-protect

Why do you want to fantasize about losing everything? Why are you so resistant to a solution to issues you can only imagine? Never gonna make it.

A marriage is a partnership. You wouldn't start an LLC not knowing what you're entitled to as a partner/co owner, so why the fuck would you go into a marriage thinking the same?

>> No.9041007

Never get married, the tax benefits aren't worth it. If you want to have a wife and spend the rest of your life with her, that's great. Don't let the government in.

>> No.9041041

You need to start being honest with yourself and take responsibility for your actions. That's a terrifying prospect for the modern man, because people are spoiled as fuck in the west. In the US, we don't have debtors prison, filing bankruptcy isn't a life sentence to failure, and there's a powerful welfare state. Personal finance isn't taught in schools and marriage is regarded as some romantic fucking thing that even fags are entitled to, not what it is: a powerful contract that justifies nepotism. In a normal business, it's harder to pass assets to family members than it is assets owned in a marriage.

>> No.9041048

>Why do you want to fantasize about losing everything?

Not an argument.

You wouldn't start an LLC knowing that your partner could screw you over for massive gain at a moment's notice.

Ahh, I see you're a europoor. It's all making sense now.

>> No.9041052

just stop dude, you got fucking destroyed

>> No.9041089

>take responsibility

The ancient bromide of a tired old fogey. Yap, yap yap.

>> No.9041108

I would do this but my wife is from a different country and I really want residency in her country.

>> No.9041165

Well I don't know what that country's marriage laws are. In America it's pretty fucked if 10 years down the line either of you decide to fuck the other over. There's a definite winner and loser which in my opinion there shouldn't be, just a split.

>> No.9041300


Friend of mine went through a divorce. She was the one who did the dirty on him and, because she was the lower earner, he still had to pay through the nose.

In UK Law at least, blame ain't a thing in divorce. It's about splitting the assets so not being an alcoholic player won't help you hang on to your assets.

Don't get married is the only way to keep your money.

>> No.9041434

Right, because a europoor spells "fantasize" with a z.

>You wouldn't start an LLC knowing that your partner could screw you over for massive gain at a moment's notice.

That's what I'm saying, you monstrous retard. You wouldn't sign a contract that fucks you over, so that's what needs to be done w/ marriage--don't sign a contract that'll fuck you over. Negotiate. People get screwed in marriage, but sure enough, only 4-5% of people get a prenup.

>tired old fogey
Because the elderly love shitposting on /crypto/.

The cognitive dissonance is real with you. The reason women aren't interested in committing to you, or only shitty, dumb women are interested in committing to you, is because you'd be a LIABILITY in any partnership, especially a marriage. When you see a potentially useful tool like marriage as a dangerous weapon used by your partner, then you're weak and deserve to get cut.

>> No.9041493

Could be the case. I'm ignorant about marriage laws in the UK. My state in the US has similar conditions for splitting assets, which is, again, why prenups work very well on this side of the pond. Best of luck to your friend.

>> No.9041657

>Why Separation of Property before marriage isn't mandatory?

Marriage in the past used to be a deal between two people and the deal is that they'll work together to take on life's challenges and share everything 50/50. What's his is theirs and what's hers is also theirs.

The man works and makes money, the woman raises the kids, cooks cleans fucks keeps the family together and so on.

So when they divorced, they broke that deal and one of them gets fucked most of the time because it's rare that people mutually agree to separate. So one person is left feeling fucked over after putting in all the hard work and honouring his or her part of the deal. So they go to court. Unless one of them has a reason to divorce, they don't get anything. But if there is a reason like abuse or cheating then the other person has to give up his or her assets even if they were earned before marriage. This depends on a lot of factors so that's why there is court.

People here are saying now the wife is working etc so she doesn't deserve half. Wrong. The wife raises the kids and keeps the house most of the time and if she's also working then it's more of a reason she should get half

>> No.9041678

Why is anyone entitled to continue a lifestyle? I don't understand why a woman should get half a man's worth just because she was lavished for a couple years. If you choose to leave your source of income then you should forfeit that income, case fucking closed.

>> No.9041685

No, seriously...

>> No.9041705

>People here are saying now the wife is working etc so she doesn't deserve half. Wrong. The wife raises the kids and keeps the house most of the time

Most of the time according to? What about instances where taking care of children is a share responsibility? What if they have a nanny?

>> No.9041724

no, the reason girls don't want to date biztards is because they're too stupid to see how valuable having their own high-maintenance case of autism truly is. i mean, who wouldn't want to procreate with something like that? someone needs to teach that child how to say things like "cuck" and "kek" and unironically buy into a (((two-party system))) thinking they're not selling out even a smidge
anyway girls are retards

>> No.9041734

Lol well then I hope that man never, EVER claims his dependent wife as such on his taxes for credit.

>> No.9041784

If they have a nanny and a house cleaner and the wife does nothing but shop all day then that's where the old laws fail

>> No.9041926

Why does that matter on a moral level? If you want to be dependent on someone then have at it, knock yourself out. But to expect the same perks of dependencies after you willingly terminate a relationship is asinine as it is wrong.