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9027864 No.9027864 [Reply] [Original]

how many of pic related to make it?

>> No.9027874


>> No.9027903


>> No.9027959
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>> No.9028024


>> No.9028067

heh... jokes on you. I’ve reported you for giving me a silly answer.

>> No.9028217
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>> No.9028259

I assume that op is not already a millionaire as this would require 2.285 million dollars currently.

>> No.9028263
File: 405 KB, 1242x2208, 117C7338-E845-4B2C-B855-76A26F542322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what made me extremely bullish. I could see some high profile cases of smug reddit people getting rolled and monero skyrocketing.

>> No.9028302
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>> No.9028375
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>> No.9028411

I don't even know how to upgrade the GUI and probably lost all my coins. Fucking depressing to be a brainlet.

>> No.9028441

nah, many such cases. if you go on reddit you can read the devs explain what to do to other people with the same deal.

>> No.9028492
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>> No.9028515

can you hold till 2022?
if so, 20

>> No.9028534
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how much per coin?

>> No.9028545

faggoty cuck coin for SJW redditors

>> No.9028552

what makes you think this particular year? is that when you think the irs will start dropping hammers on smug le they can’t track me xD reddit fags?

>> No.9028566

quite the opposite pajeet

>> No.9028581

$5000 per coin probably but I didn't know the GUI upgraded so I just lost a shit ton of Monero that are now out of circulation forever. I'm pretty depressed about it.
I did go to Reddit. It was no help nobody responds.

>> No.9028584

$5000 - $500,000
I am not kidding
Never forget:

>> No.9028593


why can't you just download the latest GUI and restore from your seed?

>> No.9028624

That's what I was thinking but apparently I've got set block height for when the fork happened. Something about -pop--block 12000 man idk it sucks. I should have just kept my shit in a web wallet.

>> No.9028629


thanks for dis

>> No.9028634

I’ll try and find the thread about it for you bizbro

>> No.9028651

asuka value is zero, there are not enough asukas to make it, Rei however, 1 billion EOY, I have 6

>> No.9028658


are you sure? i was missing funds from mining in the old wallet and did the following:

>delete old version of wallet
>delete entire 30gig blockchain stored on your HD
>download latest GUI
>let it redownload blockchain

good to go now, give that a try sir

>> No.9028664
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>$5k per coin x 20 coins = making it

>> No.9028682

An unknown amount

>> No.9028713

If your transaction does not show up on a blockexplorer like, for instance, XMRchain or MoneroBlocks, you, most likely, performed it on the wrong (alternative) chain. Therefore, you should be able to resolve your issue with this guide:


Please note (from the linked guide):

As a general rule of thumb, for each day you synced after the fork height (1546000 or April 6) you have to pop 800 blocks. Thus, let's say you synced 10 days on the wrong (alternative) chain, you should use --pop-blocks 8000

Since we're 11 days after the scheduled network upgrade, you ought to use --pop-blocks 8800

P.S. I reckon aforementioned guide might be a bit convoluted. Therefore, if you need any assistance, feel free to shoot me a PM.

P.P.S. Your Monero should be back in your wallet after applying aforementioned guides.

>> No.9028735

Copied that from a dev. Good luck

>> No.9028770

I didn't say you would be "making it" that's just my personal projection. Fuck off tho I lost all my coins so it doesn't matter.
Sounds like gibberish to me I don't even know where to insert pop blocks 12000 or whatever. Thinking im going to have to bribe someone to help me irl.

>> No.9028786

Did you just restore with your seeds after you downloaded the new version of GUI?

>> No.9028800

follow the link. It will walk you through it.

>> No.9028801
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the new wallet found the location of my backup file on my pc, so no, but i did have it handy in case i needed to

>> No.9029283

let’s keep the predictions coming boiz

>> No.9029313
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>> No.9029334
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>> No.9029488
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ima jus leave dis here hehe

>> No.9029504


>> No.9030081

man i hope i can figure out how to get my coins.

>> No.9030107

I was in an area with no reception for the last month, why did a fork occur?

>> No.9030108

they’re not lost brotha just got to follow the guide I linked you

>> No.9030113

Until you hear of Phore.

>> No.9030118

to shake the bitmain asic miners

>> No.9031201


>> No.9031609

this shit is going to be deprecated by monerov so quickly it's not funny. why? it's prime goal is to eliminate centralization of the coins development by removing fluffypony and replacing it with a large team. it's also going to place scalability at the forefront. it's also going to have a team much larger than one person working on it. the list could go on and on but you get the gist.