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902293 No.902293 [Reply] [Original]

I only have $50 in my bank account and rent is due on the 5th of October and I have almost no food left. I'm waiting for a student loan from the government but it isn't expected to come until likely the near-end of October.

My folks can't help me, and I've already went to a job fair at campus and handed out resumes and expected to hear back within a week or so. Despite that, it's still gonna be some time before I can actually get any money.

What do? Can I open up a paypal charity button?

>> No.902295

Sell plasma

>> No.902297

u wot?

>> No.902298


nigga, have you tried

like, have you really tried

be a fucking security guard. or a fucking patty flipper. but naaaa, that's beneath your dignity.

you deserve to suffer for being such a highnosed piece of shit.

fuck you. go starve.

>> No.902303

Selling plasma is legit. Beats sucking schlong.

>> No.902305

fuck you 2 m8
worked all summer as a plant ops assistant at a university and paid for rent and expenses up the ass. In school now and had outstanding fees from previous tuition that I had to pay because of the exact same situation. Had to pay it in order to enroll, $800 in reserve funds down the shitter. Girlfriend's birthday this weekend and had to pretend like everything is fine with me financially so I treated her. Went to a fucking job fair and got a good foothold in for a public sector job this year.

Yes I fucking tried fuck you

>> No.902307

>Girlfriend's birthday this weekend and had to pretend like everything is fine with me financially so I treated her.

>Yes I fucking tried fuck you

nope you didn't.

>> No.902308

not to like kick you when youre down but like having a financial facade like that in a relationship isnt going to last. i would try and sell shit on craigslist or flip stuff on there, or talk to your landlord if hes cool, you dont have any friends or you gf cant help you?

>> No.902310

if she loved you she wouldnt care if you were temporarily poor. Try harder

>> No.902312

It's not about her, it's about me. She would care if I told her I don't have a lot of money, but I don't say that because I come off as weak.
I'll probably have to talk to my landlord and arrange something come october. I obviously don't want it to be that way with my gf, but I'm too insecure to appear poor in front of her. And what's done is done, not like I can get that money back or anything. Asking my gf for financial help is out of the question

>> No.902315

dude being insecure like that is like a root in your relationship, its like what your relationship is at a basic level, you know what i mean? sooner or later that issue that isnt resolved with your insecurity and finances is going to come up if you make it a long term relationship and itll translate to other parts of your life. think of when both of you are older and shes expecting money from you all the time. honesty is the best policy

>> No.902318

you're obviously right, but it's just something that I'll have to work on in the future.

however, the problem still stands. I'm essentially broke

>> No.902327

Where do you live, OP? I'll help you.

>> No.902329

Ottawa Canada, how could you help me?

>> No.902334

Sell whatever you have of worth on craigslist, take out a loan, go apply at McDonalds. Look anon, desperate times call for desperate measures and you have to put your ego aside for that especially if you have to make ends meet. Don't lose your dignity in the process but c'mon man, swallow your pride and ask for help from family and friends. If they truly care for you then you'll receive the financial help. Look for jobs on craigslist and pump out those resumes, even if it's for scrubbing toilets.

>> No.902337


Well I would hire you if you were nearby. But you aren't. Sorry.

>> No.902340

thanks for the offer, it's the thought that counts!
If you read my OP, you'd see me say that I already applied for jobs and will be expecting to hear back from them soon enough in late september/early october. It's the inbetween period that I'm worried about. I've got virtually nothing of value to sell on kijiji or craigslist.

>> No.902342

How much is your rent opie?

>> No.902346

it's not bad considering it's all inclusive, but still definitely nowhere near that 450 threshold.

>> No.902350

Funny how many people must stop reading and go all 'swallow that pride and get a shit job' while that like won't help his issue of next month's rent and he's already got something lined up.

If your landlord is cool this is a non-issue. If not, small personal loan from your bank.

>> No.902353

Try applying for leapforce

>> No.902356

Thanks for recognizing

>> No.902378

So you stated you did everything to get a job yet you don't have the money for the time frame you have to pay for rent. So what are you asking here? A hand out?

>> No.902389

Food banks. Most local churches only do it once a month so you'll have to visit more than one to get by.

For cash - small bank loan if you have the credit and pay it back quickly when you've got income. If that's not an option; craigslist and start selling anything of value you don't absolutely need for survival.

Been there, it sucks. Be resourceful, swallow your pride and you'll get through it.

>> No.902391

no, i'm asking for advice on what I can do to get money despite the fact I've exhausted all the viable options I have

>A hand out?
wasn't asking for a hand out at all, but I'm open to donations. In turn I can offer any service that I'm able to do. I could translate/write/edit/research

>> No.902393


In addition to what I said here >>902389

Craiglist for jobs also. A lot of landscapers, painters, gen labour will pay cash under the table right away. Be honest and explain your situation. You'd be surprised you might walk home with money in your pocket 2-3 days from now.

>> No.902394
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This, actually. OP, you can go to centers around most campuses that'll sit you down next to a machine, put a needle in you, and draw blood. The machine separates plasma (one of the ingredients in your blood) from blood, stores the plasma in a bottle, and returns the rest of your blood to you. At least in my area, they give you about $25 per donation, it takes about an hour and a half total (threeish hours the first time since they have to get you on file) and you can do it twice a week. My specific center also does a ton of monthly promotional stuff, like an extra ten dollars on your fifth visit and occasional drawings for stuff.

As long as you aren't addicted to anything and haven't had any significant issues involving your body or health, you'll be able to donate. It's reputable. Since I wouldn't be making this money anyway, I save up my donation money and use it for investments.

>> No.902397

Well man, the only logical solution I have for you is to take out a loan. If you're sure enough that you'll land a job in the coming weeks then do it so you can pay back the loan on time. Best wishes and sorry if it seems easier said then done but you got to do what you got to do.

>> No.902401

I'll be back in a little while, bout to go buy $25 worth of canned goods and ramen at the grocery store. They have 10% off discounts for students today. I'll be on my phone checking

Thanks everyone for your input

>> No.902429


I'm the guy who offered you a job if you were nearby.

Go to your landlord, tell them your situation, straight up - no dramatic stuff.

Ask if they'd be willing to let you pay what you can while you get on your feet. Promise - in writing - that you'll give at least a certain amount to them. While actively seeking work.

There are a lot of options for you out there. Legit option. You could sell plasma, true, it's good enough for what it is. But what about in the time you have to wait to donate more plasma? There is a waiting period, people seem to forget that when suggesting that.

Are you handy with tools? Can you do menial tasks? While looking for work offer your help around the property doing simple tasks to free up their maintenance staff to handle bigger jobs.

Take a simple job as soon as you can and stick with it, anon. Sell fast food, stock store shelves, mow lawns, shovel snow, clean roofs, in desperation you need to get some dirt on your hands. I once shoveled snowy driveways for 20-30 bucks a pop when I was in between jobs. It snows a lot up here, snowplow companies are overburdened. Look nice, talk smooth, and have a shovel in your hand. Get it done quick and make a few bones helping people out.

You're young. It's still okay to use your old teachers as references - go on Indeed or Craigslist and bomb job offers with your resume and a decent cover letter. Take the first thing that comes along - you can pick and choose when you're in a better place.

I sold lawn care door to door for fucks sake. In this economy. I sold Kirby vacuums door to door, I sold fucking cell phone accessories in a town full of old people. Go to your mall, apply at a kiosk.

450 a month rent? That's chump change, you said it your self. you can do it anon. If you need advice or just need someone to proofread your resume or help you find work. I'll do it. Free of charge. Just pay it forward.

You can email me at writinginmono@gmail.com

>> No.902434

Landlord here - this. Tenants who are responsible and usually pay on time, sometimes ask if they can write me a post-dated cheque, and I have no problem because I know they're good for the money. Everyone hits a shit streak of luck sometimes.

>> No.902494

Thank you for your help!
I'll definitely be writing to my landlord about it.

>> No.902570

Have you approached your bank for a loan or overdraft facility? Most student accounts come with cheap or even 0% borrowing because banks realise students are poor as shit and need to stump up thousands for course fees and accommodation deposits. Seriously, talk to your bank if you haven't yet. While you're at it, find out every discount and freebie you're entitled to as a student and exploit it. Discounted transport, store discounts, etc. McDonalds used to give you a free extra cheeseburger if you bought a value meal and presented your student card, but you can bet your ass they didn't advertise this. Do your research.

Next idea: credit cards. It's a mug's game but if you need money RIGHT NOW to avoid starvation and/or homelessness then perhaps it's a necessary evil.

Surely you must have some understanding friends and family you could ask for a casual loan? Grandparents are often good for this, as they'll be flattered that you asked for help, and they're usually sitting on savings.

Apply for every shitty job going. Don't discount one-off or irregular work as they're often easy and pay either cash-in-hand or are reimbursed within a week or two. If you have a skill you could sell under the counter, advertise it. You know a bunch of students, right? Offer proofreading, or essay writing, or skateboard repair, or whatever it is you're good at.

Sell blood, sell semen. Maybe sign up for medical trials. The more you're willing to potentially risk your health, the better it pays.

Sell every non-essential gadget and trinket you own on eBay or craigslist. You can buy another ipod in a year's time if you really miss it.

To break up the tedium of emailing job applications, do paid online surveys or MTurk jobs for a few pennies.

>> No.902595


Twice a week?
The threshold for plasma donations here is once a month lel.

>also they're voluntary and they don't pay you.

>> No.902661

You are weak, try harder.

>> No.902669

end yourself, stupid faggut

>> No.902673

>my gold digging where of a gf is the reason I'm begging for money on /biz/

Enjoy being kicked out literally over a piece of ass.

>> No.902686

Usually your are just charged late fees. They can't kick you out until like 2 months after you don't pay. Take loan out I forgot where I got mine but it was paid the next biz day for 3k

>> No.903478

Pay Day Loan

Not serious by the way.

Sell plasma, talk to your landlord, see if your university or if any hospital are running experiments. You can be the guinea pig. Just make sure to relatively safe

>> No.903490

Craigslist Craigslist Craigslist!

Literally hit up every single manual labor job you can find on there that will pay you this week.

Also talk to your landlord and explain your situation, if he's cool he will understand and work with you. If you show intention of paying rent he's going to want to keep you, as opposed to finding a new tenant (with associated costs of eviction and vacancy).

>> No.903519

Don't just apply and wait for a response. What if you get nothing?

Keep applying. Every shitty job, mcdonalds, burger king, kiosk, or task in the area. Worst case is you get multiple job offers.

>> No.903533

How the fuck do you have a room that cheap?

>> No.903553

Put out the word that you'll house sit, apartment sit and pet sit.

You're welcome.

>> No.903570

Not OP but where are you? I fuckin hate my job. Orlando, FL btw. Willing to drive tbh.

>> No.903740

ayyyyy other people live in shitsville too

>> No.903755

Sell some shampoo my nigga

>> No.903764
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Buy some books on dick sucking, the strategy of dick sucking and the economics of dick sucking. Good luck fam.

>> No.903765

I would say suck dicks but it appears you do that as a hobby

>> No.903771

Two soloutions, get a job as a security guard, or find a busy as fuck bar or what ever, ask to speak to the owner, then ask if he will pay you 100 dollars and two meals a day for 12 hours of bitch work for X ammount of days under the table. The work will be grueling, you will work yourself to death in like 4 days. Do this on the weekend.

>> No.903860
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>not having rich parents who take care of all your major expenses

>> No.903876

Yea stop being a pussy I suck dick behind a dumpster for 20bucks to get through college. Faggot. Grow some balls